Bangalore - Bangalore

Vidhana Soudha

Bangalore, sada službeno poznat kao Bengaluru (Kannada: ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು), glavni je grad Indijanac drzava Karnataka. Danas je to veliki kozmopolitski grad s velikim brojem radno sposobnog stanovništva. Bangalore je glavno središte indijske industrije informacijske tehnologije (IT), a u svijetu je poznato pod nazivom "Silicijska dolina Indije".


Jednom nazvani "Vrtni grad Indije" i "Raj umirovljenika", ovi se epiteti ne primjenjuju na moderni Bangalore.


Najraniji zapisi o mjestu nazvanom "Bengaluru" nalaze se u hramu iz devetog stoljeća na području koje je danas poznato kao "Stari Bangalore".

Legenda kaže da se, kada je feudalni gospodar Kempe Gowda nekoć lovio zečeve na tom području, pojavio zec i napao svog psa. To je ostavilo izvrstan dojam na Gowdu i on je tom mjestu dao ime gandu bhoomi (mjesto heroja). 1537., uz pomoć lokalnog kralja, sagradio je na tom mjestu tri okruga zaštićena zidom utvrdom.

Tijekom sljedeća tri stoljeća Bangalore je postojao vrlo puno u sjeni susjednog grada, Mysore, a kontrola nad gradom mnogo je puta promijenila vlasnika. Godina 1831. označila je veliku prekretnicu za grad. Tvrdeći da je kralj Krishna Raja Wodeyar III pogrešno upravljao, Britanci su preuzeli kontrolu nad kraljevstvom Mysore i, vjerojatno pod utjecajem blagotvorne klime grada, premjestili administrativni glavni grad u Bangalore. Postavljeni su novi telekomunikacijski sustavi, izgrađene željezničke veze, izgrađene fine državne zgrade i uspostavljeni poznati gradski parkovi i vrtovi. Nakon neovisnosti, Bangalore je zadržao svoj položaj glavnog grada države Karnataka i nastavlja rasti.

Dugi niz godina Bangalore su u Indiji smatrali najzelenijim, najliberalnijim i najnaprednijim gradom. Ti su atributi pokrenuli Bangalore na čelo indijskog procvata visokotehnološke industrije, a svrstava se u jedan od najrazvijenijih gradova u Indiji i među najbrže rastuća urbana područja na svijetu.

Popularni mit koji objašnjava zavičajno ime Bengaluru je da potječe iz Benda Kaalu Uru (Grad kuhanog graha). Priča govori da je ime gradu nadjenula kralj Vira Ballala kojoj je starica, iako izgubljena na tom području, ponudila kuhani grah.


Za razliku od glavnih indijskih metropola koje su ljeti izuzetno vruće, Bangalore tijekom cijele godine uživa relativno blagu klimu.

  • Ljeto - veljača do svibanj (najviša temperatura je tijekom travnja i svibnja)
  • Monsun - lipanj do listopada (najjače kiše obično su između lipnja i kolovoza)
  • Zima - studeni do siječanj (s tim da je siječanj najhladniji mjesec)

Ljetne temperature mogu doseći 36 ° C (97 ° F), a ranojutarnje temperature zimi se kreću oko 12 ° C (54 ° F).

Međutim, Bangalore ima nepredvidljivo vrijeme, nimalo za razliku od nekih zapadnih gradova. Uobičajeno je imati topli sunčani dan praćen večernjim pljuskovima koji završavaju prohladnim noćima. Dakle, budite spremni za kišu veći dio godine (posebno od svibnja do studenog).


Budući da je glavni grad Karnataka, široko rasprostranjeni i službeni jezik u Bangaloreu je Kannada. Većina ljudi može govoriti i razumjeti engleski jezik Hindski. Ostali indijski jezici poput Malajalamski, Tamil, Teluški, bengalski i urdu govore odgovarajuće migrantske i manjinske zajednice. Kako je Bangalore komercijalno i kulturno središte, ima malo toga Konkani, Marathski i Tulu zvučnika.

Većina vozača auto-rikši, kondukteri u autobusima i prodavači mogu razgovarati na barem osnovnom engleskom jeziku. Neki od njih moći će razumjeti hindski, tamilski i telugu. Znakovi su obično napisani na kannadskom i engleskom jeziku. Međutim, osnovno znanje kanadskog jezika vrlo je korisno u interakciji s lokalnim stanovništvom.



Taksi kabine ispred zračne luke
  • 1 Međunarodna zračna luka Kempegowda (BLR IATA) (U Devanahalliju, 40 km (25 milja) od središnje poslovne četvrti Bangalore (cesta Mahatma Gandhi ("MG")) i 30 km (19 milja) od gradske željezničke stanice Bengaluru.), 91 80 6678-2255, 91 80 6678-2251, besplatni: 1 800 425 4425, . Zračna luka povremeno podliježe operativnim ograničenjima zbog magle od 15. studenog do 15. veljače između 3:00 i 08:30 (IST). Zbog jutarnje magle mogu se ujutro pojaviti kašnjenja i preusmjeravanja leta. Zračna luka jedna je od najprometnijih i najmodernijih u Indiji. Zračna luka domaćin je 10 domaćih i 21 međunarodnom zračnom prijevozniku koji povezuju grad s 50-ak odredišta.
    Zračna luka ima međunarodni i domaći terminal. Dijele istu zgradu, ali nalaze se na različitim stranama - domaća vrata su na zapadnoj, dok su veća međunarodna vrata na istoku. Postoje bankomati, mjenjačnice, dvije jedinice Dan kave u kafiću i drugi kafići, bescarinske trgovine, restorani i dnevni hoteli u zračnoj luci. Pri polasku iz zračne luke provjerite ograničenja vremena prijave prtljage i ponesite sa sobom u zračnu luku ispis ukrcajne propusnice. Za letove koji polaze u ranim jutarnjim satima (kao što je 03:00), možda ćete trebati prijaviti kovčeg koliko 2½ sata unaprijed.
    Međunarodna zračna luka Kempegowda (Q503364) na Wikipodacima Međunarodna zračna luka Kempegowda na Wikipediji

zrakoplovne kompanije

Zračna luka služi kao čvorište za gotovo sve domaće zrakoplovne kompanije kao što su GoAir, Indigo, SpiceJet i Vistara.

Međunarodne zrakoplovne tvrtke uključuju Air India, Air France, AirAsia, Malaysian Airlines, Zračni Mauricijus, British Airways, Dragonair, Emirati, Etihad Airways, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, SilkAir, Scoot Tigerair, SriLankan Airlines, Qatar Airways i Thai Airways.

Zračna luka do središnje poslovne četvrti

Autobus kojim upravlja Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
  • AutobusiBangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) upravlja autobusima s različitih gradskih točaka svakih 15 minuta do međunarodne zračne luke Kempegowda. Do i od zračne luke vozi 156 autobusa. Od toga je 40 klimatiziranih Volvo autobusa, nazvanih Vayu Vajra. Cijena svakog putovanja u tim autobusima kreće se između 50 and i 250 ₹, ovisno o udaljenosti. Ovo je najjeftiniji i izuzetno prikladan način dolaska do zračne luke. Štoviše, ova je usluga dostupna svakodnevno, danju i noću. Dok se vozite ovim načinom prijevoza, imajte na umu da ćete, kako biste stigli od autobusne stanice do vašeg konačnog odredišta, trebati provozati se auto rikšom ili od nekoga doći liftom.
  • Taksiji
    • Taksiji odobreni od zračne luke Za putnike koji dolaze u zračnu luku postoji namjenski prostor za zadržavanje taksija. Taksi na ovom području posjeda koristi brojila po stopi od 19,5 ₹ po kilometru. Također ćete morati platiti cestarinu od 120 JPY kada uđete na autocestu. Do središnje poslovne četvrti Bangalorea treba otprilike 600 ₹, a do 700 ₹ Koramangala. Ovim taksijem upravljaju bilo koji EasyCabs, Kabine Meru ili KSTDC. Međutim, čitatelji su izvijestili da je kabina Meru nepouzdana jer je poznato da su neki vozači taksija u posljednji trenutak otkazali rezervacije ako pronađu bolju ponudu od uličnog prevoza dok su na putu do aerodromskog prevoza. Putovanja do bilo kojeg mjesta u Bangaloreu ne bi trebala koštati više od 800-1000 ₹. Više informacija možete pronaći na mjesto aerodroma.
    • Neslužbeni taksiji Voznju do grada Bangalore možda ćete moći pronaći po znatno povoljnijoj cijeni ako odaberete taksi koji aerodrom nije odobrio, ali samo ako ste spremni riskirati. Taksisti koji voze takve taksije pokušat će s vama pregovarati o znatno nižoj cijeni od one koju naplaćuju EasyCabs i Meru Cabs, ponekad čak 200-300 JPY za vožnju do središnje poslovne četvrti. Ovi se taksiji mogu naći neposredno iza terminalne plaze na natkrivenom šetalištu koje vodi do parkirališta. Jednom kad napustite prolaz, neki taksisti mogu postati prilično agresivni i pokušati uzeti vašu prtljagu bez vašeg dopuštenja. Najbolje što treba učiniti je pratiti i kontrolirati svoje stvari. Čak i najagresivniji taksist ili vozač ostavit će vas na miru ako budete čvrsto i jasno stavili do znanja da ne želite njegovu pomoć. Takve taksije trebali biste koristiti samo ako imate predodžbu o odgovarajućim taksi stopama i ako ste spremni vrlo cjenkati kako biste izbjegli prevaru. Preporučuje se da se prije ulaska u kabinu dogovorite oko cijene; po dolasku na odredište nije potreban savjet.
    • Taksiji zasnovani na aplikacijama Taksi usluge temeljene na aplikacijama za pametne telefone djeluju u Bangaloreu, a mnoge pružaju usluge do zračne luke. Oni djeluju od prihvatnog mjesta malo dalje od zgrade terminala. Možete slijediti znakove za preuzimanje taksija na bazi aplikacija. Morat ćete preuzeti aplikaciju na pametni telefon i imati internetsku vezu da biste mogli koristiti ove usluge. Ako nemate indijsku SIM karticu ili jeftine podatke o roamingu, možda je bolje da koristite neku od ostalih taksi usluga, jer se zračna luka WiFi može preopteretiti u vršno vrijeme.
      • Uber ima paušalnu uslugu od zračne luke do bilo kojeg mjesta u gradu za 549 JPY, uključujući naknade za cestarinu.
      • Ola također upravlja taksijem putem svoje aplikacije iz zračne luke.
  • Limuzine i samovozeći automobili Hertz i Akbar Travels pružaju unaprijed plaćene limuzine i najam automobila putem šaltera u zgradi aerodromskog terminala. Troškovi prelaze 1.200 JPY za putovanje u središnju poslovnu četvrt. Općenito postoji nekoliko asortimana samovozećih automobila: kompaktna (Suzuki Swift), srednja (Ford Fiesta), standardna (Toyota Corolla), višenamjenska vozila (Toyota Innova) i sportska terenska vozila (Ford Nastojati). Automobili se daju iznajmljivačima s punim spremnikom goriva i moraju se vratiti s punim spremnikom goriva. U ponudi su fleksibilni objekti za prijevoz i odlazak u gradu i na aerodromu. Iznajmljivači mogu podići automobile u zračnoj luci i odvesti ih bilo gdje u gradu ili u Chennai ili Hyderabad. Slično tome, automobile je moguće podići u bilo kojem od ovih gradova i odbaciti u zračnoj luci. Primjenjuju se uvjeti - na primjer, iznajmljivači moraju biti stariji od 21 godine i posjedovati vozačke dozvole važeće u Indiji. Možda će biti potrebno obaviti puno papira i, ovisno o tvrtki i vrsti automobila koji se iznajmljuje, može se zatražiti veliki polog. Molimo provjerite unaprijed prije izrade planova.
  • Preuzimanje hotela Možete se dogovoriti s hotelom da vas vozač preuzme u zračnoj luci. Neki hoteli, posebno oni visokog ranga, pružaju ovu uslugu besplatno ako odsjedate kod njih, iako vam neki mogu naplatiti oko 2500 ₹ (daleko više od pukog taksija). Ovo je možda dobra opcija ako prvi put putujete u Bangalore. Vozač će čekati u dolaznom dijelu zračne luke s natpisom s vašim imenom.
  • Helikopter Ako ste u žurbi i imate puno novca, usluge helikoptera nude Ptičica i Deccan zrakoplovstvo. Širom Bangalorea postoji osam helidroma. Vožnja od međunarodne zračne luke vraća vas za oko 5000 JPY.


Vidi također Putovanje željeznicom u Indiji.

U Bangaloreu ima mnogo željezničkih stanica, od kojih svaka opslužuje određene vlakove:

  • 1 Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna Bengaluru (Šifra IR stanice: SBC, prije poznata kao gradska stanica Bengaluru), Rd željezničke stanice, Kempegowda, Sevashrama (Nasuprot autobusne stanice Majestic, Metro zeleno / ljubičasta: Stanica Nadaprabhu Kempegowda: Majestic). Većina lokalnih i međugradskih vlakova stiže i polazi odavde. Platforme: # 1 do 7 povezuju se na Chennai (360 km (220 mi), 5-6h, ₹ 125-1.105) i Salem (preko Hosura), # 8 do 10 do Hublija preko Yeshwantpura, Tumkura, Birura, # 5 do 10 prema Mysore. Tamo također polaze vlakovi Hyderabad preko Guntakala. Željeznička stanica Bangalore City (Q3633970) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Bangalore City na Wikipediji
  • 2 Spoj Yeswantpur (Šifra IC stanice: YPR, također Yesvantpur Junction), NH-4 (cesta Tumkur) (Metro (zelena linija): postaja Yeswantpur, autobus BMTC koji opslužuje stanicu na staroj strani tržnice Yeshwantapur (bliže platformi 1) su 90E od Majestic-a, 91C i 52E od tržnice Krišna Rajendra poznata i kao Gradska tržnica, 94E od Shivajinagar-a, K1 od Bolnica St. Johns). Drugi glavni željeznički terminal u Bangaloreu. Odavde stiže i polazi nekoliko (uglavnom međugradskih) vlakova. Ovdje se zaustavljaju svi vlakovi prema Hubliju. Usluge: umirovljeničke sobe i spavaonice, salon AC VIP, osnovni štandovi i bankomat. Željeznička stanica Yeshvantapur (Q8052904) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Yesvantpur Junction na Wikipediji
  • 3 Istok Bengaluru (Šifra IR stanice: BNCE), Pottery Rd. (Otprilike 5 km (3,1 milje) sjeveroistočno od centra). Manja. Željeznička stanica Bangalore East (Q23091326) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Bangalore East na Wikipediji
  • 4 Kanton Bengaluru (Šifra IR stanice: BNC), Cantonment Railway Station Rd, Kaverappa Layout, Vasanth Nagar. Manja. Usluge: Rezervacijski centar za putnike, AC VIP salon, brojači upita, osnovni štandovi, placa s hranom, bankomat. PF-1A (slijepa strana platforme 1) koristi se za zaustavljanje vlakova poput 12509/10 dvotjednog Express Guwahati, 12503/04 Tjedni Express Agartala Humsafar, Tjedni Express 18635/36 Hatia, Putnički 56503/04 Vijayawada i 2 DMU usluge koji djeluju iz Kolara preko Bangarpeta. Glavne platforme zaustavljaju svi vlakovi koji prolaze ovom stanicom, osim 12007/08 Chennai Mysore shatabdi Express Željeznička stanica Bangalore Cantonment (Q17049564) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Bangalore Cantonment na Wikipediji
  • 5 Krishnarajapuram željeznička stanica (KJM), Vanjska kružna cesta, Jyothi Puram, Krishnarajapura (Svi autobusi između 303 i 320, osim 314 serije do / od Majestic / Shivajinagar / Market & Ulsoor). Važna stanica zbog blizine IT tvrtki i kružne ceste koja prolazi pored stanice i dobro je povezana autobusima s glavnim dijelovima. Također čini 1. stanicu za većinu vlakova koji napuštaju Yeshvantapur prema Jolarpettai.
  • 6 Kengeri (KGI), Kengeri Satelitski grad, Kengeri (5 minuta hoda od Kengeri TTMC na ulici Mysore). Važna stanica zbog blizine stambenih područja u blizini. Glavna je stanica za sve vlakove koji dolaze s Mysorea. Autobuska stanica Kengeri na cesti Mysore udaljena je 5 minuta hoda od željezničke stanice, imajući pristup glavnim obilaznicama 401K (Yelahanka preko Vijayanagar), 401M (Yeshvantapur preko Ring Ring), 502F (Peenya), 375 (Banashankari preko Uttarahalli), 378 (Elektronički grad putem Uttarahallija) i 222A / 226N prema Majesticu i Tržnici. Global Tech Park udaljen je oko 3 km (1,9 milje), a B.G.S Global bolnica oko 5 km (3,1 milje). Željeznička stanica Kengeri (Q24949818) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Kengeri na Wikipediji

Rezervacije se mogu izvršiti na željezničkim kolodvorima ili na šalterima za indijske željeznice u glavnim komercijalnim i stambenim područjima. Rezervacija se također može izvršiti na liniji. Ako rezervirate u Bengaluru City i putujete u Mysore, za putnike u Mysore postoji zaseban šalter. Ovo će zadovoljiti velik broj putnika između Bangalorea i Mysorea. Ako putujete u Mysore u nedjelju popodne, dođite ranije jer obično postoji dugačak red za kupnju karata.

Kao i kod svih indijskih željezničkih putovanja, imajte strpljenja za kašnjenja. Vlakovi obično dolaze na vrijeme (u roku od 20 minuta od predviđenog vremena), ali ponekad mogu kasniti. Digitalna ploča za polazak na kolodvoru reći će vam na kojoj se platformi nalazi vaš vlak i u koliko sati kreće.

Za upite o dolasku / odlasku vlaka i PNR statusu na različitim željezničkim postajama u Bengaluru nazovite 139.

Putujući iz Mumbaiju do Bangalorea vlakom treba dugo vremena (oko 24 sata). Autobusi su relativno brži i uzimaju 18-20 sati, pod uvjetom da u Mumbaiju i Puni nema zastoja na putu. Učinkovito vrijeme putovanja vlakom ili autobusom je dugo. Putovanje zrakoplovom preporučuje se za putovanja između Mumbaija i Bangalorea, čija dužina traje oko 90 min. Niskotarifne zrakoplovne tvrtke naplaćuju istu cijenu kao i klimatizirani vlak ili Volvo autobus. Međutim, putovanje vlakom klase spavača (bez zračnog prijevoza) od Mumbaija do Bangalorea ekonomično je i možete imati pogled na neke bujne zimzelene šume i riječne doline diljem zapadne Indije. Putovanje do Delhija može potrajati 39 sati (ili više), a let karta samo duplo veća od iznosa sporog vlaka.

Za Kvota stranih turista, idite do velike zgrade s lijeve strane, prije nego što uđete na željezničku stanicu glavnim pristupom. Ovo je zgrada "Rezervirane ulaznice" (čak i ako na bočnim vratima stoji "Rezervacijski centar"). Na prvom katu nalazi se glavni nadzornik rezervacije. Službenik će rezervirati kartu za vas (nakon pokazivanja putovnice za strance). Možda će vas uputiti na prvi šalter u glavnoj zgradi. Ali tamo morate stajati u redu, dok ovdje možete sjediti u uredu i čekati da vam rezerviraju kartu.


Autobusni kolodvor Kempegowda ili Veličanstven, glavni autobusni kolodvor

Ako imate poteškoća s organiziranjem avionske ili željezničke karte do / od vašeg sljedećeg odredišta ili želite malo više avanture, možete ići autobusom. Državni i privatni autobusi voze usluge do / iz većih gradova poput Mumbaiju, Goa, Chennai, Mangalore, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tirupati, Hyderabaditd. Autobusi mogu biti redovni servis sa samo sjedalima i bez klima uređaja, uobičajeni luksuzni autobus, Volvo klima uređaj ili autobus za spavanje za noćna putovanja. Autobusi su također dobri za dolazak iz mnogih gradova u Karnataka bez velikog broja vlakova zbog povećane usluge - većina gradova u Karnataki u biti ima zajamčenu uslugu do glavnog grada države.

