Bangkok - Bangkok

OprezBilješka: U Bangkoku su izbili široki prosvjedi u znak protesta protiv vlade i trenutnog sustava monarhije, a javni prijevoz mogao bi biti poremećen. The izvanredno stanje u Bangkoku opozvan je 22. listopada 2020. Sudionici prosvjeda su uhićeni zbog lèse-majesté (nepoštovanje kraljevske obitelji), što može rezultirati kaznom zatvora do 15 godina. Putnicima je najbolje savjetovati kloni se prosvjeda i budite u toku s trenutnom situacijom.
(Podaci posljednji put ažurirani u studenom 2020)

Bangkok (Tajlandski: กรุงเทพฯ Krung Thep) je glavni grad i najveći grad Tajland i, s populacijom od preko jedanaest milijuna stanovnika, daleko njegov glavni grad. Visoke zgrade, velika gužva u prometu, jaka vrućina i nestašan noćni život ne pružaju vam odmah toplu dobrodošlicu - ali ne dopustite da vas prvi dojam zavede. To je jedan od najkozmopolitskih gradova Azije s veličanstvenim hramovima i palačama, autentičnim kanalima, prometnim tržnicama i živahnim noćnim životom koji ima ponešto za svakoga.

Godinama je to bilo samo malo trgovačko mjesto na obali rijeke Chao Phraya, sve dok ga kralj Rama I, prvi monarh sadašnje dinastije Chakri, nije 1782. godine, nakon spaljivanja, pretvorio u glavni grad Sijama. Ayutthaya od strane burmanskih osvajača. Od tada se Bangkok pretvorio u nacionalnu riznicu i funkcionira kao tajlandsko duhovno, kulturno, političko, trgovačko, obrazovno i diplomatsko središte.


Bangkok je ogroman i moderan grad koji bruji od noćnog života i žara. Administrativno je podijeljeno na 50 okruga (เขต khet), koji su dalje podijeljeni na 180 podokruga (แขวง khwaeng), ali se češće koriste u službenim poslovima i za adrese. Posjetiteljima će konceptualni odjeljak ispod glavnih područja biti korisniji za kretanje.

13 ° 44′51 ″ S 100 ° 31′8 ″ E
Karta Bangkoka
Karta Bangkoka

 Trg Siam
Područje oko trga Siam, uključujući Ratchaprasong i Phloen Chit Road, moderna je komercijalna jezgra Bangkoka, prepuna blistavih trgovačkih centara i hotela. Raskrižje Skytraina na trgu Siam najbliže je središtu Bangkoka.
Dugačka cesta Sukhumvit ekskluzivna je četvrt popularna među iseljenicima i lokalnim stanovništvom više klase. Ispunjen je kvalitetnim hotelima, restoranima i noćnim klubovima. Dio njegovog noćnog života predstavlja Bangkogovu nestašnu sliku, posebno Soi Cowboy i Nana Entertainment Plaza.
Područje oko ceste Silom i ceste Sathorn danju je tajlandsko financijsko središte Tajlanda, ali noću primarni distrikt u Bangkoku, kada kvartovi poput zloglasnog Patponga ožive.
Između rijeke i Sukhumvita nalazi se gusto krcat "Stari Bangkok", dom najpoznatijih znamenitosti Bangkoka, poput Velike palače i Wat Pho-a.
 Put Khao San
Na sjevernom dijelu Rattanakosina, ruta Backpacker-a u Bangkoku, Khao San Road i okolna četvrt Banglampu, imaju sve što bi jeftini putnik mogao potražiti.
 Yaowarat i Phahurat
Uz cestu Yaowarat pronaći ćete Bangkok's Chinatown, dok je Phahurat Road dom velike indijske zajednice u gradu. Ovaj multikulturni kvart prepun je hramova, svetišta, morskih restorana i uličnih tržnica.
Ovo lisnato područje u europskom stilu političko je središte Tajlanda, dom brojnim političkim institucijama i monarhiji. Vjetrovite palače, bujni vrtovi i široke avenije daju ovom distriktu poseban karakter.
Tiša zapadna obala rijeke Chao Phraya. Većina posjetitelja istražuje ovu četvrt s obilaskom kanala, barem uzimajući Wat Arun, Nacionalni muzej Royal Barges i jedno od plutajućih tržnica.
Pratunam je veliko tržište odjeće sa stotinama modnih trgovina koje prodaju maloprodaju i veleprodaju. Također uključuje kulu Baiyoke II i spomenik pobjede.
Područje oko Phahonyothin Road i Viphavadi Rangsit Road veliko je predgrađe u sjevernom Bangkoku. Vikendom je najbolje mjesto za odlazak u lov na povoljne cijene. Vikend tržnica Chatuchak ima više od 8,000 štandovi koji prodaju sve i svašta pod suncem.
Od završetka linije metroa, cesta Ratchadaphisek razvila se u meku zabave za mještane. Sois, (sporedne ulice pored prometnih glavnih prometnica "Ratchade") su popularna mjesta za klabing, kao i Royal City Avenue (RCA).
Duž ulice Ramkhamhaeng prostire se prostrano stambeno područje s velikim trgovačkim centrima i zabavnim parkovima (poput Safari World). Svaka četvrt ima svoj zaseban karakter, ali Hua Mak i Bang Kapi ističu se kao živahna područja s mnogim studentima sa sveučilišta.

Oko Bangkoka su provincije Nakhon Pathom na zapadu, Nonthaburi na sjeverozapadu, Pathum Thani na sjever, Chachoengsao na istoku, Samut Prakan prema jugoistoku i Samut Sakhon na jugozapadu.


Nešto manje od 14 stupnjeva sjeverno od ekvatora, Bangkok je tropska metropola koja je ujedno i jedan od azijskih gradova koji najviše vole putnike. Bijesni napad na osjetila, posjetitelji se odmah suočavaju s vrućinom, zagađenjem, neugodnim mirisima i nezadrživim osmijehom koji nose mnogi Tajlanđani. Unatoč senzacionaliziranim međunarodnim vijestima i prvim dojmovima, grad je iznenađujući sef (osim za sitne zločine) i organiziraniji nego što se u početku čini i pun je skriveni dragulji čeka da bude otkriven. Visoka relativna vlažnost i topla temperatura pogoduju rastu tropskih biljaka - svugdje ćete pronaći egzotične orhideje i ukusno voće. Bougainvillea i frangipani cvjetaju praktički po cijelom gradu. Tajlandska kuhinja opravdano je poznata, raznolika i pristupačna. Bangkok za mnoge predstavlja najznačajniji azijski glavni grad. Redovnici u haljini od šafrana, ukrasne neonske reklame, graciozna tajlandska arhitektura, začinjena jela, šarene tržnice, prometne gužve i tropska klima okupljaju se u sretnoj slučajnosti. Teško je otići s tek mlakim dojmovima iz grada.


Dvorana Chakri Maha Prasat, Velika palača

"Bangkok" je izvorno bilo malo selo na zapadnoj obali rijeke Chao Phraya. Nakon pada Ayutthaya potkraj 18. stoljeća, kralj Taksin Veliki pretvorio je to selo u novu prijestolnicu Sijama i preimenovao ga Thonburi. 1782. godine kralj Rama I premjestio je glavni grad na istočnu obalu rijeke Rattanakosin; izvorno mjesto kineske zajednice koja je preseljena izvan novih gradskih zidina u Yaowarat. Kralj Rama sam nazvao grad Krung Thep, kao što je to sada poznato Tajlanđanima i što se na engleskom prevodi kao "Grad anđela".

Puno ime "Krung thep mahanakhon amorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok popnoparat ratchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiyavisnukarmprasit" (กรุงเทพมหานคร อมร รัตนโกสินทร์ ม หิน ท รา ยุ ธ ยา มหา ดิลก ภพ นพรัตน์ราชธานี บุรี รมย์ อุดม ราช มหา สถาน อมร พิมาน อวตาร สถิต สักกะ ทัต ติ ยะ วิษณุกรรม ประสิทธิ์) navedeno je kao najduže ime mjesta na svijetu u Guinnessovoj knjizi rekorda; engleski prikaz ide ovako: "Grad anđela, veliki grad, rezidencija Smaragdnog Bude, neosvojivi grad Ayutthaya od Boga Indra, velika prijestolnica svijeta obdarena s devet dragocjenih dragulja, sretan grad, bogat u ogromnoj Kraljevskoj palači koja nalikuje nebeskom prebivalištu u kojem vlada reinkarnirani bog, grad koji je Indra dao, a sagradio Vishnukarn ". Stranci nikada nisu uhvatili promjenu, tako na stranim jezicima Krung Thep naslijedio ime Bangkok, koje je postalo njegovo formalno englesko ime. Za Tajlanđane, naziv Bangkok odnosi se na nekadašnje selo na Zapadna banka Chao Phraye, koja je 1971. godine inkorporirana u Veliki Bangkok.

Život se odvijao na vodi; obični ljudi živjeli su na splavovima od bambusa uz rijeku, dok su plutajući prodavači lutali vodom prodavajući voće i povrće. Jedine kamene građevine izgrađene na kopnu bili su hramovi i palače. U 19. stoljeću zapadne su sile uključile veći dio jugoistočne Azije u svoja kolonijalna carstva. Kraljevi Rama IV i V smatrali su da je jedini način da Siam ostane neovisan modernizirati zemlju po europskim crtama. Tradicionalni kanali su napunjeni i pretvoreni u ceste. Kralj Rama V preselio je kraljevu rezidenciju u Dusit i postavili velike bulevare tog okruga po europskim crtama.

Bangkok se zaista počeo razvijati nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Ekonomsko središte pomaknulo se od uredno planiranog grada Rattanakosina u smjeru istoka, ostavljajući Bangkok bez očitog središta. Bangkok se etablirao kao pokretačka snaga nove uloge Tajlanda kao nove industrijalizirane zemlje od 1980-ih nadalje. Brzi gospodarski rast privukao je migracije sa sela, odakle su se doselili milijuni Tajlanđana Isaan i druge regije za život. Kako je Tajland izrastao u glavno gospodarsko središte regije, u moderno doba Bangkok je privukao i brojne radnike migrante iz susjednog Mijanmara, Laosa i Kambodže.

Ova brza ekspanzija pretvorila je Bangkok u jedan od najkozmopolitskijih gradova u Aziji; ali osigurao i brojne probleme. Pojavio se širok jaz između onih koji profitiraju od gospodarskih aktivnosti i onih koji su u grad došli sa sela u potrazi za poslom. Naizgled beskrajne gužve u Bangkoku nastavljaju se jer su novi Skytrain i MRT sustavi preskupi za radničku klasu. Odmor od isparavanja u parku činilo bi se dobrom idejom, ali nažalost Bangkok ima najmanju zelenu površinu od svih glavnih gradova na svijetu.

Adrese i navigacija

Adrese u Bangkoku koriste tajlandski sustav adresiranja, koji neupućene može malo zbuniti. Velike su ceste poput Siloma ili Sukhumvita thanon (ถนน), često skraćeno Th ili glossed "Road", dok se nazivaju sporedne ulice koje se od njih granaju pa ja (ซอย). Soisi su numerirani, s parnim brojevima na jednoj i neparnim brojevima na drugoj strani. Dakle, adresa poput "25 Sukhumvit Soi 3" znači kuća / zgrada broj 25 na 3. soi Sukhumvit Road. Iako će brojevi soi na svakoj strani uvijek napredovati prema gore, brojevi često ne napreduju ravnomjerno između strana - na primjer, Soi 55 mogao bi se nalaziti preko puta Soi 36. Mnogi poznati soi imaju dodatni naziv koji se može koristiti umjesto broj. Sukhumvit Soi 3 poznat je i kao "Soi Nana Nuea", pa bi se gornja adresa tako mogla izraziti i kao "25 Soi Nana Nuea". Proširenje / x koristi se za nove ulice stvorene između postojećih ulica, kao što se vidi u Sukhumvitovom soi uzorku 7, 7/1, 7/2, 9, 11. Neke kratke uličice nazivaju se trok (ตรอก) umjesto soi.

Skytrain iz Bangkoka u blizini stanice Thong Lo

Da stvari budu malo složenije, neki veliki soi poput Soi Ekkamai (Sukhumvit Soi 63) i Soi Ari (Phahonyothin Soi 7) imaju vlastite soi. U tim slučajevima adresa poput "Ari Soi 3" znači "3. soi off Soi Ari", a možda ćete čak primijetiti i adrese poput "68/2 Ekkamai Soi 4, Sukhumvit Road", što znači "2. kuća pored kuće 68, u 4. soi Ekkamai, što je 63. soi Sukhumvit ". U mnogim soisovima kućni se brojevi ne povećavaju, već se mogu širiti.

Da bismo dodatno zbunili turiste koji ne čita tajlandski, prikazi tajlandskih naziva ulica u latiničnoj abecedi nisu dosljedni. Cesta koja vodi prema zračnoj luci Don Mueang od spomenika pobjede može biti napisana Fahonyothin ili Phahon Yothin ili Pahon Yothin ili Faholyothin ovisno o tome koji ulični znak ili kartu konzultirate. Sve je isto na tajlandskom, naravno, samo romanizacija varira.

A ako to nije dovoljno zbunjujuće, većina većih ulica obično mijenja imena svakih nekoliko kilometara. Sukhumvit se zove Sukhumvit s jedne strane ceste s naplatom (otprilike istočno), ali postaje Phloen Chit neposredno prije nego što prijeđete Witthayu Road (aka Bežična cesta) idući prema rijeci. Nastavite ići još samo nekoliko ulica i postaje Put Rama I (ili Put Phra Ram Neung) nakon što prođete cestu Ratchadamri. Ali ako biste skrenuli desno na Ratchadamri, za samo nekoliko blokova naći ćete se na njemu Put Ratchaprarop (prošli Phetchaburi, zvani Novi Phetburi, koji se zove Phitsanulok bliže rijeci).

Srećom, postoji logika u tim promjenama imena: većina su susjedstva. Ne bi imalo smisla nazvati cestu Sukhumvit ako više ne prolazi kroz područje Sukhumvita, bi li? Dakle, Sukhumvit postaje Phloen Chit gdje prolazi kroz područje Phloen Chita. Tada kad možete shvatiti grad u smislu njegovih četvrti, on istovremeno postaje plovniji i šarmantniji. Isto tako, Pratunam i Chatuchak puno su više od pukih tržišta; to su kvartovi, svaki sa svojim zasebnim karakterom.

Tajlanđani često ne koriste upute kompasa za navigaciju u Bangkoku. Stoga, tražeći upute u smislu "Je li to odavde zapadno?" vjerojatno će vam donijeti malo više od zbunjenog pogleda lokalca. Bolje je da se upoznate sa susjedstvima i krenete do njih i iz njih. "Kako doći do Thong Loa?" odvest će vas tamo brže od traženja uputa do Sukhumvit Soi 55.

Jedna iznimka: rijeka Chao Phraya orijentir je u Bangkoku, a mnoge se smjernice mogu uputiti kao "prema rijeci" ili "dalje od rijeke". Ako niste preblizu, to jest: budući da se rijeka vijuga oko najpopularnijih turističkih područja, reference na rijeke najčešće su vam od pomoći kad lutate dalje od ulice Khao San, Sanam Luang ili Rattanakosin. I lutati treba.


Klimatska karta (objašnjenje)
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° C
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u mm
Ček Prognoza za Bangkok u trajanju od 7 dana na
Carska konverzija
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° F
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u inčima

Prema Svjetskoj meteorološkoj organizaciji, Bangkok je najtopliji grad na svijetu. Samo 14 stupnjeva sjeverno od ekvatora, Bangkok je sunčano u svako doba godine s temperaturama preko 30 ° C (86 ° F).

Najprijatnije vrijeme za posjetiti je cool sezona koji traje od studenog do veljače. To je i najhladnije i najsušnije razdoblje - kip Smaragdnog Bude u Wat Phra Kaeo čak i nosi šal u tom razdoblju! Ipak, nemojte misliti da je to potrebno - dnevne temperature i dalje se kreću oko 30 ° C (86 ° F), ali ohladi se i u donjih 20-ih kako padne mrak (niže 70-e u Fahrenheitu), a u rijetkim prilikama mogu čak i zaroniti najnižih 15 ° C. Ožujka i travnja predstavljaju vruća sezona, a vruće je - 35 ° C (95 ° F) u prosjeku, ali nemojte se iznenaditi kad vidite da indeksi topline rastu do 50s ° C (oko 120 ° F). Ovo je najgora sezona za posjet Bangkoku, pa planirajte puno posjeta klimatiziranim trgovačkim centrima i nabavite hotel s bazenom. Zatim tu je mokra sezona koji traje od svibnja do listopada. Očekujte masovne pljuskove koji rezultiraju poplavama po cijelom gradu, a povremeno i grmljavinom. Nije ipak sve loše - popodnevni pljuskovi zapravo su ugodan način da se rashladite od vrućine, a iako mogu potrajati cijeli dan, obično su gotovi u roku od sat vremena. Ekstremne kiše događaju se u rujnu i listopadu, pa je ove mjesece najbolje izbjegavati.

