Bacolod - Bacolod

Bacolod je glavni i najmnogoljudniji grad provincije Negros Occidental u Filipini, poznat po festivalu MassKara, paradi poput Mardi Grasa i spektakularnoj mješavini plesa, boja i glazbe, kao i po kulinarskom nasljeđu koje uključuje nesretni (vrsta pečene piletine na ražnjićima) i slatke desertne poslastice.

Bacolod je glavno prometno središte za dosezanje odredišta bilo gdje u Visayama, unutar velikog otoka Negros (koja sadrži dvije provincije, Negros Occidental i Negros orijentalni), na otoke Panay i Guimaras na zapadu, preko Guimarasovog tjesnaca, do kojeg se dolazi redovitim trajektnim putovanjima Iloilo, glavni grad bivšeg, i do Cebu na istoku, odmah preko prolaza Tañon, također dostupnog trajektom.




Ime Bacolod

Ime Bacolod izvedeno je iz riječi Hiligaynon, Buklod što znači kameni brežuljak, jer je grad prvi put postavljen na kamenom brdu. Zbog Moro (muslimanskih) racija prebačen je na obalu. Izvorni se grad sada zove Daan-Banwa, što znači stari Grad.

Zgrada provincijskog kaptola.

Naselje su postavili Austronezijci iz Taga-ilog i smjestili se na kamenoj uzbrdici (na kojoj danas stoji Barangay Granada). Kasnije, Moros je napao rano jednog jutra i u roku od nekoliko sati mnogi su ljudi zaklani, a kuće pretrpane i / ili spaljene. Tada su se ljudi odlučili pomaknuti malo dalje od mjesta dolje na obalu, napuštajući kameni brežuljak zbog toga.

Bacolod je postao glavnom provincijom Negros Occidental 1890. godine. To je bilo žarišno mjesto sukoba između Negrensesa i Španjolaca 1898. godine. Zapovjednik španjolskih snaga pukovnik Isidro de Castro predao se filipinskim snagama i potpis Čina kapitulacije izvršena je u kući don Eusebija Luzuriage koja je nekoć stajala ispred gradske vijećnice. To je rezultiralo stvaranjem neovisne otočne republike Negros.

U ožujku 1899. američke snage predvođene pukovnikom Jamesom G. Smithom okupirale su Bacolod. Za vrijeme američke kolonijalne vladavine u gradu je 1903. godine uspostavljen Institut Rizal koji pruža obrazovanje Bacolodnovima. Koledž La Consolacion tada su 1919. godine osnovale sestre augustinke kao katoličku školu. Bacolod je proglašen gradom 18. lipnja 1938., a svečano otvoren 19. listopada 1938 .; danas se prva dva tjedna listopada slave kao Masskara, a 19. listopada obilježava se kao Dan povelje. Jacopske su snage Bacolod zauzele 21. svibnja 1942., ali su ga američke snage tada oslobodile 29. svibnja 1945. godine.

Od svog malog podrijetla, Bacolod je nastao kao urbanizirana metropola s oko 500 000 stanovnika (koja danju nabrekne zbog pristiglih radnika iz susjednih gradova i gradova), te je proglašen jednim od dva najčišća i najzelenija visoko urbanizirani gradovi na Filipinima zadržavajući poslovno povoljnu klimu. Također je prepoznat zbog upravljanja rizikom od katastrofa i statusa pilot grada za demokratsko lokalno upravljanje jugoistočnom Azijom Europska unija.


Bacolod je jedan od 13 gradova u provinciji Negros Occidental, koji služi kao glavni grad provincije i središte uprave, gospodarstva i obrazovanja. Okružen je gradom Murcia na istoku, Talisay na sjeveru, Bago City na jugu i tjesnac Guimaras na zapadu.

Bacolod sadrži 61 okrug ili barangaje; međutim, za posjetitelje je relevantno samo 8 barangaya:

  • Centar Bacoloda/Ured grada/Centralni poslovni okrug (CBD) - U ovom okrugu koncentrirane su poslovne transakcije, tržni centri i tržnice, poznate znamenitosti i mali restorani, često gužva, posebno praznicima i vikendima, ovo su mjesta na kojima su započeli prvi tržni centri, kino kuće, tržnice i skromni počeci poslovanja. .
  • Singcang - Barovi, kockarnice i zabava, što još? Prva se koristi kao mjesto za moto-cross događaje i koncerte.
  • Villamonte - još jedan rastući poslovni kvart grada. Ovdje su smješteni trgovački centri i očekuje se da će zbog smještaja Centra nove vlade doći do porasta broja poslovnih objekata unutar okruga. Ovdje se nalaze integrirana škola St. Joseph-La Salle, Panasonic Solutions, Lopue's East, Victoria Arcade, hram Yuan Thong i brojni poslovni objekti koji uključuju hotel. Ovdje se grade smještaji u visokim zgradama i tamo gdje srednja i visoka klasa pomažu gospodarstvu.
  • Alijis i Mansilingan - Stambeno područje u kojem se očekuje i gospodarski rast zbog mjesta izgradnje terminala.
  • Punta Taytay - Plaže i keramika su ono po čemu je Punta Taytay obično poznata. Baš poput Estefanije / Fortune Towna i Villamontea, ovaj okrug ima puno pododjela. Možda su se spominjale plaže, ali prilično je razočaravajuće što je javnost danas zanemarila da morski valovi donose smeće na obalu čineći je prljavom, vrši se pošumljavanje mangrova kako bi se oživjeli ekosustavi grada koji nestaju.
  • Granada - gdje je osnovano prvo naselje Bacolod.
  • Mandalagan - je rastuće gospodarsko središte grada u kojem se gradi jedna od prvih visokogradnji Negrosa. Ovdje se nalazi prvi potpuno funkcionalni trgovački centar Bacolod, a mnoga su poduzeća pronašla svoj dom u ovom okrugu. Ovdje možete popiti piće, zabavljati se cijelu noć, uživati ​​u obroku bilo regionalne ili međunarodne, ili uživati ​​u izložbama lokalnih umjetnika. Ovdje se nalazi i samostan.


Klimatska karta (objašnjenje)
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° C
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u mm
Carska konverzija
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° F
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u inčima

Bacolod ima dvije izražene sezone. The mokra sezona započinje u svibnju i nastavlja se do siječnja, s obilnim kišama tijekom kolovoza i rujna. Ovu sezonu karakteriziraju neugodna visoka vlažnost zraka i povremene poplave, posebno u niskim barangama, premda obično opada do listopada. sušno razdoblje započinje u veljači i završava u travnju, ovdje isprekidan povremenim sušama koje se mogu pretvoriti u nestašicu vode i električne energije. Temperaturno gledano, travanj je najtopliji mjesec u godini, dok je prosinac najhladniji.


Bakolodnoni ili Bacoleños raznolika su mješavina tamnoputog starosjedilaca (Negritos), austronezijskog (konkretno visayskog), istočnoazijskog (uglavnom kineskog, ali također korejskog i japanskog) porijekla. U prošlim desetljećima oni španjolskog i kineskog podrijetla dominirali su regionalnom industrijom šećera, ali današnja ekonomska slika je ona u koju su uključeni visokoobrazovani i neovisni mještani različitog porijekla. Prošla su vremena zabrinutosti, tuge i strahove proizašla iz ekonomskih kriza vezanih uz industriju šećera, iz čega je nastala Bacolodova krilatica kao Grad osmijeha za čvrstinu njegovih stanovnika, kao i njegov festival MassKara koji je proslavio svoju ustrajnost kroz ove mračne puta.

Bacolod pokazuje znakove kozmopolitskog grada, unatoč tome što nije imao mnogo modnih trgovina poput Manile i Cebua, privlačeći značajnu zastupljenost kineskih i indijskih poduzetnika, repatriranih vlastitih članova koji su otišli raditi ili studirati i velikom prilju migranata iz sve dok Mindanao traži bolju priliku. Također se vidi kao turističko središte koje uči engleski jezik za one koji dolaze iz istočnoazijskih zemalja, posebno Koreje, Japana i Tajvana. Imigracijski pritisci i općenito kršćanski konzervativizam ponekad prožimaju gradsku ličnost.


Većina ljudi su kršćani, pretežno katolici, pored katoličanstva, baptista, Iglesia ni KristoČlanovi (Crkve Kristove), anglikanci i adventisti sedmog dana čine sljedeće najveće skupine, dok je sve veća populacija muslimana koji su migrirali iz Južnog Cotabata dok kinesko porijeklo slijedi taoističku vjeru.

Radni sati

Tvrtke u Bacolodu otvaraju se već u 7 sati ujutro, a zatvaraju se već u 22 sata, no redovno radno vrijeme koje se odnosi na sve komercijalne ustanove i urede je od 8:00 do 18:00. Trgovački centri otvaraju se do 21 ili 22 sata, a u slučaju ponoćne prodaje otvaraju se do 2 sata ujutro. Nekoliko je trgovina otvoreno za vrijeme Božića, a sve je zatvoreno tijekom Velikog tjedna, od Velikog četvrtka do Uskrsne nedjelje, osim trgovina u vlasništvu nekršćanskih manjina.


Većina ljudi Negrosa govori Hiligaynon/Ilonggo kao materinji jezik jer je to pretežni jezik u provinciji Negros Occidental, dok postoje neki koji mogu govoriti Cebuano i Kinaray-a (vizajski jezik usko povezan, ali različit od Hiligaynona). Engleski je uglavnom drugi jezik gradskog stanovništva, puno više od Filipinski. Posjetiteljima komunikacija s ljudima ne bi bila toliko teška. Kinezi čine manji dio populacije koji većinom govore Minnan ili Hokkien sa znanjem bilo kantonski ili Mandarinski. Značajna manjina ljudi koji su migrirali s otoka Mindanao (prvenstveno iz regije Cotabato) govore na svojim materinjim jezicima, ali obično imaju i zajedničko znanje govorenja na Hiligaynonu (budući da većina regije Cotabato dijeli taj isti jezik) i nekako na cebuanskom. Ali bez brige! Lokalno stanovništvo svih socijalnih statusa široko razumije i govori engleski jezik.