  • 7 Autobusni kolodvor Kempegowda (Autobusni kolodvor Majestic, Kannada: ಕೆಂಪೇಗೌಡ ಬಸ್ ನಿಲ್ದಾಣ), Gandhi Nagar, gradski autobus Rd (Glavni autobusni stajalište nalazi se pored autobusne stanice Kempegowda i metroa Green / Purple Kempegowda / Majestic). Jedan od najvećih autobusnih stajališta u gradu, ovaj autobusni štand opslužuje glavne autobuse na Karnataka (osim bočnih autobusa Mysore Road), Andhra Pradeshu, Telangani, Maharashtri i Goi. ujedno je i najveća presječna točka za Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), koji održava autobusne linije unutar Bangalorea. Autobuska stanica nalazi se nasuprot gradske željezničke stanice. Autobusni kolodvor Kempegowda (Q15235446) na Wikipodacima Autobusni kolodvor Kempegowda na Wikipediji
  • 8 MCTC (Stajalište satelitskog autobusa Mysore Road), Bapuji Nagar, cesta Mysore (Veličanstven: KSRTC shuttle, BMTC 220 do 235; Tržište: 220 do 235 serija; Šivajinagar: 222E, 226N, 121B; Jayanagar: 60A do L; Ješvantapur: K-2; Jalahalli križ: 248). Jedan od važnih autobusnih stajališta u Bangaloreu, čiji je cilj uklanjanje kongestija autobusnog stajališta Majestic, ovaj autobusni štand pruža usluge svim uobičajenim i luksuznim uslugama prema Mysoreu, kao i međudržavnim običnim i luksuznim uslugama do Kerale, preko Mysorea, koje upravljaju države Karnataka i države Kerala. . Obične i luksuzne namjene vezane za Ooty, Coimbatore preko Mysorea / Kollegala također počinju s ovog mjesta. Sve uobičajene usluge koje obavlja Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation do Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Salem, Vriddachalam, Kanchipuram, Coimbatore i Trichy koriste ovaj autobusni stalak za ukidanje svojih autobusnih usluga
  • 9 Šantinagar (Dvostruki autobusni stalak), K.H. Cesta (Od Majestic: 171, svi autobusi od 340 do 372; Iz Shivajinagara: 13, 13A do 13K, 27,27E, 29,210F, G, GA, Q, K6). Jedan od važnih autobusnih stajališta Bangalorea, čiji je cilj uklanjanje kongestija autobusnog stajališta Majestic, ovaj autobusni štand opskrbljuje sve luksuzne usluge prema Tamilnaduu kojima upravlja KSRTC, kao i SETC države Tamilnadu. Neki autobusi Kerale State Transport Corporation, koji prometuju preko Salema do Kerale, prolaze kroz ovaj terminal.

Postoje i mnoga neslužbena stajališta do kojih će autobusi ići na zahtjev (čak i kod luksuznih autobusa sa rezerviranim sjedalima, možete zatražiti od konduktera da se zaustavi na takvom stajalištu sve dok je u Bangaloreu / istom gradu kao i stajalište na vašoj karti ) ili čak dopustite putnicima da rezerviraju karte od. Ta mjesta nemaju kolodvorsku infrastrukturu, ali se obično nalaze u blizini znamenitosti, na glavnim ulicama / krugovima / trgovima, i naravno mogu ih uočiti brojni autobusi koji su pretrpani uokolo. Jedno posebno korisno stajalište je Jeswanthpur Junction, koji se nalazi pored istoimene željezničke stanice kao i metro stanice Yeswanthpur.

Izložbene table autobusa za velike udaljenost pokazuju odredište na lokalnom jeziku Kannada. Ako ne govorite kannadski, vjerojatno ćete trebati pomoć da biste ušli u pravi autobus. Međutim, noviji Volvo autobusi opremljeni su elektroničkim zaslonima koji jedan za drugim pokazuju odredište na kannadskom i engleskom jeziku. Autobusi koji nisu tvrtke Volvo postupno se nadograđuju ovim elektroničkim zaslonima; ovo bi putovanje autobusom moglo učiniti mnogo jednostavnijim ako niste upoznati s lokalnim jezikom. Međutim, još uvijek postoje mnogi stariji autobusi Ashok Leyland, pa čak i neki vrlo stari Tata autobusi koji prometuju cestama, pa je najbolje ići prema vremenu ili pitati konduktera kuda autobus vozi (obično postavljanjem naziva odredišta poput pitanja , kao što je "Mysore?", i slušanje ako dirigent odgovori istim ili drugim imenom).

Autobuske kompanije


Vožnja u Indiji može biti vrlo stresna. Disciplina traka praktički ne postoji, prekomjerno trubljenje, velika gustoća vozila, nepoštivanje zakona o prometu, u kombinaciji s prolaznim granicama s brijačem. Jedna vožnja taksijem najvjerojatnije će vas uvjeriti da se sama ne isplati riskirati, pa ako želite stići automobilom, vjerojatno ćete htjeti unajmiti automobil i vozača. Cijena varira, ali većina kombinacija automobila i vozača košta 1.400-1.700 JPY dnevno. Cijene iznajmljenih privatnih taksija obično su višestruke od 4 sata / 40 km (25 milja), a cijene za ne-klimatizirani mali automobil kreću se oko 450 JPY. Ovisno o tome odakle dolazite, možda ćete moći pregovarati o nižoj cijeni putovanja ako putovanje nije daleko, a može biti i višoj cijeni ako putujete daleko, a vaš vozač mora putovati natrag u svoje vrijeme. Imati unaprijed približnu ideju o cijeni karte ili udaljenosti i ustrajne vještine pregovaranja mogu dovesti do značajnih ušteda. Iako košta više, razmislite o zahtjevu za klimatiziranim automobilom ako niste navikli na vrućinu, posebno ljeti. Klimatizirani automobil također će pomoći filtrirati onečišćenje zraka, koje je znatno, posebno na zakrčenim prometnicama. Ako želite nešto još posebnije, poput otmjenog automobila ili SUV-a, budite spremni platiti dodatno.

Zaobiđi se

Podzemnom željeznicom

Namma Metro

The Metro Bangalore (Namma metro) je učinkovita međugradska željeznička usluga. Od ožujka 2020. postoje dvije crte koje se sijeku na autobusnom kolodvoru Kempegowda Majestic Terminal (nazvan Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Station Majestic), s ukupno 41 stajalište. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti na bilo kojoj stanici. Cijena karte ovisi o broju stanica do kojih se putuje. Minimalna cijena vožnje je 10, a maksimalna 60 eura. Kartica koja košta 50 JPY spasit će vas redova i može se napuniti putem interneta (preporučuje se za punjenje na šalterima). Kartice nude popust od 5% na uobičajenu kartu. Ne postoji druga koncesija za starije osobe, žene itd. Ulaznice se kupuju za djecu veću od 3 metra.

Ako dobijete pametni žeton (jednosmjerna karta), imajte na umu da ga morate vratiti na stanici na kojoj silazite, pa ga fotografirajte prije odlaska ako želite. Svi vlakovi su vlakovi sa 6 vagona. To smanjuje žurbu u vlakovima.

Postojeće rute su:

  • Linija istok-zapad / ljubičasta linija: Baiyappanhalli (Stara cesta Madras) -> Cesta Swami Vivekananda -> Indiranagar -> Halasuru -> Trinity Circle -> MGRoad -> Cubbon Park -> Vidhana Soudha -> Sir M Vishweshwaraya Station Central College -> Autobusni kolodvor Kempegowda (petlja) -> Gradska željeznička stanica -> Magadi cesta -> Hosahalli -> Vijayanagar -> Attiguppe -> Deepanjalinagar -> Nayandahalli (Mysore Road) -
  • Crta sjever-jug / zelena linija: Nagasandra (cesta Tumkur) -> Dasarahalli -> Jalahalli -> Peenya industrija -> Peenya -> Goraguntepalya -> željeznička stanica Yeshvantapur (ulaz PF-6) -> Tvornica sapuna sandala -> Mahalakshmi- -> Rajajinagar -> Kuvempu cesta -> Srirampura -> Mantri Square Sampige cesta -> Kempegowda autobusni kolodvor (čvorna stanica) -> Chikpet -> KRMarket -> Nacionalno učilište -> Lalbagh -> Južni kraj -> Jayanagar -> RVRoad -> Banashankari -> JPNagar -> Yelechanahalli


Autobusi su jeftini i obično su česti (iako skupi u usporedbi s drugim državama). Ali putovanje na njima može biti vrlo teško ako ne poznajete dobro sustav. Sada većina autobusa ima digitalne natpise koji se izmjenjuju na lokalnom jeziku kanadskog i engleskog, ali neki autobusi i dalje prikazuju stare ispisane znakove samo s brojem rute na engleskom jeziku, a podaci o odredištu i ruti napisani su na kannadskom. Naravno, čak i s digitalnim natpisima autobusima može trebati puno vremena da promijene jezik koji se prikazuje, što znači da može biti lako propustiti svoj autobus. To znači da ćete morati znati koji vam je broj rute potreban prije nego što krenete, što možete pronaći na Web stranica BMTC-a, web mjestu, Desiroutes, unošenjem početne i krajnje točke na Google karte ili pitajući lokalno stanovništvo.

Nisu sva autobusna stajališta jasno označena, pa može biti malo nezgodno na vašem prvom putovanju. Skupine ljudi koji stoje okolo mogu biti dobar pokazatelj da će se autobus tu zaustaviti. Također je dobro pitati vozača ili konduktera zaustave li se na stajalištu do kojeg želite ići (a 500 i 500Q neće ići na ista stajališta). Samo pitajte ime tonom pitanja i dobit ćete odgovor. Kondukteri (u svakom autobusu postoji jedan, koji naplaćuju karte i izdaju karte - uvijek su u uniformi) također su korisni kada vam kažu gdje i kada je vaše stajalište, ako to tražite, kao i suputnici ako često putuju. Objavljene mape ruta autobusnog sustava rijetke su, iako se karte prodaju na glavnim autobusnim kolodvorima (autobusni stajalište Kempegowda i Shivajinagar). BMTC (besplatni) 1-800-425-1663.

Pazite: neki vozači autobusa stavljaju znak rute na donju desnu stranu vjetrobrana umjesto na njegovo mjesto na nosaču znaka na vrhu vjetrobranskog stakla.

Autobusi s crnim izložbenim pločama voze se unutar grada. Autobusi s crvenim pločama prelaze velike udaljenosti i idu do susjednih predgrađa. Obični gradski autobusi su bijelo-plave ili zelene boje. Noviji gradski autobusi obično su plave boje i imaju LED zaslone. Postoje plavi autobusi Volvo, tzv Vajra, koji djeluju uglavnom na rutama IT sektora poput Elektronički grad , ITPL i vanjske kružne ceste, te do turističkih mjesta poput Nacionalni park Bannerghatta i vikend usluge za Wonderla. Oni nude ugodnu klimatiziranu vožnju po višim cijenama (1 1/2 do 2 puta više od redovne autobusne karte) od uobičajenih autobusa (koji nisu klimatizirani). Za razliku od većine ostalih autobusa, Vajras ima osvijetljene LED ploče s prednje i bočne strane koje prikazuju informacije o odredištu i ruti na engleskom jeziku, kao i na kannadskom.

BMTC također posluje Vayu Vajra usluge do međunarodne zračne luke Bangalore s različitih odredišta širom grada. KIAS-9 je najčešća ruta koja povezuje zračnu luku s autobusnom stanicom Majestic.

U gradskim autobusima gužva je u doba špice, koja je najmanje 7-10 sati ujutro i 17:00 (M-Sa), ali danju se može putovati s malo poteškoća. Autobusne usluge obično počinju u 5 ili 6 sati ujutro i rjeđe su od 9:30 do 22:00, a rijetke nakon 22:30. Također imajte na umu da je promet u Bangaloreu zloglasan. Putovanje gradom može potrajati i do 4 sata, posebno u vrijeme špice. Ne postoje autobusne trake, pa se autobusi, kabine i automobili suočavaju s istim gužvama!

Glavni autobusi u gradu imaju mjesta rezervirana za dame sprijeda, između prednjih i srednjih vrata. Prvo mjesto kraj ulaznih vrata rezervirano je za žene starije dobi, dok je prvo mjesto iza srednjih vrata za osobe s tjelesnim poteškoćama, a sjedalo okrenuto vratima za starije osobe. Općenito se na autobus možete ukrcati i izaći s bilo kojeg vrata.

Uvijek je bolje kupiti dnevnu kartu ako planirate putovati cijeli dan u autobusu. Dnevna karta košta 70 ₹ od siječnja 2018. i dobro dođe ako trebate putovati s nekoliko autobusa u jednom danu. Dnevne propusnice izdaje dežurni kondukter autobusa ili na autobusnom postolju. Koristeći ovu kartu možete putovati bilo kojim autobusom (osim Vajre) tijekom cijelog dana, bilo koji broj puta. Stariji građani daju koncesiju od 25% u svim autobusima uz predočenje važeće osobne iskaznice (npr. Putovnice). Djeca u dobi od 4 do 12 godina dobivaju koncesiju od 50%. Za djecu do 4 godine starosti ne naplaćuje se.

Postoje tri glavne autobusne stanice:

  • 10 Kempegowda autobusna stanica (Majestic Bus Stand) (U blizini Gandhi Nagar, točno nasuprot željezničke stanice Bengaluru City). Prilično uredno i lako je ploviti. U blizini perona broj 1 na ‘Majesticu’ nalazi se služba za upit u kojoj možete zatražiti broj autobusa i peron za svoje željeno odredište. Na zaslonu možete pronaći veliku kartu kojom možete pronaći broj autobusa kojim trebate ići ako znate područje u koje idete. Naravno, uvijek možete pitati konduktera ili druge putnike. Karte ruta također se prodaju na platformama. Ima stanice za obje linije metroa.
  • 11 Gradska tržnica. Otprilike 2,5 km (1,6 milje) od Majestica. Mogao bi zastrašiti pridošlice jer je vrlo neorganizirano. To je veliko nečisto parkiralište ispod nadzemne autoceste i nema previše reda za parkiranje autobusa.
  • 12 Šivajinagar. Na sjeveru. Uredno je organiziran, a postoji prozor za informacije o autobusima. Ako mijenjate autobus, možda ćete morati sići na ulicu i ući u autobusnu stanicu kako biste uhvatili sljedeći autobus. I ovdje možete pronaći izloženu veliku kartu kojom možete pronaći broj autobusa kojim trebate ići ako znate područje u koje idete. Karte ruta također se prodaju na platformama.

Autobusi su dostupni za sva glavna mjesta u gradu s ove tri autobusne stanice. Došlo je do puno događaja zbog tekućeg projekta metroa, kao i napora da se dekongestrira grad. BMTC cijelo vrijeme dodaje nove autobusne stanice. Bolje provjeriti na njihovoj web stranici najnovije stanje.


OprezBilješka: Autorickshaws i taksiji u Bangaloreu imaju mjereni sustav karata. Davanje napojnica nije niti očekivano niti potrebno kada se netko koristi autokrišom ili taksi službom.
Auto Rickshaw u Bangaloreu čeka kupce

Auto-rikše (koje se nazivaju i "auto") su svugdje u bilo koje doba dana. Oni su zeleno-žuti ili crno-žuti dijelovi s tri kotača. Brz su (ali nesiguran) način za kretanje gradom - u gustom prometu brži su od taksija ili autobusa.

Auto-rikše trebaju naplaćivati ​​cijene prema očitanju brojila, što iznosi 13 JPY po kilometru udaljenosti, minimalna naknada od 25 JPY za prvih 1,8 km (1,1 milja) ili manje, te 50% nadoplate nakon 22:00 (tzv. "Jedan i pol"). Teška prtljaga košta dodatnu naknadu od oko 10-20 ₹. Oni obično naplaćuju ad hoc, ovisno o udaljenosti odredišta, šansi da dođu do drugog kupca sa spomenutog mjesta i njihovom raspoloženju. Jednostavno biste trebali odbiti ulazak u auto ako je brojilo neispravno ili ga vozač odbija koristiti. Izgovaranje "metar molim" obično će učiniti trik.

Turisti bi trebali biti oprezni pri približavanju auto-rikšama noću ili za vrijeme jakih kiša. Velika je vjerojatnost da će naplatiti pretjerane cijene (neki vozači mogu zahtijevati 100% dodatka nakon 22:00 ili 23:00), ali u tom slučaju morate odbiti ukrcaj. U takvim okolnostima lokalna prometna policija mogla bi se poslužiti autorikšama. Ako ste posjetitelj i ne znate rutu do odredišta, dobra je ideja da se prije ukrcaja dogovorite i popravite cijenu kako biste izbjegli duge, zamršene rute koje vozač koristi - ili provjerite rutu snimanjem GPS traga na svoj mobitel.

Automatski vozači obično naplaćuju 1,5 stope za vrijeme od 21:00 do 06:00. Na primjer, ako brojilo očita 100 ₹, morate platiti 150 ₹. Uhvatiti automobile po uobičajenoj cijeni u ovo je vrijeme teško.

Još jedna stvar koju morate imati na umu je biti čvrst, ali ne i glasan u svađi dok putujete automobilom. Neki od manje uglednih vozača mogu se na pola puta udružiti sa svojim prijateljima kako bi stvorili probleme. Imajte na umu da su, iako su Bangalorejci poznati po svom uljudnom i blagom ponašanju, vozači automobila obično izuzetak. Neki neće pomisliti da vas pokušaju otrgnuti. Ako sumnjate, obratite se lokalnom ili hotelskom putničkom pultu.

Ako se vozač rikše ponudi pokazati / odvesti do nekih izvrsnih mjesta za kupnju, odlučno odbijte. Uobičajena je taktika vožnja do lokalnih trgovina u kojima će se vršiti pritisak da kupujete indijske zanate koje vjerojatno ne želite. Znajte svoje odredište i inzistirajte na njemu.

Rickshaw drivers are required by law to display their identification on the dashboard or the back of their seats. Refuse to get into a rickshaw that does not display one.

If an auto driver is problematic, their identification number and report to the BBMP Control room which is empowered to withdraw their auto license. This is a very effective technique to deal with them. The BBMP control room number as of December 2009 is 91 80 22975803.

If you arrive in Bangalore via train, at the main train station there is an office near the taxis/auto-rickshaws which will print-out a pre-paid receipt for your ride. The service costs ₹1, but will save you a potentially large amount of money by giving you an accurate value for your ride. This also allows you to avoid haggling with the driver, and acts as an official price agreement in the event that the driver wants to dispute the price of the ride.


Taxis are very convenient and comfortable. Most of the vehicles are Toyota Etios, Tata Indica cars or Mahindra Logan cars, which are much safer than auto-rickshaws, and the drivers are polite. If you are alone or going to an unknown destination, you are strongly advised to choose this option, even though the rates will be double that of an auto-rickshaw. Most taxi companies will charge a flat rate of ₹150 from anywhere to anywhere within city limits. Waiting or return trips will be charged extra, as will a lot of heavy luggage.

Unlike many other countries, taxis are ne marked with 'TAXI' signs on the top. Instead, the cars are marked with the logo of the fleet operator or taxi company on the sides of the car. Only some companies like "Meru Taxi" are marked with the sign 'Taxi' on them. Some companies have a yellow sign with an identification number (usually a letter followed by two digits) on the top. Keep in mind that these taxis cannot be hailed from the street, but have to be called by telephone. When you call, you must give the operator your location, destination, and phone number. The operator will in turn tell you the charge (or will inform you that you must go by the meter) as well as the taxi number. The taxi will come pick you up, and call you when they are close. When you go out on the street, look at the license plate for the number they gave you—it will be the last four digits of the license plate. Alternatively, look for the yellow board atop the car with the taxi's identification number.

The license plate number is usually in the format "KA" followed by 01 to 05, followed by two letters, followed by a four digit number. Taxis generally have yellow license plates with black letters.

