Berlin - Berlin

Za ostala mjesta s istim imenom vidi Berlin (višeznačna odrednica).

Brandenburška vrata (Brandenburger Tor)

Berlin je glavni grad Njemačke i suodnosan s Europskom unijom Zemljište Berlina, jedne od 16 saveznih država koje čine Saveznu Republiku Njemačku. S 3,8 milijuna stanovnika (2019.) (i milijun više u "predgrađima" poput Potsdam preko državne crte u Brandenburg), Berlin je najveći njemački grad. Fokus i dominacija Berlina kao glavnog grada jest i u povijesti je bio daleko slabiji od Londona, Pariza ili Madrida, ne samo zbog savezne prirode Njemačke i pustošenja u gradu i raspodijeli grada

Berlin je u mnogim pogledima neobičan među europskim prijestolnicama, a četiri desetljeća podjele - od kojih je 28 godina bilo fizički odvojeno zidom - također su ostavili tragove. Tek zabačeni grad u ranom 18. stoljeću, Berlin je do 1920-ih postao jedan od najvažnijih i najvećih svjetskih gradova, da bi kao rezultat izgubio veći dio svoje važnosti i povijesne arhitekture. Drugi Svjetski rat i njemačka pregrada. Srce starih Prusija i žarišna točka Hladni rat, Berlin danas ponovno dolazi na svoje kao kozmopolitska prijestolnica jedne od najbogatijih europskih nacija. "Arm aber sexy" (siromašan, ali seksi) kao što bi to volio bivši gradonačelnik, Berlin privlači mlade ljude, studente i kreativnu boemu poput rijetkih gradova na svijetu. S arhitektonskom baštinom iz pruskog monarhizma, nacizma, istočnonjemačkog komunizma i Potsdamer Platz, ispunjena staklenim palačama u stilu 1990-ih i 2000-ih nakon što je zbog zida bila "prazno platno", arhitektura Berlina raznolika je kao i njegove četvrti i stanovnici. A zbog svoje duge povijesti kao kozmopolitska prijestolnica (prvo Pruske, a kasnije Njemačke) već više od tristo godina privlači imigrante iz cijelog svijeta koji i dalje ostavljaju vlastite tragove na gradu.

Berlin je svjetski grad kulture, politike, medija i znanosti. Njezino se gospodarstvo temelji na visokotehnološkim tvrtkama i uslužnom sektoru, raznolikom spektru kreativnih industrija, istraživačkim objektima i medijskim korporacijama. Značajni sektori također uključuju IT, biotehnologiju, građevinarstvo i elektroniku. Berlin je dom svjetski poznatih sveučilišta, orkestara, muzeja i mjesta za zabavu, a domaćin je mnogih sportskih događaja. Njegov zoološki vrt najposjećeniji je zoološki vrt u Europi i jedan od najpopularnijih u svijetu. S najstarijim kompleksom velikih filmskih studija na svijetu u obližnjem Babelsbergu, Berlin je sve popularnije mjesto za međunarodne filmske produkcije. Grad je poznat po festivalima, noćnom životu, suvremenoj umjetnosti i vrlo visokoj kvaliteti života.


Berlin se može promatrati kao skup centara. Berlin ima mnogo općina (Bezirke), a svaka općina sastoji se od nekoliko lokaliteta (Kiez ili Viertel) - svaka od ovih četvrti i mjesta ima svoj jedinstveni stil. Neke gradske četvrti Berlina više su vrijedne pažnje posjetitelja od drugih. Berlin je nekad bio podijeljen u 23 gradske četvrti, a te gradske četvrti koriste se u Wikivoyageu, jer su i dalje najvažnije u popularnim koncepcijama grada i korisne su posjetiteljima da znaju. U siječnju 2001. godine broj općina smanjen je s 23 na 12 u administrativne svrhe - uglavnom spajanjem starih općina - ponekad i preko one unutarnje berlinske granice. Općine se približno mogu grupirati u osam okruga:

52 ° 30′0 ″ S 13 ° 25′12 ″ E
Distrikti Berlina

 Mitte (Mitte, Tiergarten)
"Srce" Berlina, "Mitte", moglo bi se prevesti kao "središte". Pored mnogih povijesno važnih znamenitosti, u okrugu postoje i bogati kafići, restorani, muzeji, galerije i klubovi.
 Grad zapad (Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Schöneberg, Friedenau, Moabit, Hansaviertel)
Nekad je to bilo urbano srce zapadnog Berlina s Kurfürstendammom (Ku'damm) i Trauenzienstraße i dalje glavnim trgovačkim područjima. Iako se stranka u međuvremenu preselila na istok, postoje izvrsni restorani i hoteli, kao i olimpijski stadion i Schloss Charlottenburg.
 Istočno Središnje (Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg, Vjenčanje)
Sačinjen od povijesno raznolikih kvartova, Kreuzberg je bio na zapadu, ali "okružen" zidom i privlačio ljevičare, jeftince i nezadovoljnike, uključujući veliku scenu skvotera koja se često sukobljavala s policijom, Friedrichshain je također imao skvotere nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja dok je "Prenzlberg" bio mnogo opuštenije stambeno naselje. Danas su sva ta područja gentrificirana ili su već gentrificirana, ali još uvijek postoje brojni kafići, klubovi i barovi.
 Reinickendorf i Spandau (Spandau, Reinickendorf)
Spandau i Reinickendorf lijepi su stari gradovi koji se osjećaju puno prostranije od užeg grada. Ponekad mogu osjetiti svijet koji nije "pravi Berlin". Ako pitate prosječnog Berlinca - pa čak i mnoge Spandauere - reći će vam da Spandau zapravo nije "Berlin".
 Istočno (Lichtenberg, Hohenschönhausen, Marzahn, Hellersdorf, Weißensee, Pankow)
Zanimljiv je muzej na mjestu predaje sovjetske vojske 1945. godine, kao i bivši zatvor Stasi, važan posjet svima koji se zanimaju za povijest Istočne Njemačke. Reputacija Marzahn-Hellersdorfa kao ogromne kolekcije tupih stambenih zgrada u visokim zgradama nije zaslužena jer je u njoj dom "Vrtovi svijeta", veliki park u kojem možete istražiti razne etničke stilove dizajna vrtova.
 Steglitz-Zehlendorf (Steglitz, Zehlendorf)
Jugozapadni kut Berlina, prilično građansko i relativno rijetko naseljeno područje s laganim pristupom Potsdamu.
 Tempelhof i Neukölln (Tempelhof, Neukölln)
Brzo gentrificirajući sjeverni dijelovi Neuköllna sada neprimjetno prelaze u Istočni centar, a Tempelhof je još uvijek poznat kao mjesto "majke svih zračnih luka" (danas park).
 Treptow-Köpenick (Treptow, Köpenick)
Jugoistočni kut, poznat po Hauptmann von Köpenick.




Područje su najvjerojatnije prvi naselili Slaveni prije nego što su imigranti koji su govorili njemački stigli u 11. i 12. stoljeću. Najraniji dokazi o naseljima na području današnjeg Berlina su drveni štap iz približno 1192. godine i ostaci drvenih kuća iz 1174. godine koji su pronađeni u iskapanju u Berlin Mitte 2012. godine. Prvi pisani zapisi o gradovima na području današnjeg Berlina potječu s kraja 12. stoljeća. Spandau se prvi put spominje 1197., a Köpenick 1209. godine, iako su ta područja postala dijelom Berlina tek 1920. (vidi dolje). Jezgra Berlina bila su dva grada: Berlin (danas poznat kao Nikolaiviertel u blizini Alexanderplatza), koji je započeo kao slavenski grad, i Cöllna, germanskog podrijetla, koji je obuhvaćao ono što je danas postalo Muzejski otok. Iako etimologija "Berlina" nije u potpunosti jasna (medvjed u grbu je zbog razumljive pogrešne pretpostavke srednjovjekovnih govornika njemačkog jezika), vjerojatno je povezan sa slavenskom riječju za močvaru. Tako da, glavni grad Njemačke bio doslovno građena u močvari. Godina 1237. (prvo spominjanje Cöllna u službenim zapisima) korištena je kao osnova za proslavu 750 godina 1987. godine i vjerojatno će se koristiti kao referentna točka za buduće obljetnice.

Područje je postalo poznato kao Berlin-Cölln i bilo je prebivalište birača Brandenburga, ali je ostalo relativno malo. Otprilike polovica stanovnika Berlina stradala je kao rezultat Tridesetogodišnji rat (1618.-1648.). Rat - koji je također opustošio i druge domene Hohenzollerna - doveo je do potpisane politike Hohenzollerna kojom se dopušta i čak potiče vjerske izbjeglice da se dosele na to područje. Politiku je prvi objavio "veliki izbornik" Frederic William (Friedrich Wilhelm, vladao 1640.-1688.) Koji je također učvrstio trend vladavine Prusa da se zovu Friedrich, Wilhelm ili oboje, koji je trajao sve do posljednjeg njemačkog kajzera Wilhelma II. , koji je bio prisiljen na abdikaciju 1918.

Berlin je postao glavni grad Prusija 1701. ali Potsdam je ostao simbol vladavine Hohenzollerna u weimarsko doba. 1710. nekoliko neovisnih gradova spojeno je u Berlin, pomažući mu dati policentrični izgled koji traje do danas. Pruski čelnici 18. stoljeća bili su poznati po svom "prosvijetljenom despotizmu" i količini vjerske tolerancije daleko izvan one koja se nalazila u drugim dijelovima Europe u to vrijeme. Te su politike koristile čitavom Brandenburgu / Pruskoj, ali su imale najjači utjecaj na Berlin.

Kaiserreich i Weimarska Republika

Njemačko Carstvo (Deutsches Reich) nastao je 1871. godine pod pruskom dominacijom, a Berlin je postao glavni grad ove novo-ujedinjene Njemačke, brzo rastući i zbog administrativnog statusa i uloge industrijskog središta. Do 1877. godine Berlin je imao više od milijun stanovnika, a 1900. grad je imao 1,9 milijuna stanovnika.

Iako je revolucija koja je svrgnula Kaiser izbio među nezadovoljstvo mornara u Kiel, koji nisu željeli umrijeti u posljednjem uzaludnom (ali sjajnom u glavama admirala) pokušaju da preokrenu plimu izgubljenog rata u morskoj bitci, u Berlinu su se odvijali mnogi od najodlučnijih njemačkih događaja Održala se novembarska revolucija. Philipp Scheidemann - socijaldemokrat - proglasio je republiku s prozora Reichstag 9. studenoga 1918. Nekoliko sati kasnije, komunist Karl Liebknecht proglasio je "slobodnu socijalističku republiku" vodeći socijaldemokrate i komuniste, već nesuglasice 1914. oko pitanja treba li podržati prvi svjetski rat, da se u osnovi podijele. Berlin je postao jedno od središta borbi i kaosa. Socijaldemokrati su se udružili s demobiliziranim vojnicima koji su formirali desnicu Freikorps i stare elite da uguše pobunu. Liebknechta i njegovu kolegicu Rosu Luxemburg ubili su Freikorpi, a njihova tijela bacili u Landwehrkanal. Osjećaj izdaje koji su mnogi komunisti osjećali ostat će mrlja na Socijaldemokratskoj stranci tijekom cijelog razdoblja Weimarske Republike. To traje do danas kao primjer socijaldemokratima koji u očima nekih radikalnih ljevičara smiruju desni i desni centar.

Možda najpoznatija nova građevina iz doba Weimara, Hufeisensiedlung u Berlin-Britzu

1920. godine posljednja od aneksija gradova oko Berlina stvorila je administrativne granice koje danas ima, tada poznate kao "Groß-Berlin" ili Veliki Berlin. Weimarska era vjerojatno je bila najvažnija točka u važnosti Berlina i njegove reputacije u svijetu. Grad je narastao - dijelom zahvaljujući spomenutim aneksijama - na 4 milijuna ljudi (broj kojem se vraća s oko 3,8 milijuna u 2019. godini) i bio je jedan od najmnogoljudnijih i najutjecajnijih na svijetu, a premašio ga je samo New York City i London. Po površini, Groß-Berlin je bio drugi najveći grad na svijetu iza samo Los Angelesa, a područje obuhvaćeno gradom otprilike je ekvivalentno području Rügen. Gotovo svi političari, intelektualci, umjetnici, znanstvenici i druge javne osobe poznate tijekom Weimarske Republike živjeli su i radili u Berlinu. Potsdamer Platz (mjesto jednog od prvih semafora na svijetu) smatralo se jednim od mjesta u Europi s najgušćim prometom. S-Bahn (elektrificirani u to doba) i U-Bahn sustavi za masovni tranzit koji se brzo razvijali smatrani su uzorima za svijet s malo jednakih. Zračna luka Tempelhof (tada bez ikonične zgrade terminala koju su sagradili nacisti) smatrana je jednom od najboljih zračnih luka u Europi, a njezina povezanost s U-Bahnom pokazala je put za sve glavne zračne luke. Berlin je također bio živahno multikulturalno mjesto s ljudima iz cijelog svijeta koji su pridonosili njegovoj kulturnoj i ekonomskoj proizvodnji. Raširena nejednakost, međutim, značila je da nisu svi sudjelovali u procvatu. Ekonomska kriza 1929. i mjere štednje koje su uslijedile pogodile su najsiromašnije nesrazmjerno teško. Stanova u gradu bilo je malo, a izgrađeni su stambeni blokovi namijenjeni tome. Šest skupina ovih zgrada proglašeno je UNESCO-vim mjestima svjetske baštine pod nazivom "Berlinska moderna stambena naselja".

Berlinska panorama sa Siegessäule: zgrada Reichstaga s kupolom (krajnje lijevo), TV tornjem i kupolom (u sredini lijevo), Brandenburška vrata (u sredini)

Nacistička era i Drugi svjetski rat

Nacisti su Berlin htjeli redizajnirati u "Svjetsku prijestolnicu Njemačku", ali srećom rat je stavio tačku na te planove. Nacističke zgrade koje su ostale izgrađene su prije rata i nisu uvijek povezane s njima, poput Olimpijskog stadiona (izgrađenog za igre 1936. godine) i zgrade terminala za zračnu luku Tempelhof. Berlin je tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata teško i više puta pogođen zračnim bombardiranjem. Za razliku od Hamburga ili Dresdena, nije bilo niti jednog velikog bombardiranja niti većeg požara, već niza bombardiranja koja su poravnala velik dio grada. U posljednjim mjesecima rata Berlin je bio u središtu jedne od najkrvavijih ratnih bitaka jer se nekoliko sovjetskih generala utrkivalo kako bi prvo stigli do Berlina, jer je Staljin vjerovao da Amerikanci i Britanci namjeravaju osvojiti i Berlin. Nacisti nisu razmišljali ni o ljudskim životima, a posljednjih tjedana vrlo su stari i vrlo mladi muškarci pritisnuti u službu u posve uzaludnom pokušaju da zaustave sovjetski napredak. "Šaputana šala" koja je u to vrijeme zaobilazila Nijemce, rekla je da će rat biti gotov kad Volkssturm (starci i tinejdžeri - Hitlerovi posljednji "vojnici" bilo koje vrste) odveli bi S-Bahn na front. Znamenita fotografija sovjetskog vojnika koji je podigao crvenu zastavu na Reichstag datira u to doba, a grafiti sovjetskih vojnika 1945. još uvijek se mogu naći u zgradi Reichstaga. Neki strani turisti vole pitati gdje Führerbunker je, ali kao i druga potencijalna "svetišta za nacizam", saveznici su ga sravnili i sada je mjesto parkirališta. The Topographie des Terrors ("Topografija terora") u središnjem Berlinu izložba je na otvorenom koja daje pozadinu na mjestima različitih nacističkih ureda u Berlinu i koja su zlodjela odakle usmjerena.

Hladni rat

Berlin je podijeljen na četiri sektora u skladu sa sporazumima Jalte i Potsdama (potonji je odabran uglavnom zato što je to mjesto bilo najbliže Berlinu s prostorijama neoštećenima da se mogu koristiti za konferenciju). Iako je prvotni plan bio zajedničko upravljanje Berlinom i Njemačkom, fasada se u Berlinu pokvarila prvo sovjetskom blokadom zapadnih sektora, a zatim i berlinskom zrakoplovom u kojoj su zapadni saveznici zapadni saveznici opskrbljivali zrakom koristeći Tempelhof Zračna luka, RAF Gatow i ono što će kasnije postati zračna luka Tegel.