Bez obzira na sezonu koju posjetite, nemojte olako shvaćati vrijeme - trampanje po hramovima na užarenom popodnevnom suncu može biti izazov, zato dođite dobro pripremljeni. Odjenite se lagano za vrijeme, ali imajte na umu da neke palače i hramovi (osobito velika palača) imaju strogi pravila odijevanja, tj. Svatko mora u potpunosti pokriti trup, noge i nadlaktice. Dakle, kratke hlače, halteri itd. Zabranit će vam ulaz. Na ulazima u neke od glavnih atrakcija prodavači mogu unajmiti potrebno pokriće.

Također budite sigurni da vi pijte dovoljno tekućine! Nemate opravdanja da to ne učinite, jer 7-Elevens i druge prodavaonice u Bangkoku obiluju, a hlađena pića prodaju se za samo 10 bahta. Mještani vodu dobivaju iz strojeva za pročišćenu vodu s reverznom osmozom koji pune bocu od jedne litre za 1 baht, ali pitkost za posjetitelje može varirati.


Strani filmovi bili su popularni na Tajlandu od samog početka, ali dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća u Bangkoku se počela razvijati lokalna filmska industrija. Tajlandski filmovi s najviše kritika nastali su u "tri vala" tajlandske filmske industrije, 1930-ih, 1950-ih i kasnih 1990-ih / ranih 2000-ih, iako su filmovi snimljeni prije Drugog svjetskog rata nažalost izgubljeni. Prevladavajući žanrovi su akcijski, povijesni epovi, ljubavni i gej / transrodni filmovi, gotovo uvijek isprepleteni elementima komedije. Sljedeće se postavlja (barem djelomično) u Bangkoku:

  • 6ixtynin9 (ตลก ตลก 69, Pen-ek Ratanaruang, 1999.). Tum, tajnica koja je upravo otpuštena iz financijske korporacije tijekom azijske financijske krize, otkriva kutiju instant rezanca ispred svojih vrata. Napunjen je novcem i ona ga odluči zadržati. Međutim, ljudi koji su ga tamo ostavili uskoro ga žele vratiti.
  • Bangkok Opasan (บางกอก แดน เจอ รัส เพชฌฆาต เงียบ อันตราย, The Pang Brothers, 1999). Debi braće Pang, Bangkok Opasan moderan je film o ubojici koji pronalazi ljubav i shvaća kako svojim postupcima nanosi štetu dobrim ljudima.
  • Plaža (Danny Boyle, 2000.). Richard (glumi ga Leonardo DiCaprio) mladi je američki backpacker koji traži avanturu. U ulici Khao San upoznaje Daffyja, zbog čega vjeruje da raj na plaži postoji na tajnom otoku. To je popularan film u backpacker zajednici. Osim u Bangkoku, neke scene u ovoj holivudskoj produkciji snimaju se u Ko Phi Phiu, otoku na plaži na jugu Tajlanda.
  • Građanin Pas (หมา นคร, Wisit Sasanatieng, 2004.). Ekscentrični, svijetli film preliven bojama koji prati život Poda dok se sa sela seli u Bangkok. Bez cilja u životu, Pod se zaljubi u Jin, djevojku koja živi za svoje snove. Daje zaigrano ironičan portret Bangkoka, grada koji nudi lažne snove i stvarno razočaranje.
  • Mamurluk II. Dio (Todd Phillips, 2011). Američka komedija o grupi prijatelja ("vučji čopor") koji putuju u Bangkok na momačku večer. Potvrđuje se puno stereotipa, ali svejedno se dobro nasmijam. Većina scena filma snima se u Yaowaratu, Sukhumvitu i Thonburiju. Također je predstavljen Državni toranj u Silomu.
  • Željezne dame (สตรี เหล็ก, Youngyooth Thongkonthun, 2000.). Ovaj film prati istinitu priču muške odbojkaške momčadi koja se gotovo u cijelosti sastoji od homoseksualnih i transrodnih igrača. Momčad se natječe za državno prvenstvo 1996. godine, a dok ih publika voli, sude im druge momčadi i dužnosnici utakmica.
  • Ong-Bak: Muay Thai ratnik (องค์ บาก, Prachya Pinkaew, 2003.). Probojni film zvijezde borilačkih vještina Tonyja Jae i apsolutna must see za one koji su zainteresirani za Muay Thai ili se bore protiv koreografije. Mnoga mjesta u Bangkoku su predstavljena, ali nemojte razmišljati Put Khao San je podzemni borbeni brlog kako je prikazan.


Glavni jezik u Bangkoku je središnji dijalekt Tajlandski, koji se donekle razlikuje od sjevernog dijalekta kojim se govori oko Chiang Maija. Međutim, zbog prisutnosti velikog broja turista, mnogi ljudi koji rade u uslužnoj industriji poznaju engleski jezik, kao i osoblje na mnogim popularnim štandovima s hranom.

Bangkok je također dom velike etničke kineske zajednice, od kojih su mnogi dvojezični Teochew i tajlandski.



Bangkok opslužuju dvije zračne luke: Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi (BKK IATA) i Zračna luka Don Mueang (DMK IATA). Suvarnabhumi Zračna luka glavna je zračna luka koju koriste sve zrakoplovne tvrtke s punom uslugom, ali Nok Air, Orient Thai, Air Asia, Scoot i neki drugi niskotarifni prijevoznici koriste zračnu luku Don Mueang. Obje zračne luke leže oko 30 km (19 milja) na suprotnim stranama grada, pa budite spremni na dugu vožnju do središta grada i još dužu vožnju između njih. Besplatan autobusni prijevoz između dviju zračnih luka dostupan je ako možete pokazati odgovarajuću ukrcajnu propusnicu. Za dobar dan to traje otprilike sat vremena, ali autocesta je često jako zagušena, pa uvijek dodajte 2-3 sata za ovaj transfer. Dobra je ideja pripremiti tajlandski bat za povezivanje s gradom. Dobre mogućnosti promjene novca dostupne su na metrou BKK.

Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi

Glavni članak: Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi
Spartanski salon na vratima

1 Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi (สุวรรณภูมิ BKK IATA) (30 km (19 mi) istočno od Bangkoka). Svemirska zračna luka Suvarnabhumi započela je s radom u rujnu 2006. godine, a sada je glavna zračna luka u Bangkoku i jedna od najprometnijih zračnih luka u jugoistočnoj Aziji. Koristi se za međunarodne i domaće letove do Bangkoka. Postoji samo jedna zgrada terminala koja pokriva i domaće i međunarodne letove. to je ogroman, a prema nekim mjerama i najveći na svijetu, pa ostavite vremena za kretanje. Postoje dva odjela za useljavanje, ali vrijeme obrade može biti dugo, najmanje 30 minuta, a u lošim danima gotovo 2 sata. Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi (Q194316) na Wikipodacima Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi na Wikipediji

Na razini podruma putničkog terminala, Željeznička veza zračne luke nudi brzu željezničku uslugu do centra grada. To je također način da se izbjegne užasna gužva u Bangkoku, posebno kada pada kiša. Vlakovi polaze svaki dan od 06: 00-ponoći. The Gradska linija prigradska je željeznička linija koja se zaustavlja na svim stanicama. Vlakovi polaze svakih 10-13 min, a nakon stanice Makkasan nastavljaju prema stanicama Ratchaprarop i Phaya Thai. Vožnja do Phaya Thai traje 26 minuta od zračne luke i košta 45 bahta.

Također možete uzeti besplatan shuttle autobus do aerodromskog autobusnog terminala zvanog Prijevozni centar kako biste ulovili jeftine gradske autobuse. To može biti zgodno ako idete u prigradsko područje poput Rangsit ili Bang Kapi. Od lipnja 2017. brzi autobus S1 traje od zgrade terminala do Put Khao San.

Ako trebate taksi, običan mjerni taksiji dostupni su na prvom katu (jedan kat ispod dolazaka). Slijedite znakove "javni taksi" koji vode prema vanjskoj strani zračne luke. Izbjegavajte reklame u dvorani za dolazak; taksiji u koji vas pokušavaju uvesti uglavnom su ilegalni, a rizik da vas otmu mnogo je veći kod njih. Kabine za prodaju karata u ATM stilu izdaju numerirane listiće, a broj označava zaljev u kojem je parkiran vaš taksi. Možete birati između uobičajenog taksija za dvije odrasle osobe s prtljagom i velikog taksija. Zadržite listić jer vam pomaže da podnesete žalbu ako vas vozač prevari. Na vrhu mjerača nalazi se nadoplata od 50 bahta (ne po putniku), što znači da će putovanja u grad koštati 250-400 bahta (plus moguća cestarina od 50 i 25 bahta, ovisno o ruti). Provjerite imate li promjenu spremnu za prosljeđivanje cestarinama kako ne biste kasnije naplatili cestarinu. Vožnja traje oko 45–60 min, ovisno o prometu i odredištu.

Zračna luka Don Mueang

2 Zračna luka Don Mueang (ดอนเมือง DMK IATA) (oko 30 km (19 milja) sjeverno od Sukhumvita). Ovo je bila glavna zračna luka u Bangkoku do 2006. godine. Ovih dana aerodrom prvenstveno opskrbljuje proračunske prijevoznike i obavlja letove Thai Lion Air, Jurnuti, Nok Air, Orient Thai i Zračna Azija. Do DMK-a je malo teže doći do BKK-a zbog nepostojanja izravne željezničke veze. Međunarodna zračna luka Don Mueang (Q1046755) na Wikipodacima Međunarodna zračna luka Don Mueang na Wikipediji

  1. Taksi : the javni taksi stajalište je na kraju dolaznog područja. Slijedite znakove do taksi stanice. (Neka vas ne zavaraju sve kabine za taksi službe u glavnoj dvorani.) Ovdje se koristi isti sustav kabine i kliznog sustava kao u zračnoj luci Suvarnabhumi. Ako je red kod taksija dugačak ili vam treba prostraniji automobil, možda ćete htjeti rezervirati (tzv.) limuzinski taksi sa stolova u terminalu. Tako ćete dobiti malo ljepši automobil po otprilike dvostrukoj cijeni (500-600 bahta). Tu je i neslužbeni red taksija (ali za odgovarajuće mjerene taksije) na glavnoj cesti odmah ispred terminala, da biste tamo došli mostom do željezničke stanice, ali siđite niz usko stubište prije prelazak glavne ceste (korištenje ovog reda može znatno smanjiti čekanje i izbjeći naplatu zračne luke). Zanemarite bilo kakve izlete vani i ne ulazite u bilo koji automobil bijelih registarskih oznaka, jer oni nemaju dozvolu za prevoz putnika.
  2. Posebni autobusni Skytrain (BTS) : The A1 aerodromski autobus vozi do BTS stanice Sena Nikhom. U njega se možete ukrcati na izlazu 6 iz terminala 1 i izlazu 12 iz terminala 2. Vozi se od zračne luke 07: 30-24: 00 i do zračne luke 07: 00-24: 00. 30 bahta prikupio je stjuard na brodu nakon što autobus krene. Potrebno je oko 20 minuta i koristi se povišenom cestarinom Don Muang kako bi se izbjegle gužve u prometu. U autobusu može biti velika gužva, zato budite rani na liniji. Većina ima Wi-Fi ako imate lokalnu SIM za SMS registraciju. Nakon Sene Nikhom, autobus nastavlja do stanice Ratchayothin BTS i bolnice Vibhavadi prije povratka u zračnu luku. Ako idete na Spomenik pobjede područje, uzimajući A2 autobus štedi probleme s prebacivanjem u vlak (cijena karte također 30 bahta). Izravna željeznička veza sa zračnom lukom u izgradnji je nakon što je napušten prvi projekt povezivanja sa zračnom lukom (stupovi iz početnog projekta još su vidljivi). Radovi bi trebali biti završeni u 2017-2018.
  3. Express bus: Od svibnja 2017 A3 autobus vozi na relaciji Don Mueang - Dindaeng - Pratunam- Ratchaprasong - Ratchadamri - Park Lumphini, i A4 autobus vozi na relaciji Don Mueang - Yommarach - Lam Luang - Phan Fa - Spomenik demokracije - Khao San - Sanam Luang. Cijene koštaju 50 bahta, a autobusi prevoze putnike na vratima # 6 terminala 1 i vratima 12 terminala 2 između 07:00 i 23:00.
  4. Vlak: preko puta natkrivenog nadvožnjaka od zračne luke je Don Muang željeznička stanica. Ulaznice za željeznički kolodvor Hualamphong u središnjem Bangkoku koštaju 8 bahta na prodajnom mjestu. Iako je vlakom najjeftiniji način doći od zračne luke do Bangkoka, redovi vožnje su nestalni, vrlo stari putnički automobili često prolaze kroz njih prosjacima i relativno su prazni kasno navečer. Definitivno je najautentičniji način dolaska do / od zračne luke.
  5. LimoBus : Ova privatna autobusna linija ima jednu liniju koja služi Put Khao San i još jedan put koji služi Silom i Pratunam. Jeftiniji je od odmjerenog taksija za samostalnog putnika, ali znatno skuplji od gradskih autobusa.
  6. Gradski autobus : Pored zračne luke ide i niz autobusa javnog prijevoza, samo slijedite putokaze prema željezničkoj stanici. Autobusi prema središnjem Bangkoku nalaze se uz cestu zračne luke, zato nemojte prelaziti autocestu. Ovo su korisne autobusne linije:
    • Klimatizirani autobus 504 odvest će vas do CentralWorlda na raskrižju Ratchaprasong (blizu Trg Siam), kao i do parka Lumphini i Silom, odakle možete imati pristup Skytrainu.
    • Obični i klimatizirani autobus 29 odvest će vas do željezničke stanice Hualamphong prolazeći pored mnogih mjesta, uključujući Spomenik pobjede i Trg Siam. Također možete sići na vikend tržnici Chatuchak, gdje se možete prebaciti na metro ili Skytrain. Ponekad je krajnja stanica Spomenik pobjede (19 bahta).
    • Klimatizirani autobus 59 odvest će vas u Sanam Luang u Rattanakosin. Ova je ruta dugotrajna jer je Rattanakosin daleko od zračne luke.
Imajte na umu da neki od ovih gradskih autobusa ne završavaju rutu. Nazvani su "dodatni autobus" (tajlandski: รถ เสริม truli serm). Ovakve vrste autobusa imaju crveni znak s ispisanim krajnjim odredištem (naravno tajlandskim pismom). Provjerite ovo prije nego što krenete autobusom. Možete pitati mještane na autobusnoj stanici ili konduktera u autobusu


Kada kupujete karte za autobuse izvan Bangkoka, najbolje je preskočiti putničke agencije i njihove privatne autobuse, a karte za javne autobuse nabavite izravno kod Bangkoka javni autobusni kolodvori. Ovi autobusi su jeftiniji, sigurniji, brži, udobniji i neće vas prevariti u zavaljeni minibus na pola puta ili na kraju do hotela zaraženog stjenicama. Svaki od ovih autobusnih terminala na duge relacije služi u različitom smjeru. Namjerno su smješteni na središnjim lokacijama, tako da autobusi na velike daljine izbjegavaju velike prometne gužve u središtu grada. Oni su:

  • 3 Istočni autobusni kolodvor (Ekkamai (เอกมัย)), 66 2 391-2504. Relativno kompaktan terminal tik do Ekkamai BTS stanice u Sukhumvit. Ekkamai služi odredišta u Istočni Tajland, uključujući Pattaya, Rayong, Ban Phe (za Ko Samet), Chanthaburi i Trat. Ako ideš prema Ko Chang, za to postoji posebno određeno zaustavljanje između Chanthaburija i Trata. Autobusom možete doći i do kambodžanskog graničnog prijelaza na Poipet, potražite autobus za Aranyaprathet i recite im da idete u Poipet kad kupite kartu.
  • 4 Sjeverni i sjeveroistočni autobusni kolodvor (Mo Chit 2 (หมอชิต 2), 66 2 9362841 (-3). Najveći, najprometniji i najmoderniji terminal koji zamjenjuje stari terminal Mo Chit. Gornji kat služi Isaan regija na sjeveroistoku Tajlanda. Prizemlje služi Sjeverni Tajlandi dijeli neka odredišta s Ekkamaijem (uključujući Pattaya, Rayong, Chanthaburi i Trat). Autobusni kolodvor pošteno je pješačio od BTS stanice Mo Chit ili MRT stanice Chatuchak Park. Motociklistički taksiji putuju po fiksnoj cijeni od 50 bahta (cjenkanje je besmisleno), dok tuk-tukovi naplaćuju sve što im se prohtije - kad se cjenkate, imajte na umu da će vas pravi taksi s klimom koštati oko 45 bahta (pod pretpostavkom da malo prometa). Možete i uzeti Autobus 77 i platite cijenu karte za stan u iznosu od 13 bahta (ovaj autobus također ide od terminala preko Spomenika pobjede, Pratunama i Silom Rd). Ako imate znatnu količinu prtljage, najjednostavnija, ako ne i nužno najbrža opcija je taksijem izravno do autobusnog kolodvora ili s njega.
    • Kupnja karata na terminalu prilično je jednostavna: pronađite prozor s ispisanim odredištem (prijateljskim rimskim slovima), platite kartu u velikom broju na istom prozoru i dobit ćete kartu na sljedećem dostupnom polasku. Plavo pisanje znači 1. razred, crveno 2. razred (izbjegavajte na dužim putovanjima), a karte za odredišta u Isaanu prodaju se s trećeg kata. Pitajte službu informacija na prvom katu ako trebate pomoć ili nekoga od osoblja tvrtke Transport Co., lako prepoznatljivu zahvaljujući njihovim bijelim košuljama sa zlatnim gumbima. Dalje samo pronađite polaznu kabinu i krenete. Ako imate vremena za ubijanje, na oba kraja glavne stanice terminala nalaze se dva prilično pristojna klimatizirana terena za hranu, plus KFC, Dunkin 'Donuts i mnoštvo prodajnih mjesta 7-Eleven.
    • Klimatizirani autobusi dostupni su izravno od Bangkoka Mo Chita do Siem Reapa u Kambodži. Transport Co., državna tvrtka koja upravlja autobusima, nudi dnevne usluge za Siem Reap za 750 bahta. Polasci svaki dan u 08:00 i 09:00 u oba smjera.
  • 5 Južni autobusni kolodvor (Sai Tai Mai (สาย ใต้ ใหม่)), Phutthamonthon Sai 1, Thonburi, 66 2 894-6122. Služi svim odredištima zapadno i južno od Bangkoka s pomalo nezgodnog mjesta na Thonburi strani rijeke. Međugradski autobusi odavde polaze prema odredištima Zapadni Tajland (uključujući Nakhon Pathom i Kanchanaburi) i Južni Tajland (uključujući Krabi, Phuket, Surat Thani, Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan, Hat Yai, i drugi). Novi terminal prilično je ugodna struktura nalik zračnoj luci s klima uređajima, elektroničkim monitorima odlaska (na engleskom jeziku), nekoliko bankovnih ureda i restoranima brze hrane. U prizemlju su vani uglavnom tajlandski restorani. Na prvom katu je prodaja ulaznica i većina restorana. Na trećem katu je mali trgovački centar i dobro je mjesto za prostiranje na podu ako imate duži odmor. Za razliku od rip-off operatora na Put Khao San, svi autobusi odavde su javni, dobro regulirani, jeftini i razumno sigurni. Samo kupite karte na numeriranom stolu na kojem je istaknuto vaše odredište (gotovo uvijek na engleskom).
    • Dolazak do terminala pomalo je glavobolja, jer je javni prijevoz ograničen. Najjednostavnija je opcija uzeti taksi s odmjerenim brojem, ali ako tamo idete navečer, posebno tijekom radnih dana, budite spremni za borbu protiv ozbiljne gužve u prometu - dolazak može potrajati 30 minuta ili punih sat vremena od centra grada. Vožnja taksijem od ulice Khao San Road trebala bi iznositi oko 120 bahta u povoljnim prometnim uvjetima. Zanemarite putovanja - za razliku od onoga što bi mogli reći, zaista ne postoji "brži" način kada su sve ceste zakrčene.
    • Od BTS stanice Victory Monument do terminala se može doći s blijedo narančastom klimatizacijom Autobus 515 (17 bahta). Kad vam priđe kondukter, samo recite "Sai Tai". Nakon prilične vožnje, veliki autobusni kolodvor bit će s lijeve strane otprilike 9 km (5,5 mi) nakon prelaska rijeke (nećete je propustiti, a vjerojatno će vam se i to reći). Getting there by bus actually does not take much more time than taxi (it's almost the same in the likely case of a traffic jam), but the ride is much cheaper, especially if alone. Bus 556 no longer goes from Suvarnabhumi Airport, but from Makkasan Airport Rail Link (ARL) station. There are also white minibuses (30 baht) from various points around Bangkok, e.g., from Ramkhamhaeng (near Rajamangala National Stadium). There are inexpensive shuttle buses and slightly more expensive (but quicker loading and a bit faster) minibuses to and from the Northeastern Bus Terminal as well.

By minibus

For travelling to Bangkok suburbs or locations within 200 km of the city, the fastest and often the cheapest way is to use public minibus (minivan) services. They run from parking lots beside the 6 Victory Monument Square (Thai:อนุสาวรีย์ anusawarii) (Use footbridge leading north from BTS Victory Monument exit 2). Spomenik pobjede (Q2063737) na Wikipodacima Spomenik pobjede (Tajland) na Wikipediji. Facing the monument itself are the city bus stops, behind it there is a small market, and behind the market you will find many white-coloured minibuses just parking at the roadside and waiting for passengers. They depart when full, usually each 10–30 min. Fare is usually similar to long-distance buses with the same destination (if there are any). Other way, it could be estimated as 1 baht/km.

Since October 2016 the minibuses to other provinces have been relocated to the three public bus terminals which makes them far less convenient. The city is easing the transition by providing free shuttle buses from Victory Monument Square to the bus terminals. The shuttles to Southern Bus Terminal, and Northern and Northeastern Bus Terminal depart from the northwestern quadrant of the square. It is unclear how long these free shuttles will remain in place.

Destinations are written on the front and the side of the minibuses in Thai, so you should ask drivers or ticket sellers about your destination. Minivans are usually the fastest way of transportation because they take elevated expressways right from Victory Monument, thus avoiding traffic jams. Another advantage is that they start from the city centre of Bangkok and usually arrive at the city centre of their destination. Normal long distance buses sometimes stop further away from the city centre. Minibus drivers are infamous for unsafe driving and deadly accidents. A disadvantage of minibuses is that leg room is limited, and might be not comfortable for tall people. If you have bulky baggage you either keep it on your lap or buy a seat for it.

Some useful destinations within the city: Min Buri (around 30 baht, for Siam Park), Nava Nakorn (50 baht, for Don Mueang Airport or to get out along hwy 1 for hitching to the north/northeast), Phra Ram 2 (to the highway, for hitching to southern Thailand), Suvarnabhumi Airport (40 baht).

Some destinations served from Eastern Bus Terminal: Pattaya (130 baht), Ban Phe (za Ko Samet), Rayong, Chanthaburi.

Some destinations served from Northern and Northeastern Bus Terminal: Ayutthaya (around 70 baht), Lopburi.

Some destinations served from Southern Bus Terminal: Samut Songkhram, Samut Sakhon, Kanchanaburi, Phetchaburi, Hua Hin.


Railways converge on Bangkok from all parts of Thailand: from Chiang Mai in the north, Nong Khai on the Laos border, Ubon Ratchathani to the east, Aranyaprathet on the Cambodia border, Sattahip on the coast to the south, Nam Tok to the west, and Padang Besar on the Malaysia border down the peninsula to the south. Trains are run by Državna željeznica Tajlanda. See also "Get in" pages for towns along those routes, and Thailand#Get around.

The luxurious Belmond Eastern & Oriental Express also occasionally runs between Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur i Singapur, with prices starting at US$7500. Two runs are scheduled for late 2021.

Three high speed railways to Bangkok are being developed from Kunming in China: an eastern line via Vietnam, a central line via Laos, and a western line via Myanmar. As of 2021, when these were originally supposed to be nearly finished, work on all three has long stalled and completion is not remotely in sight.

7 Hua Lamphong Station Željeznička stanica u Bangkoku na Wikipediji is the city's principal and terminus station until Bang Sue is fully open, see below. It's central, near Yaowarat and has its own metro station. It's a charming old building of 1916, yet surprisingly efficient and convenient. On timetables it's usually called Krung Thep.

Lots of trains from Hua Lamphong

Tickets for trains leaving the same or the next day can be bought at the counters under the big screens. The advance booking office is to the right of the platforms as you walk towards them and is well-organised. You can select your seat/berth from a plan of the train, and payments by credit card are accepted. The information desk is helpful, pay no regard at all to anyone else, even if they are wearing official-looking badges. Likewise, the second floor shops offering "Tourist Information" are just touts. The taxi pick up and drop off point is to the left of the platforms as you walk towards them, and is generally chaotic at busy periods. The left luggage facility is at the opposite end of the concourse, on the far right as you walk away from the platforms.

8 Bang Sue Station will become the terminus for inter-city trains, perhaps from Nov 2021; it's not yet known which local and regional services will also switch. You might change here for the Metro, but the place remains a work in progress. It's also connected by Bus 52 to Mo Chit, for the long distance bus terminal.

9 Thonburi Train Station (ธนบุรี formerly the Bangkok Noi Station) (On the west side of the river in Thonburi). The terminus for twice-daily trains to Kanchanaburi (preko Nakhon Pathom). Just to keep things confusing, the previous Thonburi Train Station right next to the river (accessible by the Chao Phraya Express Boat pier Željeznička stanica) is now mothballed and turned into a museum, but it's only 800 m away from the new station. The weekend-only second class air conditioned tourist trains to Kanchanaburi and Nam Tok depart from Hualamphong Train Station. Željeznička stanica Thonburi (Q6895717) na Wikipodacima Željeznička stanica Thon Buri na Wikipediji

10 Wongwian Yai Train Station (วงเวียนใหญ่) (About 800 m from the Skytrain station of the same name. To get there, take a metered taxi for 35-50 baht, or walk (using a map)). Serves the rustic Mae Klong commuter line to the fishing village of Maha Chai. Trains run roughly hourly and the trip takes about one hour. The ride is of little interest if you want to get there fast, but is an experience for rail fans and an attraction in itself, with a nice view on the countryside's orchards, vegetable plantations and coconut groves. Maha Chai is a nice seafood destination, and if you feel like it, you can cross the Tha Chin river by ferry and continue by rail to Samut Songkhram. Željeznička stanica Wongwian Yai (Q5979361) na Wikipodacima

By ship

Not many people come to Bangkok by cruise ship. Medium to large ships must dock at 11 Laem Chabang Port. about 90 min (varies considerably in rush hours) southeast of Bangkok and about 30 min north of Pattaya. A taxi service desk is available on the wharf, but charges extortionate prices for a trip to Bangkok, a whopping 2,600 baht to charter a taxi (4 passengers), or about 5,000 baht to charter a minibus (usually 11 passenger seats). Slightly lower prices can be found by walking out to the main road, about 4,000 baht for a minibus, but even these rates are still almost double the typical rate in the opposite direction. Better deals may be possible for round trips (even if returning the following day).

If you can easily get to and from the following bus terminals...

  • Frequent first and second class bus services directly connect Laem Chabang with Bangkok's Eastern Bus Terminal (Ekkamai); less frequent direct services run to the Northeastern Bus Terminal (Mo Chit). A first class air conditioned bus (blue and white) to either will take 90 min or less; the fare is around 100 baht. A quick way to get into Sukhumvit is to get a Ekkamai-bound bus and then disembark early at On Nut, where you can hop onto the Skytrain. The bus will always stop here if a passenger requests it.
  • Southbound buses to Pattaya can be boarded at the traffic lights on Sukhumvit Road in Laem Chabang. These are extremely frequent (at least 10 per hour), and charge less than 50 baht.

Smaller ships may dock well upriver at 12 Khlong Toei (Bangkok Cruise Port). Luka Bangkok (Q6578896) na Wikipodacima Luka Bangkok na Wikipediji close to the city's center. Reaching major hotels and the many major points of interest is cheaper and much quicker than from Laem Chabang. A modest terminal provides processing for passengers. You'll also find "managers" inside who arrange tours and taxis. Costs can vary widely according to your negotiating skills or if you have the option of using a ship's shuttle other locations. The facility is within an active freight port. (Its entrance is not close to the metro stop of the same name.) The distance to the very-active port entrance from the terminal (about a kilometer) and heavy traffic in-between mean pedestrians are not allowed. Thus, options to get to/from the terminal are metered taxi and ship's bus/shuttle if offered.


Getting into Bangkok by car is not a good idea, as you can easily waste half a day waiting in traffic just to get to the other side of the city. Three major highways lead to Bangkok from every direction in Thailand. The best way to get to Bangkok from Sjeverni Tajland is via Phahonyothin Road (Rte 1), which comes from Mae Sai near the Myanmar border. Sukhumvit cesta (Rte 3) comes from cities in Eastern Thailand, kao što su Trat, Pattaya, i Chonburi. Phetkasem Road (Rte 4), one of the longest roads in the world, extends all the way to the Malaysian border, serving Južni Tajland.

To ease congestion on these highways, a new system of motorways has emerged which will be extended in the future. The New Bangkok-Chonburi Motorway (Motorway 7) connects Chonburi i Pattaya. The Kanchanaphisek National Highway (Motorway 9 or "Outer Ring Road") makes a giant loop around Bangkok serving most satellite towns around it such as Nonthaburi i Samut Prakan.

Zaobiđi se

Bangkok is infamous for its congestion, but these days there are ways around it: hop on the Skytrain (BTS) and Metro (MRT) in the city centre, or use boats to navigate the city's rivers and canals. Although too expensive for the average working class Thai, the Skytrain and MRT are reasonably priced by Western standards.

Transit Bangkok will make using public transport easier by choosing the best combination of buses, MRT, BTS to get to your destination.

Javnim prijevozom

The backbone of Bangkok's public transportation system is three separate rail systems; the BTS Skytrain, MRT, i Željeznička veza zračne luke. Although transfers between different systems are fairly straightforward, their fare systems are not integrated and completely separate from each other, meaning that you will have to buy separate tickets for each leg of your journey. There is also no integrated stored value card that can be used for all three systems, so you will have a buy separate cards for each system you wish to use. That said, an integrated stored value card for all three systems, known as the Mangmoom Card, is planned, though its rollout has been subject to repeated delays. Different names are used by the different systems for the interchange stations. For instance, the interchange station known as Sukhumvit in the MRT system is known as Asok in the BTS system.

The rail network is complemented by the Chao Phraya Express brod running on the Chao Phraya River, as well as a system of buses. None of these make use of a stored value card system, and fare payment is only accepted in cash.


Bangkok BTS, MRT, ARL and BRT Systems Map

The 13 Bangkok Skytrain (BTS) (รถไฟฟ้าบีทีเอส) deserves a visit simply for the Disneyland space-ageness of it. Built in a desperate effort to ease Bangkok's insane traffic and pollution, the Skytrain covers most of the main areas of the city and is especially convenient for visiting Trg Siam. There are two lines: the light green Linija Sukhumvit travels along Sukhumvit cesta, Trg Siam and then follows Phahonyothin Road up north, where it passes Mo Chit (N8), near the Chatuchak Weekend Market, before terminating at Wat Phra Sri Mahathat (N17). In April 2017 the eastbound section crossed the border to Samut Prakan kada Samrong (E15) station opened. The dark green Silom linija starts in Petchkasem Road (Bang Wa station, S12), passes the Express Boat pier at Saphan Taksin (S6), goes through the Silom area and ends at Nacionalni stadion (W1), right next to MBK Center. Both lines come together at Siam (CEN), where you can interchange between them. Unfortunately, there is no station near Put Khao San, but you can take the Express Boat from Phra Arthit Pier to Sathorn Pier, where you can switch onto the Skytrain. BTS Skytrain (Q806501) na Wikipodacima BTS Skytrain na Wikipediji

You must have 5 or 10 baht coins to purchase Skytrain tickets from vending machines, so hold on to them. At some stations there are touchscreen machines that accept 20, 50 and 100 baht notes, but there is often a queue to use them. Fares range from 15 to 55 baht depending upon how many zones you are travelling. Consult the map (in English) near each ticket machine. If you do not have coins, queue for change from the staff at the booth. If you are in town for several days (or will make several visits during the next 30 days), weigh your options and consider:

  • Rabbit card: a rechargeable stored-value card (from 100 baht, plus a 100 baht non-refundable card cost). Bring your passport when purchasing. The Rabbit card can also be used to make payments in some supermarkets,
  • a "ride all you like" tourist pass (140 baht per day) or
  • a multiple ride pass of 20 trips or more to any zone (15 trips cost 345 baht, 25 trips cost 550 baht; plus a 30 baht refundable deposit for a rechargeable card that is valid for 5 years).

They will certainly save you time, scrambling for coins, and maybe even money. Check for information with the English speaking staff.

The trains do not run all night. The last departures from termini are 00:00-00:24, and first trains start at 05:15-05:30.


The Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) (รถไฟฟ้ามหานคร). has two lines but is being extended with construction messing up traffic in some areas. The service started as a metro (subway) train but parts of the network run now on elevated track so the label Skytrain for the BTS is becoming confusing when the Airport Rail Link also uses similar construction. MRT (Q806485) na Wikipodacima MRT (Bangkok) na Wikipediji

The  Plava  line runs in a circle from Lak Song to Tha Phra through Thonburi, Yaowarat, Silom, Sukhumvit, Ratchadaphisek and areas around Chatuchak Weekend Market in Fahonyothin. There are interchanges to the Skytrain at Bang Wa, Si Lom, Sukhumvit i Chatuchak Park stations. The Purple Line povezuje Tao Poon market west of Bang Sue Train Station to points west in Nonthaburi way across Chao Phraya River.

Metro tickets are not interchangeable with BTS tickets. Fares range from 16 to 42 baht and are based on number of stations. The ticket vending machines accept coins and banknotes. Pre-paid cards of up to 1,000 baht are also available. For single ride fares, a round plastic token is used. It is electronic: simply wave it by the scanner to enter; deposit it in a slot by the exit gate leave. Children and elderly are issued tickets at half price but you must go to the ticketing counter.

The metro stations have escalators going all the way up and down in addition to lifts so the metro is easier than the Skytrain for people with reduced mobility or heavy baggage. Bag-checks take place at the entrance of each station. It is usually nothing more than a quick peek inside; it is a piece of pointless security theatre which will not stop any serious bomber.