Hiligaynon ima više posuđenica nego tagalog, dok kupuje, govori vrijeme, neki su glagoli, sobe, predmeti i mnoge druge riječi i fraze španjolskog podrijetla, no gramatička struktura i pridjevi razlikuju se od španjolskog.


Karta Bacoloda


Glavna zračna luka Bacolod, Međunarodna zračna luka Bacolod-Silay (BCD IATA) se ne nalazi u gradu, već sjeverno u gradu Silay, dijelu područja Metro Bacolod.

Za putnike koji dolaze koji žele dodatne vodiče do grada ili besplatne karte, Odjel za turizam i lokalna uprava imaju stol na području dolazaka gdje možete uzeti besplatne karte ili dobiti dozu informacija od ljudi preko stola. Hoteli, odmarališta i tvrtke za iznajmljivanje automobila imaju kioske u dolaznim područjima gdje možete lako rezervirati sobu i bez problema se uputiti u hotelsku sobu.

Kopneni prijevoz: Tamo su monovolumena odlazak za SM City Bacolod, provincijsku bolnicu Bacolod, zračnu luku Old Bacolod i Victoria Arcade / Lopues East / Supermarket Supermore, s redovnom cijenom vožnje po osobi ₱100. Taksiji su skuplji i ne preporučuju se

Da biste došli do zračne luke, također možete rezervirati kombi s većine mjesta za boravak u donjem gradu Bacolod. samo zamolite svoj hotel da vam telefonira / pošalje tekst kombijem. Trošak je ₱150 po osobi hotel do zračne luke. Ako uđete u kombi izvan SM-a, cijena je ₱100 po osobi.


Dolazak do Bacoloda autobusom s drugog mjesta na otoku Negros je lagan i lagan jer je malo gužve na cestama. Moguć je i autobusni dolazak s drugih otoka, autobusima koji voze RORO trajektima. Tijekom Velikog tjedna, Božića i Nove godine autobusi su često skučeni i prebukirani, pa je poželjno izbjegavati putovanje autobusom tijekom špice sezone.

  • Ceres Liner, Ceres Rd, Mansilingan, 63 34-4460681 (Glavni ured), 63 34-4460686 (Glavni ured), 63 34-4334993 (Sjeverni terminal), 63 34-4342387 (Južni terminal), faks: 63 34-4460636. Pruža RORO usluge i pruža svakodnevne usluge od i do Escalante, Sagay, San Carlos, Hinoba-an, Don Salvador Benedicto, Canlaon, Culipapa, Bayawan, Binalbagan, Toledo City, Grad Zamboanga, Grad Cebu, Dumaguete, Kabankalan, Kadiz, imaju 2 terminala u Bacolodu, Južni i Sjeverni terminal. Izleti unutar otoka Negros koštaju otprilike ₱80-300 ovisno o udaljenosti vašeg odredišta, putovanja izvan otoka Negros koristeći RoRo uslugu koštaju od ₱250-400..

Autobusni kolodvori

U Bacolodu postoje dva glavna terminala, kojima upravlja i koristi ih Ceres.

  • Terminal prema Jugu Ceres (Južni terminal Ceres), Ulica Luzuriaga, 63 34-4460681, 63 34-4460686. Autobusi koji polaze i dolaze iz Dumaguete (preko Mabinay) i Cebu City (preko Dumaguete) stižu i odlaze ovim terminalom.
  • Sjeverni terminal Ceres (Sjeverni terminal Ceres), Ulica Lopez Jaena (Iz China Bank već ćete vidjeti ulaz ulice Lopez Jaena, prošetati do ulice i vidjet ćete terminal), 63 34 433 4993. Autobusi koji polaze i dolaze iz Bayawana (preko Cauayana i Sipalaya) i Kanlaon Cityja (preko La Carlote, La Castellane, Moises Padille).


Luka Bacolod ili Luka Bredco služi međuregionalnim putovanjima s glavnih odredišta poput Manila, Cagayan de Oro, i Grad Iloilo.


Jeepney dostupne su rute iz obližnjih gradova, rute iz Silay, Talisay i drugi brojni gradovi su dostupni, džipovi su povoljniji od taksija.

Zaobiđi se

Prijevoz unutar grada i do susjednih gradova vrši se taksijem ili jeepney, ali dostupni su i automobili kao i iznajmljivanje automobila.

Gradske ulice slijede grubu mrežu u središtu grada, ali postaje nered kad krenete prema predgrađima i obližnjim gradovima i mjestima. Prometne gužve povećale su se od gradskog gospodarskog procvata, a gužve su česte u doba špice, posebno tijekom večeri u 18:00, gdje se putnici vraćaju kući. Situacija je gora tijekom božićne i novogodišnje sezone, kao i za vrijeme Masskare.


Jeepneyi su uobičajeni način zaobilaznice Bacoloda, ali korištena vozila razlikuju se od onih koja ćete vidjeti oko Manile. Cijene kreću od ₱8 prva 4 kilometra i povećava se za ₱2 za svaki dodani kilometar.

Postoji više od 18 ruta, koje se spajaju na dvije glavne javne tržnice Bacolod, Central Market i Libertad Public Market, ali jedna korisna ruta je Central Market - Shopping, koja se proteže između centra grada i Bacolodove kineske četvrti u barangayu Villamonte.


Na metar!

To je uobičajeni trend na Filipinima i poznat je u cijeloj državi, a stranac i lokalno stanovništvo su njegove žrtve; neki taksisti nude fiksnu cijenu ako ste stranac ili mještanin koji ima novac za plaćanje. Ovo je protuzakonito. Ne vozite taksi ako vam nudi fiksnu cijenu; prijeti i njemu kako bi ti dopustio da platiš na metar. Ako naiđete na ovakvu situaciju, možete je prijaviti lokalnim službenicima i možda će se poduzeti neke radnje. Provjerite radi li brojilo. Fiksne cijene putovanja iz zračne luke Silay su u redu, ali pitajte vozača koliko je to ili je to na metar.

Obilazak grada privatnim automobilom ili taksijem je brz i povoljan. Uopće nema problema s gužvama zbog dobrog tlocrta grada. Oko Bacoloda taksi ima stopu smanjenja ₱30 i ₱2.50 na svakih 300 metara nakon toga. Filipinci obično daju promjenu kao napojnicu, ali ona nije obavezna ako brojilo navodi ₱87.50, obično daju cijelu ₱100.


Iznajmiti automobil


Tricikli su još jedna alternativa taksijima (i češći su), a uobičajeni su i u centru grada. Cijene vožnje ovise o udaljenosti vašeg odredišta od mjesta na kojem ste se vozili.


Razmislite o pješačenju ako vam se žuri, ali ulice Bacoloda za to nisu prikladne jer su njihovi pločnici puni nepropisno parkiranih vozila i uličnih prodavača, a mogu biti i neravni.

Jaywalking je nezakonit u Bacolodu i strogo se provodi, ali pješačke prijelaze teško je uočiti čak i u centru grada.


Povijesna mjesta

Ang Paghimud-os u provincijskoj laguni Kapitola

U Bacolodu postoji niz povijesnih atrakcija koje prikazuju povijest grada i provincije Negros Occidental.

  • 1 Fontana pravde (Neposredno ispred stare gradske vijećnice). Nekad je tamo bila rezidencija Jose Luisa de Luzuriage, tamo su španjolske snage predale Bacolod filipinskim snagama. Iako je to zajedničko područje okupljanja prosvjednika u Bacolodu, svako ga veče osvjetljavaju svjetla. Besplatan kao i za javno gledanje. Fontana pravde (Q5474802) na Wikipodacima Fontana pravde na Wikipediji
  • Željezni dinosauri (Vintage parne lokomotive) (Na ulazu La Herencia and Bacolod Murcia Milling Co.). Lokomotive su korištene u Bacolodu za prijevoz šećerne trske od polja do azucareras ili tvornice šećera, pa su tako bili dio izrade Bacoloda zdjelice šećera na Filipinima.
  • Mariano Ramos Predački dom, Burgos St. (Uz muzej Dizon Ramos). Pradomovine Ramosa prije preseljenja u današnji muzej Dizon Ramos. Obitelj koja je živjela u ovom dvorcu bila je bogata obitelj Bacolod, za koju se zna da je pomagala šećernoj industriji u provinciji.
  • 2 Bacolod Public Plaza, Ulica Rizal (Na 5-10 minuta hoda od gradske vijećnice i uz katedralu San Sebastiana). Plaza je poput inačice Bacolod Central Park, ali u manjoj verziji fontane su raštrkane oko trga, a sjenica stoji u sredini i one su zapravo glavne atrakcije, baš kao i drugi parkovi, drveće je razbacano oko njega. Posljednje, ali ne najmanje važno, Spomenik nepoznatim vojnicima također poznat kao Spomenik Theodore Vinther nalazi se ovdje. To je zajedničko mjesto na kojem se održavaju događaji poput festivala MassKara, kao i druge aktivnosti poput Arnis(Filipinske borilačke vještine) i druge vježbe borilačkih vještina obično se događaju, to je i središte trkača i ljudi koji se ujutro bave aerobikom. Bacolod Public Plaza (Q4839909) na Wikipodacima Bacolod Public Plaza na Wikipediji
Kip Čovjek i Carabao u provincijskoj laguni
  • 3 Negros Occidental Provincial Capitol Building and Lagoon, Gatuslao ugao Lacsonovih ulica. Ovo je službeno sjedište provincijske vlade i služilo je kao sjedište japanske carske vojske tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, a prije je bio Negros muzej. Zgrada je romaničke arhitekture i također ima lijepi okolni park i lagunu, koja uključuje i Ang Paghimud-os kipovi koje je radio Eduardo Castrillo, "Ang Paghimud-os" je hiligaynonska riječ za "Borbu". Zgrada se smatra najimpresivnijom zgradom u gradu Bacolod Capitol Park i laguna (Q5035911) na Wikipodacima Capitol Park i laguna na Wikipediji
  • Dvorac Lizares-Rodriguez, Ulica Lizares.
  • Novo vladino središte (Krenite Central Marketom - ruta džipa Homesite. Pitajte vozača jesu li se zaustavili u Centru). Centar nove vlade zamijenio je gradsku vijećnicu Bacolod, Vladin centar pogrešno nazivaju novom gradskom vijećnicom. Zgrada se može pohvaliti arhitekturom zapadnog stila nalik vladinim zgradama na zapadu, ispred nje je ogromna fontana. Uvedene su Jeepneyjeve rute do središta, alternativni put od Central Market-a je koristiti putovanje Fortune Town-a i Homesite-a gdje se možete zaustaviti na Lopue's East i prošetati do centra. Posjetitelji su dobrodošli unutra, ali ponekad vašu pažnju mogu privući stražari ili zaposlenici ako ometate radno vrijeme ili se popnete u urede čak i ako niste državni namještenik. Besplatno za javnost.