Spomenik posvećen zrakoplovstvu u zračnoj luci Tempelhof

Zrakoplovstvo, uključujući bacanje malih paketića slatkiša na improvizirane padobrane, privuklo je ljude u zapadnom Berlinu do zapadnih saveznika i na kraju prisililo Sovjete da prekinu blokadu. Unatoč nazivu "bombaš s grožđicama", najčešće neto dobro po neto tonaži bio je ugljen. Zbog prekida s električnih vodova okupiranih od strane sovjeta, avioni su letjeli i u cijeloj elektrani, a potom i gorivu za nju, ali većina ugljena koristila se za grijanje privatnih kuća. Zapadni Berlin kasnije je postao dio Zapadne Njemačke, zapravo ako ne i po imenu: poslao je delegate bez prava glasa Bundestag koje je nominirao berlinski parlament, a ne narod; slično je sve savezne zakone moralo odobriti berlinsko zakonodavno tijelo, što se obično događalo bez stvarnog glasanja ili rasprave. Bitno je da je Berlin "demilitariziran", pa ljudi u zapadnom Berlinu nisu mogli legalno služiti u Bundeswehru, bez obzira na to jesu li rođeni u Berlinu ili negdje drugdje, a preseljenje u Berlin tako je postalo vrlo popularan način da se izbjegne propuh. Berlin je ostao posljednji otvoreni prijelaz na sve militariziranijoj i nepropusnijoj "unutarnjenjemačkoj" granici. 13. kolovoza 1961. vodstvo Istočne Njemačke (DDR) zatvorilo je granicu samo nekoliko tjedana nakon što je istočnonjemački čelnik Walter Ulbricht na konferenciji za novinare rekao "Niemand hat die Absicht eine Mauer zu errichten" (nitko nema namjeru graditi zid). Granica je u sljedećim godinama sve više i više utvrđivana s nekoliko zidova. Najizrazitiji betonski zid ubrzo je prekriven grafitima na zapadnoj strani, koji je tehnički još uvijek bio u Istočnom Berlinu, ali ni istočnonjemačke ni zapadnonjemačke vlasti nisu ga htjele niti mogle policijski nadzirati.

Iako se na zapadu nastojalo sačuvati povijesne zgrade koje su preživjele savezničko bombardiranje, DDR je namjerno srušio zgrade koje su mogle biti popravljene. The Stadtschloss je viđen kao ostatak feudalizma i zamijenjen je s Palast der Republik u kojem se nalazio parlament DDR-a i koristio se kao popularno mjesto događaja. Srušen je nakon 1990. zbog političkih udruga i sadržaja azbesta. Nova Stadtschloss na istom mjestu, u kojem se nalazi Humboldtov forum otvoren je 2020. Privukao je kontroverzu jer se obnova feudalnog spomenika na mjestu najznačajnije reprezentativne zgrade istočne Njemačke smatra sumnjivom političkom izjavom, a osim toga i zbog upitnog načina na koji su mnogi eksponati stečeni tijekom kolonijalne doba.

Iako je Berlin ratom i podjelom postigao dva velika pogotka, doba berlinske podjele također je dovelo do jedinstvenog razvoja, posebno u zapadnoj polovici. Zapadni Berlin imao je poseban status jer nikada nije pripadao Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj, iako je "dobrovoljno" primjenjivao većinu zapadnonjemačkih zakona. Zabrana pridruživanja vojsci učinila je to mjesto mnogim studentima i radikalima ili ljudima koji su htjeli izbjeći vojsku. Ovdje su se uglavnom događale studentske pobune 1967/68. Ovdje je strijeljan mladi Benno Ohnesorg tijekom prosvjeda protiv iranskog šaha 1967. To je potaknulo pokret protiv kontinuirane prisutnosti nacističkih elita, rata u Vijetnamu i nekoliko - uočenih ili stvarnih - urođenih mana mlade Njemačke Savezne Republike. Ovaj pokret, retroaktivno nazvan umri 68er (68-ih), imao je nekoliko žarišnih točaka u Njemačkoj, ali najistaknutiji je bio u Berlinu. Njegov vođa, Rudi Dutschke, istočnonjemački emigrant iz Brandenburga, ustrijeljen je u Berlinu 1968. godine. Preživio je pucnjavu, ali je umro od napadaja uzrokovanog ranama 1979. godine. U to doba Kreuzberg, čiji je dio (poznat kao "Kreuzberg 36" zbog poštanskog broja) bio je okružen zidom s tri strane i postao žarište ljevičarskog aktivizma. Česti su bili sukobi s policijom, koji su se povremeno ponavljali od ponovnog ujedinjenja. Tijekom podjele umjetnici poput Davida Bowieja došli su u Berlin po inspiraciju. Zaustavljanje na znamenitostima simboličnim za podjelu postalo je oslonac posjeta stranih država gradu. Ronald Reagan slavno je stajao ispred Brandenburških vrata, kojima je Zid učinio nepristupačne, kad je rekao: "Gospodin Gorbačov otvori ova vrata; Gospodin Gorbačov sruši ovaj zid."

Ljudi su se zasitili situacije u Istočnoj Njemačkoj - i ohrabreni Gorbačovljevom politikom glasnost i perestrojka - izlazili su na ulice u sve većem broju 1989. Bila je velika demonstracija na Alexanderplatzu u listopadu 1989. 9. studenoga 1989. Günter Schabowski naglas je pročitao novi dekret u vezi s otvaranjem granice tijekom prve konferencije za tisak DDR-a uživo. Na sljedeće pitanje kada će stupiti na snagu, odgovorio je "sofort, unverzüglich" (tj. Odmah). Iako ljudi koji su izradili novi dekret nisu namjeravali odmah stupiti na snagu, Schabowski, koji je bio samo tajnik za tisak, nije bio u vezi s tim ključnim detaljem. Ova je proklizavanja dovela do toga da su se ljudi slijevali na granični stup u uvjerenju da je Zid pao. Preopterećeni čuvari nisu imali drugog izbora nego otvoriti granicu, a ovaj dan postao je poznat kao "pad Berlinskog zida". Zid je srušen sljedećih dana i tjedana. Događaji su se počeli brzo kretati, a nakon što su izbori rezultirali jasnom većinom za ujedinjenje, Istočna Njemačka pridružila se Zapadnoj Njemačkoj 3. listopada 1990., samo nekoliko dana uoči 41. obljetnice DDR-a. Berlin je postao glavni grad ujedinjene Njemačke i tamo se preselila većina vladinih institucija 1998. To se poklopilo s krajem kancelarstva Helmuta Kohla koji je bio na funkciji '89. I upravljao Njemačkom dulje od bilo kojeg drugog običnog stanovništva.

Staro i novo u Berlinu - Marienkirche & TV Tower

Povijest od ponovnog ujedinjenja

Unatoč gotovo potpunom nedostatku industrije (ono što je preživjelo rat ili je napustilo Zapadni Berlin ili je nacionalizirano u Istočnom Berlinu, a uglavnom je bankrotiralo tijekom 1989./90.), Berlin je glavni privlač za imigrante, posebno mlade i dobro obrazovane. Za razliku od gotovo svih glavnih prijestolnica, Berlin je nešto slabijeg imovinskog stanja od nacionalnog prosjeka, pa je stoga u poslijeratnom razdoblju imao relativno povoljne najamnine i troškove života, premda je strmi trend rasta sustizao svoje vršnjake do 2020-ih. Zbog toga je Berlin jedno od središta startup fenomena.

Opterećene općinske financije muče Berlin od kraja rata, iako sve više od ponovnog ujedinjenja. Za razliku od Pariz ili London, Status Berlina kao glavnog grada ne znači da automatski koristi velike infuzije nacionalnih fondova za izgradnju projekata. Tijekom podjele, obje su strane gledale na svoje dijelove Berlina kao na propagandno sredstvo kojim se pokazuju neprijatelju, pa su obojica dobili subvencije u mjeri u kojoj je to dopuštala blagajna njihovih režima, a novac je stizao za stanovanje, potrošačku robu i poboljšanja infrastrukture. No nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja, subvencije koje su dodijeljene kao naravno, sve su češće dovedene u pitanje. Tada je 2001. godine veliki bankarski skandal potresao Berlin i milijarde eura gubitaka apsorbirala je prazna državna blagajna. Daljnji je problem taj što mnogi koji žive preko državne granice u Brandenburgu imaju koristi od berlinske infrastrukture, ali ne plaćaju državni porez u Berlinu i nisu ubrojani među stanovništvo Berlina u svrhu raspodjele sredstava.

Iako je Zid sada pao duže nego što je ikada stajao, a nekim ožiljcima od pregrade trebalo je samo nekoliko tjedana ili mjeseci da se poprave, još uvijek su vidljivi znakovi gdje je nekada bila granica. Neki su naizgled bezazleni poput nedostatka tramvaja na starom Zapadu ili boje uličnih svjetala (bolje vidljivih iz svemira), ali neki se drže na mjestu da podsjete mještane i posjetitelje na tu fazu povijesti. Nažalost, postojao je određeni ikonoklazam nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja svega što je bilo GDR. Iako su se čuvale mnoge stvari (posebno spomenici sovjetskim vojnicima), najistaknutija žrtva nastojanja srušenja svih relikvija komunističke vlade bila je Palast der Republik. Djelomično je srušen zbog onečišćenja azbestom, ali i radi obnavljanja nekadašnjeg pruskog Stadtschloss, koji su i sami srušili ikonoklasti DDR-a kako bi napravili put za svoju reorganizaciju grada.


Klimatska karta (objašnjenje)
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° C
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u mm
Izvor: Wikipedija. Posjetiti AccuWeather za 5-dnevnu prognozu.
Carska konverzija
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° F
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u inčima

Berlin je na prijelaznoj točki između umjerene oceanske i kontinentalne klime, što znači toplo ljeto i hladne zime. Noćne temperature zimi obično padnu ispod temperature smrzavanja, a snijeg je redovita pojava, iako se snijeg rijetko nakuplja dulje od nekoliko dana. Ljeta su obično ugodna, s dnevnim temperaturama obično u niskim 20-ima, a noćnim temperaturama iznad 10 ° C. Berlin je prilično vjetrovit grad, iako nikako vjetrovit kao primorski gradovi poput Hamburga ili Lübecka. Jako se preporučuje jakna za zaustavljanje vjetra, posebno tijekom jeseni i proljeća.


Kao grad koji je iz asortimana manjih gradova u rukavcu Europe prerastao u treći najveći grad na svijetu u jedva više od dva stoljeća, Berlin je oduvijek bio mjesto gdje je biti "od drugdje" pravilo, a ne iznimka . Za vrijeme DDR-a Istočni Berlin privukao je mnogo ljudi sa sela i iz drugih gradova, jer su se tamo brže gradila nova stanovanja kako bi se ublažio nedostatak stanova. Nadalje, Berlinčani su često uživali u nešto punijim policama i kraćim redovima u supermarketima od ostalih istočnih Nijemaca. Na zapadu su neki ljudi napustili Berlin zbog njegove izolacije, a drugi su ušli zbog izuzeća od nacrta. Od ponovnog ujedinjenja, berlinska židovska zajednica raste zbog imigracije iz bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza i zbog toga što neki mladi Izraelci smatraju da je Berlin bolje mjesto za život (i zabavu) od Tel Aviva, Haife ili Jeruzalema. Danas Berlin privlači ljude iz Njemačke i iz cijele Europe, posebno s juga kontinenta. U Berlinu ćete naći dijasporu vrlo blisku svim etničkim, vjerskim i nacionalnim podrijetlima. To znači da se Berlin može neprestano izmišljati, ali Berlinac rođen i odrastao nešto je od rijetkog prizora izvan nekih udaljenih četvrti.

U današnje vrijeme sukobe između Istočnjaka i Zapadnjaka često zamjenjuju šale o Švabama, koji su na glasu kao štedljivost, raspoloženje i čujni dijalekt. Mnogi su se Švabi nahrlili u četvrti poput Prenzlauer Berga, a doček nije uvijek bio topao. Ne pogriješite, međutim, oni koji se najglasnije žale na "Švabe" ili gentrifikaciju i sami su relativno novi dolasci.

Berlinci su poznati po određenoj vrsti "humora" koji može naići na običnu bezobrazluk prema onima koji na to nisu navikli. Stereotipni Berlinčanin ima reputaciju nepristojne izravnosti čak i među Nijemcima koji općenito vide malo koristi od ljubaznosti i razgovora.

Berlin je također izuzetno nereligiozan grad sa samo oko četvrtine stanovništva koji pripada protestantskoj ili katoličkoj crkvi, a prati se iz poreznih razloga. Mediji - posebno oni konzervativnog smjera ili sa sjedištem u uglavnom katoličkoj južnoj Njemačkoj - stoga su Berlin nazivali "prijestolnicom ateista".


Pogled na Potsdamer Platz, sjedište Deutsche Bahna i Daimlera

Prije Drugog svjetskog rata Berlin je bio središte velikih njemačkih industrijskih tvrtki i administrativno sjedište mnogih tvrtki na svim poljima. Međutim, ubrzo nakon završetka rata, mnoge su se tvrtke preselile na jug ili zapad, bankrotirale ili su nacionalizirane u DDR-u. Berlin je stoga postao središte istraživanja, a ne proizvodnje. Iako se sjedište nekih tvrtki preselilo u Berlin od ponovnog ujedinjenja, dominacija glavnim gradom mnogo je manje izražena u njemačkom gospodarstvu nego u većini drugih europskih zemalja. Unatoč ekonomskom poticaju koji je rezultirao povratkom glavnog grada u grad, stopa nezaposlenosti u Berlinu porasla je preko 10%. Berlin je u Njemačkoj poznat i po tome što je središte kreativnih grana poput dizajna i umjetnosti svih vrsta; vidjet ćete puno ljudi koji rade (ili ne, ovisno o vašoj definiciji pojma) s Appleovim proizvodima u nekim kafićima. Od ponovnog ujedinjenja neke su tvrtke osnovale sjedišta u Berlinu, ali u mnogim slučajevima one prije svega imaju "predstavničku" adresu na zaglavlju i puno administracije, a kamoli da se razvoj ili proizvodnja još uvijek obavlja izvan Berlina. U onome što se mnogi Berlinci nadaju da će biti znak promjene trenda, Berlin osnovani industrijski konglomerat Siemens ponovno kreće u svoj "Siemensstadt" iz 1920-ih kako bi imao glavno mjesto za istraživanje, administraciju i proizvodnju.


Kako je Berlin izrastao iz nekoliko različitih gradova i sela, ne postoji niti jedno središte po sebi već nekoliko centara koji mogu malo otežati orijentaciju.

Apokrifna izreka o rasporedu ulica Washingtona DC koja je zamišljena da zbuni napadne vojske mogla bi se odnositi i na Berlin, ako ga je netko dizajnirao da bilo što učini. Berlinske ulice su zbunjujuće i ne slijede nikakvu logiku, o čemu se govori zbog razvoja grada i desetljeća podjele. Kardinalni smjerovi su od male koristi: gotovo ništa nije poravnato izravno istok-zapad, niti sjever-jug, čak ni bivša granica. Ulični znakovi stoga obično nose nazive gradskih četvrti, a ponekad i lokalne znamenitosti.

Može biti različite ulice istog imena rasuti po gradu. Na primjer, postoje najmanje tri ulice nazvane "Potsdamer Straße": jedna u Lichtenradeu, jedna u Zehlendorfu i druga u Giesendorfu. To u Berlinu nije neuobičajena stvar, dijelom i zbog toga što je to bila hrpa odvojenih gradova i sela. Neka od najčešćih imena u međuvremenu su promijenjena, ali daleko ne sva. Dobra je ideja uvijek imati na umu u koju četvrt putujete. Njemački poštanski brojevi prilično su sitni i obično se isti naziv ulice ne bi trebao pojavljivati ​​dva puta u istom kodu, pa pokušajte upotrijebiti punu adresu s poštanskim brojem i / ili okrugom. Taksisti nekako moraju (i obično to znaju) znati većinu tih čudnih i ponavljajućih naziva ulica. Dok je komičar rođeni u Istanbulu Serdar Somuncu tvrdio u vezi s mnogim taksistima turskim potomkom, "Nijemac ne bi otišao u Istanbul da postane taksist, ali bezbrojni turski taksisti dovode ljude do jednog od tri tuceta Goethe Straßena u Berlin svaki dan bez neuspjeha ".

Naziv ulice s rasponom kućnih brojeva; primijetite i zelenog čovjeka Istočnog Berlina

Kućni brojevi ne trčite nužno svugdje u istom smjeru (gore ili dolje). Na mnogim ulicama broj se uspinje s jedne, a spušta s druge strane. Dakle, da se ne biste izgubili, prvo biste trebali provjeriti shemu numeriranja: naziv ulice možete pronaći na gotovo svakom uglu ulice. Isti znak obično navodi raspon kućnih brojeva u tom segmentu.

Berlinski U-Bahn i S-Bahn nose ožiljke desetljeća podjele i nedostatka sredstava nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja. Nastali su kao mešavina linija s različitim mjernim utovarima koje su izgradile privatne tvrtke i tada neovisni gradovi. Rute su označene brojem i nazivom njihove krajnje točke, zato ih zapamtite kako ne biste željeli prijeći mnogo kilometara u pogrešnom smjeru. Dobra karta javnog prijevoza dobro dođe, a nekoliko institucija dijeli karte gradova s ​​naznačenim gradskim željezničkim stanicama. U-Bahn, S-Bahn i, na bivšem Istoku, Straßenbahn (tramvaj) i dalje su dobar način za kretanje. Autobusi su također čisti, pouzdani i relativno brzi.

Čitajte i gledajte

Berlin je svoj kulturni vrhunac vjerojatno dosegnuo dvadesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća, iako su od tada mnogi umjetnici uzimali puno inspiracije iz podijeljenih godina. S usponom i ponovnim ujedinjenjem kapitala koji je još jednom pronašao svoje mjesto na svjetskoj pozornici, radi na novom vrhu. O ovom gradu postoji više fikcijskih djela nego što bi ih turistički vodič mogao navesti na popisu, pa popis ne pokušava biti konačan.