On weekdays, especially during rush hours, be prepared to book a taxi a couple of hours in advance. Otherwise, the rush-hour traffic jams and high demand for taxis will make it difficult for a taxi to reach you in time. Private taxis are generally more reliable during this time – in many cases, radio cabs will be overbooked, and you might be unfortunate be informed that your booking has been cancelled.

Although it can be hard for non-Indians to grasp at first, the system is actually very effective. If in doubt, ask a member of your hotel staff to help you, and when your taxi comes be sure to tip them ₹35–40 for the assistance.

Some radio taxi services are:Map Cabs ( 91 8880 510 520), GetMeCab ( 91 92666 01520, hours=8AM–9PM), Cabbazar ( 91 77778-80880), Ola Cabs ( 91 80 3355 3355), SPOT City Taxi ( 91 80 2551 0000), 7mcar ( 91 80 87138713), BSR Travels ( 91 85508-55111), Bestway Cabs ( 91 98150-46464).

Travel agents and hotels can arrange private chauffeur driven cars, and you may also hire cars to drive yourself. While expensive compared to taxis, these are the most trusted, secure, and comfortable ways to travel around the city. Driving in Bangalore can be difficult, because of poor driver discipline, but chauffeur driven services are very reasonable. These can be arranged by travel companies or online from the countries of origin.

By private car

Most taxi and auto-rickshaw drivers will be more than happy to offer you either a daily rate or an hourly rate, and take you around wherever you need to go. Alternately, your hotel or a travel company can arrange a private car.

If you find a good taxi or auto driver, this can be a great way to go for a foreigner. You'll certainly pay a lot more than if you bought individual rides, but you'll always have a driver waiting for you, and he can help with recommending local tourist sites, finding a good restaurant to eat at, and otherwise coping with day-to-day life. This can take a lot of the stress out of traveling.

Rates are generally something like ₹50–100 per hour for an auto-rickshaw, and ₹150–250 per hour for a taxi. Rates for a private car booked via the hotel will probably be more. Like everything else in India, rates are very fluid.


The weather in Bangalore is extremely pleasant, but the traffic is equally hectic. So if your plan is not to go towards crowded city, you can go around vožnja biciklom.

Most of the sightseeing locations are within a range of 15 km (9.3 mi), so you can consider covering them on bicycle. Bicycle dealers charge ₹100-300 for entire day and you have to submit identity proof to hire bicycle.

By rental scooter

Travelling by rental scooter is increasingly common. Companies like Odskakivati, VOGO i YULU offer rental scooters and electric cycles (solar powered models are available), to be unlocked using an app on your smartphone. VOGO and YULU have certain hubs where the vehicle has to be parked, whereas Bounce scooters can be parked anywhere. The rates charged are comparable with those of auto rickshaws, or may be slightly higher at times. You should carry your own helmet since most of these vehicles don't come equipped. The flip side to these services is that the price charged in the end is final and cannot be bargained and sometimes these apps have poor customer services.

By commuter rail

There are MEMU trains connecting the city centre to various suburbs, especially those with a high concentration of tech companies such as Whitefield. However, speeds are low and station infrastructure can be poor.


12°58′36″N 77°36′0″E
Map of Bangalore

There are city tours that can show you the city efficiently if you are short on time. Typically, tours do ne include entry fees into the attractions. Bangalore, like the rest of India, has a habit of charging foreigners a lot more than locals for attractions. For example, Tipu Sultan's Palace, which is on the half-day tour, charges ₹15 for Indians/Saarc and ₹200 for non-Indians.


The Bangalore Palace
  • 1 Bengaluru Palace, Palace Road, Vasanth Nagar. Built by the Maharajahs of Mysore. For many years the building was neglected as a tourist attraction, but is now open to the public. This is a run down building with paint peeling on the interior, and generally a tourist trap to be avoided. ₹100/450 for Indians/foreigners and ₹675 for a still camera. This includes an audio guide that points out rooms, photos and other things. Palača Bangalore (Q3520057) na Wikipodacima Palača Bangalore na Wikipediji
  • 2 Tipu Sultan's Palace, Allbert Victor Road, Chamrajpet (Just south of Metro: Krishna Rajendra Market (Green)), 91 80 2670 6836. Daily 9:30AM–5:30PM. Dating to about 1790, it was the summer retreat for Tipu Sultan. The two story structure is made mostly out of wood with finely embellished balconies, pillars and arches. It contains a small museum with information on Tipu Sultan. Tickets are ₹15 for Indians/Saarc/Bimstec citizens and ₹200 for foreigners (March 2018), not very worth it for damaged walls and few information about the Sultans life. Ljetna palača Tipu Sultana (Q7809034) na Wikipodacima Ljetna palača Tipu Sultana na Wikipediji
  • 3 Bangalore Fort (Tippu's Fort) (Just north of Metro: Krishna Rajendra Market (Green)). Built in 1537. A small part with massive granite walls, big gates, a dungeon, and a small Ganesha temple is still intact. Besplatno.
  • 4 Seshadari Iyer Memorial, Kasturba Rd (Metro: Vidhana Soudha (Purple)). A distinctive red sandstone building. It houses the State Central Library (right south of Cubbon Park) and the Bengaluru High Court of Karnataka, (Ambedkar Veedhi, Sampangi Rama Nagar, north of Ribbon Park), while the grounds include a children's recreation area with a toy train, fairground and theater.
  • 5 Vidhana Soudha (Karnataka state Assembly), Dr Ambedkar Rd, Sampangi Ramnaga (Metro: Vidhana Soudha (Purple)). The legislative House of the State of Karnataka, this granite building was built by Sri K. Hanumanthaiya, Chief Minister of the then Mysore state between 1951-1956. A marvel of neo-Dravidian architecture, and one of the most imposing buildings in India. One of the interesting feature of this building in grand stairs in its front. The grand stairs has a flight of forty-five steps, 62 m (203 ft) wide and 21 m (69 ft) deep, giving a direct access to the foyer of first floor leading to an Assembly Chamber. The architecture of the building is based on Dravidian style, comprising richly carved bases and capitals for pillars, deep friezes, kapotha cornices, chaithya arches, heavy pediments domical finials. At the same time, the construction was on modern designs, making use of the present-day materials like steel, reinforced concrete, glass, and plastic. General public and tourists are not allowed to enter the ground or the building. It can only be viewed from the road and footpath outside the boundary walls. Vidhana Soudha (Q283257) na Wikipodacima Vidhana Soudha na Wikipediji
  • 6 Vikasa Soudha (Metro: Vidhana Soudha (Purple)). Located next to Vidhana Soudha, built in the same classic style. It was inaugurated in 2005. General public and tourists are not allowed to enter the premises. It can only be viewed from outside the boundary walls.
  • 7 HAL Aerospace Museum. India's first aerospace museum. Run by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a large aerospace company. Zrakoplovni muzej HAL (Q5628915) na Wikipodacima Zrakoplovni muzej HAL na Wikipediji
  • 8 Indian Music Experience, Brigade Millenium Avenue, JP Nagar, 7th Phase (opp. Wood Rose Club), 91 96866 02366, . A hi-tech and interactive music museum with exhibits on traditional and contemporary Indian music. Adults and children over 12 - ₹250.


Art of Living world HQ, Bangalore
  • Art of Living Temple, Near Cricket Coaching ground, Double Road, 91 9448386061, . The Bangalore Ashram is the international headquarters of the Art of Living foundation. The ashram is spread of 65 acres and was established in 1986. They conduct frequent yoga and Ayurveda programs.
  • 9 Banaswadi Hanuman Temple (Between Sri Uma Maheshwari Temple and Bethal Church, northeast 5 km (3.1 mi) from center). Constructed in the Dravidian style, attracts a large number of devotees especially on week-ends. It has smaller temples dedicated to Lord Rama, Shiva and Ganapathi within the walled compound.
Bull Temple, Bangalore
  • 10 Bull Temple, Bull Temple Road, NR Colony, Basavanagudi (Majestic :43 A to E 45 A to E, Šivajinagar: 34 A to F, 37 A to F, Jayanagar/Vijayanagar60 A to K (Ramakrishna Ashrama)). A typical Dravidian style temple, famous for its mammoth bull statue that was carved from a single boulder. Legend has it that the temple was built to appease a marauding bull that stole local crops, and that the offering was effective with the bull subsequently leaving the area. Since then, local farmers have held an annual festival to express their gratitude.
  • DakshinaMukhy Nandeeshwara Temple (in the heart of Bangalore). A very ancient temple. This is on Sampige Road in the Malleshwaram area. The speciality of the temple is that, the natural (mineral) water flows from the mouth of Nandi (naturally) which is above a ShivaLingam, and pours all over the year as Abhishekam by nature itself. This water, after Abhishekam is taken by devotees as medicinal water, believed to cure many diseases. People from all over the world take this water in small containers with a lot of trust and devotion.
  • 11 Dharmaraya Swamy Draupadi Devi Temple (in the heart of Bangalore). One of the oldest temples of Bangalore and also the smallest, the Temple is in exsitence since the day of finding the city by Shri Kempegowda. It is on S.P. Road close to Corporation circle, behind the LIC building. This temple is famous for the Annual Karaga Festival held every summer. The Presiding Deity is Dharmaraya (Yudishtra) & Consort Draupadi making it a unique one of its kind.
  • 12 Dodda Ganapathi. One of the oldest temples in Bangalore, it is adjacent to the Bull Temple. The temple is famous for the huge monolith structure of Lord Ganesha, who was worshipped by the villagers to save them from the Bull that was damaging their crops in the area. The Bull Temple is a few metres away from this temple.
  • 13 Gavi Gangadeshwara Cave Temple, Gavipuram, Kempegowda Nagar (Right north of Hanumantha Nagar Park, north of Ramanjaneya Temple, in Gavipuram, adjacent to Basavanagudi). 7AM-12:30PM and 5PM-8:30PM. Built by Kempe Gowda, this temple with four remarkable monolithic pillars is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple also has a rare idol of Agni god of fire. The annual festival is on Makara Shankranti and thousands of devotees flock to see the suns rays fall on the Shivlinga.
  • 14 ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple (ISKCON Bangalore), Hare Krishna Hill, Chord Rd (Between Metro Green: Mahalakshmi and Sandal Soap Stations), 91 99860 77269. 3:45AM-8PM. Temple built on a hillock in Rajajinagar atop scenic surroundings, is a perfect blend of modern technology and spiritual harmony. The huge cultural complex was built to promote vedic culture and spiritual learning, and abounds with shops selling devotional items and souvenirs. The annual Krishna and Balarama Rath Yatra is attended by thousands.
  • 15 Maha Bodhi Society Temple, No. 14, Kalidas Road, Gandhi Nagar (Northwest rim of Freedom Park). A relatively new structure, with the main shrine built as a replica of the historic stupa at Bodh Gaya. The temple grounds are very peaceful, and visitors are welcome to stroll around. In addition, the temple houses an excellent library of books on Buddhism, many of which are in English.
  • Maruthi Mandir, Mahakalshmi Layout. A Hanuman Temple is opposite - 5 min drive from ISKCON temple, in the gate of Mahalakshmi Layout. This is a rock hill with huge idols of Hanuman and Mahalakshmi temples. The annual festival of Hanumad Jayanthi during December is very attractive.
  • 16 Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple, Bannerghatta Rd (after Indian Institute of Management, south of Bangalore). Beautiful, spacious temple devoted to Sri Meenakshi Amma. Built in ancient style with stone structures, this place is very cool and mind refreshing place to see. You will feel that you are in a temple at Tamilnadu, when in this temple.
  • 17 Mukti Naga Temple. Contains the world's largest monolithic statue of Lord Naaga, about 16 feet tall and weighing 36 tons. The Mukti Naga Temple, which is run by Shri Subrahmanya Seva Trust, is in a serene ambience of Ramohalli, a village on the outskirts of the city.
  • 18 Ragi Gudda, Jayanagar 9th block (South of Bangalore). This is a famous Hanuman temple abode. The temple is on a mammoth rocky hill, and has very attractive chain of temples like Spathika Shiva, Ganesha and scenery within the premises. This is a very crowd attracting place during the period of Hanumad Jayanthi in December. You get mahaprasadam meals on Saturday noon-1PM.
  • Hram Someshwara, Halasuru (Close to Halasuru Police station; Metro Purple Line). Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, is one of the oldest temples of the City. The Inner Sanctum Santorium is said to have been built in the 8th Century by the Cholas who ruled this place,the outer Praharam during the Hoysalas of the 11th Century while the front hall construction and the Gopuram during the Vijayanagar Empire of the 15th Century. The structure resembles the various changes the Temple has gone through during the period with major additions and renovations done for preserving the temple. Besplatno.
  • 19 Shiva Temple (Shiv Mandir), Old Airport Rd (Close to Vishweshwara College and Total Mall?), 91 80 2522 8444. This temple has a massive monolith of Lord Shiva in the middle of an artificial pool. There is a cave-like walkthrough behind the statue. It is extremely crowded on the festival of Maha Shivaratri. One can't see or feel any kind of Bhakti in this temple, because at each move inside the temple there will be a person collecting money which creates such a disturbance for the concentration on Bhakti. On each step the devotees will be concentrating on the money boxes (Hundi in Kannada), and people standing to ask money as offerings. Free entrance, camera ₹25.
  • Shree Guruvayurappan Temple (at Nettigere, Bangalore South). A Kerala style temple located in Kanakapura Road. A small and nice temple which gives a great vibration of peace and tranquility. Only traditional attire is allowed to enter the sanctum (dhotis for men and sarees for women).
  • Sri Raja Rajeshwari Temple (in RajaRajeshwari Nagar, just before Kengeri on Mysore Road). A famous temple dedicated to Goddess Parvathi (RajaRajeshwari). It was built by a renowned spiritual guru, Sri Sri Sri Tiruchi Mahaswaigal. Built in the ancient style with stones, the temple is very spacious. One can feel the peace and satisfaction when visited. Week ends are very crowded.
Ramakrishna Ashram, Halasuru
  • Sri Ramakrishna Ashram. There are many Ramakrishna Ashrams in Bangalore, but the special and central one is in Gandhi Bazaar, an area with many temples. This mutt contains a vast meditating hall, a beautiful park, a Vedic school and many more facilities. Sri Sharada Devi had meditated on a location in the park in this boundary. This location is preserved as a monument. A stone on which Swami Vivekananda sat when he visited Bangalore is also kept as a monument. This is a calm and peaceful place to meditate.
  • 20 Vasantha Vallabharaya Temple ( Majestic 210E, 210R Šivajinagar 210G , Tržište: 210, 210D, 210E, Electronic City/Kengeri : 378 ) In South Bangalore, close to Sai Baba Temple, Eashwara Temple, Anjaneya Temple, off Vasantapura Road). A small hillock with an ancient temple dedicated to Sri Vasantha Vallabharaya Swamy.
  • VenkataramanaSwamy Temple, Visveswarapuram district (M: National College half km west,). A fine example of Dravidian architecture. This ancient temple was built by Maharaja Chikka Devaraya Wodeyar and is next to the summer palace of Tipu Sultan.
  • 21 Champakadhama Temple, Bannerghatta, close to Bannerghatta circle (Bannerghatta/Jigani/Anekal buses via Bannerghatta Road). A old temple dedicated to Lord Champakeshwara, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Name stands because of the presence of the "Champaka" flowers in the area that was used for worship. A small temple, dedicated to Lord Narasimha is on the hillock. A small Kalyani is present behind the Temple, close to the borders of the Bannerghatta forest in about 700 m walk from top of the Hillock. Visit to the Tank is prohibited in Wintry evening and late evenings owing to presence of elephant movement


The entrance to the Holy Trinity Church
  • 22 Crkva Svetog Trojstva (at Trinity circle at the east end of the MG Rd). This church is a major landmark in Bangalore. It was built in 1851, for the British Regiment stationed in Bangalore. Built in the English Renaissance style, the church can accommodate 700 people and is regarded as the largest "military" church in southern India. It has a congregation of over 450 families.
  • 23 St. Mary's Basilica. The oldest church in Bangalore, and the only church in the state which has been elevated to the status of a minor basilica. It is famous for the festivities held during the St. Mary's Feast in the month of September each year, an event that attracts devotees from in and around Bangalore. The basilica is been built in Gothic style with arches, ornamental motifs and stained glass windows. Multiple columns and tall spires of the basilica can be seen from quite a distance. The stained glass windows were removed during World War II and were subsequently restored in 1947.
  • Shelter House Church, Bannerghatta Rd, Arekeres. The service is conducted in English and starts from 9:30AM in the morning.
  • St Mark's Cathedral. On the west end of MG Road, near Anil Kumble circle.


Aktivnosti u zatvorenom

  • 1 Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore Association for Science Education, Sri T. Choudaiah Road, High Grounds (Opposite Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain, Near Raj Bhavan), 91 80-22379725, . 12:30PM-4:30PM. A very good planetarium for adults and children alike. Shows are offered in Kannada and English. Each show is about 30 minutes long. There are about 200 seats available for each show. A ticket can be used only for the show mentioned on the ticket, and is non-refundable if you miss that show. Ticket prices are ₹35 for adults and ₹20 for school students and children (up to 16 years), children below 3 years are not allowed inside the Sky-Theatre. Mondays and second Tuesday are holidays.
Vishveshvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum
  • 2 Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum (VITM) (Metro: Cubbon Park (Purple)), 91 80-22866200, . 10AM-5:30PM. Contains many fun learning activities and exhibitions that can be enjoyed by adults and children. Most exhibits are based on simple science, but some have industrial applications. For general visitors entry fee is ₹40. Some groups receive discounts (organised school groups, BPL Category when showing valid BPL card, etc). Entry is free for military and police personnel in uniform, the physically challenged, and children below 5 years of age. There is also a 3D show costing an extra ₹25 (for general public). Open on all days of the year except Ganesha Chathurthi and Deepavali.

Outdoor activities and sports

  • Adventure clubs: Bangalore is bestowed with rock climbers, aqua sportsmen and aero sportsmen. There are several clubs including Nature Admire, Care, Spark, KMA, Capture, Mars, Angel, Wildcraft and Adventure Works.
  • Kampiranje, Savandurga, Gunjoor Lake, Bhimeshwari, Rangaswamy betta.
  • Cave exploration, Savandurga, Anthargange, Siddarabetta.
  • Biciklizam. Art of Bicycle Trips organizes bicycle tours in and around Bangalore. The tours combine cycling with Indian art, culture and heritage.
  • Hiking, Nandi hills; Rangaswamy betta, Bhimeshwari - Muttati.
  • Hill Climbing, Savandurga, Makalidurga, Kavaledurga (Skandagiri), Kabalidurga, Siddarabetta, Nijakal betta, Shivgange.
  • Sports clubs. The Koramangala Club in Koramangala, and the Swimming club at the National Games Village (NGV), have facilities such as swimming pools and tennis courts.
  • 3 Trash Trail, Daily Dump, 91 80 41157311, . On this journey through the story of waste, you will meet people who silently clean up and transform all the stuff we throw away. In the process, you will visit places you haven't imagined existed!
  • Vrhunski frizbi. Although in a nascent stage, Ultimate Frisbee games are held on Tu Th Sa mornings starting 6:30AM. The teams comprise of players of all skill levels.
  • 4 Watch a cricket match, M. Chinnaswamy Stadium (near Cubbon Park). Chinnaswamy Stadium is the home ground of the Indian Premier League (IPL) team Royal Challengers Bengaluru which is reputed for having a large, loyal, and loud fan following. IPL season typically is between March and May every year, matches are played in the evenings and last around 3 hours. Scour the daily newspapers for ticket information - tickets typically get sold out a week before.
  • Sujaya Holidays, Mumbai & Thane, 91 9820447112, . Sujaya holidays provides all adventure tours around Bangalore at the cheapest rates. Prices start from ₹500 per person.
  • Swayourway Travel & Tourism Agency, No 7, R.H. Mishra Estate, Swami Vivekanand Rd, Dahisar East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400068, 91 9819941810. 10AM to 8PM. Swayourway India's no.1 Travel & Tourism Company. Explore the Trip of memories like Trekking, Camping, Sightseeing, Adventuring rides and sports.