Tourists do not use the MRT as much as the Skytrain, but there are several useful stops on the Blue Line. Sanam Chai station is near Wat Pho and the Grand Palace in Rattanakosin. Wat Mangkon provides a good access to Yaowarat. Si Lom i Lumphini are at either end of Lumphini Park. Phetchaburi station provides an interchange with the Saen Saep Express brod at Asok pier and with Željeznička veza zračne luke at Makkasan station. Phra Ram 9 is near Fortunetown IT mall which locals consider better than Pantip Plaza. Thailand Cultural Centre is also near Rot Fai Ratchada night market and Siam Niramit show. Lat Phrao is near Suan Lum Night Bazaar. If you're going to the Chatuchak Weekend Market, don't get out at Chatuchak Park, but go one stop further to Kamphaeng Phet as it drops you right inside the market.

The  Ljubičasta  line is opening new areas for tourists. For example, the off-beat Siam Gypsy Junction near Tao Poon station is now much easier to access as a place where you can drink until sunrise.

Thailand's main railway connecting Bangkok to the north and northeast provinces intersects the MRT at two points: Bang Sue and Hualamphong. Those staying at Khao San Road or in the Silom or Yaowarat areas can disembark at Hualamphong for easy access to these places. However, due to the many level crossings disembarking at Bang Sue and catching the metro will take you faster even to Hualamphong although it will cost a bit more. If you are heading from the train to Suvarnabhumi airport, disembark at Bang Sue, ride the metro to Phetchaburi and switch to Airport Rail Link at Makkasan.

Metro trains run 06:00-24:00.

Željeznička veza zračne luke

Opened in 2010 the Željeznička veza zračne luke (รถไฟฟ้า เชื่อม ท่าอากาศยาน สุวรรณภูมิ). povezuje Zračna luka Suvarnabhumi u grad. Samo Gradska linija remains although the service started with a more expensive and faster Express linija. Also the City Air Terminal at Makkasan station has been dismantled due to lack of use. Željeznička veza zračne luke (Q1133704) na Wikipodacima Željeznička veza zračne luke (Bangkok) na Wikipediji

The  ARL  line (Airport Rail Link, city line) starts at Suvarnabhumi Airport and terminates at Phaya Thai, with some interesting stops in between (such as Ramkhamhaeng, Makkasan for the metro line and Ratchaprarop za Pratunam). A ticket costs 15-45 baht, depending on distance. Tickets are available from ticketing counters and vending machines accepting coins and banknotes. Trains run 06:00-00:00 on weekdays at 10-11 min intervals and otherwise at 12-13 min intervals. The ride from Suvarnabhumi to Phaya Thai takes about half an hour.

 ARL  is now clearly a commuter train line which makes for busy trains but it is still useful for tourists. Tickets are cheap and there are up and down escalators in addition to lifts if you have baggage. If you board the train at Phaya Thai or Suvarnabhumi you most probably find a seat and space for your bags although the train cars have no luggage racks. At Makkasan station you can roll your bags along a roofed footbridge to Phetchaburi MRT station. At Phaya Thai station most passengers walk forward to the staircases. You need to turn back to the direction from which the train arrived for the lifts going down from the tracks. The lifts may be awfully busy but you will find escalators if you walk further. Once you exit through the ticket gates you can use a footbridge to the Phaya Thai BTS station.


Chao Phraya Express brod

Chao Phraya Express Boat Map

A ride on the Chao Phraya River should be high on any tourist's agenda. The cheapest and most popular option is the Chao Phraya Express brod. , basically an aquatic bus cruising up and down the river. Chao Phraya Express Boat (Q2270057) na Wikipodacima Chao Phraya Express Boat na Wikipediji The basic service goes from Wat Rajsingkorn (S4) all the way north to Nonthaburi (N30), with stops at most of Rattanakosin's major attractions including the Grand Palace (at Tha Chang) and Wat Pho (at Tha Tien). The closest pier to Put Khao San je Phra Arthit. Enter the express boat at the numerous piers and pay the conductor for the trip. She will approach you bearing a long metal ticket dispenser. At some bigger piers you can buy the ticket before boarding. When the metal cylinder lady approaches you, just show her the ticket you bought on the pier.

The different boat lines are indicated by the colours of the flags at the top of the boat. These flags can be confusing; don't think the yellow king's flag corresponds to the yellow line flag! The orange flag line (14 baht, every day 06:00-19:00) is your best bet, as it covers the major tourist areas and is fairly quick. However, it does not stop at every pier unlike the basic "no flag" line (8, 10 or 12 baht) which is fairly slow and runs only during rush hours (M-F 06:45-07:30 and M-F 16:00-16:30). It is better to avoid the faster yellow flag line (19 or 29 baht, M-F 06:15-08:10 and M-F 15:30-18:05) since it skips many popular attractions including Khao San Road, the Grand Palace and Wat Pho. The green flag line (10, 12, 19 or 31 baht, M-F 06:10-08:10 and M-F 16:05-18:05) skips many piers but its Pakkred terminus is the closest pier to Ko Kret if you want to spend a weekday there.

In addition to the workaday express boats, there is a blue flagged Tourist Boat which stops at a small subset of piers, offers commentary in English and charges a flat 150 baht for a day pass. Single ride tickets are 40 baht. The boats are slightly more comfortable and may be worth considering if you want to cruise up and down the most important tourist sights. They only operate once per 30 min and stop running by 15:00. Be careful as staff may tell that the (cheaper) orange flag regular boat is not coming for quite a while (as they are aggressively touting for business), but sometimes this is not the truth. If you want the tourist experience with guide and (very) loud speaker commentary, often unintelligible, then this is the one for you. However, be aware that you are fully entitled to enter the public piers (the ones with the blue lettering on white background with pier numbers on them) and take whichever express boat you want since no ticket is needed before boarding.

The signposting of the piers is quite clear, with numbered piers and English route maps. Sathorn (Taksin) pier has been dubbed "Central" station, as it offers an quick interchange to Saphan Taksin BTS Station. The boats run every 5–20 min from sunrise to sunset (roughly from 06:00-19:00), so ignore any river taxi touts who try to convince you otherwise.

Many piers are also served by cross-river ferries. These are particularly useful for reaching Wat Arun or the many piers at the Thonburi strani rijeke. Cross-river ferries run around every 10 min and only cost 3.5 baht. Pay at the kiosk on the pier and then walk through the turnstile.

Saen Saep Express brod

The Saen Saep Express brod. serves the long Saen Saep Canal, one of the remaining canals (khlong) that used to flow through Bangkok. Mostly used by locals to commute to work, the service is cheap and you get to see the "backside" of the neighbourhoods, so to speak. Also, It is immune to Bangkok's notorious traffic jams. The total distance is 18 km (11 mi), and the service operates from 05:30-20:30. Usluga broda Khlong Saen Saep (Q1053430) na Wikipodacima Usluga broda Khlong Saen Saep na Wikipediji

They are comparatively safe — just watch your step when boarding and disembarking as they don't stop at the pier for long and do not let the dirty water get into your eyes. To prevent splashes, the boats are equipped with little curtains that you can raise by pulling on a string, but they have to be lowered at every stop so people can clamber on board. Pay the fare (14-22 baht) to the fearless helmet-wearing ticket collectors who clamber around on the outside of the boat, ducking at bridges, as it barrels down the canal. Press the green 'bell' button if you want to get off at the next pier, else the boat might just skip it. The piers now even have (tiny) signs in English, with the exception of The Mall Bangkapi pier, and it's not obvious that you're at the mall from the canal boat!

The canal runs parallel to Phetchaburi Road, and provides the easiest access from the Golden Mount in Rattanakosin (and nearby Put Khao San) do Trg Siam i Pratunam. This line is aptly called the Golden Mount Line and runs from Panfa Leelard pier to Pratunam pristanište. If you want to continue your journey beyond Pratunam, passengers have to change boats there. The NIDA Line starts at Pratunam and heads east to Sukhumvit i Ramkhamhaeng. Hold on to your ticket.

River taxi

Saen Saep Express Boat Map

For trips outside set routes, you can hire a long-tail river taxi at any major pier. These are fairly expensive and will attempt to charge as much as 500 baht/hr, but with some haggling they may be suitable for small groups. To circumvent the mafia-like touts who attempt to get a large cut for every ride, agree for the price of the shortest possible ride (30 min), then negotiate directly with the captain when on board.


Metered taxi

Metered taxis are a quick and comfortable way to get around town, at least if the traffic is flowing your way, but be warned that Bangkok taxi drivers are notorious for finding ways to run up the fare; insist that the meter is used, and if the driver claims that your destination is closed, if your destination is unknown, or if you're being taken elsewhere, just get out of the taxi. All taxis are now metered and air-conditioned: the hailing fee is 35 baht and most trips within the city cost less than 100 baht. There are no surcharges (except from the airport), even at night; don't believe drivers who try to tell you otherwise. A red sign on the front window, if lit, means that the taxi is available.

When the meter is switched on you will see a red '35' somewhere on the dashboard or between the driver and you. Be sure to check for this at the start of the ride, as many drivers will "forget" to start the meter in order to overcharge you at the end of your trip. Most will start the meter when asked politely to do so (meter na khrap if you're male and meter na kha if you're female); if the driver refuses to use the meter after a couple of attempts, simply exit the taxi.

In some cases, late at night and especially near major tourist districts like Khao San or Patpong, you will need to walk a block away to catch an honest driver. The effort can save you as much as 150 baht. This is often also the case for taxis that park all day in front of your hotel. There are only two reasons that they are there: to take you places where they can get their commissions (jewellery stores, tailors, massage parlours, etc.) and to overcharge you by not using the meter.

Your best bet is to walk to the road and catch an unoccupied metered taxi in motion (easier than it sounds, as Bangkok traffic tends to crawl the majority of the time, and one car out of four is a taxi), or go to a taxi stand where you see many locals queueing. Avoid taxis parked outside hotels or major tourist attractions, and if a taxi driver refuses to turn the meter on, simply close the door and find one who will. Keep in mind that it is illegal for them to have unmetered fares. Alternatively, you can also call a taxi using a ride sharing app like Zgrabi, though you will be charged a booking fee for the service. Be smart and give your money to honest drivers, not cheats and touts. The only reason why they get away with this so frequently is that foreign tourists let them.

Be sure to either know the correct pronunciation of your destination, or have it written in Thai, as taxi drivers in Bangkok are notoriously bad at reading maps, and most drivers speak limited English. Most hotels and guest houses will happily write out addresses in Thai for you. While most drivers will recognise the names of tourist hot spots, even if grossly mispronounced, but it is often difficult to properly pronounce addresses in Thai. If your mobile phone works in Thailand, it is sometimes useful to call your hotel and ask the staff to speak to your driver in Thai. In addition, try to get your hotel's business card to show the taxi driver in case you get lost.

If you are pinching pennies or fussy about your means of transportation, you may wish to avoid getting into one of the (very common) yellow-green taxis. They are owner-operated and of highly variable quality and occasionally have rigged meters. All other colours belong to large taxi companies, which usually enforce their standards better.

On some routes, the driver will ask if the tollway should be used — this will usually save a lot of time. You have to pay the cost at the toll booth (not in advance and not at the end of the journey). Watch how much the driver really pays, as many try to keep the change.

When getting out, try to have small bills (100 baht or less) or expect problems with change. Tips are not necessary, but are certainly welcome if you're happy about the service; most local passengers will round up or leave any coin change as tip.


Tuk-tuks on the prowl

What would Bangkok be without the much-loathed, much-loved tuk-tuks? You'll know them when you hear them, and you'll hate them when you smell them — these three-wheeled contraptions blaze around Bangkok leaving a black cloud of smog in their wake. For anything more than a 5-10 min jaunt or just the experience, they really are not worth the price — and, if you let them get away with it, the price will usually be 4 or 5 times what it should be anyway (which, for Thais, is around 30% less than the equivalent metered taxi fare).

On the other hand, you can sometimes ride for free if you agree to visit touristy clothing or jewellery shops (which give the tuk-tuk driver fuel coupons and commissions for bringing customers). The shops' salespeople are pushy, and try to scam you with bad quality suits or "gems" that in fact are worthless pieces of cut glass. But usually you are free to leave after 5-10 min of browsing. Visitors should beware though, sometimes one stop can turn in to three, and tuk-tuk drivers may not be interested in taking you where you need to go once they have their fuel coupons. Also, with Bangkok's densely congested traffic it is sure to waste hours of your time, if not the whole day.

If you still want to try the tuk-tuk, always hail a moving tuk-tuk from the main road. At tourist spots, these tuk-tuk drivers lie in waiting to disrupt your travels plans. Stalno agree on a price before entering the tuk-tuk. Also be crystal clear about your intended destination. If they claim that your intended destination is closed for the day, and offer to take you to other nearby tourist spots, insist on your destination or get out. If you're an all-male party, tuk-tuk drivers sometimes will just ignore your destination completely and start driving you to some brothel ("beautiful girls"). Insist continually and forcefully on going only to your destination; or take a metered taxi instead.

A songthaew is a less-heralded, less-colourful and less-touristy version of the tuk-tuk that usually serves the back sois in residential neighbourhoods. They usually have four wheels instead of three, two benches instead of one, run on petrol instead of LPG and resemble a tiny truck. The maids and locals tend to use them to return home from the market with loads of groceries, or for quick trips if they're available. The price is not negotiable. Most songthaews cost 5 baht, although a few that go a very long distance charge 7 baht. Be careful though, as the destinations are written in Thai, not English. You pay the fare either before departure or after you get off. If the latter, simply walk up to the passenger side of the truck and pay the driver who will stick his/her hand out to receive your money. Change will be given, but try to have the 5 baht coin ready.

Motorbike taxi

When traffic slows to a crawl and there are no mass-transit alternatives for your destination, by far the fastest mode of transport is a motorbike taxi (มอเตอร์ไซค์รับจ้าง motosai lapjang). They typically wear colourful fluorescent yellow-orange vests and wait for passengers at busy places. Prices should be agreed in advance.

For the adrenaline junkie, a wild motosai ride can provide a fantastic rush. Imagine weaving through rows of stopped vehicles at 50 km/h (30 mi/h) with mere centimetres to spare on each side, dodging pedestrians, other motorbikes, tuk-tuks, stray dogs and the occasional elephant while the driver blithely ignores all traffic laws and even some laws of physics. Now do the same while facing backwards on the bike and balancing a large television on your lap, and then you can qualify as a local — though you might die in the process. Imagine your loved ones arranging to ship your dead body home from Bangkok because you took a dangerous risk you were warned not to. Motorcycle accidents are brutally common, and transportation of this sort is inherently hazardous. Be aware of the risk before using motorcycle taxis.

The overwhelming majority of motorcycle taxis do not travel long distances, but simply shuttle up and down long sois (side-streets) not serviced by other transport for a fixed 5-20 baht fare. These are marginally less dangerous, especially if travel with the flow on a one-way street.

The law requires that both driver and passenger must wear a helmet. It is the driver's responsibility to provide you with one, so if you are stopped by police, any fine is also the driver's responsibility. However the provision of helmets is far from universal. A helmet should be provided when hiring a motorbike or moped, and two if there are two of you. When riding, keep a firm grasp on the seat handle and watch out for your knees.


Lokalni autobusi, operated by the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (องค์การขนส่งมวลชนกรุงเทพ). Uprava za masovni tranzit u Bangkoku (Q4855217) na Wikipodacima Uprava za masovni tranzit u Bangkoku na Wikipediji zvani BMTA (ขสมก), are the cheapest but also the most challenging way of getting around. There is a bewildering plethora of routes, usually marked only in Thai. Even locals have a hard time with these, but at least they can call the 1348 Bus Route Hotline, which is in Thai only. Bus stops list only the bus numbers that stop there and nothing more. They are also subject to Bangkok's notorious traffic, often terribly crowded, and many are not air-conditioned. If you want to get somewhere quickly and are not prepared to get lost, the buses should be avoided: remember that taxis are cheaper than most local buses in the West. However, they make for a good adventure if you're not in a rush and you don't mind being the centre of attention.

There is the Viabus app (for Android i IOS) which really helps finding your way around the bus system. In the app you can search for bus stops and bus routes, navigate and even GPS track busses. Also the app is available in English and you can select stops on a map.

Otherwise, for those staying in Put Khao San where buses are the only practical means of public transport, the only free resource for decrypting bus routes is the official BMTA website. It has up-to-date if slightly incomplete listings of bus routes in English, but no maps. You can also ask your guest house about which buses to take if you're going to a particular destination. As a printed reference, the 69 baht spent on the Bangkok Bus Map by Roadway is a good investment if you're going to travel by bus more than once.

The hierarchy of Bangkok's buses from cheapest to best can be ranked as follows:

  • Red bus, 8 baht flat fare. Spacious and fan-cooled (in theory). Unlike other buses, some of these run through the night (1.50 baht surcharge). These buses are BMTA-run.
  • White/blue/orange bus, 10 baht flat fare. Exactly the same as the red buses, but cost two baht more. These buses are owned by private entities operated in conjunction with BMTA.
  • Blue/yellow and cream/blue air-con, 12 baht for the first 8 km (5 mi), up to 20 baht max. These buses are quite comfy. The blue/yellow striped buses are privately owned while the blue/cream buses are BMTA-owned.
  • White/Orange air-con (Euro II), 13 baht for the first few km, up to 25 baht max. These are all BMTA-run, newer, and more comfortable.
  • Blue air-con (NGV), 15 baht for the first few km, up to 25 baht max. These are run by both private companies and the BMTA, and are the newest and most comfortable buses.