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz, koji je napisao Alfred Döblin 1929. godine, snima Berlin svog vremena i triput je pretvoren u film. Najpoznatija verzija je 15½ sata remekdjelo Rainera Wernera Fassbindera koji je podijeljen u 14 televizijskih epizoda. Rimejk 21. stoljeća, samo labavo zasnovan na romanu, objavljen je 2020. godine.
  • Emil i detektivi, najpoznatija i klasična dječja knjiga smještena u Berlinu, u izdanju Ericha Kästnera 1929. Emil, naivni seoski dječak, prvi put posjećuje metropolu. Na putu ga nagovara i drogira kriminalac koji uzima novac koji je Emil trebao dostaviti svojoj baki. The boy is shy to contact the police, but is helped by a gang of street-savvy Berlin children who solve the case by themselves. There are several film versions of the story, made from 1931 to 2001.
  • Wir Kinder iz zoološkog vrta Bahnhof, a 1978 autobiography written by "Christiane F." about a drug-addicted child prostitute in West Berlin. It was picturised in 1981 with a soundtrack by David Bowie.
  • Trči Lola Trči (Njemački: Lola renta), a 1998 movie about a small time criminal and his girlfriend set and filmed in Berlin. The plot is about Lola trying to get 100 000 Deutsche Marks for her boyfriend within 20 minutes. It is notable for its narrative style: it tells three different versions of the same story depending on Lola's decisions. It was one of the biggest post-reunification successes of German cinema.
  • Zbogom, Lenjine!, a 2003 film set in East Berlin during the 1989/90 transition. The premise is the protagonist trying to ensure his mother, who fell into a coma shortly before the fall of the wall and awoke shortly afterwards, doesn't realise the GDR is no more. Making extensive use of typical East-Berlin scenery, among it Plattenbau housing and Karl Marx Straße, the movie is credited with kickstarting the "Ostalgie" (nostalgia for the GDR) trend of the 2000s and early 2010s.
  • The Kangaroo Chronicles book series (2009–14) by Marc-Uwe Kling. The self-proclaimed "minor artist", who lives and works in Berlin, narrates his fictitious life with a communist kangaroo roommate; the two engage in several hijinks, often of a political bent, and hang out in a typical Berlin Eckkneipe (including stereotypical Berliner owner) philosophising about the injustices of capitalism and how modern society induces laziness. His minor characters often speak in stereotypical Berlin dialect and his observational comedy is spot-on. Kling frequently organises and hosts poetry slams in Berlin and has in the past read texts from his Kangaroo-related works there as well. A movie based on the books was released in 2020 to mixed reviews.
  • Victoria, a 2015 film about one night in Berlin, shot in a single 140-minute take without cuts. The title character, a Spanish student in Berlin, runs into a gang of "real Berliners" who are much less sophisticated but exhibit a rough charm. They take Victoria to hidden spots, talking about all and sundry, flirting, and exchanging bits of their different life stories and philosophies. Eventually the group gets, rather inadvertently, involved in criminal activity, giving the film elements of a thriller and road movie through different parts of the city.
  • Babylon Berlin (2017–present), a hit TV series about crime, nightlife, demimonde, drugs and political conflict in 1920s Berlin, loosely based on the crime novel series centered on detective Gereon Rath. Directed by Tom Tykwer, it is the most expensive non-anglophone TV series so far.

glazba, muzika

There are countless musical tributes to Berlin, many of which praise the imperfections that are characteristic of the city. This is just a small selection:

  • Paul Lincke's operetta song Berliner Luft (1904)
  • Hildegard Knef's Berlin, dein Gesicht hat Sommersprossen (1966)
  • the Rauch-Haus-Song (1972) by leftist rock band Ton Steine Scherben, which became the anthem of the squatter scene and was covered by several punk bands
  • David Bowie and Iggy Pop lived in West Berlin during the late-1970s. Bowie's albums Niska, Heroji i Lodger are therefore known as the "Berlin Trilogy". Songs that are clearly about Berlin include Iggy's The Passenger (1977) and Bowie's nostalgic Where are we now? (2013)
  • Wir stehn auf Berlin (1980) by Neue Deutsche Welle band Ideal
  • Sido's rap Mein Block (2004) about life in the Märkisches Viertel, a deprived plattenbau estate
  • Dickes B (2001) by reggae/dancehall combo Seeed and Schwarz zu blau (2009) by Seeed member Peter Fox

Berlin is a centre of electronic music of all kinds, and its legendary clubbing scene attracts people from around the globe. Film Berlin Calling, with music by Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner (the former also playing the main role), is a celebration of this part of Berlin culture.


Signage and automatic announcements are often available in Engleski, and possibly other languages besides German. All signage related to the partition era is available in all three languages of the former occupiers (French, Russian and English). There are, however, surprisingly many people who speak little or no English, in particular among the elderly and people who grew up in the East, where Russian was taught in schools. This does not necessarily keep them from attempting to speak English with you if they notice an accent or halting German.

A lot of place names can a bit tricky even to fluent German speakers as they are of Slavic origin. The widespread -ow ending is to be pronounced /o:/ like a long German "o". Saying "Pankoff" or "Rudoff" will mark you as an out-of-towner and might cause jokes at your expense.

People who work in public transit and the tourism sector are now expected to speak at least some English, but they may not necessarily have much patience explaining the same thing over and over to tourists every single day, even when it's their job to do so, and the aforementioned Berlin rudeness / "humour" might come through when dealing with tourists.

Immigration and the Erasmus programme mean there are several other languages widely spoken. In particular, there are some 200,000 people of Turkish origin living in Berlin, mainly in the western districts. But don't assume someone speaks Turkish well (or at all) just because they have a Turkish surname. Foreign students originate from all over Europe, but Spanish, Greek and Italian speakers are especially numerous. As many students in Berlin are either Erasmus students or have been abroad elsewhere, you can reasonably expect students to speak at least passable English and often another European language.

The Berlin dialect (Berlinerisch) is still spoken by many people, particularly in outlying districts and neighbouring Brandenburg. Dialect is usually more pronounced in the East and some words are almost entirely unknown even in West Berlin. Some words used in the Berlin dialect:

  • Schrippe: bread roll
  • Stulle: sandwich
  • Broiler: grilled chicken (people from western Germany and former West Berlin probably won't understand this; they say Grillhähnchen instead)


As the city was divided in two during the Cold War, many major parts of Berlin's infrastructure — such as airports — were built on both sides. The challenge today is to merge these two systems into one that serves all the people in the Metropolitan Berlin area. In terms of railway stations, this process is mostly finished, the new "single airport" finally opened nearly a decade late in autumn 2020 but the central bus station is still undergoing seemingly endless renovation.


  • 1 Međunarodna zračna luka Berlin Brandenburg (BER IATA). started operations on 31 October 2020 on the extended grounds of former Schönefeld airport (now Terminal 5), East Germany's main airport, right outside the southeastern border of the city proper. Berlin Airport does not have a "home carrier" and is not the hub of any airline but it does have a pretty comprehensive network of European destinations served by Easyjet, Ryanair, Eurowings and a bunch of legacy carriers, a good number of Mediterranean "sun" destinations (many of them seasonal) but only a handful of transatlantic routes. Zračna luka Berlin Brandenburg (Q160556) na Wikipodacima Zračna luka Berlin Brandenburg na Wikipediji

Berlin inherited airports from both sides of the Berlin Wall. West Berlin, for which air transportation was crucial, had three at the moment of reunification: RAF Gatow in the British sector, which was only used by the British and closed in 1994, Tempelhof Airport in the American sector, which was closed in 2008 and turned into a public park and fairgrounds, and Tegel Airport in the French sector which closed on November 8, 2020. There was a minor airfield called Johannisthal in the Soviet sector but it was unused from the 1950s to its official closure in the mid 1990s. The main airport of East Berlin and indeed the Zentralflughafen of East Germany as a whole was in Schönefeld, just south of the city boundary. It is at this site that a new airport, Berlin Brandenburg Airport, was built and opened in 2020 — eight years late and several hundred percent over budget.

Getting from the airport to central Berlin
Your options in getting to and from the airport in pictogram form

The airport contains two separate terminal buildings, both with their own train stations and access facilities. There is no easy way to walk between Terminal 1 and Terminal 5 of Berlin Brandenburg Airport. The airport is in Fare Zone C of the Berlin public transit fare system, so you will have to use a ticket valid in BC or ABC. Tickets valid only in AB or the DB "City Ticket" are ne valid for travel to the airport and you are subject to a €60 fine if caught using the wrong ticket or no ticket at all.

To Terminal 5

Terminal 5 is the new name of what used to be the main terminal of the old Schönefeld Airport. While there were plans to shut it down when the new airport opens originally, it'll likely remain operational, at the very least until Terminals 3 and 4 open. Terminal 5 is mostly served by Low Cost Carriers who wish to avoid higher fees associated with using the more modern Terminal 1. Terminal 5 is served by  S45  i  S9  both stopping at 2 Flughafen BER - Terminal 5 station. Bahnhof Flughafen BER - Terminal 5 (Q661069) na Wikipodacima Zračna luka BER - Stanica terminala 5 na Wikipediji which may show up as "Schönefeld" on older maps. You can also take bus X7 from the southern endpoint of  U7  "Rudow" which stops both at the airport train station and a bit closer to Terminal 5.

To Terminal 1

The building that houses Terminal 1 also houses the completed but not yet opened (due to Covid-19) Terminal 2 and will in the future house Terminals 3 and 4. It is served by 3 Berlin Brandenburg Airport railway station. Flughafen BER - Terminal 1-2 (Q800759) na Wikipodacima Zračna luka BER - stanica 1-2 na Wikipediji. As Terminal 1 is served both by more airlines and by higher prestige full service carriers there is a bigger assortment of transportation options. There is a "Flughafen-Express" (FEX) or Airport Express from Berlin Main Station via Ostkreuz and Gesundbrunnen which is the fastest option from main station to airport. There are also several IC lines going to destinations like Dresden or Rostock - they also stop at the main station. After having served the Terminal 5 station,  S9  i  S45  also stop at the terminal 1 station (though they serve one intermediate station in between). Bus X7 also serves Terminal 1.

Should you, for some crazy reason, wish to drive to the airport, use A113 and follow signposting.


The new central station (Hauptbahnhof)
Hauptbahnhof with Regional- and S-Bahn train
The "mushroom design" was chosen for long-distance and urban trains after reunification and mostly built as shown here
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The central station 4 Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) zajedno s 5 Südkreuz (Južnjački križ, formerly Papestraße) and 6 Ostbahnhof (Eastern Station) — plus minor 7 Gesundbrunnen na sjeveru i 8 Spandau in the west — forms the backbone of all connections. All are connected to S- or U-Bahn. All trains stop at Hauptbahnhof and a second major hub (depending on your itinerary). Regional trains stop at several stations within Berlin, almost all of them also at Hauptbahnhof and all stop at least at one major long-distance hub. The Hauptbahnhof opened in 2006 and is situated between the S-Bahn stations Friedrichstraße and Bellevue. It is an impressive feat of architecture with many shops, most of them open on Sundays. Given its size, the distances between train platforms are surprisingly short. However, try to avoid tight connections, as the multilevel layout can be confusing at first and Berlin Hauptbahnhof is a good place to kill half an hour at any rate. The new 'Hauptbahnhof' may appear as 'Lehrter Bahnhof' on older maps.

 U5  connects the Hauptbahnhof to Alexanderplatz and destinations further east. Three S-Bahn lines ( S3 ,  S5 ,  S7 ) serve the station as do three tram lines (M5, M8, M10). The tram lines serve the Main Station coming from the East with plans to extend them westwards. M10 is particularly known as a "party tram" due to its route serving several nightlife hotspots and has been the subject of many a newspaper article. In addition to these transport options mostly oriented East-West a new S-Bahn line, tentatively called "S21" is under construction serving as another north–south spine through Hauptbahnhof.

During partition Berlin had two main train stations: Zoologischer Garten (practically universally referred to in speech as Zoološki vrt Bahnhof ili samo Zoološki vrt) in the West, and Ostbahnhof na istoku. The latter was named "Hauptbahnhof" from 1987 to 1998. Since the opening of the Hauptbahnhof, most ICE and international lines no longer stop at Zoologischer Garten, although regional DB services and S U-Bahn services still stop there.

Berlin is served by all the train types Deutsche Bahn (DB) has on offer, including high speed ICE, somewhat slower IC, and EuroCity (EC) operated by DB and other European railway companies. Connections to the rest of Germany are excellent and most of Europe is reachable with one or two changes. While train routes to Berlin suffered during partition, they were a high federal priority following reunification and today Berlin has fast train connections to the west and south. Trains due north and east are still a bit slower. For example, the line to Dresden is slower today than it was in the 1930s when streamlined steam trains plied the route.

Domestic trains to Berlin include ICE services from Hamburg, München preko Leipzig/Halle, Erfurt i Nürnberg with the fastest trains arriving in Berlin less than four hours after departure from Munich, IC/EC services from Dresden, and several "regional" trains, which have more intermediate stops and longer travel time than ICE. Among these the IRE from Hamburg might be of interest due to its cheap fixed price (€19.90 one way, €29.90 round trip). Berlin is also a stop for several "ICE Sprinter" services - ICE trains with fewer or no intermediate stops intended to lure business travellers from planes onto trains with faster travel times.

Berlin is also served by a private competitor of DB: Flixtrain. They run one train per day and direction to and from Stuttgart via Wolfsburg and other stops as well as one daily train from Köln preko Bielefeld, Hanover, i Wolfsburg. Tickets are sold through Flixbus which is mostly a bus operator. Flixtrain trains have four stops in Berlin; Lichtenberg, Ostbahnhof, Hauptbahnhof and Bahnhof Zoo. Flixtrain doesn't accept any DB tickets, and the same is true vice-versa

The Austrian railway company ÖBB (under the name Nightjet) runs sleeper trains to Berlin from Beč (11 hr) and Zürich (12 hr).

There are also long-haul sleeper trains from Moskva preko Minsk i Brest, run by RZD at least once a week, with greatly increased departures during spring and summer. From the other direction, this train originates in Pariz the night before, making it a handy overnight connection between the two cities - and the only sleeper train between Germany and France. Apart from a summer-only service from Kalinjingrad, there are as of 2017, no other overnight trains from Eastern European and Russian cities.


9 Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (ZOB) (Central Bus Terminal) (u Charlottenburg, Masurenallee.). Međugradski autobusi generally arrive here. There are numerous buses to all directions and the U-Bahn stops (Theodor-Heuss-Platz ili Kaiserdamm; both U2) or the S-Bahn stop (Messe Nord/ICC S41/42 and S46) is a 5-minute-walk away. Follow signposting. Some bus lines have other stops around Berlin, often including Südkreuz and/or the airport. The bus station is not really close to anything. Retail services are limited and the prices as high as one might expect at a gas station. From 2016 to 2022 the station is undergoing renovation and expansion to cope with rising and changing demand - the station will remain operational throughout the expansion but some services may become temporarily unavailable. As part of the purpose of the works is to reduce average dwell times from half an hour to 15 minutes it will also benefit those just driving through or connecting. The bus station website lists all departures and arrivals including the company running the service so it is a good place to look for up-to-date travel options. ZOB Berlin (Q190380) na Wikipodacima Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Berlin na Wikipediji


Berlin's "capital beltway", the A10 Berliner Ring, extends up to 30 km (19 mi) outside the city limits and actually only touches Berlin itself in the Northeast. It was built in the GDR era as the longest circular motorway in the world to direct traffic around West-Berlin but has since been surpassed in length by Beijing's sixth ring road and also Beijing's seventh ring road when it opens. At 196 km (122 mi) it is 8 km (5.0 mi) longer than the M25 around London, Europe's second longest orbital motorway. These motorways (enumerated in a clockwise direction) connect with the ring:

From the ring, these are the motorways heading towards the city:

  • A111 from the northwest at Kreuz Oranienburg
  • A114 from the north at Dreieck Pankow
  • A113 from the southeast at Schönefelder Kreuz
  • A115 from the southwest at Dreieck Nuthetal.

There are also dual carriageways:

  • B96 from the north and the south
  • B2 from the northeast
  • B5 from the east and west
  • B101 from the south.

Inside Berlin there is a heavily congested inner ring motorway (A100), which encircles the north, west and south with the northeastern section missing. Berlin driving is not for the faint-hearted, but manageable as there are wide streets and reasonably good parking conditions - at least in most parts of the city.

Berlin has a low emission zone (Umweltzone), which contains all areas within the S-Bahn ring. All vehicles moving inside this zone (including foreign vehicles) are required to bear a green emissions sticker (Feinstaubplakette). There are exceptions, e.g., for historic cars, but not for foreign number plates. The sticker can be ordered on-line.

By ship

Being some 200 km (120 mi) inland, Berlin does not have a seaport. The nearest seaport is Rostock-Warnemünde, which is 2½-3 hours away by train, though still sold by many cruise ship operators as "Berlin", so don't be surprised. There are similar distances to the seaports of Hamburg i Szczecin. The latter was "Berlin's port" until 1945, but Cold War neglect and the newly drawn German-Polish border have all but severed that connection. There have been only slow attempts in the 2010s and 2020s to re-establish the link.

Some river cruises start or end at Berlin, using the Havel, Spree and some canals for cruises to Prag ili Baltičko more. While river cruises in this area are nowhere near as popular as those along Rhine or Danube, there is some charming nature rather close to Berlin. Most cruises include a tour of Berlin as the river Spree runs close to many sights.


The 700-km Berlin-Copenhagen Cycle Route and the 340-km Berlin-Usedom Cycle Route both end in Berlin.