Vjerska mjesta

Crkve su Filipincu veliki dio života i sve imaju povijesno, duhovno i vjersko značenje.

Katedrala San Sebastiana
  • 4 Katedrala San Sebastiana, Stogodišnja zvona i Palacio Episcopal, Rizal St.. Katedralu je prvi planirao vlč. Gonzaga koji je počeo graditi skupljajući koralje, ali je umro ne dovršivši ga. Zatim su je nastavili vlada i svećenici, a završena je 1894. godine. Sada je katedrala izrađena od koralja prekrivena cementom. Katedrala San Sebastiana (Q15274948) na Wikipodacima Katedrala San Sebastiana (Bacolod) na Wikipediji
  • Svetište sv. Jude Tadeja, Barangay Alijis. Ova mlada crkva posvećena je svetom Judi Tadeju; zaštitnik beznadnih. Crkva se može pohvaliti umjetnošću unutar i izvana. Posebno se ističe crkveni oltar koji izdvaja većinu crkava u gradu i smatra se jednakim kao oltar u katedrali sv. Sebastijana ili možda nadmašuje svojom ljepotom. Barokni dizajn oltara pozlaćen je metalik, a tijekom večernjih misa svjetla odaju ljepotu oltara. Na zidu oltara prostire se freska što ga čini usporedivim s ljepotom i čudesom Katedrale. Od svih se očekuje da poštuju i ponašaju se ispravno u prostorijama crkve, ako nemate sreće, župnik će vas strogo upozoriti. Svetište je također u čast Božanskom milosrđu.
  • Park i stadion Panaad. Park i sportski kompleks Panaad (Q60741263) na Wikipodacima Park i sportski kompleks Panaad na Wikipediji
  • Crkva San Antonio Abad..
  • 5 Samostan karmelićanki, Mandalagan, Lacson St. (Samo šetnja od Robinsonovog Bacoloda), 63 34-29083, . Doma u redu karmelićanki, ova crkva nudi jednostavnost u svojim dizajnom, ali ono što ovo mjesto čini posebnim su molbeni zahtjevi koje možete podnijeti redovnicama, uz zahvalnost u bilo kojoj vrsti i one bi mogle učiniti uslugu za vas moleći se za vas. Vjerojatno je jedan takve vrste u gradu jer nudi mirno okruženje daleko od užurbanog urbanog života i industrijskog zraka iz kojeg grad puše. Slučajno biste mogli sresti karmelićanina, pozdraviti ih i razgovarati, ako vam sve ispadne, dat će vam savjete. U samostanu postoji trgovina koja prodaje široku paletu vjerskih predmeta koji mogu poslužiti kao suvenir.
  • Crkva i sjemenište Presvetog Srca (Crkva Lupit), Lacson St. i Lizares St. (Baš blizu Nega. Ok. gimnazija i sportski kompleks Paglaum). Njegova veličanstvena arhitektura očito je nadahnuta Europom, visoki stropovi i visoka zgrada poput antene mogu vam dati pomisliti da se nalazite u gotičkoj crkvi, ali izgrađeni od cementa. Njegova se unutrašnjost jako cijeni, a izvana vam mogu pomisliti da je to gradska crkva u Sjedinjenim Državama u zabačenom gradu, iako je crkva izgleda poput katedrale, crkva ima mini kapelice sa strane Katedrale koji su u čast Presvetog Srca Isusova i Marijina.
  • 6 Barangay je pjevao kapelu Virgen, Sta. Clara Pododjeljak. Ovu veličanstvenu i spektakularnu kapelu dizajnirao je nadbiskup Norman Campus, u kapeli se nalazi mozaik Barangay Sang Birhen(Barangay of the Virgin) načinjena od 95.000 školjaka Leticije Sije Ledesme, druge slike svetaca, križne postaje i oltarski komadi također od 30.000 školjki.
  • 7 Spomenik papi Ivanu Pavlu II (Kula PJPII), Područje melioracije (Vozite se triciklom iz trgovačkog centra SM Mall). Ovaj spomenik služi kao simbol progresivnog i razvijenog grada na cijelim Filipinima, ponosno stoji na mjestu gdje je pokojni papa Ivan Pavao II služio misu tisućama Bakolodnonaca. Spomenik sadrži umjetnička djela umjetnika o Isusovom životu i dokumente kao i artefakte pokojnog Pape koji su služili kao muzej. Na vrhuncu je vidljiva cijela Središnja poslovna četvrt grada Bacolod s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more, kao i lijep kut za panoramu.

Muzeji i galerije

Zgrada muzeja Negros.
  • 8 Muzej Negrense De La Salle, Sveučilište St. La Salle, 63 34-4345998. M-Ž 08: 30-12: 00, 13: 30-18: 00. Student: ₱10. Museo Negrense de La Salle (Q30623548) na Wikipodacima Museo Negrense de La Salle na Wikipediji
  • 9 Muzej Negros, Gatuslao St. (Vozite se džipom Mandalagan-Libertad iz centra Bacolod), 63 34-4349505. Zgrada muzeja Negros nekada je bila mjesto gdje je nekada djelovala stara provincijska vlada, ovaj muzej pruža obilazak povijesti provincije Negros Occidental od njezinih skromnih početaka do kolonijalnog ugnjetavanja, uspona šećerne industrije, kulturnih utjecaja stranaca , revolucija, prošli guverneri i freske koje su radili Negrense Artists. Muzej ne predstavlja samo sliku povijesnih studija, već i središte filipinskih umjetnika koji svoje eksponate drže u muzejskoj kavani.
  • 10 Muzej Dizon Ramos, JRR Zaklada 42 Burgos St. (U blizini Spomen bolnice Corazon Locsin Montelibano), 63 344348512. Uto-Su 10: 00-12: 00 & 13:30 do 16:00. Prvi muzej načina života na Filipinima iz 1950. godine, nekada kuća Raymunda L. Dizona starijeg i Hermelinde V. Ramos. Glavna izložba životnog stila nalazi se na drugom katu, au prizemlju je sedam galerija. Jedna pokazuje kako je Bacolod izgledao u prethodnim vremenima; ostale su: Nacionalna galerija umjetnika, Zbirka Sveta zemlja, Zbirka lutaka Alunan - Puentebella, figure konja Rudy Dizon, Bro. Zbirka kristala Roly i zbirka Masskara ABS-CBN koja je predana muzeju. Odrasla osoba: ₱30, Studenti s osobnom iskaznicom: ₱10. Muzej Dizon-Ramos (Q30623552) na Wikipodacima Muzej Dizon-Ramos na Wikipediji
  • Narančasta galerija, Lacson St. (neposredno prije Lopueova Mandalagana). Prikazuje rad lokalnih umjetnika.
  • Božićno selo, San Juan St. (U blizini hotela Sylvia Manor). Otvoreno samo tijekom božićne sezone. Ovo je posao čovjeka koji 17 godina sakuplja figurice i kolekcije, detalji minijaturnog modela božićnog sela nevjerojatni su, litice, jezera, planine itd. Pažljivo rade i ručno ih oslikava sam čovjek. Vlasnik putuje svake godine i sakuplja figurice i izlaže ih u selu. Minijaturno selo moglo bi vas natjerati da zamislite koliko bi moglo biti selo Djeda Mraza na sjevernom polu. Ne biste se trebali slikati, no šanse za sreću mogu se dogoditi kada okrene leđa i možete bljesnuti, ako ste poslušni, ali ako nemate priliku za to, u redu je vlasnik prodaje suvenir slike i razglednice. Prihvaća donacije bilo koje vrste i daje ih u dobrotvorne svrhe.

Divljina i priroda

Obnova Bacolodove prirode

Možda se pitate zašto plaže smještene u Bacolodu nisu uključene u ovaj turistički vodič, jer to nije toliko slikovito kao što mislite; Bacolodove plaže u Punta Taytayu trebale bi se pohvaliti tamnim pješčanim plažama, ali ljepotu je uništilo zagađenje; smeće i smeće plutaju možda iz rijeka i potoka od grada do obala plaža i miješali su se sa zrncima pijeska. Prije nekoliko stoljeća čitav otok Negros bio je prekriven bujnim zelenim tropskim kišnim šumama, ali sada ga se više ne može vidjeti. Ulice su začepljene dimom iz Jeepneya. Na obalama rijeka i na stranama potoka žive ilegalni naseljenici, ali nadamo se da gradska vlada polako premješta ilegalne doseljenike kako bi razvila zemljište u blizini grada SM Bacolod, dok su projekti u plantažama mangrova od strane škola, sveučilišta i fakulteta uspješni i strateško planiranje u rukovanju Promet je proveden, kao što je kraj ulice Araneta, smješten u centru Bacoloda, začepljen promet organizacijom vozila. Iako je Bacolod nagrađen čistim i zelenim, još uvijek postoje zjapeće rupe za njegovo rješavanje kako bi se stvarno iskoristio citati i nagrade koje je dobio.