BMTA-owned buses accept contactless payment, using the same fare scheme as normal tickets. The conductor will bring you a machine for you to scan your card. BMTA also offers pre-paid cards, monthly and weelky tickets using the same system. Weekly tickets cost 135 bath for red buses only and 270 bath for all buses. Monthly ticket cost 270 bath for red buses only and 540 bath for all buses.

Buses stop only when needed, so wave them down (arm out, palm down) when you see one barreling your way. Although drivers are only meant to stop at bus stops, some may pick up and drop off passengers elsewhere. Once on board, pay the roaming collector after you board and keep the ticket, as there can be occasional spot-checks. Press the signal buzzer, usually near the door, when you want to get off.

Two further pitfalls are that buses of the same number may run slightly different routes depending on the colour, and there are also express services (mostly indicated by yellow signs) that skip some stops and may take the expressway (2 baht extra).

Airport buses allow luggage but regular buses do not. Enforcement of this rule varies.

By ride share

The main ride sharing company operating in Bangkok is Malaysian company Zgrabi. Unlike Uber, Grab also allows you to book taxis, and gives you the option of paying your driver in cash.


Bangkok is notorious for its massive traffic jams, and rightly so. In addition, traffic is chaotic and motorcyclists seemingly suicidal. Therefore, most tourists consider driving in Bangkok a nightmare, and it is recommended that you stick to public transport. However, the proliferation of massive shopping malls means that there are now places to park if you must drive into town, albeit at a high cost. Pametni telefoni s GPS-om i navigacijskim aplikacijama s glasovnim uputama olakšavaju vam snalaženje.


Mnoge glavne atrakcije Bangkoka nalaze se na udaljenosti od 5 km (5,1 km) od trga Siam. Hodanje na velike udaljenosti po vrućem vremenu duž prometnih ulica može biti iscrpljujuće, ali je dobar način da grad vidite izbliza. Samo pijte puno vode i pripazite na neravne površine i motocikliste. Ostaci hrane i povremena iznenađenja koja su ostavile zalutale životinje drugi su razlozi da pogledate kamo idete. Stanovnici Bangkoka gotovo instinktivno izbjegavaju nagaziti poklopce šahtova jer su ljudi kroz trule pali u kanalizaciju. Žene nose svoje torbice sa strane daleko od ceste kako bi obeshrabrile otimačice torbi na motorima.

Budite oprezni pri prelasku ceste, čak i ako imate zeleno svjetlo. Skretanje ulijevo na crveno svjetlo prema zadanim je postavkama legalno i vozači se okreću bez pokazivača i bez popuštanja pješaka. Vozači se neće zaustavljati ili usporavati na pješačkim stazama bez semafora. Kad čekate da prijeđete na glavnim raskrižjima sa zaobljenim uglovima, stojte daleko od ceste, jer se motociklisti koji se okreću mogu nagnuti nad rubnik kako bi se progurali pored drugih vozila. Uvijek koristite nadvožnjake za pješake kad su dostupni; Psi lutalice iz Bangkoka dovoljno su pametni da ih koriste.

Očekujte da će vam prići vozači taksija i tuk-tuka i provalnici koji zahtijevaju da znaju kamo idete, inzistirajući da se nema što vidjeti unaprijed i pokušavajući vas prevesti u razne tvrtke. Većina će brzo prijeći na sljedeću ocjenu ako ih ignoriraju ili odlučno odbace.

Automatski sustav ormarića u blizini parka Chatuchak

Ako vas tereti veliki ruksak i želite ga ostaviti u ormariću, pogledajte automatizirani ormarići pružao se u blizini nekoliko glavnih metro stanica. Naknade se razlikuju ovisno o veličini ormarića. Ormar srednje veličine može potrajati dva ruksaka i koštat će oko 30 bahta na sat.


Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Bangkoku okrug članaka

Većina znamenitosti Bangkoka koncentrirana je na otoku Rattanakosin, koji se često naziva "Starim gradom". Od stotina hramova u Bangkoku, velika palača, Wat Pho i Wat Arun obično čine gornjih 3. Velika palača ima neizmjernu veličinu, pa očekujte da ćete tamo provesti barem cijelo jutro ili poslijepodne. Unutar terena palače nalazi se Wat Phra Kaew, najsvetiji budistički hram Tajlanda. Za razliku od ostalih hramova, to nije jedna zgrada, niti postoje životni prostori za redovnike. Umjesto toga, to je zbirka visoko ukrašenih svetih zgrada i spomenika. U jednoj od njegovih zgrada nalazi se Smaragdni Buda, i iako ga možda ne očekujete od njegove veličine, to je najsvetija slika Bude na Tajlandu.

U blizini je Wat Pho, dom najveće naslonjene slike Bude na svijetu i poznate škole masaže. Vozite se trajektom preko rijeke Chao Phraya do Thonburi za izvanredne Wat Arun. Glavna građevina visoka je oko 60 do 88 m, a okružena je s četiri manja pranga. Jedan je od najslikovitijih hramova na Tajlandu, a ugraviran je na unutarnjem dijelu svih deset kovanica bahta. Toliko je prepoznatljiv da je čak postao logotip Tajlandske turističke uprave (TAT). Ako se popnete na njega i dobro pogledate, vidjet ćete da je lijepo ukrašen šarenim lomljenim komadićima kineskog porculana. Vraćajući se natrag Rattanakosin, postoje mnogi drugi glavni hramovi koje biste mogli posjetiti, uključujući i Zlatna gora, Wat Suthat i Wat Ratchanaddaram.

Ne bacajte ulaznicu za Grand Palace, jer ona omogućava besplatan ulaz u Palača Bang Pa-In u Bang Pa-In (a ne više do palače Dusit koja je od 2017. godine u blizini javnosti). Smješteno je u lisnatom području u europskom stilu koje je kralj Rama V izgradio kako bi izbjegao vrućinu Velike palače. Njegova glavna struktura je Ljetnikovac Vimanmek, reklamirana kao najveća zlatna kuća od tikovine na svijetu, ali po želji biste mogli provesti cijeli dan u muzejima. U Bangkoku postoje mnogi muzeji koji prikazuju tradicionalne rezidencije u tajlandskom stilu. Mnogi posjetitelji razgledaju Kuća Jima Thompsona, ljetnikovac CIA-inog operativca okupljen kombinirajući šest tradicionalnih kuća u tajlandskom stilu u blizini Trg Siam. Ban Kamthieng u Sukhumvit, Dom baštine M.R. Kukrita u Silom i Palača Suan Pakkad u Fahonyothin nisu baš toliko impresivni, ali ipak čine lijepo iskustvo. Rattanakosinmuzeji su uglavnom posvećeni povijesti i kulturi, uključujući i Nacionalni muzej (o tajlandskoj povijesti i arheološkim ostacima), Muzej Sijama, Muzej Rattanakosin (koji nudi dva razgledavanja s vodičem s interaktivnim prikazima u vezi s poviješću starog i modernog tajlandskog života) i Muzej kralja Prajadhipoka. Bangkok ima malu, ali vokalnu umjetničku zajednicu i možda biste željeli posjetiti nacionalna galerija ili Kraljičina galerija, ili jedna od brojnih manjih galerija raširenih gradom. Trg Siam sadrži Bangkok Centar za umjetnost i kulturu koja ima privremene umjetničke izložbe tijekom cijele godine.

Park Lumphini u Silom je najveći park u središnjem Bangkoku i dobar način da se izbjegnu isparenja. Backpackeri okolo Put Khao San može krenuti prema Park Santichaiprakarn, mali, ali zabavni park uz rijeku Chao Phraya s prozračnom atmosferom, obično s mještanima koji žongliraju ili vježbaju trikove. Izgrađena je oko 18. stoljeća Utvrda Phra Sumen s lijepim pogledom na moderni kablovski most Rama VIII. Zoološki vrtovi i farme životinja su neke od popularnijih turističkih atrakcija u Bangkoku, ali prije posjeta imajte na umu da dobrobit životinja na Tajlandu nije strogo regulirana. Loši životni uvjeti životinja i neadekvatna veterinarska skrb primjeri su tužnog maltretiranja životinjske populacije. Ne možete pogriješiti na Farma zmija Queen Institute Saovabha u Silom, jer se osoblje dobro brine o svojim zmijama i ima posao informiranja javnosti o rizicima koji su s njima povezani. Još jedna lijepa obiteljska atrakcija je Siam Ocean World u Trg Siam. Ima strmu cijenu, ali barem ćete vidjeti najveći akvarij u jugoistočnoj Aziji.

"Kolonijalna" arhitektura

Iako Tajland nikada nije koloniziran, zbog želje kraljeva Rame IV (1804.-1868.) I Rame V (1868.-1910.) Da moderniziraju Tajland po uzoru na zapadnjačke uzraste, posjetitelji bi se mogli iznenaditi kad Bangkoku ne nedostaje europskog stila zgrade koje ne bi bile na mjestu u drugim glavnim gradovima jugoistočne Azije. Dok ostalim glavnim gradovima jugoistočne Azije uglavnom dominiraju zgrade specifičnog arhitektonskog stila, ovisno o njihovoj kolonijalnoj povijesti (npr. Francuski u Hanoiu, britanski u Yangonu), Bangkok ima kombinaciju zgrada s arhitektonskim stilovima iz različitih dijelova Europe. Na primjer, Željeznička stanica Hua Lamphong, Glavnu željezničku postaju u Bangkoku, projektirali su talijanski arhitekti i stoga gradili u talijanskom neorenesansnom stilu. Ostale značajne zgrade u europskom stilu uključuju talijansku staru carinarnicu, sjedište danske istočnoazijske tvrtke i glavnu poštu u stilu art decoa. Jedna od najzanimljivijih građevina pod europskim utjecajem je Dvorana Chakri Maha Prasat u Velikoj palači, koja je izgrađena uglavnom u talijanskom neoklasičnom stilu, ali s tradicionalnim tajlandskim krovom. Najveća koncentracija europskih zgrada može se naći u Rattanakosinu i Yaowaratu.



Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Bangkoku okrug članaka


Pokretanje a krathong niz jezerce

Svi se glavni tajlandski festivali slave u Bangkoku. Nova godina slavi se tri puta. Nova je godina slijedi gregorijanski kalendar 1. siječnja, proslavljena velikim vatrometom u Raskrižje Ratchaprasong. Onda je tu Kineska nova godina u siječnju ili veljači, s grandioznim i šarenim kineskim povorkama lavova i zmajeva u Yaowarat. Napokon, vodene fešte u Songkran proslavite tradicionalnu tajlandsku novu godinu sredinom travnja. Put Khao San izrodi se u ratnu zonu kao faranga a domaći stanovnici to podmeću super namakačima. Uglednije proslave održavaju se u Sanam Luangu, gdje poklonici prikazuju i štuju sliku Phra Phuttha Sihing, te na križanju Wisut Kasat, gdje se održava natjecanje ljepote Miss Songkran, popraćeno zaslugama i zabavom.

Tijekom Kraljevska ceremonija oranja u svibnju poljoprivrednici vjeruju da je drevni Brahmanov ritual, proveden u Sanam Luangu, u stanju predvidjeti hoće li nadolazeća sezona vegetacije biti obilna ili ne. Događaj datira iz kraljevstva Sukhothai, a kralj Bhumibol Adulyadej ponovno ga je predstavio 1960. godine. Smatra se službenim početkom sezone uzgoja riže (i kišne sezone). Danas ceremoniju vodi kralj Maha Vajiralongkorn. Loi Krathong (ลอยกระทง), Festival svjetlosti, obično se održava u studenom. Krathongs su plutajuće splavi izrađene od cvijeća lotosa i lišća banane s upaljenom svijećom i tamjanom na vrhu. U noći punog mjeseca Tajlanđani šalju svoje krathong niz rijeku, kanal ili ribnjak, a vlasnikova peh nosi zajedno sa sobom osiguravajući novi početak. Proslave se održavaju po cijelom gradu uz parade, koncerte i natjecanja ljepote. Loi Krathong poklapa se s festivalom Lanna Yi Peng (ยี่ เป็ ง). Na ovom festivalu u zrak se lansira mnoštvo papirnatih lampiona u stilu Lanne. Lumphini Park je najbolje mjesto za lansiranje krathong-a niz jezerce ili za lansiranje papirnatih lampiona na nebo.

The Vojska boja početkom prosinca impresivan je godišnji događaj koji se održava u Royal Plaza u blizini konjičkog kipa kralja Rame V. u Dusit. Odjeveni u šarene uniforme, usred puno pompe i ceremonije, pripadnici elitne Kraljevske garde zaklinju se na vjernost kralju i marširaju pored članova Kraljevske obitelji. 5. prosinca je Dan očeva, bivši kraljev rođendan, a Ratchadamri Road i Velika palača složeno su uređeni i osvijetljeni.


Do kraja 19. stoljeća, Bangkok je (baš kao i Ayutthaya) bio poznat pod nazivom "Venecija Istoka". Većina ljudi živjela je u blizini ili na vodi i zamršenoj mreži kanala (khlong) bio je primarni način prijevoza za stanovnike grada. Većina kanala otad je asfaltirana, ali dosta ih je ostalo, a neki i danas funkcioniraju kao prometne rute. Tradicionalni način života s kanala gotovo je nestao, no kako je Thonburi bio uglavnom nerazvijen do 20. stoljeća, još uvijek postoji određena autentičnost. Plutajuće tržnice do 20. stoljeća potpuno su nestale, ali su vraćene u turističke svrhe i predstavljaju zabavan posjet.

Možete vidjeti rijeku Chao Phraya i rukavce grada pored obilazak kanala. Većina ovih izleta brodom započinje na istočnoj obali Chao Phraye, a zatim prolazi rukavcima Thonburija zauzimajući Wat Arun, Nacionalni muzej Royal Barges, plutajuću tržnicu i neke druge manje atrakcije. Više informacija o ovim obilaženjima kanala možete pronaći u Thonburi članak. S 1.000 bahta ili više, prilično su skupi. Također možete pregovarati o cijeni s pojedinačnim vozačima brodova. Prokleti Saduak plutajuće je tržište koje se često pojavljuje u turističkim brošurama Bangkoka, ali u praksi je udaljeno 109 km (68 milja) zapadno od Bangkoka i mora ga posjetiti autobus s južnog autobusnog terminala.

Vjerojatno je jednako zabavno zaokupiti javnost brzi brod uz rijeku Chao Phraya. Možete sići bilo gdje između molova Thewet i Sathorn (Taksin), jer u svim tim četvrtima možete vidjeti mnogo stvari. Možete čak i ekspresnim brodom skrenuti sve do sjevera Nonthaburi ujutro uživajte u popodnevnim satima u ovom opuštenom tradicionalnom gradskom gradu i vratite se brodom natrag oko špice. Druga je mogućnost ući na jedan od besplatnih hotelski brodovi za prijevoz na pristaništu Sathorn (Taksin) i zagrizite u jednoj od pridruženih kafića. Navečer Asiatique ima besplatan shuttle brod od pristaništa Sathorn (Taksin) do novog trgovačkog centra nizvodno. Dobro mjesto za vidjeti prekrasne zalaske sunca nad rijekom.


Tajlandska masaža u Bangkoku

Toplice, tradicionalno, to su bili gradovi u kojima su se javne kupke, bolnice ili hoteli izgrađivali na vrhu mineralnih izvora kako bi ljudi mogli doći i iskoristiti ljekovita svojstva koja se nalaze u vodi i njenom blatu u medicinske svrhe. Ovih dana lječilište ne mora biti grad izgrađen na prirodnim termalnim izvorima. To može biti mjesto bilo gdje na koje svatko može otići, opustiti se u mirnom okruženju, uz razne tretmane koji se provode za oporavak i pomlađivanje tijela i uma.

Toplice nisu bile nečuvene do 1990-ih, ali sada je Bangkok jedno od najviših lječilišnih odredišta na svijetu s nevjerojatnim nizom tretmana. Svi luksuzni hoteli koji poštuju sebe u Bangkoku imaju spa koji barem nudi tradicionalnu tajlandsku masažu. Cijene su pretjerane, ali nude neke od najboljih tretmana u gradu. Dobro razgledane toplice s izuzetno visokim cijenama nude se u splurge hotelima u Silom; posebno se ističe lječilište u hotelu Dusit Thani. Nezavisne toplice nude gotovo isto iskustvo, ali nude mnogo konkurentnije cijene. Slikajte oko 1.000 bahta / sat za većinu tretmana.

Sveprisutna mala trgovine za masažu pronađene na svakom uglu ulice u gradu nude najbolju vrijednost za novac, ali najmanji spektar usluga, s ponudama koje su obično ograničene samo na masažu. Osobito Put Khao San i Sukhumvit ima dosta ovih popularnih mjesta. Prilično je lako razlikovati legitimne prodavaonice masaža od sumnjivijih mjesta (gdje je masaža samo paravan za prostituciju); prava stvar naplatit će tipičnu 2-satnu masažu od 250-400 bahta i često će u javnosti imati niz debelih kćeri farmera u bijelim ogrtačima koji rade na nogama mušterija, dok druga vrsta ima šaljive djevojke u večernjim haljinama koje nose previše šminke i govorenja "zdravo zgodni" svakom muškarcu u prolazu.