Zaobiđi se

A ship passes below the Sandkrugbrücke in Moabit

Javnim prijevozom

As Berlin is a major metropolis with pretty decent public transit, you should take buses, trains and trams whenever possible as those cover most of the city and are often the fastest way to get to places. The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) list all their fares on their website. Consult their Berlin route planner (in English) to get excellent maps and schedules for the U-Bahn, buses, S-Bahn local trains (RB and RE) and trams, or to print your personal journey planner. The route planner can also calculate the fastest door-to-door route for your destination for any given day and hour. However, the route planner assumes a rather slow walking speed. It might suggest taking a bus or tram for a single stop where healthy adults would be faster walking. The planner will let you pick between three walking speeds, but even the fastest walking speed is not terribly fast if you have no luggage. While BVG doesn't run S-Bahn or local trains, they are covered by the website and can be used with the same tickets.

  • BVG's customer service, 49 30 19449. If you don't know how to get somewhere, or how to get home at night, BVG's customer service number. Most U-Bahn and some S-Bahn stations have call points from which you can contact customer service directly. Some BVG buses and tram lines run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The public transport system in Berlin (U-, S-Bahn, bus, tram, regional rail) uses a common ticket system based on zones (zone A, B and C). You are unlikely going beyond zone A and B, except on trips to Potsdam or to the airport (BER). The border between zones A and B is the S-Bahn Ring (see below). Zone C includes trips to and within Potsdam.

The following tickets can be used for single journeys:

  • Single Ticket. The standard single journey ticket. It is valid for any travel within two hours of validation, in a single direction, within the appropriate fare zones. There is no limit to transfers, but return journeys are ne allowed. Price: Berlin AB €2.80 (reduced €1.70); Berlin ABC €3.40 (reduced €2.50).
  • 4-trip ticket (4 Fahrten Karte). This gives you 4 single trip tickets at a cheaper cost. Price: Berlin AB €9.00 (reduced €5.60).
  • Short trip (Kurzstrecke). For a single journey you can buy a cheap Kurzstrecke for €1.70, but this is only valid for 3 stops on the U-Bahn or S-Bahn (transfers permitted) or 6 stops on buses or trams (no transfers). The stations included in a short tip ticket are indicated on schedules posted at bus and tram stops.

Several options are available for unlimited travel:

  • 24 hour Ticket (24 Stunden Karte) - valid for 24 hours from validation for unlimited travel within specific zones (€8.80 for AB, €9.20 for BC and €10 for ABC as of February 2021)
  • Small Group Day Ticket AB (Kleingruppen-Tageskarte). A day ticket valid for up to five people. For groups of three or more, this ticket is cheaper than individual day tickets. Price: Berlin AB €19.90, Berlin ABC €20.80.
  • 7-Day-Ticket AB (7-Tagekarte). A ticket valid for seven days. Price: Berlin AB €30, Berlin ABC €37.50.
  • Berlin CityTourCard. Ticket valid for all public transport services in Berlin, Potsdam and the surrounding area (depending on the covered zones) and a discount card for many tourist attractions; available in several different versions: 48 hours AB €17.40; 72 hours AB €24.50; 5 dana AB €31.90. Add a few euros if you want to go to Potsdam (fare zone ABC). A folded leaflet with inner city map and an overview of the S-Bahn and U-Bahn railway networks of Berlin is included. Can be bought at ticket machines and various sales points (Berlin airports, larger train stations, hotels or online).
  • Berlin WelcomeCard. Unlimited travel with all methods of public transport for the validity of the ticket; save up to 50% on more than 200 tourist and cultural highlights; handy guide in pocket book format with insider tips and tour suggestions; city plan for Berlin and Potsdam and a network plan for public transport. Can be bought at various sales points (Berlin airports, larger train stations, hotels or online).

Tickets valid for only B and C are available as well, which you might need for a single trip to Schönefeld Airport from somewhat out of the way lodgings. There is only one way to get a ticket samo valid in A: Deutsche Bahn offers "City Tickets" as an add-on for their long distance train tickets and in Berlin those are only valid for a single trip inside the A zone.

Reduced fares apply for children 6 to 14. Children under 6 ride free.

Purchasing tickets

Tickets can be purchased in several ways. Upon arrival at the different Berlin airports, some tickets can be purchased at the tourist desk. All tickets are available at vending machines at the airports, U- and S-Bahn platforms, and passengers may also use the vending machines operated by DB at long-distance and regional railway stations to purchase the same. English and other European languages are available. Payment is mostly by local bank cards, coins and banknotes. If you need assistance most larger stations have staffed ticket counters where you can ask questions and buy tickets. Autobusi will accept cash, and make change for tickets. Hoteli may sell tickets as well. It is also possible to purchase tickets with an overseas debit or credit card (i.e. Visa and Mastercard) via the BVG mobile app i DB Navigator app (from the menu, tap Transport associations zatim VBB - Berlin & Brandenburg and select the appropriate ticket) but ensure that the device your ticket is loaded into has sufficient battery life to last the duration of the journey.

In some places people will try to sell used tickets to you. You can go only one direction with a single-journey ticket (check the validation stamp and be careful as this could also be a pickpocket trick). Don't pay more than half the price.

Validating tickets

You need to validate your ticket using the machines on the U- and S-bahn platforms or in the bus. The machines are yellow/white in the U-Bahn and the bus, and red on S-Bahn platforms. Validation simply means the machine prints a time stamp onto the ticket to indicate the beginning of the ticket's validity period. Alternatively, if travelling on the regional trains (see next section), a conductor may validate the ticket for you whilst on board by punching a time stamp. Once validated, a ticket which is still valid does not need to be re-validated before each single trip. When purchasing tickets through the DB Navigator app, passengers can opt to validate their ticket immediately after purchase so there is no need to do anything further to validate it.

Whilst it might be tempting to try to avoid buying a ticket given the absence of physical barriers, plain-clothed inspectors do patrol the trains. Tamo je €60 fine if you are caught without a validated ticket or if the device your ticket is loaded into runs out of battery shortly before or during inspection. Ticket inspections are arguably more common than in other cities and the inspectors more strict than in other cities. Don't even try to outrun one. They'll catch you and be all the more pissed at you. In some cases fare inspectors have not shirked from using physical force to restrain would be fare-evaders. Fare dodging cases rarely go to court unless for repeat offenders.

Vlakom S-Bahn-Logo.svgDeutsche Bahn AG-Logo.svg

A geographic representation of the S-Bahn lines; the ring looks somewhat like a dog's head if you squint

If you need to get around the city quickly, take the S-Bahn.

S- and Regionalbahn station Alexanderplatz

The Ringbahn that goes all around Berlin in a circle (or as local politicians would have it "a dog's head") lets you get to other parts of the city really fast.

The S-Bahn originates from a circular railway ("Ringbahn") and an east–west trunk ("Stadtbahn") built in 19th century to provide better connectivity between the terminus stations (similar to the way train stations are laid out in Paris or London today) which were later quadruple tracked with two tracks electrified for S-Bahn service (and later two tracks electrified with the mainline system) and in the 1930s a North-South Tunnel was added exclusively for the S-Bahn. The four stops where those intersect are named (x-)kreuz (x being the cardinal direction) with the exception of the Northern one which is officially Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen but sometimes referred to as "Nordkreuz". So there is Ostkreuz, Westkreuz, Südkreuz and Gesundbrunnen. The S-Bahn was neglected in the West during most of Berlin partition (see infobox for the reasons why) and some routes that were abandoned in this era are still not rebuilt and maybe never will. The S-Bahn is being expanded, however, and the network is now seamless: the former border is hardly ever notable to the casual observer. In the centre, most S-Bahn lines  S5 ,  S7 ,  S75  run on an east–west route between Ostkreuz and Westkreuz via the stops Warschauer Straße, Ostbahnhof, Jannowitzbrücke, Alexanderplatz, Hackescher Markt, Friedrichstraße, Hauptbahnhof, Bellevue, Tiergarten, Zoologischer Garten, Savignyplatz and Charlottenburg. Other lines run along a circle track around the city, most notably the  S8  i  S41 ,  S42 ,  S45 ,  S46  lines, and there's also a north–south connection  S1 ,  S2 ,  S25  from Gesundbrunnen through Friedrichstraße and Potsdamer Platz to Südkreuz or Schöneberg.

S-Bahn woes

All of Berlin's public transit systems have been affected by the city's turbulent history in one way or another but probably none more than the S-Bahn. Based upon tracks mostly built during the Kaiserreich, the S-Bahn started to become distinct from other trains during the Weimar Republic and was expanded by the Nazis ahead of the 1936 Olympics - based on plans already existing before their power grab. It got damaged in the war (not least by some Nazis blowing up the North-South tunnel flooding the S-Bahn and much of the U-Bahn in the process) but much less than through later politics. Upon partition, "Deutsche Reichsbahn" was granted the rights to operate the S-Bahn in all sectors of the city. Deutsche Reichsbahn would thus remain the name of the GDR state railway until reunification. In 1949 the workers on the S-Bahn in the West went on strike and while the issue was resolved, it showed problems to come. The wall went up in 1961 and on that day several connections were severed and some lines have not returned to service since. The construction of the wall also showed people in West Berlin just what the East was capable of and just how powerless they were. The S-Bahn however was an easy way to hit the East: it had been a fairly steady source of hard currency until that point but now a broad consensus from right wing press to social democratic politicians were in agreement to boycott the S-Bahn. Slogans like "we won't pay for Ulbricht's barbed wire" discouraged people from riding and bus or subway lines were intentionally run parallel to the S-Bahn. The GDR did not raise fares for propaganda reasons and to keep the last few riders riding, but the increasing decay and shoddy safety of stations and trains contributed to only tourists and malcontents riding the S-Bahn in the West. The East Berlin S-Bahn however was expanded and frequently used - becoming one of a few things better on the other side of the wall. All this might've gone on for ever, but in 1980 the West Berlin S-Bahn workers went on strike again. The GDR authorities tried everything from cutting service to all the carrots and sticks in their arsenal, but ended up having to admit defeat. Several lines closed in 1980 have similarly not yet seen a return of service. By 1984 the East German authorities had finally convinced West Berlin to take the S-Bahn as a gift and the BVG would run the S-Bahn for a few years until it became part of Deutsche Bahn AG upon reunification. In the 2000s sloppy repair schedules and attempts to cut costs led to yet another round of chaos but the issue was resolved and these days the S-Bahn mostly does what it is supposed to do.

Regional trains (RB, RE) run along the same central east–west connection, but stopping only at Lichtenberg or Karlshorst, Ostbahnhof, Alexanderplatz, Friedrichstraße, Hauptbahnhof, Zoologischer Garten, Charlottenburg and Spandau or Wannsee, as well as other lines connecting north–south from Jungfernheide or Gesundbrunnen through Hauptbahnhof, Potsdamer Platz and Südkreuz to Lichterfelde-Ost. Between the stations in the city centre, RB and RE trains run only two to three times an hour per direction so whilst you may be arriving at your destinations faster than with the S-bahn, you may have to wait longer to catch an RB/RE train. Long distance trains mostly run to Hauptbahnhof, often with one or two extra stops at other stations and local tickets are normally not valid for trips on these stretches.

U-Bahn U-Bahn Berlin logo.png

U-Bahn route map; the S-Bahn is visible in light gray for reference
U-Bahn Berlin logo.png Subway U3 station: Heidelberger Platz

The Berlin U-Bahn (commonly understood to be short for Untergrundbahn - "underground railway") is a network of ten lines across the city. They are numbered from 1 to 9 with the prefix "U" ( U1  U2  U 3  U 4  U5  U6  U7  U8  U9 ). You may find the U-Bahn network slightly less logical and convenient to use than in other European capitals, as Berlin's troubled history made its mark on it and many key locations remain unconnected, which is why using buses, trams and S-Bahn to complement the U-Bahn is probably necessary for efficient travel throughout Berlin. However, as those systems are fully integrated (see above), you can do so with only one ticket or type of ticket. Generally speaking in the east trams are more widespread while the west relies more heavily on U-Bahn, but that has been slowly changing since 1990.

Despite the name "underground", some 20% of the network is actually made up of overground stretches running over characteristic viaducts throughout the city, adding a certain flavour to Berlin's cityscape. This arrangement is similar to many older subway systems which include elevated or even at-grade sections like the Hamburg system or the M2 / M6 lines in Pariz. Unlike light rail systems or the Berlin tram however, svi parts of the network have their own right of way and subways don't have level crossings.

Detailed maps can be found in every U-Bahn station and on the trains. U-Bahn stations can be seen from far by their big, friendly blue U signs. Zajedno s S-Bahn (which is administered by Deutsche Bahn and mostly runs aboveground), the U-Bahn provides a transportation network throughout greater Berlin that is extremely efficient and fast. On weekends (Friday to Sunday), and during the Christmas and New Year holidays, all U-Bahn and S-Bahn lines (except line U4) run all night, so returning from late night outings is easy, especially given the average start time of most 'parties' in Berlin (23:00 to 01:00). During the week there is no U-Bahn or S-Bahn service from c. 01:00-04:30, but metro trams/buses and special Night Buses (parallel to the U-Bahn line) run every half an hour 12:30-04:30.

There are no turnstiles to limit access to U-Bahn station platforms; it is thus physically possible to ride (but illegal) without a ticket. If one is caught by a ticket checker you will be fined €60 (see "Validating tickets" above) so it is not worth the risk to ride without carrying a valid ticket. However, it is generally not a problem to pass through the U-bahn platforms to merely get to the other side of the street.

Nearly all U- and S-Bahn stations now have electronic signs that display the expected arrival of the next train (and its direction), based on sensors along the lines.

Design-wise, U-Bahn stations are about as diverse as you'd expect for a system that started operations when the Kaiser reigned and has been expanded in phases of overflowing as well as empty municipal coffers. Quite a handful of stations built before World War II were designed by the Swedish architect Alfred Grenander (died 1931) whose designs are much lauded and who included some useful features like having each station dominated by a certain color which - where it is still visible to the untrained eye - helps in quickly recognizing a station. From the mid 1960s to mid 1990s most stations built in West Berlin were designed by Rainer G. Rümmler (1929-2004) who gave each station a much more individual look compared to Grenander who preferred to vary only small details like the color of the tiles. East Berlin relied more on trams and S-Bahn and the U5 which was mostly built above ground is the only line extended by east Berlin. The only underground U-Bahn station built by east Germany is "Tierpark" along U5. There are of course other stations, designed by other architects; for the new U5 extension, "Museumsinsel" station will surely impress visitors when it opens (summer 2021 maybe) with a rather grandiose design inspired by Prussian "star architect" Karl Friedrich Schinkel, who designed many buildings in the vicinity.

By tram (streetcar)

the tram network as of 2015

The trams (Straßenbahn) are mostly found in East Berlin, as the West Berlin tram network was shut down in the 1960s in an effort to make the city more car friendly. If you don't already have a ticket, you can buy one inside the tram. Since reunification there has been a gradual "reconquista" of areas once served by trams in West-Berlin and in some parts of Mitte it is hard to tell from trams alone where the wall used to be. In outlying districts of West Berlin, however, trams are still nowhere to be found - in stark contrast to the East, where they provide much needed access to planned bedroom communities from East German times. The red-red-green coalition sworn in in 2016 has stated a firm commitment towards more trams and there are plans to expand and improve the network before the end of the parliamentary term in 2021.

There are two types of tram. Metrotrams usually have a 24/7 schedule as well as higher frequencies during daytimes, although stops are more spread out. Metrotrams are marked by an "M" in front of their line number (e.g., M10). "Regular" trams stop more frequently and even incorporate picturesque single-track rides through forested areas far east of the Mitte district.

Despite being called "tram" the network has almost all characteristics of light rail and new lines are always built with their own right of way, making travel times faster than by bus. Even compared to some other trams in other German cities, the newest generation of Berlin trams have impressive acceleration, so take care when boarding and try to get a seat or hold onto something, especially if you're not sure on your feet.


Berlin's buses are a very important form of public transportation, as they complement the light rail systems wherever they were removed (trams in the West) or remain incomplete. Due to the heavy loads and demands of narrow streets, Berlin is one of the few cities in Europe to use double-decker buses extensively - over 400 of the 1400 buses in operation in Berlin are double-deckers. A ride in a Berlin double-decker should be on the to-do list of every first-time visitor to Berlin. However, there are a couple of important things to be aware of. The double-decker buses have two staircases - by custom you go up the front staircase and down the rear one, not the other way around. Most drivers will not wait for you to descend the stairs while the bus is at the stop - unless there is a queue of people descending the stairs you should make sure you are at the exit door when the bus pulls up. Unlike other world cities, you should not flag down buses at stops in Berlin, even if there are multiple routes serving the stop. Some drivers may consider it an insult to their professionalism. A frequent problem with buses, particularly busy lines during rush hour and especially in the West (where they have to cope with levels of patronage more common for light rail lines) is bunching. Budući da mnogi autobusi dolaze svakih pet minuta tijekom zauzeća, prvi autobus će primiti većinu putnika, što znači da autobus iza njih sustiže, što znači da drugi autobus još manje sustiže putnika, dok napokon ne dođu dva ili tri autobusa. u razmaku od minute ili čak u isto vrijeme, a zatim niti jedan autobus ne dolazi na 15 minuta unatoč nominalnih 5 minuta napretka. BVG su prilično samozatajni po tom pitanju, ali osim izgradnje novih tramvajskih linija, vrlo se malo toga može učiniti. Brzi ukrcaj i udaljavanje od područja vrata najbolje je što možete učiniti za ublažavanje problema.