Nature and parks

Lal Bagh Garden, Bangalore
Lumbini Garden, Hebbal, Bangalore
  • Hebbal Lake. It is located in the north of Bangalore at the mouth of National Highway 7, along the junction of Bellary Road and the Outer Ring Road. It was one of the three lakes created in 1537 by Kempe Gowda.
  • Lumbini Gardens. A public park on the banks of the Nagawara Lake in Bangalore, Karnataka. It contains an eco-friendly boating park and a 12,500 square foot artificial beach and children's pool.
  • 5 Lalbagh (Lalbagh botanical Garden) (Metro: Lalbagh (Green)). Garden and lake inside-the lake offers a pleasant view and is home to some water birds Lal Bagh (Q200711) na Wikipodacima Lal Bagh na Wikipediji
  • 6 J. P. Park (Jayaprakash Narayan Biodiversity Park), Mathikere, Near Yashwanthpur Railway Station (11 km (6.8 mi)). The third largest park in Bangalore, covering 85 acres. There are many statues of animals and provision for children's' games. The park includes four lakes, 25 acres of lawns, over 250 varieties of trees and shrubs (including select exotic and aquatic species, and a nursery), a nature centre, an exhibition plaza, and an amphitheatre.
  • 7 HMT Area, BEL Junction (18 km (11 mi)). This area is dotted with parks and green layouts. Examples are General Ayyappa Park and Kittur Rani Chennamma Park. The J.P.Park is nearby. Lodges are available at Mathikere and Jalahalli.
  • 8 Ulsoor Lake (Halasuru lake). A pleasant lake
  • 9 Sankey Tank. A pleasant lake
  • 10 Dodda Alada Mara (Big Banyan Tree). A giant 400-year-old Banyan tree about 28 km (17 mi) from central Bangalore. This single plant covers 3 acres and is one of the largest of its kind.
  • 11 Cubbon Park (Cubbon Park Queen's Statue & Aquarium) (Metro Purple Line; Opposite to Chinnaswamy Cricket Stadium). A Nice forested area in the heart of the City. The entrance from Queen's Statue forms the tourist attraction owing to the presence of the Government Aquarium and Bal Bhavan, a play area for kids. Puttaani Express a small toy train for kids, runs inside the Bal Bhavan attracts kids from far and near. Vidhana Soudha and Karnataka High Court border the other side of Cubbon Park

Fairs & exhibitions

  • 12 Aero India. Held in the second week of February every alternate year (the next one is in 2021), this is Asia's premier air show. Spanning 5 days but open to the public only on the last 3 days (F-Su), the show at Yelahanka Air Force Base in the northern part of Bangalore comprises a defence exhibition and air show. Fighter jets from around the world are on flying and on static display. Normally, there are two air shows every day - one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Tickets can be purchased online or at select outlets - scan the newspapers for more information. (Purchasing a ticket at outlets requires you to show a photo identification and tickets are non-transferable. For the 2011 edition, Pakistani nationals were not permitted to register via the website.)
  • 13 Chitra Santhe (Paintings market). An annual exhibition, held on the first Sunday of every year in January, the Chitra Santhe on Kumara Krupa Road (near Golf Course) brings together artists from all across Karnataka. Paintings, pottery, and sculpture are all on an exhibition-cum-sale. The road is closed for traffic on that day, making it possible to have a leisurely stroll, admiring and buying the items. Prices range from ₹100-20,000. Bargaining is recommended, but not too hard. Pay a fair price. (Credit cards and foreign currency are rarely accepted, so carry sufficient cash in Indian currency).
  • 14 Kadlekai Parishe (Peanut fair). Every year, sometime during the months of Nov-Dec, the area around Bull Temple Road in South Bangalore hosts a peanut fair. Centuries ago, the villages in and around this area used to cultivate peanuts and the custom was to dedicate the first crop to Nandi (the Bull at the temple). Although the villages of yore are today residential areas, the tradition continues as peanut farmers congregate to sell their crop. The 2 day traditional fair has many stalls that sell peanuts, trinkets, bangles, pottery, dolls etc. There are also a number of food stalls.
  • Flower Show (Biannual). 9AM to 5PM. A bi-annual affair at Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore, during the Independence Day (August 15th) & Republic Day (January 26th). Various companies display their floral exhibits in this period, normally held from a week before the above mentioned days. Main epicentre would be a Rose arrangement representing a theme, or a heritage structure, which attracts major crowd from around Bangalore. Rs.50/- entry fees.
  • Mango Mela. 9AM to 5PM. An annual affair, during the beginning of the summer season, the season for the king of fruits. Normally, Mangoes (raw & ripe), cultivated in the Bangalore rural districts as well as neighbouring Kolar and Chikballapur districts are brought and kept for show as well as sale during this period, at Lalbagh Botanical Gardens. A must visit for mango fans. Rs.30/- entry fees.

Umjetnost i kazalište

  • Concerts at Bengaluru Palace Grounds. Check the local listings to see if any concerts are happening. Most international acts happen at Bengaluru Palace Grounds and the venue has hosted Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Bryan Adams, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Joe Satriani, Mark Knopfler, Aerosmith, Sting, Uriah Heep, Lamb of God, Megadeth, Machinehead, Scorpions among others.
  • Rangashankara, 36/2, 8th Cross, J.P. Nagar, 2nd Phase, 91 80 26592777, 91 80 26494656. Evening shows start at 7:30PM. Many local groups perform here, although more often shows are presented by traveling groups touring India. Quality of the performances varies, but most plays are worth seeing, especially the ones by Indian playwrights or directors, as they can show you an Indian (or non-western) perspective. Shows are in various languages, so it is a good idea to double-check whether the play is in English before buying or reserving (blocking) tickets. Tickets cost ₹45–100.


Take in a movie at one of the innumerable theaters around the city. Some multiplexes:

  • Cinemax (Bangalore Central, Bellandur).
  • Cinepolis, Royal Meenakshi Mall, Bannerghatta Rd; ETA Mall, Binny Pete; Forum Shantiniketan, Whitefield.
  • Gopalan Cinemas, Arch Mall, Mysore Rd,. Gopalan Mall, Mysore Road; Gopalan Mall, Near Jayadeva Hospital, Bannerghatta Road ; Gopalan Mal;, Old Madras Road, Near Baiyappanhalli Metro Station
  • Inox theatre, Bangalore Central, JP Nagar, Fame Cinemas, MG Road, Forum Value Mall, Whitefield, Garuda Mall, Magrath Road, Lido Mall, Ulsoor, Mantri Square, Malleshwaram, Garuda Swagath Mall, Jayanagar.
  • PVR Cinemas, Forum Mall, Koramangala, Orion Mall, Malleshwaram, The Phoenix Market City Mall, Whitefield; Vega Mall, JD Mara signal.


  • The Alliance Francaise.
  • Bangalore Film Society. A club membership (around ₹500/year) is typically required for entrance. Foreign film series and cultural events.
  • Goethe Institute (Max Mueller Bhavan), 716, CMH Road Indiranagar 1st Stage (From M.G. Road: Go down Old Madras Road. Turn right before the Epidemic Diseases Hospital onto 100 Foot Road. At the next traffic light take a left onto CMH Road.), 91 80 25205305. The Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore (founded in 1960) offers language courses, organises cultural events and has a Library.
  • Urvashi Theatre (Urvashi), Lalbagh Road, Bangalore (Near Lalbagh Main gate & MTR). A cool remodified theatre that allows a 1st hand experience in watching movies. One of the oldest theatres and important landmark of the City
  • Sampige Theatre (Sampige), Sampige Road, Malleshwaram; Next to Mantri Mall. One of the oldest theatres of Malleshwaram, and an important landmark.

Spa & massage

Massage or Prostitution

Beware that many of the "Massage" classifieds in local newspapers may be fronts for prostitution. Prostitution is illegal and if caught in a raid, you may end up spending a night in the cooler before being eligible for bail. Most legitimate spas and massage parlors have detailed websites and are run professionally.

Massages & spas are very much a part of Bangalore's east-meets-west culture, new ones spring up across the city all the time.

  • 5. element, Inner Ring Rd (near Dell office). Spa. All practitioners are from Thailand and offer authentic Thai massage, scrubs, and wraps.
  • Aroma Home Spa, Brookefields, ITPL Main Rd (Near Whitefield). Natural eco-friendly products in use. Hydro therapy massage in addition to therapies suited to individual needs.
  • Ayur Sukha (Malleswaram.). Very nice, clean and professional spa in a nice neighborhood. 1 hr basic Ayurvedic treatment (massage and steam) is about ₹1,000.
  • SPA.ce, Cunningham Rd. Run by an expat Brit offers a variety of massages, scrubs, and facials.
  • Sundaythespa, No.627/628, 5th Cross Road, 15th Main, 80 Feet Road, 4th Block, Koramangala Layout, 91 80-25520757, besplatni: 91 80-25520758, . Incorporates Ayurvedic, Indian and East Asian practices, offers professional services by well-trained staff.


Inside a mall in Koramangala, Bangalore

Shopping districts

Bangalore provides a wide range of options for shoppers. One can buy many things ranging from clothing to electronic goods and vehicles. Being an IT city, Bangalore provides all kind of services but one might find things to be costlier.

Many visitors come to Bangalore searching only for sandalwood carvings and silk saris and so miss out on the true Bangalore shopping experience. Here is a low down on shopping - Bangalore style:

  • The UB City i Vittal Mallya Road are Page-3 shopping areas. You'll find brands like Versace, Louis Vuitton, Kimaya in the UB City. Vittal Mallya Road has stores like Kolektiv which is a shop only for men. Armani, Versace, Boss, you name it they have it. There's even Canary Blue and Esprit on the same road.
  • 1 Bannerghatta Road. Grasshopper is a space that exhibits clothing designs from the most experimental designers in India and also showcases other ideas - lighting design, products, theatre, music - an open space for expression! If that's too boring, you can keep driving and you have a thousand ways that you can take to enjoy the wildlife and the myriad reservoirs strewn across the area - you can still find your very own private haven.
  • 2 Brigade Road/M.G. Cesta (M.G. Road station (Metro east-west line) is right next to the intersection of M.G. and Brigade Roads.). The most popular place for tourists. These two roads are filled with shops of every kind, whether it be traditional handicrafts or the latest western wear (this is especially true for Brigade Road). Brigade Road, where British soldiers used to buy their necessities, is now the centre of yuppie Bangalore; you'll see hordes of college students on the road any time of day or night. Stores on Brigade Road include: Planet M (a huge music store with everything), Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Phillipe, Pepe Jeans, Levis, Lee, SanFrisco Jeans, Nike, and Titan (great Indian made watches). There are also many eateries on Brigade road and on the side roads that lead off it. Fast food outlets include KFC (right at the entrance), Pizza Hut (at the other end of the road), and many cafes including the Indian coffee chain Cafe Coffee Day. Also includes a tattoo studio. M.G. Road is short for Mahatma Gandhi road.
  • 3 Commercial Street. A legacy of the British is another shopping mecca that sells international brands (similar to Brigade road) alongside locally produced items. Commercial Street has more of a bazaar feel than Brigade Road. In addition, it is famous for its body piercing centers. The price of goods here is very competitive and it is a great place to pick a bargain.
  • Sampige Road. The heart of Malleswaram district, connecting Sheshadripuram to IISc. Sampige Road is around 2 km (1.2 mi) long, has a wide range of shops that sells books, electronic items, silk sarees, handicrafts, cloth materials, Hindu pooja materials, sweets and all the trivial things you can buy on earth. Also try Malleswaram 8th cross on Sampige road (aptly named Brigade Road of Malleswram) for a vibrant shopping experience. Sampige Road is also home to best flower market and fruits market in Bangalore. If you are tired of going to individual shops you can go to department stores such as Fabmall, Foodworld and Nilgiris.

Trgovački centri

Malls typically have higher-end stores retailing apparel, footwear, and consumer electronics. Many malls also have food courts (with international cuisine) and movie theatres. Finding a parking spot for your car may not be easy though, especially on weekends.

The heart of the new mall shopping district is on Victoria Road, with malls like Garuda Mall, Bengaluru Central and Globus, all within easy walking distance.

Some of the more popular malls in Bangalore are:

  • 4 Bengaluru Central (Bangalore Central), Residency Road. Bengaluru Central is more of a large department store than a mall with separate retailers.
  • 5 Forum Mall (on Hosur road, Koramangala suburb). One of the well-known malls in Bangalore in an upscale suburb. Stores range from high international brands to traditional Indian Khadi clothing at the Khadder. The top floor of the mall contains an 11-screen cinema. For eating there is fast food and world cuisines including: Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexican and Italian and Indian. The PVR Cinema hall is here too.
  • 6 Garuda Mall. On the corner of McGrath and Commissariat Roads.
  • 7 Gandhi Bazaar (in the heart of Basavangudi). One of the oldest shopping areas in Bangalore, Gandhi Bazaar stretches for a short kilometer or so, bordered on both sides by shops selling everything from saris and clothes to plastics and kitchen utensils, fronted by vegetable and fruit stalls.
  • 8 Jayanagar Shopping Complex. From antique jewelry stores, the authentic gold jewelry stores, saree stores, sweet meat stores, classic Iyengar bakeries, dress stores, and food stores that sell fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, and butter. Most of the products are comparatively cheap and are often value for money.
  • 9 Životni stil (Sony World Junction, Koramangala). A two-story store on Victoria Road in the heart of the new mall shopping district. This was one of the most coveted stores until the malls came along. It's an easy place to go shopping when you don't want too many options to confuse you or when you're tired and don't want to visit too many shops - you can get everything under one roof here. Good for clothes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, shoes etc. You also get stylish furniture and other home and living items for a decent price.
  • 10 Mantri Square (Metro Green: Sampige Rd). In Malleswaram
  • Marathahalli Main Road and Factory Outlets. Some distance from central Bangalore (although not difficult to reach) is Marathahalli (a village in a previous life). The main road of this suburb is now a haven for factory outlets for all major brands. You can expect prices here to be cheaper than in the malls, at least 20-30% price difference but can be up to 50% cheaper when it comes to some of the major denim brands. As if India wasn't cheap enough. Although this is the best place to go to for factory outlet shopping, there are smaller factory outlets scattered across the city. Also look out for sales held by the major brands to get rid of end of season stock (again end of summer or end of monsoon), these are usually advertised in newspapers or look for signs posted on major roads.
  • Metro shopping mall (near Yeshwanthpur railway station and ISKCON temple).
  • 11 Safina Plaza. The sale capital of Bangalore, on Infantry Road. Every week there is sale going on of any type. One week it might be home furnishings and the next men's wear. Good place to find some bargains. Many exhibitions are also held here, although there are retailers here too. So for quiet shopping come here (much less crowded than the other malls). Its best to visit during end of season sales (summer, monsoon) or during festivals (New Year, Christmas, Ganesh Chaturthi).
  • 12 Phoenix Marketcity. It is the largest mall in Bangalore by area. There is something for everyone in this mall. This mall has many upscale restaurants, electronic shops, bookstores, toy stores and a large selection of clothes, cosmetics, shoes, etc.


The traditional markets have mom-and-pop stores that sell everything from fruits, vegetables, groceries to electronics, music, and mobile phones.

  • 13 KR Market (City Market, Krishna Rajendra Market). The city's largest vegetable and fruit market is in the heart of the city

Manje, ali živahnije tradicionalne tržnice mogu se naći u stambenim naseljima poput Gandhi bazar, N R Kolonija, Banashankari, Malleswaram, Jayanagar, JP Nagar & Šivajinagar.

Za ostale mogućnosti prehrane možete kupiti namirnice u Nature's Basket ili Spar, More, FoodWorld, mogućnosti su ogromne, sve na cesti od 80 m (24 m). U 1. bloku možete pronaći prehrambene trgovine prikladnije za lokalno stanovništvo, ako to želite na tradicionalan način!

  • Ulsoor ribarnica (Metro ljubičasta: Halasuru).

Pojedinačne trgovine


  • C. Krishniah Chetty & Sons (Dijamantna vodeća trgovina), 2-1 Glavni križ Rd (pored Safina Plaza), 91 80 4000 1869. 14.000 četvornih metara (1.300 m2) posvećen najfinijem nakitu od zlata i dijamanata, raspoređen na dva kata.
  • C. Krishniah Chetty & Sons-The Heritage Store, 35 & 36 Commercial St., 91 80 4000 1869. Posvećeno zlatu i srebru.
  • Luksuzni ansambl Giantti (u trgovini br. C9, razina 2, palača Leela), 91 80 4115 9766. Dijamantni i zlatni nakit zajedno sa srebrnim predmetima i idolima.
  • Bluestone Mjesto br. 89/2, Arcade Lava Kusha, selo Munnekolal, vanjski prsten Marathahalli Rd.

Ručni rad

  • Emporij za umjetnost i obrt Cauvery, 45 MG Rd, 91 80 2558 1118. Velika trgovina koja nudi širok izbor nekih od najboljih ručno izrađenih proizvoda Karnataka. Rezbarija od Mysore sandalovina su posebno dobra kupnja.
  • Central Cottage Industries Emporium (CCIE), MG Rd. Državna trgovina koja promovira tradicionalne indijske ručne obrte. CCIE ima glavna prodajna mjesta u New Delhi, Mumbaiju, Kolkata, Bangalore i Chennai.
  • Miras Carpet Industries, Br.7, prizemlje, kompleks Suryodai, stari aerodrom Rd, Kodihalli (Opp. Hotel Leela Palace), 91 80 4157 1894, 91 80 2521 0786, . Svakog dana od 9:00 do 21:30. Proizvođači i izvoznici tepiha, prostirki, kilima, indijskih rukotvorina, nakita, šalova od pašmine, šalova od kašmira, svilenih sareea, itd. Tvrdi da je najveći prodavač orijentalnih tepiha i prostirki u Bangaloreu, koji prodaje visokokvalitetne proizvode i proizvode po lokalnoj cijeni. Dostupno parkiralište za automobile.
  • Chandi - Božanska galerija, MG Rd (Trgovina br. 12, prvi kat, komunalna zgrada), 91 80 4112 3590, 91 80 4112 3610. Specijalizirajući se za indijske božanske figure u svim medijima. Tvrdi da ima najveću kolekciju Ganeshasa u gradu. Kvalitetna roba s lokalnom cijenom, navodno bez naporne prodaje.
  • Trgovina Kala Madhyam ', 2. kat, Stan br. 2, Benson Town # 77/8, Nandidurg Rd (Benson Cross Rd kut), . Slike narodnih i plemenskih umjetnina, rukotvorine iz cijele Indije, odjeća za žene. Specijalizirao se za zidne zidne slike narodne i plemenske umjetnosti, kao i za terakotu.
  • Državna korporacija za razvoj zanata Karnataka, 45 K.S.H.D.C kompleks, MG Rd, 91 80 2558 1118. Specijalizirao se za rukotvorine u Karnataki.
  • Kraljevska umjetnost i obrt, 91 80 2248 4797. 21 K.H. Rd. Ima posebno širok izbor svilenih tepiha i proizvoda od papirne kaše.