Muay tajlandski

Muay Thai je i borbeni sport i sredstvo samoobrane. Natjecatelji smiju koristiti gotovo bilo koji dio tijela za borbu: stopala, laktovi, noge, koljena i ramena. Postoje dva mjesta u Bangkoku na kojima se ovaj sport može vidjeti na djelu: Boksački stadion Lumpinee u Silom i Stadion Ratchadamnoen u Rattanakosin. Sesije mogu potrajati cijelu večer i nije tako loše ako uđete malo kasno jer se zanimljivije borbe obično mogu dogoditi na kraju. Ugodno je i sviranje tradicionalne glazbe tijekom borbi. Neuspjeh je strma ulaznica za strance od 1.000-2.000 bahta. Tajlanđanin uloži za 100 bahta ili manje.

Ako želite besplatno vidjeti Muay Thai, idite na MBK Borbena noć izvan MBK Centra u blizini Trg Siam. Borbe se odvijaju posljednje srijede navečer u mjesecu (započinju u 18:00, traju oko 21:00). Druga je mogućnost pješačiti do kraja Soi Rambuttri u uličicu poznatu kao Trok Kasap (u blizini Put Khao San). Stranci tamo održavaju časove muay tajlanda na otvorenom, a mnogi turisti uglavnom sjede na klupi ispred nje i gledaju akciju. Osim izgleda, ovo je izvrsno mjesto da i sami napravite neki Muay Thai.


Bicikli se mogu besplatno unajmiti u Rattanakosin, ali biciklisti službeno ne smiju napustiti zadanu rutu duž otoka. Čak i kad slijedite rutu, to još uvijek nije za one koji pate od srca.

Ako iznajmljujete vlastiti bicikl, izbjegavajte glavne ceste i vozite biciklom kroz ogroman sustav malih ulica i uličica. Možete voziti biciklom kroz uličice Yaowarat, ali možda biste trebali dobro razmisliti prije nego što napravite zaokret. Život u krajoliku Bangkoka možete doživjeti i biciklizmom kroz zelena neobrađena polja, farme orhideja i polja lotosa. Bang Kachao, u brošurama koje se često nazivaju "džungla Bangkoka", posljednja je zelena granica Bangkoka. To je poluotok preko puta Bangkoka s nekoliko automobila i zgrada i izvrsno odredište za biciklizam.

Bicikliste tretiraju kao pješake, pa biciklom možete istraživati ​​parkove, komplekse hramova, tržnice i mirnija stambena područja u istočnom Bangkoku. Na gužvijim mjestima možete voziti bicikl po kolniku. Istraživanje biciklom ima sve prednosti pješačenja, kombinirano s mnogo većim radijusom putovanja i hladnim povjetarcem. Vožnja biciklom najbolji je način za otkrivanje grada izbliza, no kako su u pitanju sigurnosni problemi, potrebno vam je neko unutarnje znanje o tome gdje voziti bicikl. Zbog toga se mnogi odlučuju za biciklističku turu u organizaciji operatera.

  • Bangkok Biciklizam, Baan Sri Kung 350/123, Soi 71, Rama III Rd, 66 2-285 3955. Biciklističke ture u malim grupama do i kroz neviđene dijelove Bangkoka. Uglavnom bez prometa. Zabavna ekskurzija za cijelu obitelj. 950-2.400 bahta.
  • Co van Kessel, 66 2 639-7351. Mnogo biciklističkih tura kroz Bangkok, vođenje u Kineskoj četvrti, kanalima Thonburi, "džungli Bangkoka" i mnogim drugim mjestima između. 950-1.950 bahta.
  • Pratite me biciklističke ture, 126 Sathorn Tai Rd, 66 2 286-5891. Poludnevne biciklističke ture stambenim ulicama Bangkoka. U cijenu je uključeno riblje kupalište i obrok s roštilja nakon obilaska. 1.000 bahta.
  • Grasshopper Adventures, 57 Ratchadamnoen Klang Rd (u blizini spomenika demokratiji, odmah iza ugla Khao San Rd), 66 2 280-0832, . Obilazak povijesne četvrti Rattanakosin u Bangkoku, do predgrađa Bangkoka i one koja se odvija noću. 1.000-1.600 bahta.
  • SpiceRoads, 45 Soi Pannee, Pridi Banomyong Soi 26, Sukhumvit Soi 71, 66 2 381-7490. Mnogo jednodnevnih i višednevnih biciklističkih putovanja u i oko Bangkoka. Postoje izleti u džunglu Bangkok, Ko Kret, Yaowarat i Thonburi. 2.950 bahta.
  • 1 Krenite u Bangkok Tours, 51 Charoen Krung, Soi 44, Bang Rak (BTS Saphan Taksin izlaz 1, 3 min hoda), 66 2-630 7563, faks: 66 2-630 7563, . Biciklističke ture, od kojih su neke vođene GPS-om, i iznajmljivanje bicikala. Male grupe, najviše 6. Sigurno i zabavno. 350-1.500 bahta.


U Bangkoku postoje brojne kazališne predstave koje prikazuju tradicionalnu tajlandsku kulturu i ples. Siam Niramit u Ratchadaphisek je spektakularna izvedba jer više od 150 izvođača prikazuje povijesno i duhovno nasljeđe svake regije Tajlanda. Prvi čin prikazuje Siam kao raskrižje civilizacija kroz povijest, drugi čin govori o ulozi karme u tajlandskoj kulturi, a treći se odnosi na religiju i ulogu zasluga u tajlandskom društvu.

The Kazalište Aksra u zgradi King Power kompleksa u Pratunam održava spektakularne predstave koje su kombinacija tajlandskih tradicionalnih lutkarskih predstava, orkestralnih predstava i klasičnih plesova. The Kazalište Joe Louis u Asiatique u potpunosti je posvećen umijeću rukovanja lutkama Hun Lakhon Lek. Jedan segment omogućuje lutkama interakciju s članovima publike, što je zabavna aktivnost s djecom. I Aksra i Joe Louis sadrže priče preuzete iz epa o Ramayani.

Potpuno drugačije prirode su poznate izložbe transvestita u Bangkoku. Ovi kabarei obično traju oko 2 sata, a osim pjevanja, plesa, glamura i kostima, tu je i nešto komedije. Najpoznatija od njih je Kabare Calypso na Raskrižje Ratchathewi s dvije sesije svake večeri u hotelu Asia. Alternativa je Mambo Cabaret, nekada u Sukhumvitu, ali sada na novom mjestu daleko od turističke staze u Yan Nawa. Tri se večeri održavaju po tri emisije. Uvijek rezervirajte ove emisije nekoliko dana unaprijed jer će gotovo zajamčeno biti rasprodane ako se tek pojavite.


Bangkok je izvrsno mjesto za posjetiti kino. U usporedbi sa zapadnim zemljama, cijena karte potpuna je cijena oko 120 bahta. Većina kina ima standarde svjetske klase i prikazuju najnovija holivudska i tajlandska izdanja. U razini su s najnovijim tehnološkim inovacijama u filmskoj industriji, pa očekujte 3D naočale za neka od najnovijih izdanja u Hollywoodu. Također možete posjetiti kazalište IMAX u Siam Paragonu. Tajlandske filmove stranci mogu vidjeti jer se obično prikazuju s engleskim titlovima. Za ne mainstream kino, House RCA (u Avenija Royal City) i APEX (u Trg Siam) nude umjetničke filmove s engleskim titlovima.

Za ostale načine zabave, Ratchadaphisek je novostvoreni raj za zabavu. Njegova boćarski centri vrhunskog su standarda, a neki od njih nalikuju unutrašnjosti noćnog kluba. Plešite dok igrate u stilu. Privatni karaoke saloni obično su povezani s tim kuglačkim centrima i dostupni su u glavnim hotelima. U ovom kvartu postoji čak i klizalište i vrhunska karting staza. Budući da je Ratchadaphisek uglavnom namijenjen lokalnom stanovništvu, možda biste željeli otići na slična mjesta u Trg Siam ili Sukhumvit. Konjske utrke održavaju se nedjeljom u dva zamjenska travnjačka kluba: Royal Turf Club iz Tajlanda u Dusit i Kraljevski sportski klub Bangkok na ulici Henri Dunant blizu Trg Siam.

Ples aerobika

Bangkok je dobro mjesto za ples aerobika. Mnoga mjesta u Bangkoku, na primjer supermarketi ili javni parkovi, nude nastavu aerobika na otvorenom bez ikakvih troškova. Ova nastava obično započinje ujutro u 06:00 ili navečer u 18:00, a sesija bi trajala jedan sat. Instruktor ne osigurava nikakvu opremu ili zalihe, pa bi sudionici trebali sami ponijeti odgovarajuću odjeću ili opremu. Mjesto održavanja obično se sastojalo od samo praznog terena i pozornice za instruktore. Ovi tečajevi ne zahtijevaju vještinu tajlandskog jezika, jer predavač rijetko koristi bilo koji verbalni znak. Osim vježbanja, upoznali biste i zajednicu lokalnih ljudi i stranaca. Na satovima aerobika obično se skupi 50-100 ljudi.

Za supermarkete možete očekivati ​​predavanja u Tesco Lotus ili Veliki C. Satove održavaju samo navečer, a obično se održavaju na parkiralištima ili u njihovoj blizini.

Za javne parkove postoji mnogo mjesta, ali najpoznatije je u Lumphini park u Silom okrug. Satove održavaju ujutro i navečer na svečanim vratima.


Tajlandska kuhinja mnogima je omiljena, a i dosta škole kuhanja pružaju poludnevne tečajeve koji pružaju lijep odmor od svakodnevne monotonije u razgledavanju znamenitosti. Silom i Put Khao San posebno imaju neke od poznatijih škola tajlandskog kuhanja.

Meditacija, bit 'čistog' budizma, može se prakticirati u bilo kojem hramu na Tajlandu. Osim toga, u Bangkoku postoje centri koji su posebno namijenjeni strancima koji žele učiti i vježbati. Međunarodni budistički centar za meditaciju unutar Wat Mahathata u Rattanakosin pruža besplatne satove meditacije tri puta dnevno. Ako dovoljno dobro razumijete tajlandski, možda ćete se poželjeti povući u mirni hram na periferiji Bangkoka. Da biste platili svoj boravak, zahvalno je što pomažete redovnicima koji žive u njihovoj jutarnjoj tužbi za milostinju.

Hram Wat Pho u Rattanakosin nudi dobro promatranu Tajlandska masaža tečajevi. Navikli su izvoditi nastavu na engleskom jeziku.


Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Bangkoku okrug članaka

Savjeti za krojenje

Bangkok je posebno poznat po svojoj mnoštvu krojačke radnje; ovdje možete dobiti odijelo po mjeri za nevjerojatno niske cijene u usporedbi sa Zapadom. Odabir krojača ipak je lukav. Krojači usred turističkih područja, kao što su Put Khao San ili Nana Plaza, općenito pružaju lošu kvalitetu i često navode glupe cijene. Izbjegavajte krojače koje preporučuju vozači ili vozači tuk-tuka jer im se ne može vjerovati i morat ćete platiti njihovu proviziju; također izbjegavajte super jeftine pakete ili bilo što učinjeno za 24 sata, jer će kvaliteta patiti u skladu s tim. Najvažnije pravilo za dobivanje dobrog krojača: istražite. Ne samo ušetajte u prvu krojačku radnju koju vidite, već pitajte suputnike i na mreži potražite recenzije (korisnika). Općenito, najbolji krojači malo su skrenuli s turističke staze u Silom i Sukhumvit.

Znatno će vam pomoći ako poznajete tkanine i kakav stil želite (ponesite uzorak ili barem sliku), a možete odvojiti vrijeme za najmanje tri sesije za odijelo (mjerenje, postavljanje i završno prilagođavanje). Cijene očito ovise o krojačkoj vještini i korištenim materijalima, ali očekuje se da ćete dvodijelno odijelo platiti najmanje 7000 bahta. Pri odabiru materijala najbolje vam je talijanska ili engleska tkanina jer su lokalne tkanine često loše kvalitete (s izuzetkom svile). Inzistirajte na dvije armature za odijela. Dajte krojaču puno detalja i dajte si vremena, tako da ćete dobiti točno odijelo koje tražite.

Ubaci tinejdžera Trg Siam s nekoliko tisuća bahta i ostat će zauzeta do kraja tjedna! Siam Square je the mjesto za kupnju u Bangkoku; mali soi na trgu Siam imaju na desetke malih dizajnerskih butika. MBK centar i Siam centar su najpopularniji trgovački centri, jer prodaju modu znatno ispod zapadnih cijena. Siam Paragon, EmQuartier u Sukhumvit, a trgovački se trgovi u Ratchaprasongu osjećaju još veći, ali su puno tiši, jer većina lokalnih Tajlanđana ne može si priuštiti Guccis i Louis Vuittons na prodaji tamo. Dame će se također dobro osjećati kao kod kuće u Emporium pored EmQuartiera.

Samo napravite nekoliko koraka iz hotela i Bangkok se osjeća kao ogromna ulična tržnica. Sukhumvit ima uobičajene suvenire, majice i ostale ljepljive turističke smeće. Pregledavanje Put Khao SanStaje na cesti posebno su dobre za odjeću i pribor, mnogi od njih i za povoljne cijene. Iako se mnogi od ovih štandova još uvijek udovoljavaju tradicionalnoj hipi-publici, polako su se gentrificirali kako bi privukli širu publiku. U blizini Tržnica Banglamphu prodaje jeftine početnike svega, baš kao i noćne tržnice u Silom i Rattanakosin.

Tijekom vikenda Vikend tržnica Chatuchak u Fahonyothin nužno je jer njegovih 8.000 štandova zajedno čini najveće tržište u jugoistočnoj Aziji. Kupci mogu kupiti gotovo sve, od odjeće do biljaka u saksijama i svega između - to je raj za preglednike i lovce na pogodbe. Alternativa radnom danu je Pratunam, jedna od poznatih gradskih tržnica odjeće. Ovdje se kupuje odjeća na veliko, a čak ste jeftiniji ako kupujete u velikoj količini. Na Pantip Plaza možete kupiti stvari povezane s računalom od brendiranih prijenosnih računala do piratskih DVD-a.

Yaowarat i Phahurat daju autentičnije iskustvo, iako mnoge trgovine prodaju jeftine tinejdžerske dodatke pronađene i drugdje. Samo sjedenje za plastičnom stolicom i promatranje svakodnevnog razvoja trgovine samo je po sebi zabavna aktivnost. Phahurat je najbolje odredište za tkanine, dostupno u svim bojama i veličinama. Pak Khlong Talat je iznenađujuće zabavna veletržnica za rezano cvijeće i povrće. Ako ste jutarnja osoba, posjetite je oko 03:00, kad stigne novo cvijeće iz gornjih krajeva i tržnica je lijepo osvijetljena.

Thonburi, jedno od najmanje razvijenih područja Bangkoka, najbolje je mjesto za iskusiti kakav je grad nekada bio. Obavezni su samo vikendi Plutajuća tržnica Taling Chan, koja se barem donekle osjeća autentično jer spaja seosko tržište s načinom života uz kanal. Tržnica Wang Lang je neotkriveni dragulj sa strogo lokalnim cijenama. S druge strane rijeke, Rattanakosin, ima sve što bi trebao dobar budist, bilo da se radi o amajlijama, redovničkim zdjelama ili kipovima Bude u ljudskoj veličini.

Za antikvitete, Silom je mjesto koje treba posjetiti, jer većina potencijalnih kupaca tamo boravi u skupim hotelima. River City u Yaowarat najveći je antički trgovački centar grada i po cijeni se podudara. Zlato i dragulji popularne su kupnje, ali budite oprezni: znajte što tražite, kao što su kvaliteta izrade i zlato / kamenje i što slično košta kod kuće. Ako je moguće uz prethodno istraživanje, a ne preporuke prodavača ulica, obratite se uvaženim draguljarima i ispolirajte svoje pregovaračke vještine. Mnogi turisti kupuju bezvrijedne komade rezanog stakla vjerujući da su to dragocjeni dragulji. Drugi dobivaju nakit ili dragulje po neopravdanim troškovima. Nikad ne dopustite da vas vozači tuk-tuka odvedu do dragulja / draguljarnice; češće ćete biti otkinuti i oni će dobiti proviziju da vas odvedu tamo. Isti se savjet odnosi i na krojenje trgovina; možete dobiti odijelo po mjeri po niskim cijenama, ali morate znati kamo ići, jer mnogi krojači pružaju lošu kvalitetu - potražite savjet na traci za pronalaženje dobrog krojača na bočnoj traci.

Pregledavanje rabljenih knjiga na engleskom jeziku najbolje je obaviti Put Khao San. Za nova izdanja, na raspolaganju su mnogi lanci trgovina na trgovačkim tržnicama Azijske knjige, B2S, Bookazin i Kinokunija. Postoji posebno širok spektar knjiga o azijskoj kulturi i povijesti; neki imaju i dobar izbor stranih novina i časopisa.

Do gotovine u Bangkoku relativno je lako. Kreditne kartice su široko prihvaćene u većim objektima, a bankomati su rašireni po cijelom gradu, posebno u središnjim područjima. Sve banke na bankomatima naplaćuju proviziju od 180 bahta za korištenje stranih kartica na bankomatima. Super bogate razmjene novca nude pristojne tečajeve.