U Berlinu postoje razne vrste autobusa, svaki odvojeno naznačen na kartama javnog prijevoza:

  • Metro autobusi namijenjeni su zamjeni demontiranih tramvajskih linija uglavnom u zapadnom dijelu grada (iako mnogi nailaze i na Istočni Berlin da bi zamijenili prekinute tramvajske veze). Označeni su slovom "M" i dvije znamenke, a smatraju se odvojenim prijevoznim sredstvom od ostalih autobusa, a na natpisima i kartama označeni su narančasto poput tramvaja (narančasti "M" logotip znači "MetroBus" ili MetroTram). MetroBusevi se uglavnom kreću duž glavnih prometnih koridora i općenito se njima upravlja dvokatnim autobusima, što njihovu upotrebu čini vrlo atraktivnom za turiste. MetroBusovi se obično pokreću svakih 10 minuta od svakog zaustavljanja koje poslužuju. Među linijama su posebno atraktivne za turiste M19 i M29, koji se protežu duž Kurfürstendamma i M41, koji povezuje četvrti Kreuzberg i Neukölln s glavnim kolodvorom preko Potsdamer Platza.
  • Ekspresne autobusne linije vrlo brzo povezati važne lokacije, poput zračnih luka i željezničkih stanica, preskačući mnoga zaustavljanja tijekom puta. Voze se svakih 5 minuta u centru grada koristeći autobuse na kat ili zglobne autobuse. Izrazite crte označene su slovom "X" i jednom ili dvije znamenke. Izraziti autobus od posebnog interesa za turiste je X7 od zračne luke (koja služi i za terminal 5 i za terminal 1/2) do krajnje točke U-Bahn U7 u Rudowu.
  • Redovne autobusne linije imaju troznamenkaste brojeve i svaka njihova znamenka ima značenje koje počinitelji usluga javnog prijevoza mogu dešifrirati kako bi saznali točnu rutu kojom autobus prolazi. Ti će autobusi uglavnom biti korisni putnicima samo ako žele doći do određenog mjesta koje ne služi drugim prijevoznim sredstvima, uključujući metro ili brze autobuse.
    • Dvije su iznimke posebne linije za razgledavanje 100 i 200, koji se protežu duž nekih od najvažnijih turističkih atrakcija u središtu grada, a njima se upravlja isključivo dvokatnim autobusima. The 100 prolazi od Zoologischer Garten do Alexanderplatza kroz park Tiergarten, Regierungsviertel i ulicu Unter den Linden. The 200 skreće s te rute kako bi posjetio Kulturforum, Potsdamer Platz i produžio se dalje istočno od Alexanderplatza do Prenzlauer Berga. Bilo koja vožnja je obavezna za svakog posjetitelja Berlina. Berlinsko pokretanje "Gradski pirati" nudi besplatni audio vodič za autobus 100 koji automatski reproducira zvučne informacije o znamenitostima na ruti putem GPS lokalizacije (njemački i engleski, Android und iOS). U ljetnom autobusu 218 vodi vas slikovitom vožnjom kroz šumu Grunewald u zapadnom Berlinu, počevši od stanice podzemne željeznice Theodor-Heuss-Platz (U2) i završavajući u blizini poznatog Pfaueninsela u jugozapadnom Berlinu, gdje se malim trajektom možete dovesti do navedenog otoka i posjetiti tamošnji park i mali dvorac.
  • Noćni autobusi djeluju u noći kada druga prijevozna sredstva ne rade.
    • Jednoznamenkaste linije zamjenjuju metro linije u noći kada potonji ne rade, zaustavljajući se na stajalištima odmah na vrhu / pored stanica U-Bahn. Numeriranje slijedi numeriranje U-Bahn linija, ali koristi "N" umjesto "U", tako da N7 je autobusna linija koja zamjenjuje U7 U-Bahn linija.
    • Ostale dvoznamenkaste noćne linije (N10 kroz N97) pokrivaju druge rute, ali bez izravne reference na dnevne brojeve ruta

Nema razlike u cijenama automobila između različitih vrsta autobusa - čak i MetroBusovi, 100 i 200 zahtijevaju iste cijene kao i redovni autobusi. Stoga je vožnja gradskim autobusima vrlo isplativ način istraživanja grada u usporedbi s mnogim privatnim "hop-on / hop-off obilascima autobusa". Postoje dvije iznimke od ovog pravila, ali one zapravo ne služe niti jednoj točki unutar gradskih granica Berlina, a to su "BER1" i "BER2", autobusi za brze zračne luke do Zračna luka Berlin Brandenburg koji naplaćuju doplatu povrh redovne BVG cijene. Dodatne informacije o njima potražite u članku o zračnoj luci.


Vidi također: Biciklizam # Njemačka

Berlin nema strma brda i nudi brojne biciklističke staze (Radwege) u cijelom gradu (iako nisu svi baš glatki). To uključuje 860 km potpuno odvojenih biciklističkih staza, 60 km biciklističkih staza na ulicama, 50 km biciklističkih staza na kolnicima ili nogostupima, 100 km mješovitih pješačko-biciklističkih staza i 70 km kombiniranih autobusno-biciklističkih staza na ulicama . Bicikli su vrlo popularna metoda prijevoza među stanovnicima Berlina i gotovo uvijek postoji određena razina biciklističkog prometa. Politička rasprava iz 2010-ih odlučno se zamahnula u korist biciklizma, a plebiscit širom grada uzrokovao je da vladajući centar / lijeva crveno-crveno-zelena koalicija potpisuju opsežni program u korist veće i bolje biciklističke infrastrukture, koja je inicijatori plebiscita izjavili su da pažljivo prate kako bi osigurali provedbu. Tijekom Covid19 pandemija puno je "pop-up biciklističkih staza" postavljeno po cijelom gradu, ali posebno u Bezirke dominiraju zeleni i ljevičari. Medijsko izvještavanje i javne izjave političara ukazuju da će većina "iskačućih biciklističkih staza" ostati i nakon završetka pandemije.

Razgledavanje Berlina biciklom nedvojbeno je sjajan način da se upoznate s velikim turističkim mjestima, ali i malim gužvama i sporednim ulicama. Vjerojatno najpoznatija biciklistička staza je Mauerradweg, biciklistička staza uz nekadašnji berlinski zid. Iako je dobro nositi vlastitu kartu, uvijek možete provjeriti svoje mjesto na bilo kojoj postaji podzemne željeznice i na mnogim autobusnim stanicama. Možeš izradite vlastite biciklističke karte on-line, optimiziran manje prometnim rutama ili manje semafora ili vašim omiljenim asfaltiranjem.

Ture i iznajmljivanje

Tradicionalna mjesta za iznajmljivanje su raširena, posebno u područjima koja posjećuju turisti. Pogledajte oko sebe ili pitajte svoj smještaj. Većina mjesta iznajmljuje između 8 i 12 eura po danu - izvrsna su vrijednost i daju vam slobodu za istraživanje velikog grada.

Ako niste upoznati sa vlastitim pretraživanjem grada ili želite više objašnjenja znamenitosti koje posjetite, biciklističke ture s vodičem (s uključenim biciklom) možete dobiti na Baja Bicikli ili Berlinski bicikl.

Berlin također ima program dijeljenja bicikala, LIDL-BICIKL (ranije nazovite bicikl) čineći bicikle dostupnim u cijelom gradu da ih pokupe i ostave gdje god želite. Bicikli su sive / zelene boje i mogu se naći u središnjim četvrtima Berlina. Slijedite upute na dodirnom zaslonu bicikla ili upotrijebite mobilnu aplikaciju. Cijena najma, osnovna godišnja naknada od 3 EUR, zatim 1 EUR za svakih 30 minuta do najviše 15 EUR dnevno. Ipak, možda ćete radije platiti mjesečnu naknadu od 9 eura ili godišnju od 49 eura i dobiti prvih 30 minuta svakog najma besplatno, čak i odmah nakon vraćanja prethodnog bicikla.

Bicikli u javnom prijevozu

Biciklom se možete voziti bilo kojom gradskom i podzemnom željeznicom, vlakovima i tramvajima koristeći za to predviđena područja. Trajekti obično imaju mjesta za bicikle, ali mogu biti gužve tijekom vrhunca i po dobrom vremenu. Autobusi ne voze bicikle, osim noćnih autobusa N1-N9 noću između nedjelje i ponedjeljka te četvrtka i petka (tada nema noćne službe U-Bahna). Ovi autobusi imaju mjesta za jedan bicikl. Prostor za bicikle u bilo kojem načinu javnog prijevoza ograničen je i možda će vam biti odbijen ulaz. Invalidska kolica i kolica imaju prioritet nad biciklima.

Morate kupiti kartu i za svoj bicikl. Cijene su sljedeće:

  • Pojedinačno putovanje. Berlin AB 1,90 €, Berlin ABC 2,50 €.
  • Dnevna karta. Berlin AB 4,80 €, Berlin ABC 5,40 €.
  • Kratak izlet (Kurzstrecke). Cijena: 1,20 €.


Taksi usluge su jednostavne za upotrebu i nešto su jeftinije nego u mnogim drugim velikim srednjoeuropskim gradovima. Možete pozdraviti taksi (žuto svjetlo na vrhu pokazuje da je taksi dostupan) ili pronaći taksi stanicu (Taksista). Taksisti općenito govore engleski. Kao i u drugim velikim gradovima, mnogi su taksisti imigranti ili djeca imigranata, pa neki mogu govoriti i naslijeđeni jezik uz njemački i engleski. Ako tražite kratko putovanje (Kurzstrecke), sve dok je manje od 2 km i prije nego što taksist pokrene brojilo, putovanje je obično jeftinije, 4 eura. To vrijedi samo ako taksi označite dolje na ulici, a ne ako uđete na taksi stanici. Ovdje postoji kalkulator cijena taksija za Berlin.


Trajektne linije u Berlinu

Unatoč tome što nije pomorski grad poput Hamburg ili Venecija, Berlin ima korisne plovne putove, a BVG vozi nekoliko trajekata kojima se može pristupiti redovnim BVG kartama. Većina trajekata je samo od lokalnog interesa, ali trajektna linija F10 pokriva 4,4 km (2,7 mi) preko Wannsee i na jednom kraju spaja se na S-Bahn. Turistička atrakcija više od stvarnog praktičnog prijevoza je Ferry F24, koji je jedini trajekt kojim upravlja veslački brod u Berlinu i jedini trajekt za veslački brod koji je dio bilo kojeg sustava za prodaju karata za javni prijevoz u Njemačkoj. U pokušaju da postanu "zeleniji" grad, neki od trajekata koriste električnu energiju koju pružaju solarni paneli na njihovim krovovima ili kopnene stanice za punjenje.

Pored ovih trajekata javnog prijevoza, postoje i turistički brodovi koji obavljaju izlete uglavnom duž rijeke Spree i uglavnom u obliku kružnih tura. Mnogo su skuplje od BVG karata.


Tijekom međunarodne vrtlarske izložbe 2017. godine u Berlin / Istok, Berlin je dobio svoj prvi gondola, koja je ostala u funkciji nakon zatvaranja izložbe. Povezan je s podzemnom postajom Kienberg (Gärten der Welt)  U5  na jednom kraju i ima sve tri stanice duž linije dužine 1.580 m (5.180 ft) što je usporedivo s U55. to je ne dio karte za BVG i po cijeni od 6,50 EUR po povratnom putovanju karte su relativno skupe.


52 ° 31′1 ″ S 13 ° 23′24 ″ E
Znamenitosti Berlina
Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Berlinu okrug članaka

Berlin ima brojne atrakcije koje potječu iz njegove burne povijesti, a dijelom i zbog činjenice da je 40 godina bio "dvostruki glavni grad". Iako je uzdržavanje nekih stalna glavobolja za blagajnika, one oduševljavaju posjetitelje i mnoge mještane.


Muzej Bode dio je muzejskog otoka, a Svjetska baština UNESCO-a web mjesto

Berlin ima širok spektar muzeja. Daleko većina njih pokrivena je Kotarski vodič Mitte, koja, između ostalih, pokriva i 1 Museumsinsel Otok muzeja na Wikipediji (otok na Spreeu prekriven povijesnim muzejima) i 2 Kulturforum Kulturforum na Wikipediji (zbirka suvremenih kulturnih institucija). Također ćete naći dobar dio muzeja u staro srce zapadnog Berlina i Područje Steglitz-Zehlendorf grada, ali u gotovo svim četvrtima postoje veći ili manji muzeji. Postoje muzeji koji pokrivaju sve, od umjetnosti preko povijesti Berlina i Njemačke do raznih grana tehnologije i znanosti.

Većina muzeja naplaćuje ulaz za osobe starije od 18 godina - obično od 6 do 14 eura. Popusti (obično 50%) dostupni su studentima i osobama s invaliditetom s identifikacijom. Djeca i mladi često mogu doći besplatno, ali provjeravaju dobna ograničenja u određenim muzejima. Lijepa ponuda za ovisnike o muzejima je trodnevna Prolaze muzeji za 29 eura (koncesije: 14,50 eura), što omogućuje ulaz na sve redovne izložbe otprilike 30 državnih muzeja i javnih zaklada.

Većina muzeja zatvorena je ponedjeljkom - značajne iznimke uključuju Muzej Pergamon, Muzej Neues i Deutsches Historisches Museum, koji su otvoreni svakodnevno. Museumsportal Berlin, kolektivna web inicijativa, nudi jednostavan pristup informacijama o svim muzejima, spomen obilježjima, dvorcima i zbirkama te o trenutnim i predstojećim izložbama. Neki muzeji nude besplatan ulaz ili ulazak s velikim popustom jednom tjedno, jednom mjesečno ili u određeno doba dana. Ova web stranica ima dnevna ažuriranja o besplatnim ponudama u Berlinu.

Ostaci Berlinskog zida

Preostali dio Berlinskog zida
Spomenica Berlinskog zida u ulici Bernauer Straße

Iako je Berlinski zid već dugo demontiran i veći dio terena koji je zauzimao potpuno je preuređen, još uvijek možete pronaći dijelove zida sačuvane oko Berlina. To se ne odnosi na vrlo male komadiće zida koje je istočnonjemačka vlada prodala neposredno nakon demontaže, a koje se mogu naći u raznim kafićima, restoranima i hotelima ne samo u Berlinu, već na stvarne sačuvane fragmente zida koji još uvijek stoje u njihovoj izvorna mjesta. Za velike dijelove udaljenosti zid je vodio u središnjem Berlinu, pločnici na pločnicima pokazuju njegovo nekadašnje mjesto.

Znakovita 3 Brandenburška vrata Brandenburška vrata na Wikipediji je točno u glavnoj ulici, Unter den Linden. Jedan od najčešće posjećenih je 4 Kontrolna točka Charlie Checkpoint Charlie na Wikipediji na južna granica Mittea i Kreuzberga, koji je ponovno stvoreni legendarni granični prijelaz unutar ulice Friedrichstraße. Tamo ne možete vidjeti stvarni zid, ali ova je kultna (i izuzetno turistička) točka na gotovo svakom popisu posjetitelja. Zapadno odatle možete pronaći komad zida koji postavlja Niederkirchnerstraße pored Topografija terora muzej u Kreuzberg. Još jedno popularno mjesto je Galerija East Side uz Spree u Friedrichshain, vrlo dugačak dio sačuvanog Zida sa šarenim grafitima. Svi su spomenuti fragmenti izmijenjeni i sada su turistička atrakcija, a ne stvarni povijesni spomenici - ako želite doista sačuvani dio Zida, krenite prema sjeverna granica Mitte i Gesundbrunnen u ulici Bernauer Straße i posjetite 5 Spomenica Berlinskog zida Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer na Wikipediji, s cjelovitim presjekom zida u svom mraku. Manji dio izvornog zida može se vidjeti sa S-Bahna kada se putuje između stanica Nordbahnhof i Humbolthain.

Biciklistička i pješačka staza dužine 160 km (99 mi) duž nekadašnjeg Berlinskog zida, Berliner Mauerweg (Staza Berlinskog zida), dobro je istaknuta i pruža naizmjenične dijelove od povijesne važnosti i prirodnih ljepota.

Privatne umjetničke galerije

Kako je Berlin grad umjetnosti, vrlo je lako pronaći umjetničku galeriju na putu. Pružaju lijepu priliku da besplatno pogledaju djela suvremenih umjetnika u ne toliko prepunom okruženju. Neke ulice galerije s više od desetak galerija su Auguststraße, Linienstraße, Torstraße, Brunnenstraße (sve Mitte, sjeverno od stanice S-Bahn Oranienburger Straße), Zimmerstraße (Kreuzberg, U-Bahn stanica Kochstraße) i Fasanenstraße (Charlottenburg). Možete pronaći popis svih izložbi i otvorenja galerija, kao i kartu na Berlin Art Grid.

Visoke zgrade s osmatračnicama

Stup pobjede

Berlin ima popriličan udio visokih zgrada, a budući da je grad prilično prostran i nema niti jedno središte u kojem se nalaze sve visoke zgrade, možete uživati ​​u lijepom pogledu većine njih, čak i onih koji nisu visoki prema svjetskim standardima .

Većina mjesta za gledanje raširena je unutar Berlin / Mitte okrug. Najviša njemačka građevina, 6 Fernsehturm Fernsehturm Berlin na Wikipediji (TV toranj), smješteno na Alexanderplatz, visok je 368 m, a osmatračnica s barom i restoranom udaljena je oko 205 m. U blizini možete pronaći Hotel Park Inn s malom terasom na 40. katu. Odatle imate prekrasan pogled na Fernsehturm. Još jedno mjesto za gledanje moderne zgrade na 101 m je Kollhoffov toranj na Potsdamer Platz, koji ima i najbrže dizalo u Europi.