  • Biro za knjige Gangarams, # 3, Church Street, 3. kat, 91 080 2512 7888, . M-Sa 10:00 - 20:00. Od 1977. godine odredište za knjigoljupce s knjigama u različitim rasponima, od akademskih, profesionalnih i tehničkih do beletristike i nefikcije.
  • Cvjeta, Crkva sv (paralelno s MG Rd i obližnjim restoranom Coconut Grove), 91 80 255 9733. Postoje tri puna kata onih rijetkih, teško dostupnih starih knjiga. Sve iz druge ruke, u dobrom stanju i po niskim cijenama.
  • Knjigoljubac (Church Street, nasuprot Starbucksa). Ovo je mala rabljena knjižara. Dobra ponuda za rabljene i nove knjige dostupna je ovdje.
  • Križaljka, Residency Rd (ACR Towers, nasuprot hotela Gateway), 91 80 2558 2411-16. Vruće mjesto za knjige različitih žanrova u kombinaciji s prostorom za sjedenje, prostranim stalcima, odjelom za glazbu i filmove, dječjim odjelom i kafićem. Prekrasan hangout za čitanje, pregledavanje i kupnju.
  • Knjižnica Elloor, Komore plavog križa, pješačka ulica (u blizini Commercial St.). Knjižnica u optjecaju koja ima širok spektar beletrističkih i nefiktivnih knjiga, uključujući nove naslove. Zahtijeva članstvo koje uključuje polog.
  • Gangarams Indiranagar, 330/9 Axis Road Domlur unutarnji prsten Rd. Domlur izgled. U blizini letača Indire Nagar, 91 80 4038 3838, . Svakodnevno od 10:00 do 20:00. Širok izbor fantastičnih i nefiktivnih knjiga, uključujući udžbenike i stručna djela, pribor za pisanje, multimediju, filmove, igračke, umjetnički materijal i darove.
  • Gangarams Mg cesta, Triumph Tower, 2. kat, 48 Church St (nasuprot hotela High Gates i kontinentalne Kine; Church Street paralelna je s cestom Mahatma Gandhi ("MG")), 91 80 2512 7888, . M-Sa. Širok izbor knjiga s beletristikom i nefikcije, uključujući udžbenike i stručna djela.
  • Goobes Book Republic, 46-1-1 Church St, Karnataka (u podrumu Church Street Inna, hotel Budget, u blizini MG Rd), 91 80 4112 4956, . Rabljene i nove knjige o raznim temama i vrlo isplativa knjižnična opcija te otkup rabljenih knjiga.
  • Higginbothams, 68 MG Rd, 91 80 2558 7359, 91 80 2558 6574. Ova knjižara nudi dobar izbor karata, razglednica, vodiča i romana.
  • Trgovina knjiga u Oxfordu (u Leela Galleria, pored hotela Leela Palace). Ima neke od najnovijih kolekcija knjiga i časopisa, ali ne nudi popuste. U prilogu je Chai Bar koji nudi 69 mješavina čaja.
  • Premier knjižara, 46/1 Crkva sv (isključen MG Rd), 91 80 2558 8570. Časna institucija koja ima knjige o svim zamislivim temama doslovno složene od poda do stropa. Iako se čini da je trgovina posve kaotična, vlasnik zna gdje se nalazi svaki komad njegove dionice - samo budite oprezni s tim laktovima, laganim gurkanjem i cijelo će se mjesto srušiti. Međutim, ova će se trgovina uskoro zatvoriti.
  • Kuća knjiga Sapna, 3rd Main Rd, blizu Kamat Yatri Nivas, Gandhi Nagar (Pješačka udaljenost od stanice Majestic Bus). Ovo je velika knjižara, a imaju podružnice i na još tri mjesta Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar i Indiranagar. Sapna Book House također pruža internetsku dostavu knjiga.
  • Odaberite Knjižara, Brigade Rd (s Brigade Rd iza hotela Curzon Court). Nekad je bila jedina stara knjižara. Gospodin Murthy, koji vodi knjižaru, jedan je od najupućenijih ljudi. Njegov djed pokrenuo je knjižaru. Ima i zbirku litografija, vitraja i kolekcionarske kopije antičkih knjiga.
  • Štand za knjige Strand, Dickenson Rd (1. kat, Manipal centar), 91 80 2558 0000. Najpoznatiji po najnovijim izdanjima u umjetnosti, dizajnu, arhitekturi i to po povoljnim cijenama.
  • Streelekha, 33 / 1-9, Izgled Thyagaraja, Jaibharath Nagar, 91 80 2549 2783. Ovo je izvrsna knjižara za istraživanje feminističke književnosti i aktivizma koji se proizvode u Indiji, kao i drugih tekstova o istraživanju i radu indijskih nevladinih organizacija. Atmosfera je opuštajuća i primamljiva.
  • Kuća knjiga Tata. Na Indijskom institutu za znanost, Malleswaram. Ima veliku kolekciju tehničkih knjiga na koju nudi ravnih 20 posto popusta. Puno knjiga na malom mjestu. Također vrijedi posjetiti samo zato što je u IISc-u.


Osim brojnih trgovačkih centara koji su olujom zauzeli Bangalore, bitni element i duša grada prolaze i u bezbrojnim malim i jedinstvenim buticima koji se nalaze po cijelom gradu, a koji su obično ušuškani. Pokušali ste nabrojati trgovine koje morate provjeriti.

  • Arnav, 91 80 2656 8416. Šarmantna mala zlatarnica na stupu Ashoka, Jayanagar, kupuje vrlo zanimljive nakit, izložen je niz antiknih, restauriranih, suvremenih nakita i fuzija. Oni bi vam mogli pomoći u dizajniranju nakita koji odgovara vašim potrebama, a interni savjetnik za nakit mogao bi vam pomoći u odabiru nakita.
  • Stvaranja Aure, Trgovina br. 3, parcela br. 2 Nandagokula, raspored, Shampura Main Rd, 91 85 5363 7531. Dizajnerski butik s ekskluzivnim materijalima za haljinu.
  • Chilli Billi, 91 92 4179 9105. Izvrsno za žensku vestern odjeću ', posebno za haljine, dobru kolekciju torbi, cipela i nakita. Također nude rješenja za uređenje doma.
  • Levitirajte-InDiA u RooM-u, 100 Ft. Rd, 91 80 6452 8190, 91 98 4531 7776, . Srebrni i kostimirani ručno izrađeni nakit, boemska odjeća, indijski kič, dodaci za život.
  • Mahendra Tekstil, 91 80 4124 9900. Saree i materijali za odijevanje iz Surata, Mumbaija, Kolkate, Radžastana, Varanasija, Kerale i Šri Lanke.
  • Marmelada, Magrath Rd (pridržavanje salona Spratt; lijevo prije Dana kave, na Brigade Rd Extn), 91 80 4122 1814. Mnogo pristupačne odjeće za mlade dizajnere.
  • Rodno mjesto (iza pošte Museum Rd, Muzejska cesta). Mnoštvo zanimljive robe, zanata koje su izradile nevladine organizacije, c / o Restoran The Only Place.
  • Jedan G, 91 80 4123 1231. (Nakit) Hatworks Boulevard, Cunningham Rd.
  • Koncepti predsjednikovog mladoženja, B.v.k.iyengar Rd i Kamraj Rd, 91 80 4147 0910. Dvije modne trgovine muške odjeće. Fine tkanine po narudžbi i velika konfekcija. Odijela po mjeri i izrađena po narudžbi odjeće, uključujući smokinge, poslovnu odjeću za tradicionalne indijske kurte i šervane.
  • Sakhi od Chandrasa, 6. glavna, HAL 2. etapa, Indiranagar, 91 80 4115 5551. Kombinira tradicionalne tkanine i izradu sa suvremenim temama. Sakhi-jevi sarees, salwars i kurtis kombiniraju kanchivaram, tussar, šifon, georgette, krepe, organzu i pamuk s tradicionalnim tehnikama kao što su rezanje, blok print, kalamkari, badla, ogledalo, chamki (šljokice) i vez u mješavini boja.
  • Stritva u blizini ITPL-a, 294, 8. glavni, BEML izgled, ITPL Main Rd, 91 963 222 1615. Prodaje gotovo salwar odijelo, kameez, kurte, haljinu, saree i noćnu odjeću. Trgovina ima dobru kolekciju po povoljnim cijenama.

Glazba i filmovi

  • Stanište, Church Street, Off Brigade Road. Malen u usporedbi s drugim maloprodajnim glazbenim / filmskim trgovinama, užitak je za ljubitelje dobre glazbe, posebno jazza. Ima izvrstan i raznolik izbor DVD-a za iznajmljivanje, iako je članstvo zatvoreno.


Salon elektronike Croma nalazi se nasuprot Lifestyle Mall-a. Saloni elektroničke trgovine eZone, Reliance Digital, Pai, Sony, Panasonic udaljeni su kilometar odavde. Dakle, ovo je idealno mjesto ako želite napraviti anketu prije nego što napravite sljedeću skupu LCD / LED televiziju.



  • Umjetnost življenja, Međunarodni centar Umjetnost življenja, Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth, 21. km, Kanakapura Road, Udayapura, 91 80 67262626, 91 80 6726262627, 91 80 6726262628, . Kampus je također žarište mnogih uslužnih projekata poput ruralnog razvoja i obrazovanja, inicijativa za organskim poljodjelstvom, znanstvenih istraživanja blagodati 'Sudarshan Kriya' Dok se u ašramu ne može propustiti Satsange koji se održavaju svake večeri. Satsangi su okupljanja na kojima se rasuti umovi ujedinjuju kroz glazbu, meditaciju i mudrost kako bi iskusili više stanje svijesti. Ljudi iz cijelog svijeta koji poznaju različite jezike sudjeluju u pjevanju bhajana ili ponavljanom pjevanju riječi ili stiha.
  • ISKCON, ISKCON Hram Šri Radha Krišna-Chandra, brdo Hare Krišna, Chord Rd, 91 80-23471956, 91 80-23578346, faks: 91 80-23578625. Hram Međunarodnog društva za svjesnost Krišne (ISKCON) u gradu Bangalore ogroman je kulturni kompleks koji je otvoren 1997. godine kako bi ostvario viziju A.C. Bhaktivedante Swamija Prabhupade, osnivača-Acarye iz ISKCON-a, za promicanje vedske kulture i duhovnog učenja. ISKCON Šri Radha Krishna-chandra Mandir privlači posjetitelje iz različitih dijelova svijeta i to je više od mjesta rituala. Međutim, zbog velikog protoka stranih posjetitelja, ono je uglavnom postalo jako komercijalizirano mjesto, a manje vjerski centar.


  • Choe Khor Sum Ling, Ashwini, br. 24, 1. kat, raspored Domlur, 91 80 41486497, . Ovaj tibetanski budistički centar za meditaciju i učenje nalazi se u Domlur Layoutu u blizini restorana Shanti Sagar na aerodromskoj cesti. CKSL je centar za proučavanje i praksu mahayana budizma slijedeći lozu i primjer Gospoda Buddhe. Centar, čije ime znači 'Tri okretanja kotača Dharme', osnovao je 2003. Lama Zopa Rinpoche pod vodstvom NJ.H. XIV. Dalai Lame. Centar nudi tečajeve iz različitih budističkih tehnika meditacije i učenja o različitim aspektima budizma. Nastava se nudi javnosti besplatno i izvodi se na engleskom ili na tibetanskom jeziku (s prijevodom na engleski). Uz redovita učenja, svakih nekoliko tjedana Centar poziva starije Lame da drže razgovore o važnim aspektima budističkog puta. Takvi razgovori također su popraćeni uputama i inicijacijama od strane Lame u različite prakse meditacije.
  • Društvo Maha Bodhi, Put Kalidasa 14, Gandhinagar, 91 80 2250684, . Ovaj hram ima vrlo aktivan raspored. Učenja o Dharmi na engleskom jeziku su prve dvije i posljednje nedjelje u mjesecu od 9: 30-11: 30 ujutro, dok se 3. nedjelje održavaju meditacijska povlačenja. Svatko je dobrodošao da prisustvuje. Hram također ima dobru knjižnicu i prekrasan vrt - izvrsno mjesto za povlačenje iz gradske vreve i gradske vreve.
  • Thubten Lekshey Ling (Dharma Subhashita), 91 98 80296930, . Nyingma tibetanski budistički centar za meditaciju koji je osnovao pokojni Njegova Svetost Pema Norbu (Penor) Rinpoche. Središte je blizu ceste MG na cesti Ulsoor, sa strane centra Manipal. Centar provodi satove meditacije, duhovne rasprave i napredne studijske programe. Vikende u meditaciji i filozofiji nude lame iz samostana Namdroling, Bylakupee.



Najbolji način za pronalaženje posla u Bangaloreu su sajmovi poslova, portali za posao, izravna prijava tvrtkama od interesa i putem lovaca na ljude.

Uredba o zapošljavanju neindijskih građana

Indijski propisi mogu zahtijevati da bilo koji strani državljanin koji je zaposlen u Indiji zarađuje najmanje 25 000 američkih dolara godišnje. Ovo je izuzeto za (a) etničke kuhare, (b) nastavnike jezika (osim nastavnika engleskog jezika) / prevoditelje i (c) osoblje koje radi za veleposlanstvo / visoke komisije. Provjerite svoju kompenzacijsku ponudu kako biste ispunili ovaj uvjet i stekli pravo na vizu za zapošljavanje. Neki strani državljani zaposleni su s plaćama nižim od ove, međutim, obično u nevladinom sektoru.

Nazvan Silicijskom dolinom u Indiji, grad pruža mnoštvo mogućnosti zapošljavanja mladima iz različitih dijelova Indije.


Uz malo truda i ustrajnosti pronalazak posla u Bangaloreu sasvim je moguće. Većina dostupnih pozicija nalazi se u IT području, ali ne nužno i na IT mjestu. Nekoliko iseljenika bavi se marketingom, osiguravanjem kvalitete, obukom za naglaske i prevođenjem. Za sve poslove u Indiji potrebna je viza za zapošljavanje koju mora dobiti inozemstvo, a sponzorirati je tvrtka za unajmljivanje u Indiji. Općenito, plaća za emigrante vrlo je visoka u usporedbi s lokalnom indijskom plaćom. Najbolji resurs za posao je putem zajednice iseljenika. Raspitajte se, ali dobro mjesto za susret s emigrantima su nedjeljne marende u hotelima s 5 zvjezdica ili u brojnim kafićima u okolici MG Road.


Bangalore nudi širok izbor prehrambenih mogućnosti. Stranci će htjeti tražiti čistoću prilikom odabira mjesta za jelo. Također nemojte očekivati ​​da će vanjski izgled biti previše otmjen, pri odabiru mjesta za jelo pripazite na čistoću unutrašnjosti i poslužitelja! Mogućnosti prehrane uključuju vrhunske restorane, lance do hramova, mame i pop trgovine i naravno ulične prodavače! Restorani obično označavaju ako poslužuju samo vegetarijansku (vege ili čistu vegetarijansku) ili vegetarijansku i nevegansku kuhinju. Ako dugo niste bili u Indiji, sigurnije je uzimati flaširanu vodu. Ali sokovi i druga pića obično su ok.

Postoje i stotine mladih štandova za sok od kokosa i šećerne trske! Lijepo osvježenje dok idete gradom! Obje su dobre za održavanje hladnoće i energije. Kokosov orah vrijedi za 25–30 ₹ (neki sastojci mogu imati manje kokosovih oraha za ₹ 10-15). Sok od šećerne trske iznosi ₹ 10-15 po šalici. Bangalore je daleko od mora i kao takva kvaliteta plodova mora može varirati. Neki od viših i popularnih morskih plodova dobro uspijevaju, ali strani putnici možda žele malo oprezno kročiti.

Stranci bi možda željeli piti samo flaširanu vodu i jesti samo dimnjake proizvedene s flaširanom ili filtriranom vodom. Također, govedini je zabranjeno biti na jelovniku u restoranima Karnataka.

Cesta od 80 stopa (24 m) je Ulica za jelo Koramangala. Pizza Hut, Domino's, KFC, Taco Bell, Au Bon Pain nalaze se ovdje. Postoje i mnogi lanci koji poslužuju domaću indijsku kuhinju. Chandni Chowk izvrsna je opcija ako želite ruralno iskustvo punjabi dabe.

Kafić Wisdom, u blizini izložbenog prostora AlienWare, zaista je ugodno mjesto za užinu ili ručak. Takva je i rupa u kafiću Wall, u stražnjoj ulici iza hotela Maharaja. Poslužuje izvrsnu kavu i engleski doručak. Kao i Cafe Terra, u blizini prijelaza Wipro park. Uz njega je stvarno popularan spoj hrane nazvan Mali dom. Poslužuje lijepu sjevernoindijsku hranu po vrlo povoljnoj cijeni. Stvarno je popularan među mladim radničkim stanovništvom. Sladoledna sala Naturals hit je popularne publike; vikendom navečer možete vani naći redove.


Bangalore ima stotine brzih restorana koji poslužuju južnoindijsku vegetarijansku hranu. Obično se identificiraju s malim okruglim čeličnim stolovima i zalogajnicama koji stoje oko njih i imaju hranu. Doze, idlisi, vade, riža od skute, povrće Pulao, riža sa sambarom, limunova riža obično su standardna cijena. Kvaliteta varira, budući da većina njih zadovoljava radne ljude.