Pojedinačni oglasi mogu se naći u Bangkoku okrug članaka
Pad Thai

Bangkok se može pohvaliti sa zapanjujućih 50.000 mjesta za jelo; ne samo tisuće tajlandskih restorana, već i širok izbor svjetske klase međunarodna kuhinja isto. Usponom iseljeničke zajednice i velikim troškovima za lokalne Tajlanđane, Bangkok je brzo postao gastronomski raj. Cijene su uglavnom visoke prema tajlandskim standardima, ali jeftine prema međunarodnim standardima. Dobar obrok vjerojatno neće koštati više od 300 bahta, iako postoji nekoliko restorana (prvenstveno u hotelima) u kojima možete lako potrošiti 10 puta više. Sukhumvit je poznat po mnogim popularnim restoranima, ali poslovna četvrt Silom sada je prepuna mnoga od najboljih destinacija za ručavanje u Bangkoku. Ovdje je zastupljena praktički svaka kuhinja na svijetu, bilo da se radi o francuskoj, libanonskoj, meksičkoj, vijetnamskoj ili fuziji, kombinirajući mnoge od njih u neobičnoj, ali ukusnoj mješavini. Talijanski grad u Bangkoku je Soi Ton Sin blizu Trg Siam. Naravno, za one koji imaju proračun, ulični štandovi obiluju jednostavnim tajlandskim jelima od oko 30 bahta. U Hrvatskoj ima posebno puno povoljnih restorana Put Khao San.

Ima ih dosta vegetarijanski restorani u turistički prihvatljivijim dijelovima grada (posebno u hipi četvrti Put Khao San). Vegetarijanska jela također su dostupna na jelovnicima redovnih restorana. Na zahtjev, čak i tipični ulični restorani lako će za vas pripremiti vegetarijanski ekvivalent popularnog tajlandskog jela. Zamolite za "sojinu" hranu da meso ostane izvan posude. Na primjer, "khao pad" je pržena riža, a "khao pad jay" je vegetarijanska pržena riža. Za vegane najčešći proizvod koji se koristi bio bi umak od kamenica. Da biste to izbjegli, recite "mai ao naam man hoi". Imajte na umu da svi prodavači uličnih rezanaca koriste mesnu juhu za juhu s rezancima.

Za muslimane u ulicama oko džamije Haroon na području Bang Raka žive mnoge muslimanske obitelji, a time i pune tezgi koje prodaju halal hrana.

Ne propustite prehladu sladoled u vrućem Bangkoku. Zapadni lanac trgovina Dairy Queen i Swensenovo imaju kabine u mnogim trgovačkim centrima. Ili još bolje, isprobajte sladoled s egzotičnim voćem s okusom Iberry dućan. Njihovi su sladoledi ukusni, jeftini i sigurni za jelo. U korejskom stilu obrijani led je postao vrlo popularan i lokalni lanac Poslije tebe ima mnogo podružnica u Bangkoku i vrlo je popularno mjesto za druženje među tajlandskim mladima i mladim odraslima.

ulična hrana

Iako općenito nije osobito visoke klase, ulična hrana je među najukusnijom hranom, a čak postoji i mjesto koje je zaslužilo Michelinovu zvijezdu u svom vodiču za 2018. godinu. Mjesta možete pronaći po cijelom Bangkoku - gdje god odsjeli, rijetko morate prijeći više od 100 m do kolica ili uličnog restorana. Mnogi ulični prodavači prodaju satay (สะเต๊ะ) s ljutim umakom za 5-10 bahta komad.

Jedno od nacionalnih jela Tajlanda koje možete probati je pad tajlandski (ผัด ไทย), prženi rižini rezanci s jajima, umakom od ribe, tamarind sokom i crvenom čili paprikom. Može se pripremiti za vas na jednoj od sveprisutnih kolica ili poslužiti u uličnom restoranu za oko 50 bahta. Možete ga naručiti s piletinom (kai) ili škampi (kung). Još jedno od tajlandskih nacionalnih jela koje biste trebali probati je tom yam kung (ต้มยำ กุ้ง), kisela juha s kozicama, limunskom travom i kalangalom - pazite, kakva je vrlo začinjeno! Khao man kai (ข้าวมัน ไก่) je još jedna popularna ulična hrana. Možete ga prepoznati na štandovima s izloženom kuhanom piletinom. Uz zdjelu mirisne pileće juhe nalazi se gomila riže prelivena narezanim komadićima piletine i krastavca. Bočni umaci su ljuti i izvrsno se slažu s nježnom piletinom i rižom. Ponekad možete dodati i jetru i želudac ako je to vaš ukus. Ako volite slatkiše, pokušajte pronaći a kanom roti (โรตี) ulični prodavač. Slastica slična krepi punjena je zaslađenim kondenziranim mlijekom, puno šećera, a može imati i banane. Također zabavno gledati ih kako nastaju.

Insekti - spremni za međuobrok?

Put Khao San je poznat po prodaji kolica bube- da, insekti. Prženi su, hranjivi i prilično su ukusni sa umakom od soje koji se poprska po njima. Types available: scorpions, water beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, bamboo larvae, mealworms and some seasonal specialties. Break off the legs from grasshoppers and crickets or they will get stuck in your throat.

Around the corner from Khao San Road in front of the department store and supermarkets the street is lined with a myriad stalls selling all manner of tempting delicacies: sweets and crackers, coconut jellies, candied fruits, fish balls on skewers, tamarind sweets dipped in chili and sugar and a host of other delights.

Ethnic cuisine

Thai dishes can roughly be categorised into central, northern, northeastern and southern cuisine. What's so great about Bangkok is that all these cuisines are present. Isaan food (from the northeast of Thailand) is popular; generally street restaurants serve on plenty of small plates that can be shared. Som tam (ส้มตำ) is a salad made from shredded and pounded raw papaya — again, it is spicy, but oh so delicious. If you want to dine the Isaan way, also order some khao niew (sticky rice), kai yang (grilled chicken) and moo yang (grilled pork). Isaan food is very spicy; say mai pet ili pet nit noy to tone it down. Southern Thai cuisine is also worth it; many of them have congregated around Wang Lang in Thonburi. At least try the massaman curry (แกงมัสมั่น), it's delicious.

One of the best places to go to for Kineska hrana je Yaowarat. It has a range of street stalls and cheap restaurants selling expensive delicacies at affordable prices. Soi Phadung Dao is the best street for huge seafood restaurants. Try 1 kg of huge barbecued prawns for about 300 baht. That being said, due to the large Thai-Chinese population in Bangkok, Chinese influences pervade much of Bangkok’s culinary scene, and there is also a lot of good Chinese food to be found outside Chinatown, as well as a strong Chinese influence in many of Bangkok's signature street dishes.

Fahurat, Bangkok's Little India, has some decent Indian restaurants.

Fine dining

Bangkok is arguably the best city in Southeast Asia for fine dining, and there is no shortage of options for those who can afford to splurge the cash. Fine dining options in Bangkok include French, Italian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese and, of course, Thai. Although exorbitant by Thai standards, fine dining in Bangkok is very affordable compared to similar options in developed countries, and even the most expensive fine dining should not cost you more than 5000 baht per head.

Dinner cruises

Dinner cruises on the Chao Phraya River are a touristy (but fun) way of spotting floodlit temples while chowing down on seafood and watching Thai cultural performances. Most operate buffet-style and the quality of the food is so-so, but there's lots of it and it's not too spicy. While the river can give a romantic experience, it can also be dirty and smelly with lots of plants floating around.

Drinks and tips are usually ne included in the listed prices below. Always make a reservation before heading out to the pier. There are many competing operators, most of them depart from the River City pier next to the Si Phraya Express Boat pier. Major operators include:

  • Chao Phraya Princess, 723 Supakarn Building, Charoen Nakhorn Rd, 66 2 860-3700. Departure 19:30. Large operator with four modern air-conditioned boats seating up to 250 people. Departure from River City pier. 1,300 baht.
  • Loy Nava, 1367 Charoen Nakhorn Rd, 66 2 437-4932. Departure 18:00 or 20:10 daily. This dinner cruise heads out with 70-seater rice barges. Departure from Si Phraya pier (near River City), and there is a free pickup from most hotels. 1,400 baht.
  • Manohra, 257 Charoen Nakhorn Rd, 66 2 477-0770. Departure 19:30 daily. These restored Thai rice barges seat 40 people. Departure from Marriott Resort pier, with an optional pick-up from Saphan Taksin BTS station. 1,250-1,990 baht.
  • Wan Fah, 292 Rachawongse Rd, 66 2 222-8679. Departure 19:00 daily. These 2-hr dinner cruises include a set meal of farang-friendly Thai food and seafood, live music and Thai classical dancing. Departure from River City. 1.000 bahta.
  • Yok Yor Marina, 885 Somdet Chao Phraya Soi 17, 66 2 863-0565. Departure 20:00. Operated by the famous seafood restaurant, this is a much more local (and cheaper) option than the tourist cruises: pay a 160 baht "boat fee" and then order off the menu at normal restaurant prices. Departure from Yok Yor Marina on the Thonburi side of the river. There is a free shuttle service from Saphan Taksin BTS station.


Individual listings can be found in Bangkok's okrug članaka
Sirocco at State Tower, Silom

Bangkok's nightlife is infamously wild, but it's not quite what it used to be. Due to social order campaigns, there have been quite a few crack-downs on opening hours, nudity, and drug use. Most restaurants, bars and clubs are now forced to close at 01:00, although quite a few are allowed to stay open till 02:00 or later. Informal roadside bars do stay open all night, particularly in Sukhumvit i Put Khao San. You must carry your putovnica for ID checks and police occasionally raid bars and discos, subjecting all customers to drug tests and searches, though these mostly occur at places that cater for high-society Thais.

One of Bangkok's main party districts is Silom, home not only to perhaps the world's most famous go-go bar strip, Patpong, but plenty of more legitimate establishments catering to all tastes. For a drink with a view, the open-air rooftop bars of Vrtoglavica i Sirocco are particularly impressive. A large number of superhip and more expensive bars and nightclubs can be found in the higher sois of Sukhumvit, uključujući Q Bar, i Narz, as well as the hip area of Tanga Lo (Soi 55).

Hippie hangout Put Khao San is also slowly gentrifying and a score of young artsy Thai teenagers have also made their mark there. Going out in Khao San Road is mostly casual, sitting at a roadside bar watching people pass by, but the Gazebo Club is a nightclub that stays open till the sun gets up. Most of the younger Thais prefer to congregate around Ratchadaphisek, home to the Avenija Royal City strip of nightclubs where you can find popular nightclubs like 808, Route 66, Cosmic Cafe, and more.

RCA, the Avenija Royal City strip, is home to much more than nightclubs. You will be able to find fun karaoke clubs, go-carting, arcades and bars like the Overtone Music Cave which is a place where music students to perform. The Overtone Music Cave is frequently visited by recording artists as well as music students and is becoming a real Bangkok music hot spot.

Smoking is forbidden in all restaurants, bars and nightclubs, whether air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned. It is enforced at some venues, but the ordinance is flouted in areas such as Nana Plaza.

Go-go and beer bars

Behaving while misbehavin'

Some simple rules of etiquette to follow in a go-go bar:

  • A drink in your hand is required at all times. Most places charge around 100-150 baht for most drinks. A drink menu with prices will be provided.
  • Lady drinks cost at least 200-300 baht and earn you the privilege of chatting with the lady/gent of your choice for a while.
  • Taking a dancer out of his/her place of employment before closing time will cost you a bar fine of around 600 baht. This is the bar's share, the rest is up to you two.
  • No photos inside. If you're lucky, you'll merely have your camera confiscated, but you also stand a fair chance of getting beaten up.
  • Look, but don't touch (unless invited to). Getting too frisky will get you kicked out.
  • Bring your putovnica. Police raids are not uncommon and you're off to the police station for the night if you can't produce one on demand.

The go-go bar is an institution of Bangkok's "naughty nightlife". In a typical go-go, several dozen dancers in bikinis (or less) crowd the stage, shuffling back and forth to loud music and trying to catch the eye of punters in the audience. Some also put on shows where girls perform on stage, but these are generally tamer than you'd expect. Nudity, for example, is actually illegal. These are no Western- or US-style strip clubs. Expect a stage in the middle with seating all around, and 5-10 girls just dancing or standing around on stage in various states of undress. No lap dances, but girls will sit with you for the price of a lady drink. U beer bar, there are no stages and the girls wear "street clothes".

If this sounds like a thinly veiled veneer for prostitution, it is. Although some point to the large number of American GIs during the Vietnam War as the point of origin of the Thai sex trade, others have claimed that current Thai attitudes towards sexuality have deeper roots in Thai history. Both go-go and beer bars are squarely aimed at the foreign tourists and it's fairly safe to assume that most if not all Thais in them are on the take. That said, it's perfectly OK to check out these shows without partaking, and there are more and more curious couples and even the occasional tour group attending. The main area is around Patpong u Silom, but similar bars to the ones at Patpong can be found in Sukhumvit, na Nana Entertainment Plaza (Soi 4) and Soi Kauboj (Soi 23). Soi 33 is packed with hostess bars, which are more upscale than the Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza bars and do not feature go-go dancing. Before heading to these places, be sure to read the Ostati siguran section for some additional advice.

As go-go bars close around 01:00, there are so-called after-hour clubs that stay open till the sun comes up. They are not hard to find—just hop in a taxi. Taxi drivers are eager to drive you there, as they get a hefty commission from club owners to bring you to them. You might even get the ride for free. These clubs generally feel grim and edgy, and there are so-called "freelancers" among the girls (prostitutes). Some well-known after-hour clubs include Bossy Club u Pratunam, Spicy Club near Trg Siam and the always famous Thermae na Sukhumvit between sois 15 and 17 in the basement underneath the Ruamchit short-time hotel.

Gay nightlife

Thais are generally accepting of homosexuality and Bangkok has a very active gay nightlife scene, concentrated in Silom's Soi 2, Soi 4 and a short strip of gay go-go bars known as Soi Twilight (off Surawong Road). Gay strip bars all have free entry, but charge an extra 150 baht or so for drinks. The most popular gay drinking bars are The Balcony i Telephone Pub at Silom Soi 4, which are busy until 23:00. For the disco crowd, DJ Station and its late-night neighbour G.O.D. Klub (Silom Soi 2) are packed every night beginning around 23:00. Between 17:00-22:00 over 200 men from around the world cruise, swim, dine, and party at the nearby Babilon, considered by many to be the best gay sauna in the world. Babylon also has budget and luxury accommodation.

All of these bars and clubs are aimed at gay men and the lesbian scene is much more low-key. Since the opening of full-time lesbian bars Zeta i E-Fun, a small lesbian community is starting to emerge along Avenija Royal City. Lesla (near Fahonyothin) is a lesbian bar that is open on Saturday nights only. Bring along your passport for entrance age checking (they do not allow people under 20 years old).

In a league of their own are Bangkok's numerous transsexuals (kathoey), both pre- and post-operative, popularly known as ladyboys. A part of Thai popular culture for ages, kathoey face increasing prejudice as Thailand imports rigid Western gender concepts. Many male Westerners obsess about the risks of "mistaking" a ladyboy for a "real" woman, in the fear that being attracted to them would make of them homosexuals. Tired clichés about "tall, large-handed, large breasted transsexuals with garish makeup" are belied by the fact that most kathoeys strive to blend in with the general population. However, legal change of gender is not possible in Thailand, which means they find it difficult to access many "respectable" jobs. Some work in the famed transvestite cabarets and there are some dedicated kathoey bars as well.

Some Thai regulars in the gay nightlife scene skirt the fine line between partying and prostitution, and the Western visitor, being considered richer, is expected to pay any food and drink expenses and perhaps provide some "taxi money" in the morning. It's usually wise to ask a boy you pick up in a bar or club if he is after money, as it's not uncommon for them to start demanding money after sex.


Individual listings can be found in Bangkok's okrug članaka

Book online, save money

While most guest houses in Khao San Road do not even bother to have a website, with moderate and upper end hotels you can save a surprisingly large amount of money by booking via the web. In most cases, walk-in rates are known to be about 30% higher than online rates as administration costs are higher and front desk personnel often get paid by commission. When standing inside the hotel's lobby, sometimes it can pay off to use the free Wi-Fi, get online, book for the same night and get it for less! To give an example, some mid-range hotels offer walk-in rates for 1,500 baht the night, but online rates for 1,000 baht. That's five free beers on the hotel! Nevertheless, don't take that as a general rule for Thailand. On some island resorts it's exactly the other way round, and the walk-in rates are only half of the online promoted price, especially in offseason.

Bangkok has a vast range of accommodation, including some of the best hotels in the world — but also some of the worst dives. Broadly speaking, Put Khao San is backpacker city; the riverside of Silom i Thonburi is home to The Oriental i Poluotok respectively, often ranked among the best in the world, and priced to match, Most of the city's moderate and expensive hotels can be found in Trg Siam, Sukhumvit i Silom, though they also have their share of budget options.

When choosing your digs, think of the amount of luxury you want to pay for — air-conditioning can be advised, as temperatures don't drop below 20 °C (68 °F) at night. Also pay careful attention to Skytrain, metro and express boat access, as a well-placed station or pier could make your stay in Bangkok much more comfortable. In general, accommodation in Bangkok is cheap. It's possible to have a decent double room with hot shower and air-conditioning for about 500 baht/night. If you want more luxury, expect to pay around 1,500 baht for a double room in the main tourist areas. Even staying at one of Bangkok's top hotels only costs around 5,000 baht — the price of a standard double room in much of Europe.