Jedna od tri najvažnije povijesne zgrade s vidikovcima je Reichstagsgebäude, zgrada u kojoj se nalazi njemački parlament u Spreebogen / Regierungsviertel), sa spektakularnom staklenom kupolom, s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na Berlin. Ulaz u kupolu je besplatan, ali to trebate rezervirajte svoje mjesto unaprijed. Kada rezervirate mjesto putem interneta, imajte na umu da ćete dobiti do tri e-adrese u procesu: prva sadrži vezu za stvaranje popisa članova za vašu grupu (morate kliknuti na ovu vezu da biste nastavili postupak); druga sadrži obavijest da je vaš zahtjev primljen, ali još nije potvrđen; treća e-pošta je sama potvrda koju biste trebali donijeti (bilo kao ispis ili na telefonu) na dan posjeta, zajedno s osobnom iskaznicom s fotografijom (tj. putovnicom za strance).

Poznati spomenik visok 67 m 7 Siegessäule Stup pobjede u Berlinu na Wikipediji (Stup pobjede), nekad neposredno ispred Reichstagsgebäude, ali sada smješten usred Straße des 17. Juni u Tiergarten, ima platformu za gledanje. Također se možete popeti na vrh Berliner Dom (Berlinska katedrala) u Berlin / Mitte na Museumsinsel za pogled na grad.

Vidikovac koji se nalazi u drugom okrugu je Funkturm (Radio toranj) u Zapadni kraj. Riječ je o rešetkasti toranj visok 150 m s osmatračnicom na otvorenom 124 m nad zemljom.

Jedina besplatna točka gledanja je ona na Reichstagsgebäude, a ostale se kreću između 3 i 13 eura.

Zoološki vrt

Berlin ima dva zoološka vrta i akvarij. The 8 Berlinski zoološki vrt Berlinski zoološki vrt na Wikipediji na zapadu (Berlin / Mitte) je povijesni zoološki vrt. To je oaza u gradu i vrlo je popularna među obiteljima i školama. Ima najveći raspon vrsta na svijetu i poznat je po svojim pandama. The Akvarij Berlin je najveći akvarij u Njemačkoj i dio berlinskog zoološkog vrta (može se posjetiti zasebno). To je u blizini Vrata slona (Budapester Straße), jednog od ulaza u zoološki vrt, i tradicionalne foto stanice za većinu posjetitelja zbog arhitekture. The Tierpark Berlin u Friedrichsfelde (Berlin / Istok) je prostraniji od povijesnog berlinskog zoološkog vrta i otvoren je otprilike 50 godina, počevši od doba podjele kada su vlasti na Istoku htjele ponuditi svom narodu vlastiti zoološki vrt. Spoj također uključuje mali dvorac sa susjednim parkom.


Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Berlinu okrug članaka

Podignite kopiju Exberliner, mjesečni list na engleskom jeziku za Berlin kako bi saznao što se događa, kada i gdje. Pruža visokokvalitetno novinarstvo i najnovije popise. Ako razumijete njemački, planeri aktivnosti za grad, nervozan i Savjet, dostupni su na svakom kiosku. Budite spremni odabrati između velikog broja opcija.


Javna autobusna linija 100 sa dvospratnim autobusom
Kip "Molekuli ljudi" u berlinskom Osthafenu

Idite dalje obilazak Berlina. Četvrti Mitte i okolne četvrti dovoljno su kompaktni da omogućuju brojne izvrsne šetnice kroz njegove ulice ispunjene poviješću. Vidjet ćete nevjerojatne stvari koje bi vam inače nedostajale. Pojedinosti su obično dostupne na recepcijama hostela i hotela.

  • 1 Obilazak Berlina javnom autobusnom linijom 100 i 200. Autobusne linije 100 i 200 obične su autobusne linije, ali prolaze pored mnogih poznatih znamenitosti Berlina. Oba putuju svakih 5–10 minuta između S U-stanice Zoologischer Garten i S U-stanice Alexanderplatz. Sve karte za BVG su prihvaćene. 2,70 € (jednokratno) ili 7,60 € (dnevna karta).
  • Razgled bunkera (samostalno vođen). Berlin još uvijek ima mnogo bunkera iz Drugog svjetskog rata raširenih po cijelom gradu - neki se raspadaju, neki se koriste kao mjesto događaja, a drugi se mogu posjetiti u privatnom / plaćenom obilasku (npr. U blizini Gesundbrunnena). Mnogi su još uvijek u vrlo dobrom stanju, često prekriveni s puno grafita. Često se uklapaju u gradsku arhitekturu i jedva su uočljivi između redovnih zgrada, ali samo kad se dvaput pogledaju. Ako želite istražiti neke od ovih zgrada, krenite prema OpenStreetMap (izvoz) ili koristite aplikaciju poput OSMand i tražiti bunker.
  • Stern und Kreisschiffahrt. Daleko najveća brodska tvrtka u Berlinu. Oni nude ture po većini jezera.
  • Tour Segway Berlin. 3. Nudi različite obilaske Segwaya u Berlinu. Započnite blizu Brandenburger Tor, za male grupe do 10 osoba. 75 EUR.
  • Ulaznica B. Prikaz grada Berlina na ručno odabranim arhitektonskim rutama. Predvođeni arhitektima na njemačkom, engleskom, francuskom, talijanskom ili španjolskom jeziku. U ponudi su izleti s vode, kopna ili helikopterom. Oni organiziraju vašu posebnu turneju o suvremenoj arhitekturi u Berlinu uz brojne ekskluzivne posjete unutrašnjosti zgrada.
  • Yachtcharter Werder. Nudi mogućnost dugotrajnog boravka na plovnim putovima Berlina i okolne savezne države Brandenburg.

Rekreacija na otvorenom

Berlin ima mnogo sjajnih parkovi koji su ljeti vrlo popularni. Zeleni Berlin djeluje neke od njih.

Najveći park u Berlinu je Großer Tiergarten (u Berlin / Mitte). Ljeti i vikendom vidjet ćete gomilu obitelji sa roštiljem.

U gradu postoji nekoliko značajnih parkova Berlin / Istočni centar. Može se pružiti izvanredan panoramski pogled na južni Berlin Viktoriapark u Kreuzbergu. Na vrhu ćete naći i nacionalni Schinkelov spomenik. Mauerpark poznat je po Bearpit Karaokeu koji se svake druge nedjelje u ljeto održava po velikom buvljaku. To je također popularno mjesto za roštiljanje. Park Görlitzer ima prostor za roštilj, nogometno igralište i tvrtku za mini golf.

Uz palaču Charlottenburg u Berlin / grad zapad je Schlossgarten Charlottenburg. Zelene površine parka su besplatne, pa tamo možete prošetati čak i ako vas palača ne zanima.

Nešto dalje od ulaza u podzemnu željeznicu Berlin / Istok su Gärten der Welt (Svjetski vrt). Unutra možete pronaći veliki, dobro uhodani kineski vrt, korejski vrt, mali Balijev vrt / staklenik, orijentalni vrt s lijepim fontanama i klaustrom te japanski vrt, što je projekt gradskog partnerstva Berlina i Tokija. Najbolje vrijeme za posjet je u proljeće ili ljeto. Nešto dalje u suprotnom smjeru, u Berlin / Steglitz-Zehlendorf, je Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem (Botanički vrt i botanički muzej Berlin-Dahlem).

Veliki Treptower Park u Berlin / Treptow-Köpenick pored Spree je lijepo i čisto. Poznat je po Insel der Jugend (Otok mladosti) i brojnim iznajmljivanjima brodova i izletima brodom.

Berlin ih također ima poprilično jezera i plaže pogodno za plivanje. Često imaju jedno plaćeno područje sa sadržajima i česta neupravljana mjesta sa besplatnim pristupom. Neki imaju određena područja za gola kupanja (FKK). Wannsee u Berlin / Steglitz-Zehlendorf naziva se berlinska "kada za kupanje". Strandbad Wannsee je najpoznatije kupalište za lokalno stanovništvo. Vozite se S-Bahn linijama S1 ili S7 do stanice Nikolassee i slijedite gužvu! Na jugoistoku Berlina u Berlin / Treptow-Köpenick, naći ćete Müggelsee koje je popularno kupalište.

Festivali i godišnja događanja

Francuska kupola na festivalu svjetla
  • Ultraschall Berlin - Festival za novu glazbu. U siječnju. Godišnji festival započet 1999. godine, koji je posvećen novoj glazbi na kojoj se nalaze svjetske premijere i glazba nedavnih skladatelja. Koncerti se održavaju na različitim mjestima širom grada, a izvode ih mali ansambli do velikih orkestara.
  • Berlinale - Berlinski filmski festival. U veljači. Najveći kulturni događaj u gradu i važan dio u kalendaru globalne filmske industrije (tamo gore s Cannesom). Godišnje se proda 250 000 ulaznica, prikaže 400 različitih filmova i niz povezanih zabava i događaja. Za razliku od Cannesa, sve su projekcije na Berlinaleu otvorene za javnost. Ulaznice su jeftine i relativno ih je lako dobiti za projekcije "Međunarodnog foruma mladog filma" i "Berlinale Panorama" (filmovi koji nisu u konkurenciji). Berlinski međunarodni filmski festival (Q130871) na Wikipodacima Berlinski međunarodni filmski festival na Wikipediji
  • MaerzMusik. U ožujku. Festival sa suvremenom glazbom i izvedbama o pitanjima našeg doba, u organizaciji Berliner Festspiele.
  • 2 Galerija na otvorenom Oberbaumbrücke, Oberbaumbrücke između Kreuzberga i Friedrichshaina (u Berlin / Istočni centar, odmah ispod mosta Oberbaum). Lipanj: 10: 00-22: 00. Umjetnici prodaju svoja djela, amaterski plesači tanga održavaju javne nastupe, a vi možete doprinijeti zajedničkom slikanju na vrlo dugom platnu raširenom na ulici duž festivala. Besplatno.
  • Fête de la Musique (Svjetski dan glazbe). 21. lipnja svake godine. Sve vrste glazbe po gradu na današnji dan usklađuju se sa sličnim danima u većini francuskih gradova.
  • Mladi Euro Classic. U kolovozu. Glazbeni festival osnovan 2000. godine na kojem sudjeluju omladinski orkestri iz cijelog svijeta. Koncerti se održavaju u Konzerthaus Berlin na Gendarmenmarkt. Festival obično traje oko 2 tjedna. Na koncertima se često održavaju svjetske premijere. Mladi Euro Classic (Q2601217) na Wikipodacima Mladi Euro Classic na Wikipediji
  • Lange Nacht der Museen (Duga noć muzeja), 49 30 24749888. Kraj kolovoza. Veliki kulturni događaj s brojnim muzejima (oko 80) otvorenim do 02:00 i dodatnim događanjima po gradu. Odrasli 18 eura, koncesije 12 eura, mlađi od 12 godina besplatno. Ulaznice uključuju neograničeno korištenje shuttle autobusa i javnog prijevoza (BVG i S-Bahn). Ako kupujete unaprijed, karte su jeftinije.
  • Dan otvorenih vrata federalne vlade (Oznaka der judnen Tür der Bundesregierung). Prošli vikend u kolovozu. Na jedan vikend savezna vlada organizira dane otvorenih vrata na kojima se može pristupiti većini saveznih ministarstava i drugih vladinih institucija. Također su dostupni dijelovi njemačke kancelarije, gdje će se obično pojaviti trenutni kancelar. Osiguran je besplatan prijevoz između lokacija. Postoje sigurnosne provjere i oni savjetuju da izbjegavaju donošenje većih predmeta (poput kofera). Ponesite sa sobom službenu iskaznicu. Besplatno.
  • Musikfest Berlin. Kraj kolovoza. Veliki festival klasične glazbe koji obilježava početak sezone. Otprilike 2 tjedna održavaju se koncerti u mnogim berlinskim glazbenim prostorima. Nastupaju poznati internacionalni i njemački orkestri. U organizaciji Berliner Festspiele.
  • Festival svjetlosti, 49 30 25489244. U listopadu. Desetodnevni festival na kojem su poznate zgrade u Berlinu osvijetljene na poseban način. Besplatno. Festival svjetlosti (Q125715) na Wikipodacima Festival svjetlosti (Berlin) na Wikipediji


  • Karneval. Krajem veljače ili početkom ožujka. Kako je mnogo ljudi u Berlinu izvorno dolazilo iz južnog ili zapadnog područja Njemačke, gdje Faširanje, Fastnacht ili Karneval slavi se, pokladna povorka uspostavljena je i u Berlinu. Postajao je sve veći i veći (oko 500.000 do milijun ljudi koji su gledali), ali kostimi i automobili prilično su dosadni i ljudi nisu tako dotjerani kao na "originalnim" velikim karnevalskim povorkama (Köln, Mainz, Düsseldorf). Od 2007. godine izabrana je tradicionalna ruta preko Kurfürstendamma. Sami ljudi iz Berlina nimalo ne mare za Karnevala; ovo je uglavnom događaj za ljude koji dolaze iz njemačkih regija koje imaju Karneval. Zapravo, većina će se Berlinaca smijati vama ako spomenete da ste otišli u Karneval - to nije berlinska tradicija, već institucija nakon 1990. godine.
  • Karneval der Kulturen (Karneval kultura). U svibnju ili lipnju (na bijelu nedjelju). Ideja "Karnevala kultura" mimohod je različitih etničkih skupina grada koji prikazuju tradicionalnu glazbu, kostime i plesove. Sudjeluju i druge modernije, alternativne i političke skupine. Slična događanja također se održavaju u Hamburg i Frankfurt. Karneval der Kulturen (Q457590) na Wikipodacima Karneval der Kulturen na Wikipediji
  • Dan ulice Christopher. Krajem srpnja. Berlinski gay ponos. Poznata godišnja politička demonstracija za prava homoseksualne kulture organizirana u svim većim njemačkim gradovima. Čak i ako ste ravnodušni po tom pitanju, Dan ulice Christopher obično je vrijedan prizor jer se mnogi sudionici pojave u divljim kostimima.
  • Fuckparade. U kolovozu. Fuckparade (Hateparade u ranim danima) započeo je kao antiparada ili demonstracija protiv komercijalizirane Ljubavne parade i prvo je bio istog datuma kao i Parada ljubavi, ali kasnije je datum pomaknut. Fuckparade je politička demonstracija, s političkim govorima na početku i na kraju, a parada s glazbom između. Općenito je moto Fuckparadea "protiv uništavanja klupske scene". Glazba je sasvim drugačija nego na Love Paradeu: uglavnom neovisna / alternativna / ekstremna elektronička glazba. Fuckparade (Q562198) na Wikipodacima Fuckparade na Wikipediji
  • Hanf parada. U kolovozu. Hanfparade je najveća europska politička demonstracija za legalizaciju konoplje za uporabu u poljoprivredi i kao stimulans. Poznato je da se događaju sukobi s policijom i konzumiranje bilo kog oblika kanabisa na ovim demonstracijama nije dobra ideja jer policija htjeti kontrolirati ljude samo da bi pokazali da mogu. Hanfparade (Q175219) na Wikipodacima Hanfparade na Wikipediji

Kulturna mjesta

Konzerthaus Berlin na Žandarmenmarktu

Berlin je vjerojatno živo kulturno središte Njemačke. Kako je tijekom podjele imao kulturnu infrastrukturu dviju glavnih prijestolnica, kazališta, opera i sveučilišta ima u izobilju. To povlači prazne općinske blagajne i dovodi do pritužbi ljudi iz drugih dijelova Njemačke na subvencije, ali pomažu u održavanju jedne od najživljih kulturnih scena u Europi.

Sveobuhvatnu platformu koja sadrži popis kulturnih događaja nudi Berlin Bühnen u ime oko 80 mjesta. Značajne kulturne institucije u Berlinu za izvedbene umjetnosti, kako klasične tako i moderne, uglavnom se mogu naći u Mitte i Grad zapad. Čak i ako nećete vidjeti predstavu ili koncert, mnoga su mjesta arhitektonski impresivna i kao takva atrakcija za sebe.

Na kazalište strani, mogao bi pripasti "grand old" naslov Njemačko kazalište, klasično kazalište s impresivnom postavom glumaca i redatelja. Sve u svemu, poznata kazališta u Berlinu imaju tendenciju modernijeg karaktera. Tu spadaju Berliner Ensemble, Kazalište Maxim Gorki, ponekad kontroverzan Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz kao i Kazalište am Kurfürstendamm s TV slavnim osobama u modernim predstavama. Grad također ima Englesko kazalište u Istočni Srednji Berlin, ako više volite izvedbe na engleskom jeziku. Neka su kazališna mjesta poznata po svojim mjuziklima: povijesnim Kazalište des Westens, Kazalište na Potsdamer Platzu, i Friedrichstadt-Palast, posljednja koja predstavlja najveću berlinsku predstavu s preko 100 umjetnika na najvećoj kazališnoj sceni na svijetu.

Ljubitelji opera imate nekoliko mjesta na kojima možete birati. Glavne klasične operne kuće su Deutsche Oper, i Državni brod Unter den Linden čija impresivna zgrada i kraljevska povijest čine samo zgradu vrijednom posjeta. Za modernije opere krenite na Komische Oper Berlin, Schillerovo kazalište ili Neuköllner Oper, proglašena je nekoliko puta najboljom izvan operne kuće i poznata po svojim modernim i suvremenim komadima. Uglavnom na njemačkom, što se obično odnosi na razvoj događaja u Njemačkoj, i vrlo kreativan i inovativan.