  • Eko-vrt (Eroreko).
  • Negros šume i ekološka zaklada Inc. ((NFEFI)), South Capitol Rd (Pored dvorane pravde), 63 344339234, . Pokret zabrinutih građana u očuvanju šuma otoka Negros, kao i životinja kojima prijeti izumiranje, podignut je do temelja koji danas znamo kao Negros šume i ekološka zaklada Inc. Posjetite zakladu i pogledajte njihove rijetke bradavičaste svinje, mačke leoparda , uočeni dragi, krvari srčani golub i još mnogo životinja koje su najviše ugrožene. Pomozite zakladi usvajanjem životinje ili stabla ili postanite NFEFI volonter.
  • Buro-Buro i Bucal-bucal izvori. Smješteni na periferiji izvora Bacolod, Buro-Buro i Bucal-bucal, koji je u narodu poznat i kao Bucal-Bucal, što znači da ključa, ali voda nije vruća, ali hladna, imaju umjetni bazen i prirodni bazen te nekoliko mini vodopada u blizini umjetnog bazena gdje možete dobiti prirodnu masažu iz prirode. Kolibe su dostupne ako su vam potrebne, a mjesto je idealno za obiteljski roštilj, okupljanja, izlaske itd.
  • Mt. Prirodni park Kanla-on. Ovaj prirodni park dom je mnogim ugroženim životinjama, poput Goluba koji krvari, Voćnog goluba Negros i mnogih drugih, što ga čini idealnim mjestom za promatranje ptica.
  • Klonarski vrtić Bacolod Western Visayas, Barangay Alingalan, 63 34-7070425. Rasadnik sadrži različite vrste biljaka koje su važne i dio su programa pošumljavanja Negros Occidental. Za više informacija obratite se gradskoj vijećnici jer je potrebno dopuštenje za posjet vrtiću jer je većina biljaka vrlo važna. Besplatno.


Fieste i događaji

Tijekom grada Bacolaodiat po gradu se pale lampioni; Kineska nova godina.

Siječanj veljača

  • Festival Bacolaodiat. Proljetni festival koji je proslavila filipinsko-kineska zajednica u Bacolodu. To se održava u provincijskoj laguni. Bacolaodiat potječe od riječi "Bacolod" i "Laodiat"; Hokkienova riječ za "Sinadya" u Hiligaynonu, što znači "Proslava". Kineska Nova godina Bacoloda. Redovi štandova tvore aleju štapića koji poslužuju kinesku kuhinju, sviraju i bendovi uživo, osim uličice štapića i živih bendova, održava se i izložba kineske kulture i Cookfest.

Ožujka / travnja

  • Veliki tjedan. Ovaj se vjerski događaj održava u ožujku ili se u travnju smatra jednim od najvažnijih događaja u kršćanstvu. Svjedok Cenaculo/Senakulo rekonstrukcije Kristove muke, Du-aw - Hiligaynonova tradicija štovanja Kristova raspela i njegovog Mrtvog tijela i Visita Iglesia - katolička tradicija posjećivanja 7 crkava i molitve u svakoj crkvi.
  • Panaad sa Negros. Održava se svakog travnja u Bacolodu, a smatra se "majkom festivala" u provinciji Negros Occidental. Predstavlja blagdansku prirodu Negrensea, započinje misom, koju zatim prate transparenti i prikazi svakog grada i grada u zapadnom Negrosu, te vitrine provincijskih proizvoda, od hrane do rukotvorina. Za vrijeme festivala održavaju se i vatrometi po noći.


  • Festival Masskara. 3. tjedan listopada. Veliki godišnji mimohod nalik Mardi Grasu obilježava se svakog 3. tjedna u listopadu. Svaka od gradskih barangaje (distrikti) pridružuje se žestokoj konkurenciji za najbolje kostimirane grupe, najbolje u koreografiji i mnogim drugima. Mnogo štandova s ​​hranom i rukotvorinama, ulični plesovi i događaj sličan Oktoberfestu na području Bacolod Plaza čine grad na tjedan dana gradom koji nikad ne spava! "Masskara" na "Hiligaynon" i "Tagalog" znači "Maska". Korištenje šarenih maski s velikim osmijesima predstavlja nadimak za grad, "Grad osmijeha", maske su obično ikone festivala, a ponekad i samog Bacoloda.


Nogomet (nogomet) je popularan u cijelom Bacolodu; stoga je poznat kao Nogomet / Nogometni grad Filipina. Značajan je po domaćinu 23. muških nogometnih igara jugoistočne Azije. The Stadion Panaad koristi se za turnire i takve događaje. U provinciji Negros postoje tri golf kluba, dva smještena u Bacolodu. Za kuglanje, badminton, ljubitelje tenisa i ljude koji nedostaju kuglanje i bilijar, ne morate brinuti jer postoji puno komercijalnih objekata koji nude usluge za te aktivnosti. Za one koji žele isprobati hardcore igre, strelišta su po gradu, a za one koji to žele vidjeti i doživjeti Sabong ili filipinski derbi derbi, postoji stadion na kojem se derbi popularno održavaju. Tai Chi prakticira se u hramu Yuan Thong. Capitol Park i Lagoon popularan je za džogere i ljude koji se ujutro bave aerobikom.


  • Golf i seoski klub Negros Occidental, Inc., Pododjeljak Bata, 63 3428257. Ovaj gilf klub ima 18 rupa, s panoramskim pogledom na planinu Mapara i Patag. Radnim danima, lokalno: ₱1000.


  • Super kuglačke staze, Komercijalni kompleks Goldenfield, 63 344350059.
  • Lopueove istočne kuglačke staze, Villamonte.

Tenis na travi

  • Teniski tereni Center Court, Magsaysay St., 63 34-4344705.
  • Teniski savez Montevista, Barangay Montevista.


  • Badminton centar Pong Hang, Pododjeljenje Kapitola, 63 34-4333632.


  • MO2, Komercijalni kompleks Goldenfields, ulica Araneta, Singcang.
  • Lopueov istočni bilijar, Burgos-Circumferential Rd (U robnoj kući East Lopue), 63 34-4335288.

Tai Chi

  • Hram Yuang Thong, Burgos St., 6. Rd. Tai Chi se obavlja nedjeljom od 07:00 do 08:30. Budistički hram Mahayana. Ako ranije niste vidjeli Tai-chi, ovo je vaša prilika da ga vidite.

Toplice i bazeni

  • Karipski vodeni park, Goldenfield West Side, trgovački kompleks Goldenfield, Singcang, 63 34-7096059, . 08:00-22:00. Vodeni park ima prvi tobogan i najveći tobogan u cijelom Negros Occidental. Pogodnosti vodenog parka su bazen dubine 4 metra, kao i dječji bazen dubine 2 i pol metra, uključujući jacuzzi , the main pool has 2 slides; the first is 30ft high and the other is a 40ft, a pirate ship wreck replica is erected in the main pool where kids can explore. Function rooms, locker rooms, huts and air conditioned rooms are available for rent. Entrance fee, 4 years old and above: ₱120, Below 4 years old: ₱50, cabins and huts cost from ₱400-1000.
  • Grand Royal Spa, Villa Angela East Arcade (Take a ride from Central Market using Cent.Market-Fortune Town or Homesite route and go down at Lopue's East, adjacent to the building is Villa Angela Arcade). Offers the Filipino alternative healing; Bentosa Cupping, they also offer facial spa, body scrub and massage. ₱150-500.
  • Spa Natura, 2nd Level, Two Sanparq, San Antonio Park Square, Lacson Street, Mandalagan, Bacolod City 6100, Negros Occidental, Philippines (Easily accessible from the north or the south of Bacolod. You can take the Mandalagan or Bata jeepney or a taxis. It is beside Convergys and about two blocks away from Robinsons Place), 63 34 709-0399, 63 34 441-2495, 63 34 441-2502, . 24 sata. Day spa that features several body massage rooms (individual, couple or group), tatami room for Thai massage, two modern body scrub rooms with vichy showers, a foot massage lounge with several customized lounging chairs, nail care area, facial area, salon, lounge and cozy waiting area. They also have separate wet areas for men and women, sauna baths, steam rooms, and a Jacuzzi. Those who want to have privacy may opt to have their services rendered in the Lotus Suite. Services range from several types of body massage to body scrubs, therapeutic remedies like Filipino Lutay, ear candling, stone massage, aromatherapy, and moxa ventosa. Salon services are also available from 12:00 to 21:00.
  • Sta. Fe Resort, Barangay Granada, 63 34-4341456, 63 34-4321073, . Built in the 1940s it is the oldest resort in Bacolod, and the only one with a chapel, mini zoo with crocodiles, rare birds, monkeys and other animals, and a complete gun facility. Pools are also accessible in the resort while dorms and rooms are available for rent if you need them. Sta. Fe isn't only a resort but also caters to conventions. Its other facilities include tennis and volleyball courts and other sporting facilities.


  • Casino Filipino, 63 344348901. Operated by Pagcor.
  • Slot Machine Arcade, Lacson St. As the name says, it only offers 89 slot machines.


Bacolod is the seat for many universities in Negros Occidental, ESL (English as Second Language) learning centers are open in the city making it in the toplist for cities for ESL programs along with Manila and Cebu and for the past few year an influx of foreign students who have chosen to study in Bacolod. According to statistics about 93% of the total population is literate.