  • Adigin lanac. Restorani južno od Bangalorea. Među njima se ističu: Jayanagar 4th Block, krenite cestom prema BHS Collegeu prvog razreda, Basavanagudi.
  • Adigin park, 585, 10. glavni, 42. ubačaj, 5. blok Jayanagar.
  • Adiga's Foodline, 502, 40. križ, 8. blok.
  • Adigina delikatnost, 105 Dickensonova cesta, Manipal Center.
  • Adiga's Majestic, (pored Fkcci Bldg), KG Rd.
  • Adigina Nalapaka, (preko puta kompleksa HSBC), Bannerghatta, Arikere.
  • Anupams Coastal Express, Krug Shivanand. Rade fantastična jela od ribe. Neer Dosa s piletinom Pulimunchi, kori roti i pilećim ghee pečenjem neke su stvari koje zaista ne možete propustiti.
  • Brahminov kafić (kod ShankarMutta u Shankarapuramu, Basavanagudi), 91 87226 64284. Poznat po dokonoj, vadi i ukusnom chutneyu. Dobivate i khaarabath. Ovdje ne očekujte sambar za vadu.
  • 1 Central Tiffin Room (CTR) (Shri Sagar), 152, 7. križ, 3. glavni, Margosa Rd, Malleswaram, 91 80 2331 7531. Još jedan orijentir hotel, koji izbacuje božanstvenu 'Benne masala dosa', koja se doslovno topi u ustima. Poznat po maslacu Masala Dosa.
  • Kokosov gaj, Crkva sv. Appams i Kerala parote s jelom od pilećeg umaka. Njihova ponuda ručka za 80 JPY također je jako dobra. Prilično dobar izbor za kvalitetne morske plodove s prihvatljivim cijenama. Vrijedno je pogledati i vanjsko proširenje Coco-Grove za 'pivnicu'.
  • Kutna kuća, Residency Rd, BTM Rd, Koramangala, Airport Rd, Whitefield Rd, Marthahalli i Shivananda Circle, 91 80 2558 3262. Jedna od najboljih slastičarnica koja nudi razne poslastice. Njihova poznata "Smrt od čokolade" (u narodu poznata kao DBC) nužna je za sve ljubitelje čokolade i postigla je kultni status. Može biti nezgodno pronaći mjesto tijekom vrhunca, a možda vas osoblje "potakne" da brzo odete nakon što to učinite.
  • Fanoos (susjedne tržnice Johnson, pored Brigade Rd). Jedan od zglobova za dobivanje kiflica (govedine) u Bangaloreu. Dolaze u raznim veličinama - sheekh roll, sheekh jumbo, sheekh mambo, sheekh rambo i sheekh sambo - od kojih je potonji gotovo 2 debljine. Postoje i druge mogućnosti poput kolutova od piletine, ovčetine i panera, kao i kababi i shawarma. ₹ 30-100 po glavi.
  • Hotel Empire (Ostala mjesta u ulici Center i Koramangali), 14 Pottery Road Richards Town (Pokraj muzeja Inn), 91 80 40 414141. 10:00 - 15:00. Indijska, kineska i bliskoistočna kuhinja do kasno u noć. Isprobajte piletinu na maslacu, pileće kababe i parate. I nevegetarijanska i vegetarijanska hrana ovdje su dobre i povoljne.
  • Hotel Janatha, 8th Cross Rd, Malleswaram. Stvara neke od najboljih vada sambhara i masala dosa u gradu.
  • Indijska kavana, Pješačka cesta.
  • Janani, J.P.Nagar. Izvrsno mjesto za doručak, ručak ili večeru, možete jesti idli i sambar za ₹ 10, a šalicu čaja za ₹ 8, curry od roti sjevernog Indije za ₹ 32. Ako želite imati dobru pandžabsku hranu, pođite gore i naručite dobar obrok ispod 150 ₹.
  • Java, 91 80 4137 8888. G blok apartmanskog naselja Diamond District u mjestu Kodalli na staroj zračnoj luci Rd. Skriveni dragulj koji poslužuje buffet ručak i večeru za for 150 radnim danom, ₹ 250 vikenda (cijene 2008.). Buffet se sastoji od sjeverno i južnoindijskih jela, a služi vegetarijancima i nevegetarijancima. A-la-carte po povoljnim cijenama (₹ 90-120 predjela) dostupno je izvan sati ručka i večere.
  • Kanti Slatkiši. KG Rd, Majestic, Malleswaram Circle, RT Nagar. Vrlo dobre samose, kachoris i sjevernoindijski slatkiši poput rasmalaja. Lanac koji se brzo širi, pa sada u gradu ima puno podružnica koje također služe parate i druge prehrambene proizvode. Glavna grana u Majesticu je najbolja, a služi samo samose, kachoris i slatkiše. ₹ 10-50 po glavi.
  • KC Das. Ovo je lanac bengalskih slastičarnica u Bangaloreu. Onaj na Church St je možda najvidljiviji i najpoznatiji, ali postoje prodajni dijelovi na Coles Rd, BTM Layout.
  • Kohinor, Brigade Rd. Služi hranu po vrlo prihvatljivoj cijeni u muslimanskom stilu u Kerali.
  • Mliječni bar s pogledom na jezero, MG Rd, 91 80 2558 7410. Izvrsni sladoledi, klupski sendviči i pljeskavice.
  • 2 Soba Mavalli Tiffin (MTR), 11 Lal Bagh Rd, 91 80 2222 0022, 91 80 22221706. Jedno od vrlo starih tradicionalnih mjesta za doručak u Bangaloreu. Nekoliko je ljudi koji su doručkovali na MTR svaki dan u posljednjih 15 godina. Zatvoreno između 14: 45-3: 30 PM. Očekujte dugo čekanje vikendom. Ovdje su dostupni i tradicionalni ručkovi s Karnataka od 12 jela po cijeni od oko 90 ₹ po grlu. Prethodne rezervacije preporučuju se vikendom. Rava idlis, dosas i kupka s bisi bele su izvrsne. Kvalitetom je zadržao tijekom godina i vrlo je poznat. Nalazi se na putu okomitom na glavna vrata Lal bagh.
  • Nandini. Lanac brze hrane Andhra poslužuje izvrsna jela od birijana i piletine.
  • Nova Shanti Sagar, 80 Foot Rd. Ovo je relativno pouzdan lanac vegetarijanskih južnoindijskih restorana. Podružnice raštrkane po cijelom gradu, posebno u Koramangala Jayanagaru, Domlur. 50-200.
  • Bogataši, MM Rd (Off Mosque Rd). Služi onu vrstu biryanija koja je izvornik s Bangalorea. Na pola je puta MM Rd, a teško ga je propustiti zbog gužve koja puni njegov brojač za poneti. Richiesa posjećuju samo zbog hrane - stolovi i stolice izrađeni od sintetičkog drva, a prigušena svjetlost sjajnih lustera baš i ne stvara sjajan ambijent. Šarenolika gomila gostiju strpa mjesto za ručak i večeru (dodali su 2. i 3. kat). Ovdje su biryani ukusni, a meso morate voljeti da biste voljeli Richiesa. Izbornik je ograničen; ali ovčji i pileći biryani ističu se i nisu aromatizirani istom masalom, ili ne daj bože, rižom, i njihovi su kababi nešto lijepo i jedinstveno.
  • Savera Tea Shop. 24-satne čajane u blizini Russell Marketa u Shivajinagaru i na MG Rd. Dobro mjesto za šalicu čaja u gluho doba noći. Poslužuje čaj, čaj Suleimani (medeni limun) i razne kekse. ₹ 3-15
  • Shettara Beedi (prehrambena ulica). Cijela ulica uz poznatu pekaru VB u ulici V V Puram Bangaloreova je minijaturna verzija prodajnih mjesta Jalan Alor iz Kuala Lumpura. Utočište za svakoga tko uživa u skokovima, može se poskočiti i popiti razne grickalice koje će utažiti čak i najnehtoniju glad i potrošiti manje od 100 ₹. Neka od jela koja morate probati su kongres dum-root i butter-bun u pekari VB. Doze, obbattu (slatka palačinka), akkirotti (palačinka od riže), pržena obveznice, maslac-gulkand i masala-pepsi, dostupni na raznim štandovima, također su ukusni. Ulica oživi samo navečer (nakon 18:00), a ovdje je dostupna samo vegetarijanska hrana.
  • Šezan, Lavelle Rd i Cunningham Rd, 91 80 2224 9319, 91 80 2224 9667. Indijske, kineske i kontinentalne kuhinje s dobrim izborom jelovnika, gdje su na raspolaganju govedina, riba, kozice, ovčetina i pileće meso. Izvrsni odresci.
  • Shiv Sagar, Narayan Pillai St. (off Commercial St.), 91 80 509-8892. Neka vas lokacija ne zastraši, to je izvrsno mjesto za jelo.
  • SLV lanac. Među njima su istaknuti: Banashankari 2. faza, nasuprot BDA parka i onaj u JPP Nagar 2nd Phase u blizini hrama Ragigudda
  • Sree Krišna. Brza hrana malo dalje od ceste koja povezuje Lalbagh Westgate i Basavanagudi.
  • Vrt Udupi, 16. glavni BTM izgled. Jednostavan restoran Udupi. Poslužuje vrlo dobra južnoindijska jela po nominalnim cijenama. Također služi sjevernoindijsku hranu.
  • Upahara Darshini, DVG Rd, Basavanagudi. Još jedan od novootkrivenih Bangaloreovih Daršinisa koji uživa u vrhunskoj masala dosi i Vadi Sambhar.
  • 3 Trgovine Veena, Margosa Rd, 15 Cross, Malleswaram. Ovo mjesto ima neke od najboljih Idlisa i Vada u ovom dijelu svijeta. Također rade i druga jela, ali Idli i Vada su glavni oslonac. Ne očekujte da ćete sjediti i jesti jer nema mjesta za sjedenje. Stani i jedi. Najbolje vrijeme za odlazak su jutra za doručak prije nego što potroše dnevnu zalihu. Pokušajte prije 8:00, iako su otvoreni dio dana i navečer.
  • Vidhyarthi Bhavan (kod Gandhija Bazara u Basavanagudiju). Gastronomsko utočište nudi neke od najboljih masala dosa na svijetu. Ovo neobično malo mjesto toliko je poznato da se nije potrudilo ni promijeniti svoju vjekovnu tablu s natpisima, a kome je ona ionako potrebna, aroma koja se širi zrakom dovoljno je dobar pokazatelj da ste u blizini mjesta. Dođite rano na doručak, uvijek postoji linija za pčele za mjesta za sjedenje.

Srednja klasa

  • Restoran od 100 stopa, 100 Foot Rd. Indra Nagar. Vesternizirano kuhanje, ali znatno bolje od bilo kojeg drugog restorana koji poslužuje tjesteninu na tom području. Restoran je pomalo hibrid trgovine / restorana. 300-500 JPY.
  • Kafić i restoran Alibaba, 91 80 4091 7163. Frazer Town. Arapska, perzijska i bhatkali kuhinja opisane su kao "Arapsko jezero u Indijskom oceanu". Tematski restoran s osjećajem Arabije, Perzije i Indije. Preporučuju se "Shaiya Biryani" iz kuhinje Bhatkali, pileći roštilj Al faham iz arapske kuhinje i pileći Jujeh kabab iz perzijske kuhinje.
  • Cezarov restoran, MG Rd. Indijska i kontinentalna hrana. Ambijent je dobar, iako je hrana skupa. Parking je problem.
  • Nadstrešnica, Zgrada PU, M.G. Rd. Otvorena, multi-kuhinja sjeverno-indijska hrana. Tehnike kuhanja datiraju iz doba neovisnosti nudeći jedinstveni ukus. Odličan ambijent na otvorenom usred središnje poslovne četvrti. 125-750
  • Ebanovina, MG Rd (na 13. katu najviše zgrade na MG Rd, komunalna zgrada). Moderan restoran s izvrsnim večernjim pogledom na grad. Usluga je pomalo spora, ali ambijent vrijedi pričekati. Rezervirajte unaprijed za sjedenje na terasi. 200-400 JPY
  • Tvornica jaja, St.Marks Rd, 91 80 4211 0041. Multi-kuhinja, Jelovnik se, kao što i samo ime govori, temelji na prijeko potrebnom jaje. Također je napravljen po uzoru na tvornicu s funkcionalnim stolicama i jelovnikom koji izgleda poput priručnika s uputama. Otvorena je za cjelodnevnu večeru. Jela od jaja iz cijelog svijeta, uključujući omeltte, kremšnite, francuski tost, curry, podmetače, tjesteninu i deserte. Ovdje nemojte propustiti fantastične huevos rancheros, čine ih kao u Meksiku. Inovativna pića, isprobajte Klorofil Fix, izgleda i zvuči čudno, ali ima okus poput neba. Vrlo opuštena usluga.
  • Roštilj Maximus, 17. križ 4 glavni HSR izgled. Poznat po mediteranskoj kuhinji. Poslužujte i arapsku indijsku i talijansku hranu. Dostupan je samo jelovnik po narudžbi. 200-500 JPY
  • 4 Koshyjeva, St. Marks Rd (Ispod crkve St.). Institucija u Bangaloreu, koja poslužuje raznovrsne zapadnjačke favorite (poput ribe i čipsa), zajedno s uobičajenom južnoindijskom hranom u atmosferi boema za Indiju. Vikendom poslužuju masni doručak u zapadnom stilu, uključujući omlete i bombajski (to jest francuski) tost. Appam i paprikaš njihov su nedjeljni doručak koji se mora jesti. Na ulazu skrenite desno za skuplju (i definitivno manje šarmantnu) klimu. 50-200. Zadimljeni, s tromom uslugom i ne osobito čisti Koshy's još uvijek ima obilje karaktera i povijesti, ali sve je teže opravdati njihove skokovite cijene.
  • Mala Italija, 100 Foot Rd. Indiranagar. Šik talijanski vegetarijanski restoran, otkačen i preskup. Ponekad osoblje isključi klima uređaj ako su stolovi manje do pola popunjeni.
  • Kontinentalna Kina, Crkva sv (U blizini muzeja Rd), 91 80 2227 7722, 91 90 2224 5864. Vrhunska kineska hrana. Dobra, prilično autentična hrana i izvrsna usluga. Poslužuje pristojan švedski stol za ručak. Također novo prodajno mjesto na cesti od 100 metara, Indiranagar. 500-800 JPY.
  • Pinxx, Manipal centar (isključen MG Rd). Izvrsno mjesto za doručak, ručak i večeru na bazi švedskog stola. ₹ 200-400 po glavi.
  • Kavana Le Rock Pub, Kuća za odmor Rd (Off Brigade Rd), 91 80 4123 1001. Vruća kava za rashlađeno Kingfisher pivo na slavini, sjajni kokteli, pa čak i ručno smotane havanske cigare. Salate, sendviči, krumpir u pecivu sa jaknom. LRC također nudi Oxy Bar, prvi u Bangaloreu.
  • Sahib Sindh Sultan, Razina 2, Forum Mall, Hosur Rd, Koramangala, 91 80 2206 7878. Restoran s vlakom, s ukusnim, vrhunskim jelovnikom. Trebao bi predstaviti NWFP. Njihovi kakori ćevapi su izvrsni. Uz hranu služi i vino. Očekujte dugo čekanje. Ili rezervirajte i prošećite se tržnim centrom ili popijte nekoliko pića iz susjednog Firangi Paani. ₹150-500
  • Samarkand, Gem Plaza, 66, pješačka ulica (Istočno od Central St.), 91 80 4111 3366. Hrana na sjeverozapadnoj granici (tj. Ćevapi, Afganistanci) u kičastoj atmosferi, ali hrana je izvrsna. Morat ćete rezervirati vikendom. 300-600 JPY.
  • Sue's Food Place, Krishna Temple Rd, Indira Nagar. Restoran u karipskom stilu koji vodi Sue (Susan John iz Trinidada i Tobaga). Ima izvrstan švedski stol. Njihova jamajčanska kreten piletina, salate i deserti lijepi su. A la carte meni dostupan je određenim danima. 200-500 JPY
  • Restoran iz 1947. godine. Trgovina br .: 47, 4. kat, 15. Cross Rd, Iznad Girias, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003


  • Bengaluru, La Classic Hotel Extraordinaire, parcela 158, Yadavanahalli, glavna cesta Hosur, Attibele (Opp. Applyomp (Indija) Ltd.), 91 80 3910 1000, 91 80 3910 1111. Jedini restoran s višestrukom kuhinjom, koji nudi fine kuhinje, izvan Electronic Cityja i na putu do Hosura, osim odabira s međunarodnog jelovnika, poslužuje i buffet doručak, ručak i večeru.
  • Plavi đumbir, Taj West End (odmah do Blue Bar-a). Vrhunski vijetnamski restoran s prekrasnim ambijentom i izvrsnom hranom.
  • Kafić Mozaik, 41/3 MG Rd (u rezidenciji Taj). Blagovaonica u zapadnom stilu, u ležernoj atmosferi, uz sjedenje uz bazen. Nedjeljom prije 15.30, doručak šampanjca za sve možete pojesti / popiti za 1.000 JPY.
  • Skakavac, 45 Kalena Agrahara, Bannerghata Rd, 91 80 2659-3999, 91 98 4545-2646. Svježe pripremljeni obrok od sedam jela poslužen na stolu. Potrebna rezervacija. Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno.
  • Pasti, Taj rezidencija, MG Rd. Ima neke od najboljih kreativnih kontinenata koje ćete dobiti u Bangaloreu.
  • I.Talia, Hotel Park, nasuprot 1 MG, Old Madras Rd. Ima najbolju talijansku hranu u gradu
  • Karavalli, Residency Rd (u hotelu Gateway), 91 80 2558-4545. Kuhinje u stilu mangalorejskog, goa, karvara i kerale. Najbolja indijska hrana koju ćete dobiti prilikom posjeta BLR-u.
  • Restoran Leela Palace Bengaluru. Sve za doručak u nedjelju iznosi 2.000 JPY. Imaju 4 restorana, Citrus Lounge (Brasserie kuhinja), Zen (pan azijska), Library Bar (služi svu kuhinju) i Jamavar (Autentični indijski). Općenito preskupo u usporedbi s poslovnicama Taj (Blue Ginger, Graze, Karavalli)
  • Monsun, Hotel Park, Old Madras Rd (Pokraj Taj Residency). 24-satni kafić s raznim kontinentalnim jelima, indijskim, jugoistočnim Azijskim i mediteranskim. Idealno mjesto za privatne zabave.
  • Plaža maslina, Wood St.. Dugogodišnji favorit koji će vam u lijepom okruženju poslužiti talijansko meso i sir, ovo je i dalje među najboljima u Bangaloreu.
  • Paviljon Raj, ITC Windsor Manor, Golf Course Rd.. 24/7 restoran koji nudi ukus britanskog Raja. Poslužuje se kuhinja anglo-lucknowi, dalekog istoka i kontinentalne kuhinje. Među najboljima u Bangaloreu.
  • Sunny's, 34 Vittal Mallya Rd (u ambasadi Diamante), 91 80 5132-9366, 91 80 5132-9391. Među najboljim restoranima u Bangaloreu. Probajte predjelo, salate i tjestenina su ovdje u redu. Vrući sendviči za ručak. Također ima podružnicu u Indira Nagar. Otprilike 1200 JPY za obrok od 3 slijeda za dvoje, bez pića.

Regionalna kuhinja

  • Kadambam, Cesta Bull Temple, u blizini Ramakrishna Ashrama; Zapadno od Chord Rd (u blizini očne bolnice Modi u Rajajinagaru).
  • Kamat Yatrnivas, Gandhinagar; Bull Temple Road, Basavanagudi. Poslužuje posebna jela iz N Karnataka uz jowar (Sorghum) rotis. Oni sada imaju ogranak na ulici Bull Temple Road gdje imaju lokalne umjetnike koji nastupaju kad večerate.
  • Maiya, 30. Cross Rd, blok Jayanagar 4; 11. križ Malleshwaram; Krug Sajjan Rao, Basavanagudi, 91 80 4341 4400. Features a great amount of South Indian cuisine, and then lets you buy some more to take home. And in case that you don't like it, there are more places upstairs that have different cuisine (Jayanagar branch only).
  • MTR 1924, Mini Forest, JP Nagar; St. Marks Road; Indiranagar;. New age chain from the folks who run Mavalli Tiffin Rooms (MTR) on Lalbagh Road.
  • Nalapaka, Rajajinagar. Serves special N Karnataka meals with jowar (Sorghum) rotis, Holige (stuffed sweet rotis). Known for the distinctive Butter Dosa and different varieties of coconut chutneys.
  • South Indies, Indiranagar; Infantry Rd, 91 80 4163 6363, 91 80 4163 6362. An upscale South Indian restaurant in Bangalore, that gives you a taste of authentic south Indian cuisine in an ambience that is equally tasteful.
  • UpSouth, Mantri Square, Mallesharam; Orion Mall, Malleshwaram; Ecospace, Bellandur; 60 ft. Road, Koramangala, 91 80 2266 7378. A quick service restaurant with an upbeat, contemporary look. Be it the vibrant, youthful interiors or the presentation of food in the form of combos, Upsouth is all set to break the dull clutter.


  • Cafe Y, Langford Rd (Near Prestige Elgin, Hosur Rd-Langford Rd junction), 91 80 5114 4561. Amazing sizzlers and steaks, nice ambiance.
  • Friends Fast Food, Jyoti Nivas College Rd, Koramangala (300 m from Forum). Great Conti food at college prices. Casa Picola fans will like this one.
  • Herbs & Spices, 80 Foot Rd (Above Planet M, 100 m north of Reliance Fresh). On. Great pasta, pizza, and desserts.

Maharashtrian food

  • Kollapuri's, 429/31 30th Cross, 4th Block Jaya Nagar (Near Jain Mandir), 91 80 4121 1693, 91 80 2653 5207. An authentic Maharashtrian hotel run by Savaji. It serves bhakri, chapati and "Sheckle Edme" special Savaji stuffed roti with spicy sabjis and meat or other non veg items
  • Rajvardhan Foods, 1291 25th Main Road, 9th Block Jaya Nagar East (Near Big Bazaar), 91 98 8630 3088, 91 98 8630 3089. Best known for its vadapav, sabudana vada, khichdi. It also offers bhakri, thalipeeth. The snacks and other food offered here is comparatively expensive. This is because it is Bangalore's only authentic Maharashtrian food outlet. It also serves food fresh, only prepared after placing the order, so the wait and price is compensated. The food quality is excellent.

Odia food

  • Dalama, #37, 6th block, Koramangala, 100 ft Rd (near Kamat Hotel, Koramangala), 91 80 4166 0921. Authentic Odia cuisine including vegetable curries, chapati, meat, fish, prawn, crab and chicken delicacies.