Berliner Philharmoniker velika je koncertna dvorana koju je projektirao Hans Scharoun i dom Berlinska filharmonija. Poznata zgrada i izvrsni glazbenici. Preporučuju se rezervacije, ali jeftinije ulaznice obično su dostupne 2–4 sata prije koncerta ako nisu rasprodane. Svakog utorka (od rujna do lipnja) 13: 00-14: 00 besplatni koncert za ručak; dođi ranije. Zimi su kasni noćni koncerti (22:30 ili 23:00) povoljni i često imaju više avangardnih ili nekonvencionalnih formata. Susjedni Kammermusiksaal (Dvorana komorne glazbe) dodan je kasnije i domaćin je manjih koncerata. Druga mjesta za uživanje u klasičnoj glazbi uključuju Konzerthaus Berlin i Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler (HfM). HfM (Berlinska glazbena akademija) nudi brojne koncerte svojih učenika i drugih profesionalnih glazbenika, od kojih je većina besplatna.


U Berlinu postoji stotinjak kina, iako većina prikazuje samo filmove sinkronizirane na njemački, bez titlova. U nastavku su navedena neka od važnijih kina koja također prikazuju filmove na izvornom jeziku (potražite OmU - "original sa titlovima" - notacija). Većina filmova koji su sinhronizirani na njemački objavljeni su nešto kasnije u Njemačkoj. Ulaznice su obično 5-7 eura. Od ponedjeljka do srijede posebni su kino dani sa smanjenim ulazom.

Tri su značajna kina u Kreuzbergu u Berlin / Istočni centar u neposrednoj blizini. Babilon Kreuzberg, malo kino sagrađeno pedesetih godina, u kojem se prikazuju filmovi koji nisu mainstream. Kino Moviemento koje je najstarije kino u Njemačkoj (1907). I Eiszeit. U Berlin / Mitte u blizini Hackesche Höfe postoji Kino Central, repertoarno kino smješteno u bivšem čučnju, i Filmski teatar Hackesche Höfe prikazuje vrlo širok spektar filmova. Kant Kino u Berlin / grad zapad jedno je od rijetkih starih kina (osnovano 1912.) u zapadnom gradu Berlina. Prikazuju uglavnom ne mainstream europske filmove.

Mainstream kino, CineStar Original, prikazuje samo filmove u izvornoj verziji (npr. na engleskom, bez titlova); i CineStar IMAX je 3D kino s posebnom laserskom i zvučnom tehnologijom. IMAX filmovi obično su dostupni na engleskom jeziku. Oba se kina nalaze u Sony Centeru na Potsdamer Platzu u Berlin / Mitte.


U Berlinu se nude gotovo svi sportovi; some speculate that the lukewarm support Hertha enjoys even in times of success is due to the huge offer of other sports (similar to how Los Angeles failed to maintain an NFL team due to the diverse cultural offerings):

  • Watch association football i.e. soccer. Berlin has two professional teams, both in Bundesliga, the top tier of association football in Germany.
Herta BSC is the best known: they play at Olympia stadium in Charlottenburg west of the centre. The stadium itself is worth seeing - it hosted the 2006 Fifa world cup final and the infamous 1936 Olympics.
Union Berlin: their home stadium is in Köpenick southeast of the centre.
There are no city teams in the 2nd or 3rd tier of Bundesliga, but several at lower levels: the Berlin FA lists them all.
  • Berlin Handball has had a hard time competing with the north German powerhouses but these days the Füchse Berlin iz Reinickendorf who play their home games in Max Schmeling Halle are a force to be reckoned with.
  • 3 Košarka. Alba Berlin, known as The Albatross are consistently the best basketball team in Germany, and one of the best in Europe. With fans crazier than most in the NBA, Albatross games at the o2 World arena are an exciting way to take in one of the world's greatest sports.
  • Public swimming pools. Can be found around the city. Check out BBB for pool listings and opening times.
  • Jedrenje, on one of the many lakes is also popular. You can find sailing clubs and most universities have ships as well.
  • Golf. You can find golf clubs all around Berlin, although for non-members Motzen has one of the best.
  • 4 Hokej. The Berlin Eisbären (Polar Bears) play this fast, exciting and very physical sport during the winter. The excitement is heightened by the singing and chanting of the crowds, who are fueled by the copious quantities of wurst and beer available.
  • Floorball, is booming faster than ever before in the German capital. A sum of teams defines the cascade of the local floorball scene, whereas the decorated Bundesliga site of BAT Berlin probably embodies the most prominent one.
  • Američki nogomet. After the closing of NFL Europe and the related end of Berlin Thunder (triple winner of the World Bowl), the Berlin Adler (Eagles) have historically been Berlin's No. 1 team playing in the German Football League (until 2017) they are one of the oldest and most storied teams in Germany being a founding member of the first American Football season in 1979 but have entered something of a slump, often falling to their crosstown rivals. Apart from the "Berlin-Derby" a highlight of the season is the match against the Dresden Monarchs as the two teams share an intense and storied rivalry. The Berlin Rebels (in 2018) have somewhat overtaken them in on-field success playing in the first division German Football League. The 2017 season saw the Adler lose the promotion/relegation round against a team from Potsdam so 2018 will see the Rebels and Potsdam but no Adler in the GFL1. American Football in Germany is a very relaxed and family friendly affair and you can definitely show up in any NFL, German or no Football gear at all and have a chat with fans of either side.
  • 5 Australian Football. The Berlin Crocodiles host regular matches in the summer.


Universities in Berlin

Berlin has three major universities, and one art university. Freie Universität was founded after World War II in West Berlin and today the city's largest university by number of students. Its name (literally "Free University") refers to the ideological conflict during the Cold War. Humboldt Universität is the oldest university in Berlin with an impressive record of alumni and professors – Albert Einstein, G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, to name but a few. During the Cold War it was the main university in East Berlin and after reunification there have been efforts to reinstate its former glory. The Technische Universität was founded in 1879 as Technische Hochschule Berlin with a good reputation for its research. The Universität der Künste Berlin is one of the largest institutions of music and arts in the world. This institution was for the most time of its existence called Hochschule der Künste, and you can still find the abbreviation HDK in the logo on some buildings.

The German capital naturally has some good options for learning the language:

  • 1 Goethe-Institut Berlin, Neue Schönhauser Str. 20, 49 30 259063, . Learn the German language with a variety of courses of different durations. Certificates from this institute are globally recognised as the standard for German language ability.


The current economic climate is stable but to find work in Berlin is not easy. A sound level of German improves your chance as only few multinational companies are present in Berlin. Any kind of skills (especially language) that separates you from the masses will definitely improve your chances for a job. Berlin has a niži GDP per capita than the German average, but slowly but surely new startups founded in Berlin are becoming bigger and bigger players and some companies have decided to open representative headquarters in Berlin following reunification - most notably Siemens, a company founded and intimately linked with Berlin that had most of its production and even zapravo headquarters in Erlangen i München during partition but is to reoccupy "Siemensstadt" (a part of Berlin/Spandau) with a railway line built in the 1920s to serve Siemens to be reactivated.

If you have an academic background then teaching English (Spanish, French and Latin are good, too) or private tutoring (e.g. math) for pupils is always a possibility as Berlin is a young city and education is in strong demand. Otherwise working in a bar might be an option but it'll be tough, because wages are low and big tips are uncommon. Chances are much better when big trade fairs (e.g. "Grüne Woche", bread & butter or ITB) or conventions take place so apply at temp and trade fair agencies. The hospitality industry and call centres are constantly hiring but wages are very low unless you can offer special skills (such as exotic languages) or background.

Berlin has a growing media, modelling and TV/movie industry. For daily soaps, telenovelas and movies most companies look for people with something specific. Apply at the bigger casting and acting agencies.

For English-language jobs, if might be worth checking out the classified ads of this monthly magazine for English-speakers, Exberliner.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's okrug članaka
Breitscheidplatz (between Ku'damm and Tauentzienstraße) in wintertime
The famous Ku'Damm
Galeries Lafayette, Friedrichstraße


The main shopping areas are:

  • Ku'Damm and its extension Tauentzienstraße u Berlin / grad zapad remain the main shopping streets even now that the Wall has come down. KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens) at Wittenbergplatz is a must visit just for the vast food department on the 6th floor. It's reputedly the biggest department store in Continental Europe and still has an old world charm, with very helpful and friendly staff.
  • Schloßstraße in Steglitz (Berlin / Steglitz-Zehlendorf) with the shopping centre Schloss-Straßen-Center, Forum Steglitz, Karstadt, Boulevard Berlin, Naturkaufhaus and Das Schloss, between the subway stations U9 Walther-Schreiber-Platz and U9 S1 Rathaus Steglitz.
  • Friedrichstraße u Berlin / Mitte is the upmarket shopping street in former East Berlin with Galeries Lafayette and the other Quartiers (204 to 207) as main areas to be impressed with wealthy shoppers.
  • Alexanderplatz u Berlin / Mitte. The renovated Galeria Kaufhof department store is worth a visit. For alternative souvenirs go to ausberlin.

The main shopping area for the alternative, but still wealthy crowd is north of Hackescher Markt u Berlin / Mitte, especially around the Hackesche Höfe.

For some more affordable but still very fashionable shopping there is Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain in Berlin / Istočni centar with a lot of young designers opening shops, but also lots of record stores and design shops. Constant change makes it hard to recommend a place, but the area around station Eberswalder Straße in Prenzlauer Berg, around Bergmannstraße and Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and around Boxhagener Platz in Friedrichshain are always great when it comes to shopping.

For souvenirs, have a look just in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche (Berlin / grad zapad); these shops sell almost the same items as others, but are cheaper. However, not all members of staff speak English. You can also get cheap postcards there (from €0.30 while the average price for normal postcard is €0.50-0.80).


There are four market halls selling fresh produce and ready-to-eat food. Marheinecke Markthalle i Markthalle Neun are both in Kreuzberg (Berlin / Istočni centar), Arminiusmarkthalle is in Moabit (Berlin / grad zapad) i Markthalle Tegel is in Tegel (Berlin/Reinickendorf and Spandau).

You can find dozens of flea markets with different themes in Berlin (mostly on weekends), but worth checking out is the big one at Straße des 17. Juni (between Ernst-Reuter-Haus and S-Bahn: Tiergarten). Two other flea markets are at Mauerpark in Prenzlauer Berg (Berlin / Istočni centar) and at Arkonaplatz (Berlin / Mitte), which is close to Mauerpark. Both are on Sundays, so you can combine visiting them.

Opening hours

Shopping hours are theoretically unlimited on weekdays. Nevertheless, many of the smaller shops still close at 20:00. Most of the bigger stores and nearly all of the malls are open until 21:00 or 22:00 from Thursday to Saturday.

Sunday opening is still limited to about a dozen weekends per year, although some supermarkets in train stations (Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten (under the S-Bahn bridge), Friedrichstraße, Innsbrucker Platz (U4 in the underground) and Ostbahnhof) are open on Sundays.

Many bakeries and small food stores (called Spätkauf or colloquially "Späti") are open late at night and on Sundays in more gentrified neighbourhoods (especially Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain). Stores inside the Hauptbahnhof (central station) have long working hours (usually until about 22:00-23:00), also on Sundays.

Credit cards

Although credit card and VISA/Mastercard-branded debit card acceptance is becoming more common, many stores still take only cash. Most places in tourist zones will accept credit cards, but it is still a good idea to ask in advance if you intend to pay with one. Many restaurants require a minimum check amount, sometimes in excess of €30.

For Americans, Germany uses the chip-and-pin system so you may have trouble at places like unattended gas stations and automated ticket machines. Often, a cashier will be able to swipe the magnetic strip, but don't be surprised if someone refuses your credit card because it doesn't have a chip. If possible, contact your card issuer before leaving home to see if they can replace your existing card with one that has a chip.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's okrug članaka

Ich bin ein Berliner

in some parts of Germany - but not Berlin, jelly doughnuts are known as Berliner, but in Berlin, they're called Pfannkuchen. This in turn means "pancake" almost everywhere else, so if you want a pancake in Berlin, you have to ask for Eierkuchen. Confused yet?

Lovers of ulična hrana rejoice! Berlin has an incredibly wide variety of different styles and tastes at very affordable prices (for European wallets, that is). You can find superb food in small stalls tucked away under the tracks of elevated U-Bahn stretches for well under five euros.

Berlin Currywurst

A staple in Berlin is currywurst. It's a bratwurst covered in ketchup and curry powder. You can find them all over Berlin by street vendors. It's a must try when in Berlin. Two renowned currywurst stands are "Konnopke's Imbiss" below Eberswalder Straße U-Bahn station on line 2 and "Curry 36" opposite the Mehringdamm U-Bahn station in Kreuzberg (only two stops south of Checkpoint Charlie). Both of these offer far friendlier service than many of Berlin's more upmarket eateries.

Another famous thing to eat in Berlin is döner, a flat bread filled with lamb or chicken meat and vegetables, available at many Turkish stands.

Berlin may seem like carnivore heaven, but vegetarians i vegans can eat quite well. Berliners are generally environmentally conscious, and that extends to their food; most of the inner neighbourhoods have a handful of good healthy vegetarian or vegan restaurants using local ingredients, though they tend to be more expensive than the ubiquitous kebab and sausage stands. If you're a vegetarian on a limited budget, many kebab restaurants have a good selection of roasted vegetables and salads, and you can usually get falafels (fried chickpea balls, suitable for vegans) and halloumi (a type of dense cheese) in place of meat.

Eating out in Berlin is incredibly jeftin compared to any other Western European capital or other German cities. The city is multicultural and many cultures' cuisines are represented here somewhere, although they are often modified to suit German tastes.

All prices must include VAT by law. Only upmarket restaurants may ask for a further service surcharge. It is best to ask if credit cards are accepted before you sit down—it's not that common to accept credit cards and cash is preferred. Most likely to be accepted are Visa and MasterCard; all other cards will only be accepted in some upmarket restaurants. European debit cards are not always accepted because due to debit card fraud, some processing companies stopped intra-European cards from specific countries. This does not apply to debit cards that are from German banks. Better have cash or ask the restaurant staff.


Restaurants between Nollendorfplatz and Winterfeldplatz in Schöneberg

One of the main tourist areas for eating out is Hackescher Markt/Oranienburger Straße. This area has dramatically changed during the years: once full of squats and not-entirely-legal bars and restaurants, it had some real character. It is rapidly being developed and corporatised, and even the most famous squat - the former Jewish-owned proto-shopping mall "Tacheles" - has had a bit of a facelift. There are still some gems in the side streets, though, The "Assel" (Woodlouse) on Oranienburger Straße, furnished with DDR-era furniture, is still relatively authentic and worth a visit, especially on a warm summer night. Oranienburger Straße is also an area where prostitutes line up at night, but don't be put off by this. The area is actually very safe since several administrative and religious buildings are located here.

For cheap and good food (especially from Turkey and the Middle East) you should try Kreuzberg i Neukölln with their abundance of Indian, pizza and Döner Kebap restaurants. Prices start from €2 for a kebab or Turkish pizza (different from the original Italian recipe and ingredients). If you are looking for a quick meal you could try getting off at Görlitzer Bahnhof or Schlesisches Tor on the U1 line - the area is filled with inexpensive, quality restaurants.

Kastanienallee is a good choice too - but again not what it used to be since the developers moved in (much less exploited than Hackescher Markt, though). It's a popular area with artists and students and has a certain Bohemian charm. Try Imbiss W, at the corner of Zionskirchstraße and Kastanienallee, where they serve superb Indian fusion food, mostly vegetarian, at the hands of artist-chef Gordon W. Further. Up the street is the Prater Garten, Berlin's oldest beer garden and an excellent place in the summer.

All restaurant information is in the corresponding borough articles of

  • Kreuzberg & Friedrichshain – Young and independent student area with a big Turkish community in Kreuzberg, slowly but surely gentrifying.
  • Grad zapad – Heart of West Berlin with good quality restaurants.
  • Mitte – Political and new centre of East Berlin with upmarket restaurants.
  • Schöneberg – City slickers and street cafe atmosphere.
  • Prenzlauer Berg – Buzzing Prenzlberg and its lively student scene.

Waiters and tipping

Except at very high-end restaurants, nobody will seat you. If you see an open table, just sit down. You may need to go get a menu yourself from another table or a pile near the cash register. If you sit outside, expect slightly slower service.

As in most European countries, you need to tell the waiter when you want to pay and leave. The waiter will come to you usually with a money purse, and the custom in Germany is to tell the waiter how much you're paying (including the tip) when you receive the bill — don't leave the money on the table. If there is confusion with the tip, remember to ask for your change, Wechselgeld (money back).

Add a 5-10% tip (or round up to the next Euro) to the bill if you are satisfied with the service. If you received shoddy service or are otherwise unsatisfied it is perfectly acceptable to not tip at all - waiters and waitresses have the same €8.85 an hour minimum wage any other job has, so they don't depend on tips as the biggest part of their salary like in the US.