La Consolacion College Bacolod and the San Sebastian Cathedral at its side.


  • University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos (UNO-R), Lizares St (Libertad). This University was founded by Dr. Antonio A. Lizares and Dr. Francisco Kilayko in the 1940s and was named "Occidental Negros Institute". It was then acquired by the Agustinian Recollect Friars in the 1960s and renamed as University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos. Today the University provides Colleges of Nursing, IT, Business and Accountancy, Engineering, Criminal Justice Education, Law and, Arts and Sciences.
  • University of St. La Salle (USLS), C.L. Montelibano Rd (Behind Doctors Hospital). Established in 1952 by seven American Brothers, the institution was elevated to university status in 1988, with the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Accountancy, College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Nursing, College of Law, College of Medicine and the Graduate School.
  • [mrtva veza]West Negros University (WNU) (Burgos-BBB Sts,).


888 Chinatown Square Mall is famous for being a budget mall in Bacolod.

Bacolod is famous for piaya, biscocho, squid flakes, guapple pie I je pina-sugbo. Great souvenirs from Bacolod are its sweet delicacies, dried squid or uga. These are often bought by most Overseas Filipino workers as a pasalubong or souvenir. Shell craft, wood craft and ceramic wares are also good buys. Antique wooden statues of saints are one of the best buys, even though if you're not Catholic or religious, it is good keeping as a collection, antique stores are scattered around the city however they are difficult to spot, Casa Grande Antiques, Requerdos de Bacolod and Sarlee’s are some of the famous antique stores in the city. Hablon, a shimmery fabric produced locally and was popular in the 60s, is still one of the best buys.

Where to exchange?

Money exchangers lurk around the streets of Downtown Bacolod (CBD) and are easy to spot, if you walk into those streets some of them will yell "Dollar exchange!" or they'd come forward and ask you, you can spot some major money exchangers with their self owned stalls. If you don't feel safe in exchanging with money exchangers, you can either go to pawnshops or banks for an alternative and safer option. Most money exchangers accept American dollars and euros, and before leaving the country, exchange your money to dollars to avoid difficulty in finding a money exchanger that exchanges your currency to Philippine pesos but if you don't want to exchange dollars but want to keep your local currency, go exchange your money in major banks to pesos.

Tip: Ask the exchange rate first and ask other money exchangers, compare rates and see the highest, go for the highest exchange rate.


  • Bank of the Philippines islands. BPI. ATMs have a maximum withdrawal of ₱20,000.
  • PNB, 63 34-4350646 (Araneta), 63 34-4339645 (Libertad), 63-34 434049 (Locsin). They have branches in Araneta St., Libertad and Locsin St have a max of ₱10,000..
  • BDO, 63 34-4344965 (Gonzaga), 63 34-4351809 (Araneta). They have branches in Gonzaga and Araneta St have a max of ₱10,000..
  • Metrobank, 63 34-4350822 (Gonzaga), 63 34-4341284 (Gatuslao), 63 34-4345809 (BS Aquino drive). They have branches in Gonzaga Street, Gatuslao Street, and B.S. Aquino Avenue have a max of ₱10,000..

Malls and supermarkets

Robinson's Place Bacolod

From air-conditioned supermalls to small shops to the busy Central Market and to the street vendors, shopping is everywhere! The Downtown area, and Libertad are notable for their shopping.

  • 888 Chinatown Mall, Gatuslao St. 9AM-7PM. Sells mostly dirt cheap goodies, from pirated DVDs to imitations of famous brands to vintage clothing
  • 1 SM City Bacolod. 8AM-8PM. The largest mall of the city. Just like any other SM Supermall in the Philippines, it has its large department store, grocery, shops of famous brands, restaurants of various types, and cinema. It is also one of the few SM malls of the country that has its own SMX Convention Center, where various events, from city-related gatherings to pop culture conventions, are held.
  • Robinsons Place Bacolod. 10AM-8PM. It is the first fully-functioning supermall of the city (and of Negros island overall). From its department store and grocery to restos and other shops and establishments of leisurely activities, this mall is the second-largest in the city.
  • Gaisano Grand. 9AM-8PM. There are two Gaisano supermarkets in Bacolod city.
  • Consuelo Supermarket, Luzuriaga Street. 8:30AM-9PM. Lower cost supermarket.
  • Ayala Mall Capitol Central (behind Provincial Capitol Building). Opened in Dec 2018.
  • Puregold (in new 888 Mall). 8AM-8PM. 5 more Puregold supermarkets in Bacolod.
  • CityMall 1 & 2 (Golden field and Mandalagan). 8AM-9PM. Has a Savemore supermarkets
  • Lopues Supermarkets (old 888 mall). 9AM-9PM. there 6 Lopues supermarkets in Bacolod
  • S K G Shopping Plaza, Luzuriga Street (next to ongbun pension house). 9AM-8PM. low-price department store. sells cell phones. lower prices..

Lacson Street

Lacson can be described as Bacolod's counterpart of Singapore's Orchard Road, not because of the malls present in the street but because of the fine dining restaurants found here, numerous boutique stores, a line of vintage and antique home decor stores.

  • ANP Showroom, 9th Street corner Lacson Street, 63 34-4350716. A store that sells handicrafts made by proud Negrenses, it is the best source for souvenirs from MassKara masks, key chains etc. Aside from the Lacson street branch, they also sell their products in Merci's Pasalubong in Bacolod-Silay International Airport in the departures area. Most of the items are priced above average, expect to pay at a high rate however the price you pay is worth it as the store sells souvenirs better than the ones you buy outside..
  • Mayfair Plaza, Lacson Street (In front of Piazza Sorrento, adjacent to Shakey's Lacson). This commercial establishment brings all the cheap finds of secondhand clothes, toys, home decor, DVDs etc. this mall is a fusion of high end and bargain due to the presence of fine dining restaurants and boutiques and the vintage vendors.


  • Pottery Village, Brgy. Pahanocoy.
  • Recuerdos de Bacolod arts and antiques. One stop shop showcasing antiques such as statues of saints, and woodwork.
  • Central Market. A best option for affordable souvenirs such as native handmade products, sweet delicacies and Uga. This is the best place to bargain.
  • Gaisano City, Araneta Avenue (In front of Grand Regal Hotel). Probably the second big mall to be constructed in the city, this mall had its glamor and might long before its strong competitor SM came into scene, it has humbled itself to a crowd-free mall. Famous for its frequent monthly sales and drop down prices of whatever-may-it-be from movie tickets to clothes, it has gained reputation for being budget-friendly.
  • SM City Bacolod, Luzuriaga Street corner Father M. Ferrero Street. The mall is divided into two buildings; Northwing and Southwing. Fast food chains such as McDonald's, Jollibee and Pizza chains such as Pizza Hut are located here, from all the malls and shopping centers in Bacolod, this may be the best as its air conditioning is good as well as its interiors and architecture are modern. A department store and a supermarket store is also available, ACE hardware is also open. Facilities include a department store, supermarket, cinemas, food court, appliance center and has over 119 stores functioning.
  • Robinson's Bacolod (Opljačkati), Lacson Street (Taking a jeep to Mandalagan from Downtown). The first fully functional mall in Bacolod, its outdated architectural style does not put it the least of the rest but what makes this best is the brands of stores that makes it glimmer in the city and the newly opened modern-architectural CityWalk has given its edges to other malls in the city. It has high-end restaurant chains the city has to offer as well as authentic multi-national cuisine and multi-national brands, it enjoys its quiet days during the weekdays but weekends, sales and school days bring in a lot of customers who linger around.
  • Pasalubong Centers are usually like mini-supermarkets but sell only pasalubong products such as piaya i biscocho, as well as snacks and drinks.
  • [mrtva veza]Bong Bong's Pasalubong, UTC Mall, Araneta Street, Purok Lechonan, 63 34-435-1672. This maybe more popular than Merci Pasalubong however they offer less options, their specialty is their piaya i barquillos. They have many branches in Bacolod; however, their main stores are at Araneta Street and Gaisano City.
  • [mrtva veza]Merci Pasalubong, 63 34-4354444 (trunkline), 63 34-707 4444 (trunkline), 63-34-7091788 (Lacson Street), 63 34-7071400 (Araneta Street), 63 34-4334753 (Lopez Jaena). Merci's specialty is piaya, biscocho, i napoleone. They have a number of branches around Bacolod (at SM City/Gaisano Bacolod/Araneta Street/Lopez Jaena/Lacson Street), but has also spread into the rest of Negros Occidental. ₱10-100.


Much of the Bacolodnon (and the entire Negrense) cuisine is shared with those in the island of Panay, but is influenced by Negros island's sugarcane industry. In the modern times, Bacolod now hosts fine dining establishments, but the people maintain their native cuisine. Sud-an is Hiligaynon for main dish while kan-on can either mean "rice" or "eat".

  • Lumpiang ubod/fresh lumpia (fresh spring roll; not fried) — One of the must-eat dishes, a delicately exquisite spring roll filled with ubod (fresh coconut flesh), meat (usually pork), and shrimp, with a garnish of scallion.
  • Inasal — Meaning "cooked over fire", it is a local version of chicken barbecue and considered the best in the country. It is cooked with red achuete or annatto seeds (which gives its tempting reddish colouration), brushed on oil and cooked over the fire. It's delicious and affordable, a .
  • Kalamay hati — Sticky sweet dessert made from glutinous rice and coconut milk and cooked over low heat till it becomes sticky. It's the local version of rice cake.
  • Napoleones — Introduced by the French and derived from mille-feuille, this custard-filled pastry is also another popular specialty from Bacolod besides nesretni. This European dessert isn't that so famous but considered as the best in the Philippines. Roli's Bakeshop is popularly known for this dessert, as well as Virgie's Homemade Products.
  • Piaya/Piyaya — A sweet flat and flaky delicacy, as if a thinner version of hopija. Fillings vary, but ube (purple yam) and muscovado caramel are the most popular.
  • Pinasugbo — A local version of banana cue, it is sliced plantain bananas, thinly coated with brown sugar and deep fried.
  • Uga (dried fish) — Is one of the best and most appetizing foods, in the opinion of most of Bacolodnons. Its salty taste makes it delectable, not only for the mouth but also for the nose and eyes. Beware if you are allergic with this or are having high blood pressure.