South Karnataka

  • Halli Mane, 3rd Cross, Malleswaram (close to Malleswaram Circle). Truly authentic and traditional Kannada style food.
  • Janatha Hotel, 8th Cross, Malleshwaram. Another great place, famous for its butter masala dosas and vadas.
  • Kamat Lokaruchi, Mysore Rd (just before Channapatna). Amazing food and ambience. Authentic Mangalorean meals.
  • Kamat Yatrinivas, Majestic; All around the city. Authentic Mangalorean meals.
  • Karavalli, Residency Rd (at the Gateway Hotel), 91 80 2558 4545. Mangalorean, Goa, Karwar, and Kerala style cuisine.
  • Konkan, 6th cross, 6th Block, Koramangala, 91 80 2552 1530. Mangalorean and Goan style cuisine.
  • Kodial's, 8th Cross Malleswaram. For authentic vegetarian Konkani cuisine.
  • Kudla, Ramanashree Comforts, Richmond Rd. For seafood, serves excellent dishes.
  • New Krishna Bhavan, 1st Cross Malleswaram. For authentic Mangalorean food, reasonably priced. Try the neer dosa and badam halwa.
  • Dlanovi, 33 Church St (at the Highgates Hotel), 91 80 2559 7172. Mangalorean, Coorgi, and Malabari style. (shut for renovations)
  • Upaahara Darshini, Jayanagar 3rd Block; DVG Road, Gandhi Bazaar. One of Bangalore's oldest food joints. Amazing dosas.
  • Vidyarthi Bhavan, 32 Gandhi Bazaar, 91 80 2667 7588. Another very old and traditional breakfast place, exclusively known for its Masala Dosa. Similar to MTR, you can find people who have been having breakfast here since times immemorial.


  • 6 Ballygunge Place, 1st Fl., 612, 12th Main, Indira Nagar (above Café Coffee Day). It has been rated best Bengali restaurant by times food guide Bengaluru. It serves excellent fish (esp their chital peti roast), dab chingri and luchis. (Its mocktails are avoidable however). Prices are slightly on higher side. May cost around ₹1,000 for two but the food quality is good. The owners have also added Calcutta-style chaat on top floor. ₹1,000 for two.
  • 36 Chowringhee Lane, 100ft Rd, BTM Layout (opp Reliance Fresh), 91 80 4124 0979. Authentic Bengali Cuisine.
  • Bangaliana, 355, 1st 'B' Main, 7th Block, Koramangala (opp. HDFC banka), 91 80 2571 1058. Authentic Bengali Delicacies (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Restaurant, Take-away, Catering. Specialities: fish, mutton chicken and, of course, sweets.
  • Bhojohori Manna, 668/B 6th Block, Koramangala Club Rd, 91 80 2550 3666. Free home delivery
  • The Esplanade, KHB Colony, 91 80 4092 7878. Offers authentic Bengali cuisine. They also have a continental menu.
  • Oh! Kalkuta, St Mark's Rd. Part of a chain of restaurants across the country, and the best Bengali food available in the city albeit pricier than the other options.
  • Sonar Bangla, 88/1, Shubh Arcade, 1st floor, 16th Cross, Margosa Rd, Malleswaram, 91 80 3367622. The restaurant undertakes orders of authentic Bengali food for gourmets who fancy a whole meal and also delivers it at the doorstep. Fish is considered sacred in the coastal state and is consumed universally. So, all fish lovers can take heart as the non-vegetarian cuisine is delivered, but not served at the restaurant.


  • Bheemas, Church St. If you have the penchant for spice this place is meant for you.
  • Nagarjuna Chimney, Residency Rd; Jayanagar 3rd Block (near Old Galaxy Theatre; near ICICI Bank). Possibly have a few more branches elsewehere in Bangalore. The biryani is great, as are their meals which are served ritually on a banana leaf. Reach early for lunch, for there are always hordes waiting.
  • R₹, off Brigade Rd. A renovation of the vintage R₹, the fun doubles here with the double storeyed restaurant, one serving Andhra and the other Hyderabadi cuisines. There's also alcohol, all the more reason to indulge on a Saturday afternoon.


  • Anjappar Restaurant, #50, 100 Ft. Road, 4th Block Kormangala. Chettinad cuisine
  • Annachi, 100 Ft. Road, Indiranagar. Serves vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Has some good chettinad style dishes.
  • Annapoorna, Ulsoor (near Sai Baba Temple in Ulsoor. Need to get down at Ulsoor police station). Pure vegetarian food in Tamil style.
  • Krishna Kafe, Koramangala (beside Anand Sweets). Traditional Chennai-style food. Dosas, idlis, idiyappam and the like with authentic Tamil sambar and chutney. This place is vegetarian-only. A vegetarian meal will cost you around ₹80. ₹40-100.
  • Pongal, Jivan Bima Nagar (near the Indiranagar telephone exchange). Tamil Nadu food. Lots of dosa varieties, Podi dosa, parotta with kurma are good. Ambience is not that great, but this place is for those who need a quick bite without a big pinch on the wallet.
  • Ponnuswamy, Koramangala (near the National Games Village, opposite to Legends of Rock), 91 80 4151 1919. Authentic south Tamil nadu food. Try the biryani and sukka fry. No alcohol or smoking. Also at Residency Rd., next to Imperial Hotel.

Ice Cream Parlours

  • Corner House, 1 Airport Rd; All around the city, 91 96861 91973. Carlton Towers. This is the place for foodies looking for the best desserts in town. The "brown bomb" and "hot fudge" are a must have. Not a place for calorie counters.
  • ibaco, Basavanagudi; Basaveshwara Nagar; BTM Layout; Coles Road; Indira Nagar; Jayanagar; Koramangala; Mantri Square; Phoenix Mall; RR Nagar; Wood Street; Yelahanka.
  • Naturals Ice Cream, Indiranagar; Koramangala; Sarjapur; Dollars Colony, RMV Extension; St. Marks Road; Jayanagar; Basaveshwaranagar; Frazer Town; Malleshwaram; Arekere.
  • Pabrai's Fresh and Naturalle Ice Cream, Wood Street, Ashok Nagar, 91 80 6453 0000.
  • Phalaamritha Ice Cream Parlour, 8th Cross, 14/1 West Park Road,Malleswaram, 91 80 6567 5755. Serves 25 super smooth home-made ice cream flavours along with health drinks, varieties of kulfis, milk shakes, ice tea, ice cream, novelties and chaats.
  • Richie Rich Ice Cream Parlour, 91 80 2226 9655. Three branches around the city, with a variety of natural ice creams, softies and many fast food items such as pav bhaji and vada pav.. Try the 'Elvis Presley' specialty or the traffic jam or 'Richie Rich' special. The 3 locations are on St. Marks Rd, Airport Rd. and Kumara Park East.
  • Swensen's, Mantri Square, Malleshwaram; 80 ft. Road, Koramangala; 60 ft. Road, Sahakara Nagar; Ascendas Park Square Mall, Whitefield; Bangalore Central, Bellandur; BDA Complex, HSR Layout; J.P.Nagar (Marenhalli); Jayanagar, 91 80 4117 8235. The ultimate sundae experience.
  • Yogi's, #86, 21st Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage (near BDA Complex), 91 98 4584 9025, 91 98 4539 7363. The "Sakkat Burger" and "Sakkat Mexican" are a must have. Wide range of burgers, sandwiches, ice creams, shakes and sundaes available.

North Indian

  • Bay Leaf, Raheja Arcade, opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala. A really nice place with reasonable prices.
  • Grameen, Raheja Arcade, opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala. One of the best places to have good vegetarian North Indian food.
  • Hyderabadi biriyani, Banerghatta Rd (near IIM -B, beside HSBC Bank and above Fabmall). Serves good biriyani
  • Mast Kalandar, All around the city. Very nice North India cuisine. It is very reasonably priced.
  • Kraljice, Church Street, opposite Amoeba. Small restaurant but great food at reasonable prices.
  • Rasilas, JP Nagar 7 Phase, Shreyas Colony (close to Brigade Millennium & Elita Promenade Apartments, near RBI layout). Nice place with very fine cuisine.
  • Tijouri, Hotel Atria, Palace Rd, 91 80 2220 5205.
  • Kund. 303, Ashoka Terrace, 5th Main Rd, Indira Nagar 1st Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038.


  • 100 ft Boutique, 100 Foot Rd, Indira nagar (after Fab Mall when you are travelling from CMH Rd side, and a few stores after Benetton on the LHS if you're coming from Airport Rd), 91 80 4150 1781. Comparable to most continental resto-bars. The best part about it is that its a Boutique Restaurant, which means you can shop, while waiting for your meal to arrive, even after 9PM, which is when most other shops close in Banglaore. The Boutique houses many young designers. Levitirajte, showcases a wide array of eclectic street fashion and handcrafted kitsch from all over India.
  • I-Talia, The Park, MG Rd, 91 80 2559 4666. Expensive, but arguably the best Italian food in town.
  • Italia (previously Little Italy), Indiranagar. Nice vegetarian restaurant in Indira Nagar, a little expensive. Dobra hrana.
  • Via Milano, Koramangala (near Sony World). Autentična talijanska hrana. 3 course meal for 2 will cost an average of ₹2,000, (wine not included).


  • Beijing Bites. 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11PM. Chain restaurant inspired by Chinese & Thai cuisines, spread across Bangalore. ₹200-₹400.
  • Caesar's Multi Cuisine Restaurant, Mahalakshmi Chambers, 9/2, MG Rd. (beside HSBC bank opposite ING Bank). 6:30PM–11:30PM. Variety of tasty food. Classic environment.
  • Golden Lights, No.4032, 100ft Rd, HAL-II Stage, Indranagar, 91 80 2559 7722.
  • Shanghai Junction, No.8, Sri Sai, 60 Foot. Rd, G Block, Sahakarnagar (behind Big Market), 91 80 41744477.
  • Mainland China, Church St; 100 Foot Rd. Indiranagar.
  • P!ing, No. 130, 1st Cross, 5th Block, Koramangala. Includes a dessert bay. Dim sum, sensible portions, good prices.


  • BigBoy Fried Chicken, (BFC), Vignan Nagar.
  • Coconut Grove, Church Street.
  • Continental Spice, Airport Rd (close to Diamond District).
  • Gokulam Mess, GM Palya (3 km (1.9 mi) from Indiranagar).
  • Hotel New Malabar, Kaggadasapura (Near level crossing).
  • Hotel Ruchi, Vignana Nagar.
  • K K Bakers, Malleshpalaya.
  • Kaayal, AECS Layout; Jeevan Bhima Nagar.
  • Kairali, Near Forum Mall, Koramangala.
  • Kalavara, Vignana Nagar.
  • Kerala Pavilion, Domlur (behind Shanti Sagar). Authentic Kerala food
  • Little Home, 80 ft. Road, Koramangala (near Wipro K2 office). Very good south and central Kerala food. Bad service though.
  • The Paramount Restaurant, Koramangala (near Jyothi Nivas College).
  • Priyam Restaurant, Jagadish Nagar (Behind BEML).
  • Tharavadu, Bommanahalli, Hosur Rd (After Silk Board).
  • Vayal, Outer ring road(around Central mall) (After Silk Board).


  • There are few dhabas catering to all tastes. South and North Indian fare is available at most places and is clean and cheap. A special mention is the green park dhaba on the outskirts on Bellary Road and Golconda Chimney on the old airport road in Marthahalli, opposite Shankara Eye Hospital. Golconda Chimmney has been renovated and has A/C and non-A/C sections, the non-veg spread is simply amazing, but the rates are steep if you have a traditional dhaba in mind. The ambience is nice. Try the chicken kathi rolls and the biryani.
  • 5 Bobby-da-Dhaba, Near Lavanya Theatre, St John's Road, Near Ulsoor, 91 96 6367 8382. 12:30PM-3:45PM, 7:30PM-11PM. The food is good (albeit slightly oily). It basically serves paranthas (with lots of butter), chaach, kheer and a number of side dishes (most notable being their shahi paneer and rajma). You may have to wait for a while in case it is full. So it's better to go slightly early, noon for lunch and 7:30PM for dinner to avoid rush).
  • 6 Manjit ka Dhaba, 107, 1st Floor, Wheeler Road, Near Railway Cross, Cox Town, Frazer Town, 91 80 4965 3065. noon to 4PM, 7PM-11PM. Budget dhaba. Tasty parathas (with butter) and couple of assorted vegetable curry options. Lassi. Dont expect ambience in dhabas.


  • In Koramangala, Legends of Rock is near the Pizza Hut on 80 ft. Road.
  • Also great is the Jimi's Beer Cafe nearby, has a really nice ambience.
  • Firangi Paani at Forum Mall is a nice but expensive option.
  • Costa Coffee, Barista and CCD have their presence near Maharaja Hotel. Young working people spend a lot of their time here. You can get a truly multi national multi cultural feeling as there are several restaurants serving Spanish, Italian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Mexican food. Hence, it is really popular with expatriates.
  • The area around Jyoti Nivas college is a popular hangout for the college going crowd, with a lot of eateries and cafes in the area. This area has a very hip/ fashionable feel to it.


  • Barista Lavazza, 91 80 4207 5023, . An Indian startup cafe chain established in 1997 and more commonly known as Barista and now owned by Lavazza. The chain has more than 200 stores in India. It is found all over Bangalore with 32 retail outlets, most of them near IT corporate offices.
  • 1 Café Coffee Day, 91 80 4001 2345. Popularly known as CCD. Established in 1996, at Brigade Road, Bangalore, the chain has over 1,000 cafes throughout India. It is found all over Bangalore.
  • Caffe Pascucci, 690/A, 15 Cross Road, 14th Main Road, Phase II, J P Nagar, 91 80 4091 2134. Italian coffee chain brand. In 2010, Pascucci set up its own coffee retail shop in India with 10 outlets in Bangalore at prominent localities like Jayanagar, JP Nagar, MG Road, Malleshwaram and Indiranagar.
  • Cake Walk, #297, 100 Feet Rd, Indra Nagar, 91 80 2520 5393.
  • Coffee Workers Co-op, Church St's Brigade Gardens. A venerable Bangalore institution, with waiters in traditional uniforms and customers slowly savoring the age-old tradition of coffee drinking - though there are just two choices of coffee: black or white. Have some delightful "masala dosa" here.
  • Coffee World, 91 80 4111 2111, 91-9845296898. Can be found all over Bangalore.
  • Costa Coffee, 91 80 4348 8888. British coffeehouse chain. Koramangala 4th Block, in Indranagar and another opposite Goethe-Institut, RMZ Eco Space on Sarjapur Rd and Sigma Mall, Brookesfield, Cunningham Rd, JNC Rd, and Jayanagar. Besides Coffee, Costa lays heavy emphasis on food with sandwiches, paninis, tostatos, pastas and many kinds of deserts, English muffins, a wide variety of cakes and desserts.
  • Java City, Church St.. Pleasant old Bangalore atmosphere. Offers a wide variety of tea, coffee from all over the world including pizza, pasta, pastries, cookies, you name it they have it plus you get to see a unique sense of humor in their menu and on the walls. On Saturday and Sunday evenings, there is live music, rock and guitar. This place is simple, expatriate friendly and not at all pricy. There is another Java City near Lavelle Road.
  • Travel on Menu Café. Popular for TOM Coffee.

Pubs and bars

The pub scene is concentrated around the commercial business district in the heart of Bangalore. MG Road, Brigade Road, Residency Road, St. Marks Road, and Church Street have numerous pubs. Happy hours is typically between 6-8PM and at most pubs, the time for the last order is around 10:30PM.Formerly having a reputation as the Pub City of India, Bangalore's buoyant pub and nightlife has been curtailed by police and regulatory action, and all bars and nightclubs must now close no later than 11:30PM.


Most bars and pubs in the city are somewhat upscale, but many inexpensive restaurants serve beer and good quality food.

If you just need to go out you could go to one of the bars, but if you would like to have a great social experience and are in the city for a considerable period of time consider becoming a member of one of the social expat clubs in the city. The IVES Club offers a meeting for its members every Saturday at one or the other popular nightclubs in Bangalore; its members are interns, expats, volunteers and exchange students residing in the city.

Srednja klasa
  • Beer Joint Pub, (aka BJP), Indiranagar, 91 80 2525 0346.
  • Bull n Bush, 4th floor, Garuda Mall. Plays hip hop, house and occasionally trance. ₹500/- cover charge.
  • iskoristi dan, Church St. It's a Power Metal haven.
  • Ego's, Castle Street, off Brigade Rd.
  • J'Cubez, Banashankari 2nd Stage, opp. BDA complex. For rock lovers
  • Jimi's, Residency Road, Koramangala 80ft. Rd. A nice dark cozy bar along with Rock music and video. Best visited during weekends and is not hard on your pocket.
  • Le Rock Pub Cafe, Rest House Rd (off Brigade Rd), 91 80 4123 1001. Open from 10AM-11:30PM. The latest watering hole in Bangalore. Rock music across the board screened on large plasma panels; every song can not only be heard but seen as well. Coffee, Kingfisher beer, cocktails, food and Bangalore's first oxy bar.
  • Legends of Rock, 80 Foot Rd, 6th Block, Koramangala, 91 80 4130 3232. Watch the Legends perform on large format TVs.
  • Olio, Koramangala, 91 80 4092 7888. Great ambiance with beer, wines and continental food.
  • Opus, Palace Cross Road, near Sankey Rd, 91 80 2344 2580. A chilled-out, ex-pat friendly lounge with a large outdoor space. Has karaoke on most Sun and Wed (Kroaknights) as well as regular live music and DJ dance nights. You may need to book ahead on theme nights.
  • Nasa, Church St.
  • New Night Watchman, Corner of Church Street and Museum Rd. Little bit dingy but helpful bar staff - satellite TV has the Australia Network so you can watch Rugby Union and AFL games.
  • 2 Pecos, Rest House Rd (Off Brigade Road), 91 80 4090 5462, 91 944 982 7428. 60s retro pub with a mural of Jerry Garcia. Often crowded on all 3 floors, including the pleasant roof-top seating area. Free popcorn with every pitcher of beer. Cards are available for frequent customers which make every tenth pitcher of beer free, but you may have to ask several times in order to acquire one and to get it updated.
  • Purple Haze, Residency Road, Koramangala (close to Jyothi Niwas College). Popular for the classic rock that's played there.
  • Iskre, Briage Road Extension, next to Brigade Towers.
  • Stiks (next to Cauvery Handicrafts on MG Road). They put the "Heavy" in heavy metal!!
  • Sultanate of Swing, 4th floor, Garuda Mall. Mainly plays Rock, Retro, Heavy Metal and has a Video DJ. Slobodan ulaz.
  • Take 5, 54, MSK Plaza, HAL II Stage Indiranagar. A Jazz themed restaurant that serves great American style food and offers a large selection of beers. They don't always play jazz but the food and drink is consistently good.
  • Tavern at The Inn, Museum Rd.
  • The Bunker, off Residency Rd.
  • Windsor Pub, Vasanth Nagar. (off Mount Carmel's in Kodava Samaja Building). A small place which serves only beer, good food and is nice for a family outing. But only limited tables.
  • Zeusa, #174 2nd Floor Manohar Crest, Brigade Rd (Above Health n Glow), 91 80 2532 3355. 11AM-11:30PM. Sports bar and lounge.

Most hotels have spiffy bars with every imaginable concoction of drinks available.