One Bangkok hotel phenomenon is the guest fee of around 500 baht added to your bill if you bring along a newly found friend for the night. Some hotels even refuse Thai guests altogether, especially common in Khao San Road. These rules are obviously aimed at controlling local sex workers, which is why hotel security will usually hold onto your guest's ID card for the duration of the visit, but some hotels will also apply it to Western visitors — or, more embarrassingly, try to apply it to your Thai partner. Look for the signs, or, if in doubt, ask the staff before check-in.

Ostati siguran

Given its size, Bangkok is surprisingly safe, with violent crimes like mugging and robbery unusual. One of the biggest dangers are motorbikes who ride on pavements at speed, go through red lights, undertake buses as they stop to let passengers off and generally drive far too fast especially through stationary traffic. If you are going to hire a bike, make sure you have insurance in case you are injured. You may be the world's best driver but you'll meet many of the world's worst drivers in Thailand.

Bangkok does have more than its fair share of scams, and many individuals in the tourist business do not hesitate to overcharge unwary visitors. As a rule of thumb, it is wise to decline all offers made by someone who appears to be a friendly local giving a hapless tourist some local advice. Short-changing tourists is reasonably common as well, don't hesitate to complain if you are not given the correct change.

Never get in a tuk-tuk if someone else is trying to get you into one. Most Bangkok locals do not approach foreigners without an ulterior motive.


What to do if you fall for the gem scam

As long as you're still in Thailand, it's not too late. Contact the Tourist Authority of Thailand, 66 2 694-1222 ili Tourist Police, 1155 immediately, file a police report, and return to the store to claim a refund — they mora, by law, return 80%. If your gems have been mailed, contact the Bangkok Mail Centre, 66 2 215-0966 (-195) immediately and ask them to track your package; they'll find it if you act fast, and know the name, address and date it was mailed.

You should always be on the look-out for scammers, especially in major tourist areas. There are dozens of scams in Bangkok, but by far the most widely practiced is the gem scam. Always beware of tuk-tuk drivers offering all-day tours for prices as low as 10 baht. You may indeed be taken on a full-day tour, but you will end up only visiting one gem and souvenir shop after another. Don't buy any products offered by pushy salespeople — the "gems" are pretty much always worthless pieces of cut glass and the suits are of deplorable quality. The tuk-tuk driver gets a commission if you buy something — and fuel coupons even if you don't. Unless the idea of travelling by tuk-tuk appeals to you, it's almost always cheaper, more comfortable and less hassle to take a metered taxi.

Be highly skeptical when an English-speaking Thai at a popular tourist attraction approaches you out of the blue, telling that your intended destination is zatvoreno or offering discount admissions. Temples are almost always free (the main exceptions are Wat Phra Kaeo and Wat Pho) and open just about every day of the year. Anyone telling you otherwise, even if they have an official-looking identification card, is most likely out to scam you, especially if they suggest a tuk-tuk ride to some alternate sights to see until the sight re-opens. At paid admission sites, verify the operating hours at the ticket window.

Tuk-tuks in Bangkok

If you entered one of these tuk-tuks, touts will often drop you off at a certain place, such as a genuine Buddhist temple. Here you will find a man that claims to be an official, and he guides you in a certain direction. There you will find another "official" who also claims that a certain attraction is closed. This way, a tourist hears the same statement by multiple people, and is more eager to believe that his or her intended destination indeed is closed. Never get involved with these scammers or believe any of their statements.

When getting a taxi, it is a good idea to hail a moving taxi from the main road, or to walk a short distance out of a major tourist area before looking for one. This is no guarantee of honesty, but greatly increases your chances of finding an honest driver, of which there are plenty in Bangkok, even if it sometimes seems that every driver is on the make. There are some taxi drivers who switch off their meters, and insist on an unreasonable price. Most of the untrustworthy drivers are the ones standing still in tourist areas. Another important rule of thumb is to insist on the meter for taxis and agree on a price in advance for tuk-tuks. If they refuse, or quote unreasonable prices, just walk out and get a different one as they're rarely in short supply. The Thai phrase to ask a driver to use the meter is mee-TOE, khap if you're male and mee-TOE, kha if you're female.

Beware of tuk-tuk or taxi drivers who approach you speaking good English or with an "I ♥ farang" sign, especially those who mention or take you to a tailor shop (or any kind of business). They are paid by inferior tailor shops to bring tourists there to be subjected to high pressure sales techniques. If at any point your transportation brings you somewhere you didn't intend or plan to go, walk away immediately, ignore any entreaties to the contrary, and find another taxi or tuk-tuk.

In general, never ask a taxi driver for a recommendation for something. They will likely take you to a dubious place where they get a commission. Posebno, do not ask a taxi driver for a restaurant recommendation. An infamous place taxi drivers take unsuspecting tourists is Somboon D, which is a terrible seafood restaurant in a seedy area under the train tracks on Makkasan Road ( 66 2 6527-7667). A typical meal there costs 800 baht per person and it comes with little seafood, no service and complaints are not taken by the management.

Also beware of private bus companies offering direct trips from Bangkok to other cities with "VIP" buses. There are a lot of scams performed by these private bus companies. The so-called direct VIP trips may end up changing three or four uncomfortable minibuses to the destination, and the 10-11-hour trip may well turn into 17–18 hr. Instead, try to book public Transport Co. buses from the main bus terminals. It's worth the extra shoe-leather, as there have been reports of robberies on private buses as well.

Go-go bars

Bangkok is known for its go-go bars and the prostitution that comes along with it. Some aspects of prostitution are illegal (e.g. soliciting, pimping), but enforcement is rare, and brothels are common. It's not illegal to pay for sex or to pay a "barfine" (a fee the bar collects if you want to take an employee away).

The age of consent in Thailand is 15, but is 18 for prostitutes. Penalties for sex with minors are harsh. All adult Thais must carry an identity card, which will state the year of their birth according to the Buddhist calendar. Many hotels retain the ID cards of prostitutes for the duration of their visit. Whilst most prostitutes are employed by bars or similar businesses, some are "freelancers". Petty theft and other problems, such as slipping the customer sleep drugs, are allegedly more common with these freelancers (although still relatively rare). HIV and AIDS awareness is better than it used to be, but infection statistics among entertainment industry workers remain high; freelancers are the highest risk group. Almost all sex workers insist on using condoms.

While walking in go-go bar areas is generally safe, you have to be cautious of touts who try to drag you into the upstairs bars with offers of ping-pong shows and 100-baht beer. The beer may well be 100 baht, but the "show" you'll be treated to will be 1,000 baht or more. The rule of thumb is that if you cannot see inside from street level, avoid the establishment.

Animal abuse

Elephants are a large part of Thailand's tourist business, and the smuggling and mistreatment of elephants for tourist attractions is a widespread practice. Be aware that elephants are often separated from their mothers at a young age to be cruelly trained under captivity for the rest of their lives. It is advised to take an elephant ride only at animal friendly organisations.

A depressingly common sight on the congested streets of Bangkok is elephant begging. During night hours, mahouts (trainers) with lumbering elephants approach tourists to feed the creatures bananas or take a photo with them for a fee. The elephants are brought to the city to beg in this way because they are out of work and are mistreated and visibly distressed under the conditions of the city. Please avoid supporting this cruelty by rejecting the mahouts as they offer you bananas to feed the elephants. This is especially common in Silom and Sukhumvit.

Due to its location, lax laws, and resources, many illegal animal products come through Bangkok. Rare and endangered species are often sold at markets for pets, especially at Chatuchak, and many other animal products are sold as luxury items. Avoid buying rare pets, leather, ivory, talons, dried sea creatures (such as starfish), fur, feathers, teeth, wool, and other products since they are most likely the result of illegal poaching, and buying them contributes greatly to animal endangerment and abuse.

Political unrest

U 2008. godini political unrest hit the headlines, with the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) closing down both of Bangkok's airports for a week. Several people were killed in the resulting political violence. After a PAD-backed prime minister was elected, the protests ceased for a while, but the situation remained unstable. In 2010, new political unrest surfaced with red-shirt protesters from the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) occupying much of Sukhumvit and surrounding areas. These protests turned violent when government troops tried to take back parts of central Bangkok that had been seized by protesters. In 2011, a UDD supported government took power. Since then, protests by both the PAD and UDD have continued to occur on a sporadic basis depending on what political event has transpired. Always follow the independent press for the newest political developments and stay away from demonstrations.

Food and water

As elsewhere in Thailand, be careful with what you eat. Outside of major tourist hotels and resorts, stay away from raw leafy vegetables, egg-based dressings like mayonnaise, unpackaged ice cream and minced meat as hot weather tends to make food go bad faster. In short, stick to boiled, baked, fried or peeled goods.

Tap water in Bangkok is said to be safe when it comes out the plant, but unfortunately the plumbing along the way often is not, so it's wise to avoid drinking the stuff, even in hotels. Any water served to you in good restaurants will at least be boiled, but it's better to order sealed bottles instead, which are available everywhere at low prices.

Take care with ice, which may be made with tap water of questionable potability as above. Some residents claim that ice with round holes is made by commercial ice makers who purify their water; others state that it is wise not to rely on that claim.



Due to the surge of mobile connectivity, Internet cafés are not common as they used to be. If you look carefully, you may find them in tourist districts such as Put Khao San for around 30-60 baht per hour.

Many cafés and pubs do offer free Wi-Fi to their customers, including the ubiquitous Coffee World chain in all of its branches; ask staff for the password. TrueMove offers both free and paid Wi-Fi access. If you want to get online for free, you must register first, and both session and time is limited. Their network is accessible in many malls, including Trg Siam, and sometimes can be available from your room if you stay in a nearby hot-spot — just look for the 'truewifi' network, you can register. Most hotels and guest houses provide free Wi-Fi.

There is not a lot of free Wi-Fi available in old districts like Rattanakosin ili Yaowarat. Even at McDonald's and Starbucks, Wi-Fi is not free or not available at all.

If you are staying for more than a couple of days and prefer to stay connected without being limited to hotspots, a prepaid SIM card with mobile data is a good option. Being able to use a smartphone for navigation and reviews is very useful in a city where recommendations and directions offered by locals are not always reliable. See the Telefon section for details.


The area code for Bangkok is 02. You only need to dial the 0 if you're calling from within Thailand. Pay phones are not commonplace, as most Thais have a mobile phone. If you want to avoid high roaming costs, you can buy a local SIM card for 100 baht at Suvarnabhumi Airport or mobile phone shops throughout the city. The 100 baht is not just for the SIM card, but is immediately your first pre-paid amount. Topping it up is easy, such as at 7-Eleven convenience stores. Making international calls is also cheaper this way.

As of July 2014, the True booth at Suvarnabhumi Airport is offering free tourist Sim cards preloaded with 10 baht calling credit as well as 20 MB of 3G access.


Bangkok's red post boxes are found all over the city. There are also plenty of Thailand Post offices around for sending post and packages. In tourist areas, there are post offices in the Khao San Road area (in front of Wat Bowonniwet) and at Sukhumvit Road (between Soi 4 and 6).

If you're staying in Bangkok for a longer time, you might want to make use of poste restante, so other people can send you letters or parcels using a post office's address. Post offices keep the letters for at least two months. Letters sent via poste restante must have the receiver's name on it, with the family name in underlined capital letters. If you want to pick them up near Khao San Road (opposite Wat Bowonniwet), it must be addressed to Poste Restante, Banglamphubon Post Office, Bangkok, 10203, Thailand. If you want to pick up your post in the Sukhumvit area, address it to Poste Restante, Nana Post Office, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok, 10112, Thailand.

Snaći se


  • Bangkok Post. One of the better English-language newspapers of the country, but also includes sections on travel, leisure, entertainment, life and classifieds in Bangkok.
  • BK Magazine. Bangkok's premier city living magazine; a guide to the city's restaurants, nightlife, travel, arts and more. New additions release weekly and are distributed in selected venues.
  • Sukhumvit Guide. A complete listing guide to the hotels, restaurants and bars of Sukhumvit, one of Bangkok's most vibrant districts.

Medicinska pomoć

Many people go to Bangkok to undergo medical treatments that are a fraction of the cost charged in their home countries. While public hospitals can be understaffed and overcrowded with long wait times, private hospitals are among the best in the world. The best-regarded, and most expensive (though still affordable by Western standards), is Bumrungrad International Hospital, which attracts about 400,000 foreign patients per year or an average of 1,000 a day. There are also other hospitals, such as Samitivej, Bangkok Hospital i BNH Hospital, that specialize in serving foreigners. Private hospitals in Thailand are accredited by the government according to international standards, and many of the doctors in Thailand hold international accreditation and relevant licences. Staff in private hospitals are generally able to speak English well, and sometimes other foreign languages as well.

Popular treatments, ranging from cosmetic, organ transplants and orthopedic treatments to dental and cardiac surgeries, are available much cheaper than in the West. For example, Bumrungrad Hospital charges 90,000 baht for an all-inclusive breast implant package. Bangkok is also known as a centre for sexual reassignment surgery for people wishing to change their physical sex, although this falls out of the scope of a casual trip.

There are many dental clinics with English-speaking dentists and staff. The largest of them is the Bangkok International Dental Center along Ratchadaphisek Road. There are also plenty of well known teeth whitening, implant and orthodontic providers like BFC Dental,Denta Joy, smile and co dental clinic, Cosdent by SLC, SmileDC i Care Dental Clinic.

Immigration office

  • [ranije mrtva veza]Immigration Bureau, Government Bldg B, Chaeng Wattana Soi 7, 66 2 141-9889. M-F 08:30-noon, 13:00-16:30. Visas, re-entry permits and many other immigration services are available. The Visa On Arrival can be extended on a simple procedure. The modern big Government Building in Lak Si host the Immigration Division. Official name? "Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King's Eighty Birthday Anniversary, 5 December, BE 2550 (2007)" But let's just call it: "Chaeng Watthana Government Complex" Bus 66 and 166 enter the compounds and stop at the main door (Gate 1) It's a two Km from Lak Si train station (northern and northeaster line) which is the next one after Don Mueang Airport. The Immigration Bureau is on the big B building, it's next to the gate 2 (the southern one)

They will request a passport picture (facilities there, 4 pics for 100 baht) and copy of your passport (including the page where the stamp is) 4 baht per both copies. After filling the form a number will be given. If you're not an early bird, the lunch break will catch you, and you will need to wait for that hour, when everybody goes to eat on the big food courts (from 13:00 to 14:00) Supermarkets available. With the number given, and 1900 baht the new stamp will be added to your passport, with extra 30 days after the days your visa finish. The building also host many other offices, like the Consumer Protection Board, Election Commission, the Office of Justice Affairs, among many others. Worth the forced visit. Services for Burmese, Cambodian and Lao citizens remain at the central old location at Soi Suan Plu.


Idi dalje

Središnji Tajland

Ako na neko vrijeme želite izaći iz grada, iz Bangkoka postoji mnoštvo mogućnosti za jednodnevne izlete.

  • Amphawa - zanimljiva plutajuća tržnica popularna među mještanima
  • Ayutthaya - drevna prijestolnica koja pokazuje brojne ruševine, udaljene autobusom ili vlakom 1,5 sat
  • Bang Pa-In - njegova veličanstvena Ljetna palača čini ugodan jednodnevni izlet
  • Prokleti Saduak - slikovito savršeno plutajuće tržište na turističkim steroidima
  • Hua Hin - ljetovalište s obližnjim vodopadima i nacionalnim parkovima
  • Kanchanaburi - poznati most preko rijeke Kwai, slapovi Erawan i prijevoj Hellfire
  • Ko Kret - rustikalni otok sjeverno od Bangkoka poznat po izradi keramike, ugodan jednodnevni izlet iz betonske džungle
  • Nakhon Pathom - Tajlandski najstariji grad i mjesto najveće svjetske stupe
  • Phetchaburi - opušteni povijesni grad s planinom Khao Wang, šarenim hramovima i ukusnim desertima

Daljnja odredišta

Bangkok je također izvrsno središte za daljnja putovanja u druge regije Tajland.

Ako razmišljate o odlasku iz Tajlanda, postoje kopnene rute do sljedećih odredišta:

Rute kroz Bangkok
KRAJ W SRT Eastern Line icon.png E ChachoengsaoAranyaprathet
KRAJ N SRT Eastern Line icon.png S ChonburiPattaya
Vientiane (Thanaleng), Nong KhaiAyutthaya N SRT Northeastern Line icon.png S KRAJ
KRAJ W SRT Northeastern Line icon.png E Nakhon RatchasimaUbon Ratchathani
Chiang MaiRangsit N SRT sjeverna linija icon.png S KRAJ
KRAJ N SRT Južna linija.png S Nakhon PathomButterworth
KanchanaburiNakhon Pathom W SRT Južna linija.png E KRAJ
Samut SongkhramSamut Sakhon W Mae Klong željeznička ikona.png E KRAJ
Rute kroz Bangkok
Chiang RaiRangsit N Tajlandska autocesta-1.svg S KRAJ
Nong KhaiSaraburi N Tajlandska autocesta-2.svg S RangsitKRAJ
KRAJ W Tajlandska autocesta-3.svg E Samut PrakanTrat
KRAJ N Tajlandska autocesta-4.svg S Nakhon PathomHat Yai
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Bangkok ima vodič status. Sadrži razne dobre, kvalitetne informacije, uključujući hotele, restorane, atrakcije i detalje o putovanju. Molimo vas da doprinesete i pomognete nam da to napravimo zvijezda !