Restaurants and food courts

This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
ProračunIspod ₱100
Srednja klasa₱100-200

Just like most major cities of the Philippines, Bacolod too has a defined fine dining scene, centered at Lacson Street. You can find Mexican, Thai, and European (mostly Italian and French) restaurants here, but most locals would usually go to those serving Korean, Japanese and/or Chinese dishes. Open air restaurants in Bacolod usually serve native Filipino cuisine at low and affordable prices, while fast food chains are either standalone places or inside malls. A branch of Starbucks is found along Lacson St., the first branch in whole of Negros Occidental and of the respective island. Bacolod is an urbanized city, meaning there wouldn't be hard time finding classy and high class quality types of food.

Prehrambeni tereni

  • Centroplex food court, Gonzaga street cor Locsin street (3rd floor.). 10AM-3PM.
  • 888 China Mall food court., Gatuslao street (2nd floor). 9AM-8PM. Low-cost food court with some Vietnamese food.
  • Terraplaza food court, Gatuslao street cor Rizal street (over the street from the plaza.). 8AM-8PM. air/con food court


  • Jo's Chicken Inato, Reclamation Area, Gustilo St. Serves authentic chicken inasal cooked and served in the traditional way, on a large banana leaf. Spoons and forks are not provided, but you can ask for them. This is truly a great place to eat for someone who doesn't want to eat something too exotic, but wants to try a native dish.
  • Marby Plaza, Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod. A great choice for people who wants to save money.
  • Ting-Ting's Native Restaurant, Kupovina. Get to Ting-Ting's native restaurant if you want your taste buds and tummy to be satisfied with Bacolodnon cuisine without hassle, food is cooked same as it is cooked at home difference is you won't be cooking. The place is open air and fresh air fills the open air area which is suitable for brunches and lunches. It is affordable and cheap too.
  • Manokan Country, Father M. Ferrero St. A row of stalls and restaurants serving cheap local fare, and the home of the original chicken nesretni recipe. ₱50-200.
  • Malaspina Inaslan, Malaspina Street (Near Bacolod-Mindanao Lumberyard, at the back of Bacolod Public Cemetery). 24 sata dnevno. ₱50-100.
A man selects fish for his dish at the Pala-pala market
  • Pala-Pala Market, 18th corner Aguinaldo Street, 63 34-4339153. Pala-pala is a place where you can buy fresh seafood in the wet market then go to a restaurant nearby and have it cooked at an eatery nearby and offers affordable prices. From oysters to crabs to blue marlins are all guaranteed fresh and a blue marlin might cost less than P200. Note there are two pala-pala markets in Bacolod.
  • Imbiss, Burgos Street. It serves international cuisine, the must try is their sausages, their specialties include Hungarian Sausage, Pizza Al Tonno, Veal Bratwurst, Garlic Sausage, Pizza Magarita, and Pizza Filipinas. ₱100-200.
  • Sanders Coffee & Sausages Lacson Street. 7AM-1AM daily meals for around ₱100.
  • D Bakers Baker Shop Gonzaga corner Bonifacio streets. Sells bread, cakes and pies. 3 branches in Bacolod

Srednja klasa

  • Apollo Restaurant, Hilado Street. The oldest Chinese restaurant in town.
  • Bascon Cafe, C.L. Montelibano Street (Just near Univ. of St. La Salle). Cafe that serves pastries and cakes, hop in if you have a sweet tooth.
  • The Blue Mexican, Piazza Sorrento, Lacson Street, 63 34-3437474. Serves Mexican cuisine.
  • Calea, Balay Quince, Lacson St (Infront of L'Fisher Hotel). This is one of the famous images of Bacolod, for some reason the nearby Ilonggos of Iloilo take a trip to Bacolod just to taste their irresistible cakes. You can dive in to have a slice of their cakes from cheesecakes to ice cream cakes which might exceed your expectations and you might hit cloud 9, but there's no assurance that all their cakes taste that good as some of their cakes don't really meet your expectations and disappoint you for too much or lack of sugar, too much icing or the texture of their cakes. Other than their Balay Quince branch, they also have one at Robinson's Bacolod
  • Cafe Bob's. Different from Bob's Cafe as this cafe is owned by Bobby Meleto, the founder of the famous charity organization Gawad Kalinga. Treats include gelato and their must-try mini-cakes. Other than that their coffee and coffee-shakes are a must try too, Cafe Bob's is a quiet cafe with most of their customers coming to have a sip of coffee and the usual conversation.
  • Inaka, 21st corner Lacson Street (Opposite Cafe Bob's 21 and next to 21 Restaurant), 63 34-4344045. Japanese Buffet, the food is good, has a wide variety of choice and priced favorably.
  • L'Kaisei Express (At SM City Bacolod). L'Kaisei opened a smaller branch in SM City Bacolod which is much more accessible and affordable. They serve typical Japanese cuisine and they also serve bento boxes which is like a package of rice and viand which costs ₱90-150. Sushi, Californian Maki, etc., are also available. ₱30-200.
  • Kuppa, Hilado Street (Across St. John's Institute High School). When it comes to coffee and tea talk, Kuppa tops the best, they serve Spanish chocolate and milk that actually is delicious. Their gelato too is worth trying, along with the tea, coffee and gelato, wouldn't it be better if you dined in too? they don't only offer tea and coffee on their menu but you can also dine in too and have a taste of their dishes.
  • Mu Shu, Azotea Building, 20th corner Lacson Street, 63 34-4350972. Bar and Restaurant which serves a fusion of Asian cuisine. Try their pritchon ili pritong lechon and a good sampling of Southeast Asian dishes like pad Thai, Hainanese chicken, nasi goreng and drinks to match.
  • Roli's Bakeshop, Roli's Arcade, La Salle Avenue, 63 34-4333257, 63 34-7093162, 63 34-7092772. Roli's bakeshop is popularly known for its for their Napoleones ili Mille Fuielle or either Napoleons, a creme puffed pastry originated from France and brought to the city.
  • Quan, Araneta Street, 63 34-4323702. Quan's reputation as a one stop shop for native delicacies had made it famous throughout Bacolod, from Napoleones to Filipino rice-cakes like Kutsinta, this food-chain not only sells native delicacies but also serve meals. Most can afford the prices offered by the restaurant yet some still complain due to the big gap in the restaurant price and the marketplace price. Aside from native delicacies, why not spoil yourself with their ciabatta pizzas and lasagna?.
  • Bob's, Benigno S. Aquino Drive (Right in front of Riverside Medical Center), 63 34-434-2409. One of the oldest restaurants in Bacolod, the restaurant serves typical Filipino authentic cuisine with a classy ambiance and wonderful interiors.


Restaurant below have some dishes not exceeding ₱600.

  • Italia Restaurant, 23rd cor San Agustin Street, 63 34-4323704, . 10AM-9AM. Serves pizza straight from the brick oven, a wide range of pasta dishes and Angus steaks. Also offers a good variety of fine wines. Italia is also the regular venue of several art exhibits of both local and national artists.
  • 21 Restaurant, 21st corner Lacson Street. Serves great seafood which is directly taken from a specially built aquarium. It serves Authentic Filipino cuisine.
  • Cafe Uma, Lacson St. Their price list might be too expensive for you that it will make your pockets have holes, well actually no, the cafe charges at an expensive rate however it's worth the price because serve is served in large portions and are temptingly delicious. The cafe usually serves international cuisine, from quesidillas to pasta they have it all to satisfy your cravings.
  • L'Kaisei, 10th Lacson Street, 63 34-4347787. A good Japanese restaurant with reasonable prices and a relaxed atmosphere.

Dietary restrictions

Christians will not find it hard eating in Bacolod. However, Muslims and Jews will find it difficult, with Bacolod being a Christian city, Halal and Kosher options are difficult to find unlike the bustling streets of Metro Manila. Hindus, vegetarians and vegans will too find it difficult, however just request not to put certain things which are restricted for you to consume. A list of vegetarian restaurants is showed below.

  • Sian Tian Health Food Center, Burgos St (near YMCA). Typical Chinese restaurant and sells mock meat. ₱35-45.


The preferred beer is San Mig Light which is served at almost any restaurant, except fast food establishments. You might also try Tanduay, a very famous rum. Nice to pair with coke and ice. For native alcohol, the local tuba is made from fermented coconut juice. Great Bacolod sisig can be found at KSL ili Kubo Sa Lawn where they serve ice cold SanMig Light.

Bars, pubs and nightclubs

Goldenfield Commercial Complex has been home to many bars, pubs, nightclubs as well as casinos for the past few years and is considered where the best nightlife comes to life in Bacolod. Other than Goldenfield, bars and pubs as well as nightclubs are scattered around the bustling city. If you're in Goldenfields you can either barhop, Goldenfields might give you like a mini-town which is just home to restaurants, a water park, clubs and bars. A dress code is applied and compulsory in some bars, pubs and nightclubs. Wear casually and not so revealing if you don't want to end up behind bars; no flipflops/slippers and no sleeveless shirts.