  • 13th Floor, Barton Centre, MG Rd. Make a reservation. amazing view from the 13th floor
  • 3 Arbor Brewing Company (ABC), 8 Magrath Rd, Allied Grande Plaza, Ashok Nagar (Opp. Garuda Mall, Magrath Rd), 91 80501 44477, . Daily noon to 12:30AM. Microbrewery that serves Belgian Triple, Smooth Criminal and Brassiere Blonde. Some of the smoothest beers in town and serves pub-style food. Has a nice vibe though it gets crowded during the weekend.
  • Aura, Cunningham Rd.
  • Atena, The Leela Hotel, Airport Rd. Really popular on most days of the week. The upper VIP lounge is the best part of the club, but the rest of the club is beautifully appointed and attracts a hip crowd.
  • Barleyz - The Brew House, Above Taco Bell, Sony World signal, Koramangala. Microbrewery
  • Blue Bar, West End, Race Course Rd. Excellent drinks if you make sure Joel makes them. Officially they have a couple's only policy. Spontaneous dancing likely next to the bar. On weekends you need to buy drink-tickets for ₹1,500 to enter..
  • F-Bar, Le Meridien, Sankey Rd. Fashion Bar is a theme bar by FTV
  • Fuga, Richmond Town. The best place for house music lovers. Expensive and fashionable.
  • Firangi Paani, Forum Mall, Koramangala.
  • Geoffrey's, Royal Orchid, Airport Rd. Really nice place
  • Hint, 5th Floor, Bangalore Central, MG Rd. Tuesdays is ladies night (couples permitted).
  • iBar, Park Hotel, MG Rd.
  • Kosmo (Formerly Cosmo Village), 81 Ali Askar Road Cross (Off Cunningham Road). 3 separate areas including a terrace. This nightclub is a remodeled colonial villa on a quiet lane, with excellent DJs and expensive drinks, and attracts a wealthy clientele.
  • Taika, Church St. (Off Brigade Rd). Usually open past midnight and has a huge dance floor. 3 bars and a lounge area. Entrance varies each night.
  • Plaža, 100 Foot Rd. Indiranagar. Make a reservation. Starts with retro music, plays some good hip-hop and house towards the end. Makes you feel like you are in Goa.
  • The Biere Club, Vittal Mallya Rd on Lavelle Road, (opp Sunny's).. Bangalore’s first craft brewery and a popular place for beer lovers.
  • Toit, Indiranagar. Microbrewery
  • Vaayu, 5th floor, Eve Mall, Brigade Rd. It has comfortable lounge seating, and is open air, giving some nice views over the city.
  • Windmills Craftworks, #331, Road 5B, EPIP Zone, Whitefield, 91 80 2569 2012, 91 72 5902 4652, . Microbrewery
  • Xtreme Sports Bara & Grill At Earthen Bowl, Ferns City, Doddanekkundi, Bengaluru, 77609 44477, [email protected]


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard dvostruko room:
ProračunUnder ₹1,500
Srednja klasa₹1,500-4,500
RazmetanjeOver ₹4,500


A large number of budget hotels near the Bangalore City Railway Station are crowded in the area around the Dargah Tawakkal Mastan , O.T.C. Road, Chickpet, Near Sreenivasa Hospital, 1 km (0.62 mi) from the Majestic bus station. Ask for Brahmins Bakery area.

  • Citizen Lodge, Lady Curzon Rd (near Bowring Hospital, about 1 km (0.62 mi) from MG Rd). Bare bones motel-style establishment is well located but leaves much to be desired in terms of cleanliness and overall quality. Double non-A/C room costs around from ₹850.
  • FabHotel 29th Church's Inn (formerly Church Street Inn), #29th Church Street, off M.G. Cesta, 91 70424 24242.
  • Hotel Grand Park, OTC Road, near Tavakal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, near Majestic, 91 80 22374786. ₹900.
  • Manju Lodge, Near Abhinay Theatre& Menaka Theatre Hospital Road Avenue Road, 91 80 22200679. ₹600.
  • Naga Residency, OTC Road, near Tavakal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, near Majestic, 91 80 41220539. ₹500.
  • Omshakthi palace, OTC Road, near Tavakal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, near Majestic., 91 80 26707927. ₹400.
  • Railway Retirement Room (inside the Central Railway Station). ₹850.
  • Red Mount Lodge, OTC Road, near Tavakkal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, near Majestic, 91 80 41580000. ₹1,200.
  • Royal Regency Lodge, S. C. Rd (next to Movieland theater), 91 80 4113 0202. Clean rooms and convenient to the city’s local transports like the City bus station and the City Railway Station. From ₹1500?.
  • Shree Vaishnav Gujarati Samaj, Gandhinagar (near Sapna cinema, Kempe Gowda Circle). A secure and decent place to stay if you are there for a day or two. A nice canteen with Gujarati food available. In the vicinity there is another good place available for fast food/lunch named "SLV". Costs ₹50.
  • T.A.P.paradise, Hospital Road Avenue Road; cross near Abhinay Theatre & Menaka Theatre, 91 80 22280522. ₹700.
  • U. G. Classic, OTC Road, Near Tavakal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, near Majestic. ₹1,200.
  • UG Deluxe, Majestic, Thulsi Thotta (stop near the small road opposite Upparpet Police station and next to Navaruchi restaurant, then take right and then immediate left on a small lane and at the end of it take right and you will see the lodge on your right). You may want to take an auto instead of walking down if you are going after a rainy day as your shoes will get dirty. A/C rooms - ₹750, Non-A/C rooms - ₹550.
  • Vardhaman Paradise, Ganesh Lodge Building OTC Road, near Tavakal Mastan Dargah, Cottonpet, Majestic., 91 80 26707552. ₹250.
  • 1 YMCA, Nrupathunga Rd (Near Cubbon Park), 91 80 2221 1848. No-frills hotel.
  • Others around Majestic, If you are free for an hour, you can just go around the Majastic theatre and the Kempe Gowda Bus Station and look for a budget hotel yourself, as there are many on small streets and roads around this place. Or, you can even trust (to some extent) a broker who voluntarily offers help, but be sure you take a good look at the rooms before you pay any money to the lodge and the broker. But there is a wrong notion in the minds of people in and around Majestic that whenever you go in pairs, they tend to look at you with a wrong and suspicious look. If coming with family, especially newly married, avoid the Majestic area.
  • Art of Living Hostel, Kanakapura Road, 91 8026080204, . Free food is given three times a day. Accommodation is shared between four people. The campus is undulating in terrain, and a free shuttle service is available between the numerous hostels and meditation centers. Very green campus with winding footpaths. Beware of snakes. (This hostel is two hours away from Bangalore city railway station in peak traffic.) Rs. 400.

Srednja klasa

Numerous serviced apartments exist in and around the area of Koramangala, though most are on the expensive side. Notable are the Mango suites, Mercure Grand, Lotus suites and Royal Orchid. Cheaper options exist near the JNC college and 1st block.

  • Elegano Serviced Apartments, #21, 5th B Cross, Vinayaka Layout, Stage 1, Hebbal Kempapura, Bangalore 560024, 91 6366773001, . Prijava: 12:00, provjeri: 11:00. Premium 1 bhk & 2 bhk serviced apartments with fully equipped kitchen, home size refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, mixer grinder, stove, Washing Machine & free Wi-Fi.
  • 2 Treebo Trend 9 Marks Inn, 9 St Marks Rd, 91 93228 00100. Complementary breakfast.
  • Airavatam Serviced Apartment, 330/7, Axis Rd (alight at Axis Books Bus stop), 91 80 4038 1200. Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi. Nearby to many restaurants. From ₹2200.
  • Ajantha, 22 Mahatma Gandhi Rd, 91 80 2558 4321, . Good simple hotel with vegetarian restaurant. Sgl/dbl from ₹1500/₹1900, Cottage A/C ₹2700.
  • Alcove Serviced Apartments Bengaluru, G-301, Raheja Residency, 3rd Block, Koramangala, 91 99 0057-8231, . Prijava: 24/7. Single room, independent 1 or 2 or 3 BHK apartments, air-con bedrooms with double beds and independent bathrooms, cableTV & DVD player. Kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, mixer grinder and gas stove. Fully automatic washing machine, iron and ironing board, complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, swimming pool, club house with billiards, table tennis, gym and tennis court.
  • 3 Best Western The Capitol, Raj Bhavan Rd, 91 80 2228 1234, 91 80 2228 1800.
  • The Bouvice, 141C, S.T. Bed Layout, 1st Main Kormangala, Sector 4, 91 80 4152 4429, 91 93 4285 6034, . A beautiful apartment hotel in Kormangala.
  • Chairman's Club & Resort, No. 14/1, Kodigehalli Main Road, Sahakar Nagar, Hebbal (near Twin Tower) (22 km (14 mi) from the airport), 91 80-40703703, . Provjeri: 24 sata. Best for Airport transit passengers. It has AC and Suites rooms. It has a lounge bar (Lock N' Load), indoor swimming pool, Badminton court, garden restaurant, indoor AC restaurant free Wi-fi and a fitness center. Rooms & Suites, ₹2,500-7,000 .
  • D-Habitat Hotel Apartments, 91 80 4150 1950. Koramangala Deluxe rooms, suites, studio, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Ideal for short-term and extended stay. Sgl/dbl ₹2500/₹3000.
  • Fantasy Golf Resort (opp ITC-0 mins away from Bengaluru Airport), 91 99 7209-2701.
  • Fortune Park JP Celestial, Race Course Rd (1.5 km (0.93 mi) from railway station and easy access to airport.), 91 80 4044-1234.
  • Hotel Bangalore Gate ([email protected]), 9 and 12, Gajanana Towers, K G Rd (opp. Maneka Theatre, 500 m away from Majestic & Bengaluru City Railway station; Metro Purple Sir M. Visveshwaraya), 91 99 4533 3999, . Prijava: podne, provjeri: podne. Executive, superior and premium rooms. All rooms are A/C with complimentary breakfast and Wi-Fi. 24 hours room service, 2 restaurants, ample car parking. ₹3,600-4,800.
  • Hotel Komfort Terraces, No 301, 3rd floor, Bluemoon Complex M G. Road, 91 80 4009 7000. Prijava: podne, provjeri: podne. ₹2381.
  • Hotel Presidency, No. 22 Sadahalli Gate, Devanahalli Taluk, 91 80 2846-7175, . 24/7 reception.
  • Hotel St. Marks, St. Marks Rd.
  • Hotel Vrindavan, off MG Rd and very near to MG. Rd/Brigade Rd junction. Nice hotel with great south Indian food.
  • Hotel Woodlands, No 5, Rajaram Mohan Roy Rd (near Richmond Circle), 91 80 2222 5111. Mid-range hotel, very clean, great views of the city, delicious free South Indian breakfast buffet for ₹3,400 per night for an A/C double (two single beds pushed together). Nice location for exploring the city. Long walk to M.G. Road, Garuda Mall, and Commercial Street.
  • Live Inn Bangalore Serviced apartments, Team Royal, 1st Main, 6th Block, Venkatareddy layout, 80ft Rd, Koramangala (Near Oasis Lifestyle Mall Koramangala), 91 98 8034 9785, . One, two and three bedroom apartments with Wi-Fi, direct telephone services, laundry, A/C, fully equipped kitchen and hot breakfast is served in your room Sgl/dbl ₹2000/₹2500.
  • Maple Suites (Serviced Apartments), #142 & 143, Dollar Layout. 4th Main, BTM II Stage (Off Bannerghatta Road opp to Mantri Elite.), 91 80 4282 2428. Prijava: 12 sati, provjeri: 12 sati. Long and short term stay. ₹1,999.
  • Olde Bangalore, Tarabanahalli (near Bangalore airport), 91 99004 28729, . Resort and hotel, events, receptions, multi-cuisine food,corporate event facilities, conferences.
  • Prakruthi Club & Resort, Parcela br. 12A, Hegganahalli village, Kundana Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk (11 km (6.8 mi) from the airport), 91 80 2849 4002, . Accommodation for couples, family, or corporate bookings. Conference hall that can seat 120 people and meeting facilities. Coffee shop. Lounge bar, wifi. Cottages and roms, ₹2,500-₹9,000 .
  • Silicon Hearth (formerly Silicon Suites), 174, Nagvarapalya, Rahat Bagh, Behind Big Bazaar (off Old Madras Rd, near Indiranagar), 91 99860 53292, .
  • Stopovers Serviced Apartments (Stopovers), Diamond District, Old Airport Rd (Close to old airport road), 91 98 4513 9800. Prijava: 24 sata, provjeri: 24 sata. Contemporary apartments. ₹4,500.


Ostati siguran

Bangalore is a relatively safe city during day time. However, most of Bangalore practically shuts down a little before midnight - even very safe residential areas can be very desolate by 11PM. In the morning people start getting out from 5 or 6 am, but it's usually still dark outside at that time, so exercise caution if you are in an unfamiliar area.

Some of the lower-income areas can be somewhat unsafe once it gets dark. Exercising caution and good sense will increase your chances of staying safe.

  • It is not advisable to walk alone along deserted alleyways or lanes after dark. Avoid doing so in areas that you are not sure are reasonably safe
  • Avoid using an auto-rickshaw if the driver is not alone, especially at night
  • Do not flaunt jewellery, high-end mobile phones / laptops, watches etc.
  • Do not withdraw large amounts of cash from ATMs in deserted areas.
  • Beware of pickpockets in crowded areas such as exhibitions, cricket matches, train stations, etc.
  • If you are returning late from a party, it is advisable to pre-book cabs through reputed companies such as Meru, Ola, or Uber as against flagging down an auto-rickshaw on the road
  • Exercise caution in stopping to help if you see a broken down vehicle at night, especially in lonely streets and in cases where you will be outnumbered

Rising incomes has brought an influx of people including white and blue collar immigrants, leading to disparities in earnings between locals, the casual labour immigrants and expatriates (people from other parts of the state and also from other countries) which arguably has resulted in a substantial increase in crime rates.


The area code for Bangalore is 080. When calling from overseas, dial 91 80 XXXX XXXX ( if the phone is a land-line connection). If you don’t have an Indian phone number, it is strongly recommended that you get a pre-paid calling card if you plan on using your phone frequently. Because of new government regulations, you need a photocopy of your passport (visa and the ID pages), a color photo, and proof of local address (in Bangalore) when buying a pre-paid card. If you do not have the required paperwork, it is recommended that you ask a local friend to buy a pre-paid card on your behalf. Pre-paid cards are sold in a few of the shops that sell mobile equipment.

Public telephones are a good option and are available widely. Most shops that offer public phones sport easily visible "STD/ISD/PCO" signages. More often than not, public pay-phones are post-pay and there will be a person at the shop to take the payments. Check the bill generated from the machine and make the payment accordingly. Payments are always in Indian Rupees.


Mobile phone coverage in the city is excellent. There are many service providers (Airtel, BSNL, Oslanjanje Jio, Idea-Vodafone) offering a wide variety of plans. If you are planning on travelling around outside the metropolitan area it might be a good idea to buy a mobile phone and use one of the pre-paid plans to get yourself connected whilst you are still in the city. However, there may be network congestion in certain areas and hence, slow internet connections.


There are plenty of Internet centres which charge between ₹10-₹25 per hr. If you have laptop with WiFi connection, free internet services are available at some malls, restaurants, and hotels. However, free public WiFi is not the norm. MG Road and Brigade road now has street-wide free WiFi. Hop on to the Namma WiFi wireless network and register using your mobile number for a one-time password for internet access.

High speed USB data cards are very common and all telecom providers (see Spojiti section) offer these over-the-counter at their stores. Typically need some proof of identity and address to activate these. Nowadays, it is easier to just buy a sim card with 4G data and host a WiFi hotspot.

Snaći se

Bangalore is a clean city (compared to other major Indian cities such as Mumbaiju i Kolkata) and epidemics are rare. However, foreign tourists should be cautious about consuming water and eating at roadside stalls. It is recommended to use bottled water if the source of drinking water is unknown.

It is recommended to use mosquito repellents, either as a cream applied on the skin (ask for Odomos at local medical stores) or in the electronic form, during the evenings.

It is always a good idea to carry a minimal medicine kit with medicines for common diseases and conditions. Most of the international medicines are available in medical stores, though the name and brand may be different. So, it is advisable to do some research on the alternatives or consult a general physician, if needed.

Ambulances can be requested by calling 108.


Pharmacies are dime a dozen and you should not have any problem locating one. You do not need any prescription for Modern Medicine Over the Counter drugs, or for ayurvedic medicine (proprietary and traditional), which are available for most common ailments like fever, headache, etc., But you will need prescription for other medicines, which are categorized as Schedule H drugs.


  • 13 Dr Tulip's Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Centre (Todsindia), 80 Feet Road,4th Block,Koramangala,Bangalore - 560034, 91 888 053 7537, . 24 sata. A Centre par excellence for long-term weight loss solutions and diabetes remission. One of its kinds in South India's dedicated to the care of India's dreaded health issue Diabetes and Obesity, which seems to be growing in epidemic proportions. The hospital treat obesity and thereby curing ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, joint pains, GERD, infertility, we recommend bariatric surgery as a single solution to treat obesity and related ailments.
  • 14 Aster CMI Hospital (nakon Bellary Rd / Hebbal Flyovera nastavite ravno na NH44, zatim skrenite blago ulijevo, a zatim skrenite ulijevo), 91 80-43420100, . 24 sata. Super-specijalna bolnica, dio Aster DM Healthcare grupe. Sadrži suvremene vrhunske sadržaje koji mogu smjestiti blizu 500 kreveta i nudi sveobuhvatnu primarnu skrb za usluge kvartarne skrbi s Centrima izvrsnosti u srčanim znanostima, neuroznanostima, gastroenterološkim znanostima, kirurgiji i srodnim specijalitetima, integriranom njegom jetre, transplantacijom organa, Urologija i nefrologija, ortopedija, zdravlje žena i zdravlje djece i adolescenata.


Razmjena valute

Kioske / šaltere za razmjenu novca nećete pronaći u svim dijelovima Bangalorea, jer Bangalore nije primarno odredište za većinu turista niti je ulazna točka za većinu turista koji ulaze u regiju. Međutim, većina banaka nudi mjenjačnicu u svim svojim podružnicama, kao i neke turističke agencije. Tečajevi se mogu ponešto razlikovati, pa je uputno kupovati. Obično turističke agencije nude bolji tečaj od banaka. Neke "izvan službene" agencije mogu se naći oko komercijalnog područja M.G. Cesta. Oni će ponuditi dobru cijenu, bez traženja kopije putovnice. Cijena bi se mogla pogađati. Uvijek dvaput provjerite novčanice nakon što se izvrši zamjena.

Idi dalje

  • Utvrda Devanahalli - 35 km (22 milje) sjeverno od grada Bangalorea, u Seoski Bangalore okrug.
  • Nacionalni park Bannerghatta - popularno turističko odredište sa zoološkim vrtom, kutkom za kućne ljubimce, centrom za spašavanje životinja, ogradom za leptire, akvarijem, zmijicom i safari parkom.
  • Nacionalni park Nagarhole ili Nacionalni park Rajiv Gandhi udaljen je 220 kilometara od Bengaloorua i do njega se može doći putem Mysuru, Hunsur ili HD Kote.
  • Nacionalni park Bandipur - Rezervat tigrova udaljen oko 225 km (140 milja). Poznat je po slonovima, tigrovima i dragocjenim stablima sandalovine. Prostire se na površini od 890 četvornih kilometara (340 četvornih kilometara) i smatra se jednim od najspektakularnijih svetišta divljih životinja.
  • Brda Nandi - Udaljeno je oko 57 km (35 milja) od grada i pruža panoramski pogled na izlazak i zalazak sunca. Jedan od načina da se tamo ide je ići biciklom. Brdska stanica postala je popularno turističko mjesto jer je tijekom cijele godine blagoslovljena ugodnim okolišem.
  • Šrirangapatna, Ptičji rezervat Ranganathittu, Mysore i Chamarajanagar dođite u ravnoj liniji. Za prva dva mjesta trebat će vam po pola dana, a za sljedeća dva mjesta po dva dana. Južno od te crte, oko 34 km istočno od Mysorea, Hram Kešava od Somanathapura nudi čudesnu arhitekturu i kamene skulpture.
  • Nacionalni park Anshi ili rezervat Tigar Kali koji se nalazi na udaljenosti od 500 kilometara od grada Bengaluru. Rafting na rijeci i kajak nude se na rijeci Kali u blizini Dandeli.
  • Rezervat tigra Bhadra je rezervat tigra na slivu rijeke Bhadra. Udaljen je oko 280 kilometara od grada Bengaluru.
  • Badami Grad u okrugu Bagakot poznat po veličanstvenoj hramovskoj arhitekturi razdoblja Chalukya. Stranica World Heriage Pattadakal i Aihole su u blizini Badamija.
Rute kroz Bangalore
HyderabadAnantapur N NH44-IN.svg S HosurMadurai
BelgaumChitradurga N NH48-IN.svg S VelloreChennai
HassanNelamangala W NH75-IN.svg E HoskoteKolar
MysoreSrirangpatna W NH275-IN.svg E KRAJ
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Bangalore je iskoristiv članak. Ima informacije o tome kako doći tamo, kao i o restoranima i hotelima. Avanturistična osoba mogla bi koristiti ovaj članak, ali slobodno ga poboljšajte uređivanjem stranice.