It is very common to go out for breakfast or brunch (long breakfast and lunch, all you can eat buffet, usually from 10:00-16:00, for €4-12 - sometimes including coffee, tea or juice). See the district pages of Berlin/City West#Breakfast i Berlin/East Central#Eat.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's okrug članaka

A word of warning: Berlin's famous laissez-faire attitude is perhaps most evident in its approach to indoor smoking. Although technically prohibited in all but the smallest bars, you should assume that everywhere you go out, if no food is being served, will be quite smoky. This is also the case at clubs and large concert venues. If you have any medical issues, then you should be prepared, and either change your plans or bring a well-fitting mask. If not sure, call the venue and ask.


The club scene in Berlin is one of the biggest and most progressive in Europe. Even though there are some 200 clubs in the city, it's sometimes difficult to find the right club for you since the best ones are a bit off the beaten track and most bouncers will keep bigger tourist groups out. If you want to go clubbing, you will almost always have to pay an entrance fee. However, entrance is cheap compared to other big European cities, normally €5-15 (usually no drink included).

The main clubbing districts are in the east: Mitte (north of Hackescher Markt, around Alexanderplatz and around Köpenicker Straße), Friedrichshain (the "techno strip" along the Spree river), and Kreuzberg (around Schlesisches Tor). In once legendary Prenzlauer Berg almost all clubs have disappeared due to gentrification since the 2000s, while it still has many trendy bars and cafés. A few mainstream clubs are also located in Charlottenburg and at Potsdamer Platz. Techno is still the biggest sound in Berlin, with lots of progressive DJs and live acts around. But there are also many clubs playing '60s beat, alternative rock and of course mainstream music. Clubbing days are Thursday, Friday and especially Saturday, but some clubs are open every day of the week. On weekends partying in Berlin starts around midnight and peaks around 2AM or 3AM in many clubs, a bit later in techno clubs. Berlin is famous for its long and decadent after hours, going on until Monday evening. In regard to electronic music, you can check Resident Advisor for the best parties before you go out.


Berliners -especially young Berliners- love cocktails. People like to meet their friends at a cocktail bar before going clubbing. Prenzlauer Berg (Around U-Bahnhof Eberswalder Str., Helmholtzplatz, Oderberger Straße and Kastanienallee), Kreuzberg (Bergmannstraße, Oranienstraße and the area around Görlitzer Park and U-Bahnhof Schlesisches Tor), Schöneberg (Goltzstraße, Nollendorfplatz, Motzstraße for gays), and Friedrichshain (Simon-Dach-Straße and around Boxhagener Platz) are the main areas.

Some bars charge a small refundable deposit for glasses - you are given a token with your drink to return (with your glass) to the bar.

Na Warschauer Straße (which you can reach via S-Bahn and U-Bahn station Warschauer Straße) and more specifically Simon-Dach-Straße and around Boxhagener Platz you can find a wide variety of bars. It is common for locals to meet at Warschauer to go to a bar there. Also Ostkreuz ("Eastcross") and Frankfurter Allee are well known meeting points. Especially to visit the alternative ("underground-/left-szene") locations in houseprojects (so called squats), like the Supamolly at Jessnerstreet (Traveplatz), the Scharni38 (Scharnweberstreet) and so on, or famous alternative clubs on the Revaler Straße, like the R.A.W. ili Lovelite on Simplonstraße.

There are lots of Irish bars all over the city, as there are in all European cities. If you like off-the-shelf Irish bars or watching football in English then you won't be disappointed, but in a city with new cool bars opening pretty much daily and a huge range from which to choose, you'll find that these cater mostly to the Irish construction workers and Germans attracted by Irish music, which is often played in them. The Irish pub in the Europa Center at Tauentzienstraße is famous. Located in the basement of a skyscraper, you will find a big Irish pub and a rowdy crowd on the weekend. It also claims to have the longest bar in all of Berlin!

There aren't as many illegal bars as there were in the 1990s but bars open and close faster than you can keep up - check out the bar and cocktail guides in the bi-weekly magazines Savjet ili Zitty. For recommended bars, have a look at the district pages.


There are well over 1000 rock concerts a year in Berlin.You can find concerts in the big known locations but there are also many interesting little venues.You can find a good overview of the current concerts on the Ma Baker concert page.Every day the concerts are updated and displayed there.


A Brauhaus (brewery) brews and sells its own beer on the premises. There is usually a public viewing area onto the brewery. Probati Gaffel Haus, Brauhaus Georgbraeu, Brauhaus Mitte, Brauhaus Spandau i Brauhaus Lemke.


Cafe Einstein is one particular example of a home grown coffee chain which has nice staff, great coffee and is fairly priced. In particular, the Einstein on Unter den Linden is as far from "junk coffee" as it's possible to be.

If you want to get some tap water, ask for "Leitungswasser" (if you just say "water" (Wasser), you will receive mineral water.) This is common if you drink coffee. They should not charge you for it but you should order another drink as well.

Street drinking

Kiosks (off licences) can be found all over the city and sell bottled beers and other drinks. A kiosk will generally have a bottle opener on the counter and it is permitted to drink alcohol in the street. A refundable deposit of 8 to 25 cents per container (Pfand) is charged on plastic and glass bottles.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's okrug članaka

Berlin is still witnessing a construction boom of hotels and offices since the end of the Cold War. The boom leads to a significant oversupply of hotels which results in comparatively cheap prices even in the 5 star category (off-season prices of €110 per night are not unusual). Especially for a short visit, it may be best to stay at a place in Berlin-Mitte (around Friedrichstraße), as most of the main sights are located there. Due to its history most hotels in Berlin are still located in the City West (i.e. Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf), especially close to Zoo station. Alexanderplatz and Anhalter Bahnhof have clusters of 2-3 star budget hotels (i.e. Ibis, Motel One). You'll find only budget hotels (Motel One and Meininger) located directly at the new main train station but some large constructions are in progress. The (oddly named) budget hotel chain 'Motel-One' operates various 2-star hotels in the city centre. There are also many 3-4 star 'NH Hotels' offering good value. All major hotel chains are present in Berlin. A good idea to check that the hotel is close to public transport (U-Bahn or S-Bahn) to avoid too long walks.

Cheapest are youth hostels (called Jugendherbergen, only for members) and hostels (similar to youth hostels, but for everyone, mostly backpackers stay here, usually in one to 32-bed rooms). You will also find bed and breakfast offers (often private) and boarding houses (Pension, more familiar and smaller than hotels). The majority of private flats on platforms like AirBnB are offered illegaly in Berlin and contribute to the ongoing housing crisis. Try to choose your accommodation responsibly!

Check the district pages for individual accommodation listings. Popular hotel districts include:

  • Mitte - mostly high-end hotels in the main tourist areas and some cheap hotels and hostels on the outskirts
  • Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - the largest number of mid-range and upscale hotels can be found here, mostly grouped around the Zoologischer Garten railway station and the Ku'damm
  • Prenzlauer Berg - here you will find many independent small hotels, hostels and guesthouses in the relaxed atmosphere of this district
  • Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - the centre of alternative life in Berlin offers many suitably-themed accommodation opportunities, mostly hostels and guesthouses

You may find accommodation at reasonable prices in almost any district of Berlin, but be mindful of the time it may take to get from that place to where you want to visit, as Berlin is a very large city.


You can find internet cafes and telephone shops all around Berlin. Do a bit of research with the telephone shops because most focus on a particular region in the world. Many bars, restaurants and cafes offer their guests free wi-fi. Customers of the ubiquitous Einstein Coffee get 30 minutes of free wifi. Metro (U-Bahn) stations offer free wi-fi to everybody: BVG Wi-Fi.

The mobile network (3G/GPRS/GSM) covers the whole city. If you are coming from a non-GSM country (e.g. the United States) check your mobile phone for GSM compatibility. United States carrier Verizon, for example, will advertise phones that work on GSM networks as "World Devices." In general, however, any iPhone model from iPhone 6s onwards will support both CDMA and GSM, and will work perfectly in Berlin.

A free wireless network covers parts of Berlin, but requires special software on your computer. More information including maps of Berlin with coverage is available na liniji.

Ostati siguran

Berlin might be a safe place, but it is a huge city, and as such has some not-so-well maintained areas. No specific rules apply with the exception of public transportation and tourist areas where pickpockets are a problem. Watch your bags during rush hours, at larger train stations (with the central, Warschauer, and Revaler stations being notoriously sketchy at night).

The police in Berlin are competent, not corrupt; therefore, if you try to bribe them you are likely to spend at least a night behind bars to check your background. They are generally helpful to tourists. Most of the officers are able to speak English, so don't hesitate to approach them if you are frightened or lost. Police are generally more relaxed than in more conservative places like München and do not necessarily engage in a "zero tolerance" policy (but even then blatantly smoking a joint in front of police will land you in trouble even in Berlin). In general police will focus on crime and traffic safety rather than petty misdemeanors or drunken tourists unless things get out of hand.

The nationwide emergency numbers are

  • Medical emergencies and fires, 112.
  • Police emergency number, 110.

Since the 1980s, there have been localised riots on Labour Day (May 1). In general they take place in Kreuzberg around Oranienstraße/Mariannenplatz. Nowadays they usually start the night before May 1, especially in the Mauerpark (Prenzlauer Berg), at Boxhagener Platz and in Rigaer Str. (Friedrichshain) and start again in the evening of May 1 in Kreuzberg and in the mentioned areas. The violent riots have become rather small since 2005 due to the engagement of the citizens who celebrate the Labour Day with a nice "myfest" in Kreuzberg and well-planned police efforts. It is still better to stay out of these areas from 20:00 until sunrise. Vehicles should not be parked in these area as this is asking for damage!

Racially-motivated violence is rare but the risk is higher on the outskirts of East Berlin. It is recommended for non-white tourists to be attentive in areas such as Lichtenberg, Hellersdorf, Marzahn, Treptow and Köpenick in the evening/night especially if alone.

In the bordering neighbourhood of the districts Neukölln and Kreuzberg (between Hermannplatz, Schönleinstraße to Kottbusser Tor) and Wedding (Moabit and Gesundbrunnen) the risk of falling victim to robberies and assaults is higher. Tourists should visit these areas with some caution during the night as a mixture of drunken party people and poor neighbourhoods might lead to trouble.

National media and conservative politicians like to make a huge story out of certain well known drug dealing hot spots. Areas such as Görlitzer Park are well known for all sorts of illicit substances being on offer, but if you don't sell or buy this shouldn't preoccupy you. Despite media portrayals to the contrary, police čini frequently raid those places and try to catch drug dealers, but only a small handful are usually caught as they have developed certain measures to evade capture. Organized criminality does exist, but in general they try to focus on less violent activity in Germany and hardly ever target outsiders.

Although harmless, panhandlers have started to beg at local tourist spots such as Pariser Platz next to the Brandenburg Gate, Alexanderplatz and the Museuminsel. They are usually women accompanied by their daughters who ask if you speak English and say that they are from the new EU countries and trying to raise money to fly home. The story is false, so don't give them money, which would encourage further exploitation of the women and their kids. They also have a new tactic where they hand you a card telling their "story" and asking for money; beware that the children that they carry in their arms will search through your bags while you are reading the card. The best way to avoid this is simply to ignore them and not to respond when they ask you "Speak English?" If you feel scared, don't hesitate to contact the police, as they will help.


Prostitution is a legal business in Njemačka. Berlin has no major red-light district though some big brothels have been built. Berlin has no restricted areas for prostitutes (called a "Sperrbezirk" in German) so the "apartments" or brothels are spread throughout the whole city. Oranienburger Straße in Mitte is infamous for its prostitutes at night. These women are a tourist attraction and the ladies focus only on tourists to request exorbitant prices.

The proximity to Eastern Europe, relaxed visa rules, and the illegal migrant community increases the number of prostitutes. Advertisements are in the tabloids and online. Human trafficking and illegal immigration is a problem; therefore, police raids do take place and close down illegal operations. Brothels and prostitutes must register just like any other businesses, or they will be prosecuted for tax evasion. In general, police officers are not interested in the clients (especially if you stay calm and don't try to argue) but you must have a photo ID (a photocopy of your passport is fine) with you. Otherwise, you might spend a night at the police station while your background gets checked.

Ostati zdrav

Berlin is home to Charité, perhaps one of the world's most famous hospitals, former workplace of medicine legends like Robert Koch, Rudolf Virchow, Emil von Behring or Emil Fischer and current place of employment of Christian Drosten, a world renowned expert on Coronaviruses.

Snaći se


Berlin has a large number of public libraries throughout the city. One of the largest is the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek (America Memorial Library) on Blücherplatz 1.


Idi dalje

Neki ljudi iz Berlina pitali bi vas zašto biste ikada poželjeli otići, ali postoji nekoliko lijepih mjesta u neposrednoj blizini - neki čak i nadomak berlinske gradske željeznice. Izvan tankog prstena predgrađa (u usporedbi s većinom drugih europskih metropola), Brandenburg je uglavnom ruralni, tako da će vas kratka vožnja odvesti pravo u živopisnu prirodu. Berlinci ovo područje nazivaju "JWD" (izgovara se yott vay dan), skraćenica od "janz weit draußen", to jest "u pozadini onoga". Brandenburg i Berlin surađuju u mnogim aspektima regionalnog planiranja, a granicu između njih nije uvijek lako uočiti. Dio te suradnje je plan da se (u teoriji) razvoj usredotoči na mrežu željezničkih pruga u obliku zvijezde prema Berlinu.

Autocesta Raststätte Grunewald na stanici S-Bahn Nikolassee dobro je mjesto za stopiranje ako idete prema jugu ili zapadu.

  • Potsdam (35 km) - glavni grad okolne savezne države Brandenburg, nedaleko jugozapadno od Berlina, i čini savršeno jednodnevno putovanje. Vrijedno je posjetiti park Sanssouci, mjesto svjetske baštine sa svojim velikim poznatim palačama. Do stanice možete doći S-Bahn S7 ili Regional-Express RE1 Potsdam Hauptbahnhof ili Park Sanssouci (cijena karte C). Potrebno je oko pola sata od Berlin Hauptbahnhof ili Friedrichstraße.
  • Oranienburg (35 km) - mirno predgrađe u kojem se nalaze ostaci grada KZ Sachsenhausen, jedan od rijetkih sačuvanih nacističkih koncentracijskih logora na njemačkom tlu. U središtu Oranienburga nalazi se i mala palača. Pola sata vlakom RE.
  • Spreewald (oko 85 km) - zaštićeni UNESCO-ov rezervat biosfere. Obuhvaća nizinska područja u kojima se rijeka Spree vijuga u tisućama malih plovnih putova kroz livade i šume. Prekrasan je to jedinstveni krajolik udaljen oko sat vremena južno od Berlina i vrijedan dnevnog izleta ili vikend putovanja radi opuštanja od gradskog vreve.
  • Frankfurt na Odri (100 km) - na poljskoj granici, s mnogim međunarodnim studentima, nadomak je. Nešto više od sata vožnje vlakom RE (usluga od pola sata).
  • Lutherstadt Wittenberg (110 km) - ICE oko 40 minuta jugoistočno od Berlina. Schlosskirche je bila crkva u kojoj je Martin Luther pribio svoje teze na vrata crkve, započinjući grad Protestantska reformacija. Preko puta ulice nalazi se posjetiteljski centar s izvrsnim informacijama. Sjajan grad za obilazak i lako ga možete istraživati ​​pješice.
  • Regija jezera Müritz (Mecklenburgische Seenplatte; c. 145 km) - nacionalni park na sjeveru s nekoliko stotina jezera. Savršeno za kampiranje i kanuing u blizini prirode.
  • Leipzig (190 km) - najživlji i najbrži grad Istočne Njemačke, poznat po svojoj kreativnoj kulturnoj sceni, ponekad pretenciozno nazvan "Novi Berlin", ali ipak puno manji i opušteniji od glavnog grada; 1:15 sati vlakom prema jugu.
  • Dresden (190 km) - bivša prijestolnica Saske sa baroknim palačama, crkvama i dragocjenim umjetničkim blagom; dva sata vlakom ili automobilom prema jugu. Intenzivno natjecanje na relaciji Dresden-Berlin znači autobusna karta (2,5 do 3 sata) može se dobiti već za pet eura.
  • Lijepo Obala Baltičkog mora (npr. Usedom, Stralsund i Rügen) je dovoljno blizu za jednodnevni ili vikend putovanje automobilom (2,5 do 3 sata) ili vlakom (gotovo tri sata do Stralsunda; 3–3: 45 h do Usedoma).
  • Hamburg (290 km) - drugi po veličini grad u Njemačkoj, udaljen je ICE na manje od 2 sata; IRE traje malo duže (3 sata), ali posebnu ponudu od 19,90 € u jednom smjeru (dostupno u svakom trenutku) teško je nadmašiti, a i dalje je brža od autobusa.
  • Lužičko jezero i Srednjonjemačko jezero otprilike toliko južno koliko je Baltik sjeverno - nekadašnje jame lignita pretvorene u umjetna jezera

The Polirati granica udaljena je oko 90 km istočno od Berlina, pa bi možda bilo zanimljivo izletiti:

  • Szczecin (Stettin; 150 km) - oko dva i pol sata vlakom.
  • Poznań (Posen; 270 km) - tri sata vlakom.
Rute kroz Berlin
Hamburg Hamburg ICE-Logo.svg München Lutherstadt WittenbergLeipzig
ErfurtHalle Frankfurt ICE-Logo.svg Berlin KRAJ
HanoverWolfsburg Köln ICE-Logo.svg Berlin KRAJ
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Berlin ima vodič status. Sadrži niz dobrih, kvalitetnih informacija, uključujući hotele, restorane, atrakcije i detalje o putovanju. Molimo vas da doprinesete i pomognete nam da to napravimo zvijezda !