  • Bar 21, 21 Lacson St. A bar that not only has a partying and club scene but also fine dining.
  • Draft Bar, 21 Lacson St (Behind Bar 21). A bar where a non-stop drinking till you drop scene is seen.
  • Gypsy Tea Room, Lacson St (Corner of Piazza Sorento). Beers, cocktails and appetizers are served here and surprisingly "Šiša" is available here, henna tattoo, permanent tattooing and palm reading are also available which might you think you're somewhere in a street in the Mid-East.
  • MO2 Restobar, Goldenfield Commercial Complex. One of the most popular party venues for nightlife, located in the bustling commercial complex of Goldenfield. It's usually a crowded bar.
  • Mu Shu, Lacson St. In the day an Asian restaurant, in the night a nightclub, chairs and tables are moved aside to create a dance floor, the DJ makes the room alive and parties don't end even when in sunrise.
  • Piazza Sorento, Lacson St. It's not that lively in the night though, it's more lively in the day. A huge building with inter cafes, jewelers, restaurants, boutiques, cafes and bars.
  • Saltimboca Bar, Lacson St.. Not your usual destination if you want to party or get good drinks however some mini concerts for charity is held here for kids who are cancer patients. If you prefer to just sit down, drink, relax and listen to music this is your typical destination.
  • Zagu. One of the most popular cold drinks in the city. This can be bought in different outlets, in SM, Robinsons, or during their sponsorship at various schools and events.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard dvostruko room:
ProračunPod, ispod ₱1000
Srednja klasa₱1000-2000
RazmetanjeNad ₱2000


  • Sweet City Captel Hostel, North capital Road cnr Gatusiao Street, 63-34-4322989. Dorms. Has to be the most low cost place to stay in Bacolod. dorm bed ₱100 per person.
  • Ong Bun Pension House, Luzuriagga Street (down town next to Central Market), 63-34-7098128, 63-9104335061 (cell phone). Provjeri: 12:00. A/C single/double rooms with own bathroom and cable tv. Free wifi ib all rooms. Free drinking water. Has a restaurant, and can do laundry. ₱350 Fan/₱580 Air condition .
  • Pension Bacolod, 11th street., 63 34 4333377. fan single room with own bathroom. fan double room with own bathroom. a/c single room with own bathroom. a/c double room with own bathroom and cable TV. Pension Bacolod has 76 rooms. Single room outside bathroom ₱190. ₱290/₱390/₱420/₱520/₱580/₱710.
  • Bacolod Pension Plaza, Cuadra Street (near city Plaza), 63-344334547. Provjeri: 12:00. a/c single/double rooms with own bathroom and cable tv, 66 rooms. iz ₱800.
  • Star plus pension house., lacson and rosario streets, 63 34 433-2948. single fan room with common bathroom. single a/c room with common bathroom and cable TV. a/c double room with common bathroom and cable TV. a/c double with own bathroom and cable TV . ₱380/₱460/₱480/₱500.
  • Rosita Hometel., mabini and san sebastian streets, 63 34 434-5136. fan doubles with common bathroom. ₱400.
  • 888 Pension house, San sebastian and Locsin streets., 63 34 434-3710, 63 34 435-5785. a/c double rooms with hot water and cable TV has WIFI. ₱700.
  • L D Pensionne, L d bldg San Juan St, 63 34-434-4979. Economy room. ₱550.
  • Zen Rooms Middle Town Inn, Rizal and Lacson streets (J r building), 63 34-4358193, 63 34-4358453. Provjeri: 12:00. Big a/c double rooms with cable TV and own hot water bathrooms. free WIFI. ask for the 20% off rate. also has a month rate of ₱15000. ₱650.
  • Tindalo Pension house, Tindalo avenue, 63 34 7090006. fan and A.c rooms iz ₱350.
  • CGC Pension, Cuadra Street, 63 34-431-4292. standard a/c double room with hot water bathroom. cable tv. besplatni WiFi. iz ₱700.
  • Java Pension House, Gonzaga Corner Locsin Street (2nd floor DB Building). Provjeri: 12:00. a.c double room with own bathroom and cable tv ₱700.
  • Nirvana Pension House., Corner Rosario-Amapola Street, 63 933 635 3568. Provjeri: 12:00. fan single/double room with own bathroom and cable tv. Wifi, a/c. ₱500.
  • Negrense Suites, Rosanio-Locsin Street, 63 34-4312576. Provjeri: 12:00. a/c single/double rooms with own hot water bathrooms and cable tv. besplatni WiFi. iz ₱599.

Srednja klasa

  • East View Hotel, Carlos Hilado Circumferential Road corner Esperanza Diola St, 63 34-4330596. Bacolod's modern hotel that has 66 rooms, conferences and banquet rooms, and an independent restaurant Bluegrass Café Bar and Grill that serves international cuisine.
  • Northwest Inn, Rizal St. and Mabino St, 63 34-4344077, . ₱1140-2740.
  • O Hotel (Bacolod Executive Inn Hotel), San Sebastian St and Locsin St, 63 34-4337401, 63 34-4337404, faks: 63 34-433-7442. 55 Air conditioned rooms with cold and hot showers, a deposit safety box, telephone and refrigerator, laundry service, cable TV, coffee shop and bar, aside from their own facilities, a Banco De Oro ATM is available. ₱1200-4000.


  • Casino Filipino Hotel Bacolod (Casino Filipino Hotel and CasinoGoldenfield Commercial Complex), L'Fisher Hotel, 14th cor Lacson Street, 63 34-4348901, faks: 63 34-4344433, . Rooms are airconditioned, with cable television, private bath, and refrigerator Average rate is US$73.
  • OYO 550 East View Hotel, Carlos Hilado Circumferential Road Corner, Esperanza Diola St, 63 34 433 0596. Wifi, a/c, restaurant. ₱1400-4500.
  • L'Fisher Hotel, 14th Lacson St, 63 34-4333731, 63 34-4333739, . Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 12:00. Perhaps the most known hotel in Bacolod, this hotel has been popular for many years and probably considered a first class hotel and most of the locals might suggest it for accommodation while staying in Bacolod however it's more expensive compared to other hotel but the price is worth it. Rooms vary, executive suites have king sized beds, walk in closets, dining areas, receiving area etc., while cheaper rooms have ordinary facilities such as a cable TV, refrigerator, a dresser etc. $60-400.
  • Luxur Place, Magsaysay Ave, 63 34-4344551, faks: 63 34-4333757. ₱1500-3000.
  • Planta Centro Bacolod, Araneta St corner Roxas St, 63 34-4680400, faks: 63 34-4680408, . A newly built first class hotel, the hotel has a swimming pool and a gym, rooms have an electronic safe, cable TV, minibar, WiFi connection and hair dryer. ₱1650-7200.

Ostati siguran

Bacolod is a lot safer compared to Metro Manila. As always common sense is the rule when travelling. Taking the taxi or renting cars or vans daily is better and quicker as most of the crimes in the Philippines today are done in tricycles and jeepneys. However there isn't a 100% Safe place, if travelling, tour in large groups 3-5 might do as there might be people around you, you may never know what they'll do to you. Be careful during the Masskara Festival. Don't display your MP3s, iPhones, iPods, phones, laptops or valuable things that will catch a snatcher's attention, keep it safe inside your bag and put it out when you'll take pictures. Don't bring bags or large purses while in night, just bring your phone and a small wallet that'll fit in your pocket to avoid being a victim of crime. Beggars usually are around the downtown area they inhabit in the plaza area and if they see you look rich, they'd approach you and annoy you asking you for money, ignore them if you have to and just go straight to your destination. Pickpockets are common in the CBD while house burglaries are common in residential areas, children involved in sniffing glue are dangerous so it's very important to have someone accompany you while walking during the night or either try to avoid dark and areas where there are fewer people.


  • Policija, Magsaysay Ave., Barangay Taculing, 63 34-4341412 (166 for local).
  • Vatra, San Juan St., Barangay 8(located in the CBD), 63 34-4355555.

Ostati zdrav

Tap Water is not safe for drinking though considered potable, the water supplies sometimes get dirty when Bacolod City Water District cleans up their pipes and the safety of tap water is somehow questionable, and no one really enjoys the pleasure of drinking it due to its cough syrup-like taste. Luckily water supplies during nationwide droughts are not affected as unlike other big cities, Bacolod pumps water from springs.Street Food is not as safe as those in Singapore and Taipei, the standards for street food is not properly imposed. There are few cases but not that rampant of being sick after eating street food. The quality of street food somehow is tolerated by health officials and citizens alike. Luckily street food is now on mainstream inside malls offering tourists and citizens alike to be assured of the hygienic standards.Dengue fever is a common issue especially during the summer season, apply mosquito repellent and avoid wearing T-shirts and shorts during the afternoon, wear sleeves and pants instead.


Private hospitals are given a passing rate in the city, most of them can cater to almost every patient's need. During summer, hospital beds are fully booked as dengue fever cases rise up to skyrocketing levels.

  • Dr. Pablo O. Torre Sr. Memorial Hospital (Riverside Medical Center), B.S. Aquino Dr (Infront of Bob's cafe), 63 34-4337331, 63 34-7050000, . Considered to be the only first class hospital in the city.
  • Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital (Provincial Hospital). CLMMRH is a training, government-funded hospital similar to a county hospital in the United States or the Philippine General Hospital in Manila. It's a center of wellness catering to the general public who can't afford admission to private medical institutions. the level of expertise and care by its personnel is commendable considering the meagerness of its resources. free HIV tests are done here.


The hospital with most pharmacies surrounding its compound is the Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital.

  • Negros Grace Pharmacy. 08:00-20:00. Has many branches around Bacolod, Iloilo, Dumaguete. lower prices.
  • Generika Drug Stores, Cuadra Gatuslao Street. 08:00-20:00. Generika have stores all over Bacolod. lower prices.

Dentist clinics

Clinics are easily found in Bacolod, some are located in malls while most of the hospitals have a dentist.

  • DentalHub Bacolod, 2nd floor, MC Metroplex Bldg., B.S. Aquino Dr. 09:00-15:00. Part of the Philippine Dental Association, it offers services even in emergencies and opens during weekends.
  • Mendez Dental Clinic, Ground Floor Mayfair Plaza Lacson St. 09:00-18:00. Part of the Philippine Dental Association, aside from general teeth problems they also serve people who have gum disease. Open during weekends.
  • Paul Callardo Dental Clinic. Gatuslao street. 400 m down the street from the 888 mall going to the plaza. low cost dental work from ₱300.

Restrooms and toilets

Almost every commercial establishment, office and church in the city has a functional toilet however public toilets are often neglected around the city, an accessible toilet is available at the public plaza but one must have to pay before accessing the toilet, and the valid reason for such payment is for repairs and maintenance which gives us a hint that the city government doesn't even fund on its simplest amenities like toilets.


Pogledajte Poštovanje section of the Philippines article for more information

People who are elder than you (old enough to be your elder brother/sister or father/mother) - even if that person is a driver, janitor or maid etc. - you should call them Manong for Males or Manang for females before their common name like; Manong Jeremy ili Manang May Ann, Manong can be shorten to Nong i Manang do Nang. If that person is old enough to be your grandfather call them Lolo for males or Lola for females before their common name like; Lolo Isidro ili Lola Estrella.

Bacolodnons are traditionally liberal when it comes to clothing, except Muslims and Iglesia ni Kristo members who both are conservative religious people. Wearing shorts in public are OK but no very short ones if you don't want to attract attention and trouble, wearing bikini on beaches is OK and you would expect no trouble however you might get attention too. When inside churches, everyone is expected to be cautious of their actions as such actions might attract attention and negative perception towards tourists.


Dialing code for the Philippines is 63 while local area code for Bacolod is 34.


PayPhones provided by PLDT are available in some of the city center's nooks and corners however if you don't find any payphone around, ask any tiangge to lend you a phone which each call costs ₱5/domestic call, rates for international calls vary. Buying a Sim card is cheap, easy and no hassles, you don't need a verification of any kind and from ₱10 you can get a sim pack and are sold by Pametan i Globus which are the two largest networks, Talk n Text, Sun Cellular i TM Mobile are other major networks. Sending text abroad cost ₱15/text while sending it within the Philippines cost ₱1/text.

By net

Internet cafes charge ₱10-25 per hour, they are common throughout the city with small cafes opening up in local barangays and big commercial ones in the Central Business District. Head up to Downtown Bacolod if you need to surf for a while, these cafes can be found in almost every corner of the street and provides as modern recreational centers and hangout places for the youth. SM City Bacolod, Robinson's Place Bacolod and 888 Chinatown Square are the malls which provide free WiFi access to its customers, Jollibee and McDonald's have also joined the trend providing WiFi access to its customers. Most hotels provide free WiFi access to its customers.

  • Pink Lion Internet cafe, Rizal street (Victorina arcade behide cebu pacific ticket office). 08:30-22:00. A/c net cafe. ₱10 per hour.

Internet cafes

  • net.aXs, La Salle Ave., 63 34 433-5248. 24 sata. Offer domestic and international calls/fax in addition to internet access, scanning, printing, photo-uploading (and CD-burning) along with other cybercafe-related services.
  • Shoji, Plaza Mart, Araneta St. (Infront of Lopue's Araneta). ₱15.
  • Eukarmille, Plaza Mart, Aranate St. (Infront of Lopue's Araneta). ₱15-20.

Snaći se


  • Bureau Of Immigration Bacolod Office, Aguinaldo Street, 63 34-4338581.

Newspapers and publications

Much of the local news in Bacolod is available in English which also applies to major national newspapers, minor tabloid newspapers are printed in Filipino and Hiligaynon. The Visayan Daily Star, Sun Star Bacolod i Negros Daily Bulletin is also available.


Almost all of the radio stations air in the local language; Hiligaynon, with some of the FM Radio jockeys using a mix of Hiligaynon and Tagalog, as well as Taglish, in contrast to FM Jockeys; AM Radio jockeys speak in pure and fluent Hiligaynon as the audiences catered by AM Radio are usually senior citizens and residents who come from nearby town wherein speaking of fluent Hiligaynon is encouraged. AM Radio stations air current affairs programs, radio telenovelas, news and Hiligaynon songs usually old ones. FM Radio stations on the other hand air modern day English and local songs from any genre with shows hosted by Radio jockeys who use the usual Filipino slapstick jokes, the FM Radio is unfortunately bombarded by advertisements as it is one of the cheapest forms of media to market products in the country with the only safe time to listen to almost ad-free music is during the hours after 22:00. Some of the radio stations go off at midnight after airing the last tunes of the Lupang Hinirang.


  • magija - One of the two radio stations that airs in English, unlike the other local radio stations, this station airs talk shows that mixed bag issues whether may it be dating, sex, videogames, entertainment abroad, they also dislike over-airing pop songs but instead go for a salad bowl of genres whether alternative and independent to billboard and RnB.
  • EasyRock - The other radio station that airs in English alone, just like Magic it dislikes airing pop songs, they go instead of alternative, jazz, slow songs and the like.


  • ABS-CBN Bacolod, Kanal 4 - This station is the regional station for ABS-CBN and serves Negros Occidental in two primary languages; Hiligaynon and Filipino. It might be only helpful to travelers who have knowledge in one of the languages as it airs nation-wide and provincial newscast as well as a weekend magazine regional TV Show which also covers the nearby Iloilo province.
  • GMA Bacolod, Kanal 13 - ABS-CBN's fierce competitor around the nation, this is also a regional stations and is aired in Hiligaynon and Filipino. It provides provincial newscast as well as national newscast.
  • ABS-CBN News Channel/ANC - Available on Cable TV, it airs in English and Filipino, airs round-the-clock news in English alone with few exceptions on Filipino. This channel not alone airs news but also magazine shows which much talks about business and the lavish lifestyles of the elites in the country and documentaries which discusses the nation's problems.
  • GMA News Channel - It is available on Free-to-air televisions if you're lucky enough to get a signal, unlike its rival news channel, it airs alone in Filipino and provides around-the-clock news nationwide. Though new to the industry of newscasting, it has taken over the ratings and replaced ANC as the leading news channel due to the fact that not all Filipinos are comfortable with straight-English news reports.

Religious services

Kršćanske vjeroispovijesti, posebno rimokatolici, baptisti, adventisti i članovi Iglesia ni Kristo neće imati poteškoća u pronalaženju vjerskih službi u gradu.

  • Katedrala San Sebastiana (Katedrala Bacolod), Rizal St. (Pokraj La Consolacion College Bacolod, ispred Bacolod Public Plaza). Dnevne mise
  • Crkva sv. Jude Tadeja, Alijis Rd.
  • Crkva San Antonio Abad.

Idi dalje

Obližnji gradovi unutar provincije dostupni su kopnom. Otok Panay je 45 minuta trajektom od luke Bacolod.

Unutar provincije

Bacolod je glavni grad provincije Negros Occidental, i kao i svaki glavni grad, prepun je i vrlo razvijen. Osvježite se izlaskom iz Bacoloda u mirnije općine koje ga okružuju; ima obilje plaža i toplih izvora. Ne očekujte gužve u prometu jer je stanje na cestama u pokrajini među najboljima u zemlji. Autobusi su najlakši način za kretanje po provinciji; džipovi su povoljni, ali nisu preporučeni za strance. Ako putujete kao grupa ili obitelj, možete unajmiti automobil ili kombi.

  • Bago - glavne atrakcije koje mogu ponuditi su Blizanac Kipton pada kao i planinska odmarališta, idealno odredište za planinare
  • Kadiz - popularna zbog bijele pješčane plaže;Plaža Lakawon, otok uz obalu Cadiz
  • Escalante - otkriti raznolikost ekosustava koji je jedan od najbogatijih na otoku Negros i jedan od posljednjih preživjelih ekosustava na otoku, vidjeti mangrove i morsku travu uz obale, kao i ostatke koralja
  • La Carlota - planinarenje i planinarenje Guintubdanom
  • Mt. Prirodni park Kanlaon - prirodni rezervat u Canlaon, najviša točka u Visayama i omiljeno mjesto za duhovnike, planinare i katolike tijekom Velikog tjedna; rezervat je okružen florom i faunom, ovdje se nalaze životinje jeleni, nerasti itd.
  • Murcia - the Odmaralište Mamabucal nalazi se na višoj nadmorskoj visini od grada, pa ima hladniju prosječnu temperaturu; glavna atrakcija su joj prirodni vrući izvori
  • Silay - poznat kao Pariz Negros zbog svojih europskih stilskih kuća starih stotinu godina koje su dobro očuvane kao povijesni spomenici

Daljnja odredišta

Autobusi su najudobniji i najpristupačniji načini putovanja izvan pokrajine; Jeepneyi su jeftiniji, ali nisu preporučeni za turiste i za putovanja na velike udaljenosti. Na drugom mjestu su autobusi RoRos (roll-on / roll-off) i brodovi, a izleti su svakodnevno dostupni iz luke Bredco, glavne luke grada Bacolod.

  • San Carlos
  • Otok Apo - tik uz obalu grada Dauin i Zamboanguita (na orijentalnom Negros), ovaj je otok popularan i za ronioce i za turiste
  • Grad Bais
  • Kabankalan
  • Dumaguete - popularni sveučilišni grad s čistim primorskim bulevarom i opuštenom atmosferom
  • Guimaras - kušajte njegovo jedino i jedino iskušenje; njegove mango, za koje se zna da su među najslađima na svijetu
  • Iloilo - glavna mu je atrakcija crkva Miag-ao, koja je na popisu svjetske baštine UNESCO-a; svoje glavni grad poznat je i po festivalu Dinagyang
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Bacolod je iskoristiv članak. Ima informacije o tome kako doći tamo, kao i o restoranima i hotelima. Avanturistična osoba mogla bi koristiti ovaj članak, ali slobodno ga poboljšajte uređivanjem stranice.