Adelaida - Adelaide

Adelaide s rijeke Torrens

Adelaide je glavni grad Južna Australija. Leži na istočnoj obali zaljeva St Vincent u središnjem, južnom dijelu australskog kontinenta. Adelaide je peti australijski grad s više od 1,2 milijuna stanovnika. Više od tri četvrtine Južnih Australaca živi u gradskom području Adelaide.

Adelaida je na ravnici između valjanja Adelaide Hills i zaljeva, a graniči s mnogim poznatim australskim vinskim regijama. The Dolina Barossa i Dolina Clare regije leže na sjeveru, McLaren Vale i regije Langhorne Creek na jugu i hladnija klima Adelaide Hills regija na istoku. Povijesno poznat kao Grad crkava zbog svog novog svjetskog podrijetla kao inkubator vjerske slobode, velik dio arhitekture u unutrašnjosti grada zadržao se iz kolonijalne ere. Pod velikim utjecajem prevladavajućih stilova popularnih u Engleskoj u to doba, baštinska arhitektura slična je mnogim europskim gradovima izgrađenim u 19. stoljeću. Grad je izgrađen po mrežnom planu, a sadrže gradske ulice obrubljene drvećem neobično široke i prostrane za australsku metropolu i šest gradskih trgova omeđenih parkovima.

Blizina vrhunskih regija vina i uzgajanja hrane, kao i valovi imigracije iz Njemačke, Italije, Grčke, Vijetnama, Kine i Indije stvorili su jedinstvenu multikulturalnu gurmansku kulturu hrane i kafića u gradu i predgrađima. Ova kafanska kultura podržana je globalnom reputacijom Adelaide za umjetnost, a posebno za umjetničke festivale održane u ožujku, uključujući i Festival u Adelaidi i Adelaide Fringe Festival, koji je po veličini drugi nakon Edinburgh Fringe Festivala.

Grad je dom Adelaide Oval, poznat kao Test kriketje najslikovitiji teren i bio je preuređena biti domaćin nogometnih utakmica AFL-a tijekom zimskih mjeseci. Australijski nogomet ima dugu povijest u Adelaideu, a AFL utakmice igraju se u Adelaide Oval u sjevernoj Adelaide. Adelaida i okolna vinska područja također su domaćini Obilazak ispod, koja je najveća biciklistička utrka na južnoj hemisferi i prva etapa UCI WorldToura.


The Južna Australija vremenska zona je 30 minuta zaostatka Australsko istočno standardno vrijeme (AEST) korišteno u Victoria ili Novi Južni Wales. Također je sat i pol ispred australskog zapadnog standardnog vremena (AWST), koje se koristi u zapadna Australija. Južna Australija poštuje ljetno računanje vremena, slično kao u ostalim južnim i jugoistočnim državama, ali za razliku od Zapadne Australije, Queensland, ili Sjeverni teritorij.


Klimatska karta (objašnjenje)
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° C
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u mm
Izvor: BOM
Carska konverzija
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° F
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u inčima

Adelaide je najsuši glavni grad Australije, s vrućim i suhim ljetima, a zimi kišovitom i prohladnom.

U ljeto, prosječni maksimum je 29 ° C (84 ° F), ali postoje značajne razlike i Adelaide obično može očekivati ​​nekoliko dana u godini kada dnevne temperature vrate iznad 40 ° C (104 ° F). Kiše su tijekom ljeta lagane i rijetke. Prosjek u siječnju i veljači je oko 20 milimetara, ali potpuno kišni mjeseci nikako nisu rijetki. S obzirom na redovito vruće vrijeme, gotovo je svaka javna zgrada, zatvoreno turističko odredište i većina javnog prijevoza u potpunosti klimatizirana.

U zima od lipnja do kolovoza, prosječni maksimum je 15–16 ° C (59–61 ° F), a minimum je obično oko 8 ° C (46 ° F). Zima redovito pada kiše, a lipanj je najvlažniji mjesec u godini, u prosjeku oko 80 mm. Mraz je uobičajen u dolinama Adelaide Hills, ali drugdje rijetko. Adelaide nema snježnih padalina u samom centru grada, iako se vrlo povremeno mogu primijetiti male posipi na višem tlu na vrhu planine Lofty i na brdima Adelaide.

Jesen i Proljeće su spore, postupne promjene između krajnosti ljeta i zime. Od sredine veljače do kraja ožujka, Adelaida kreće u svoje ludi mart sezona umjetničkih, glazbenih i sportskih festivala kako bi iskoristili umjereno vrijeme. Proljeće je i dobro vrijeme za posjet Adelaidi, jer cvijeće obično cvjeta nakon zimskih kiša.


Aboridžinska povijest

Prvi ljudi koji su živjeli na ravnicama Adelaide bili su Kaurnski ljudi, čiji se teritorij protezao od onoga što je sada Port Broughton na sjever Adelaide, na jug do Rt Jervis na južnom vrhu Poluotok Fleurieu. Kaurne su živjele na ravnicama Adelaide u obiteljskim skupinama tzv yerta, riječ koja se odnosila i na zemljište koje je podržavalo obiteljsku skupinu. Svaka jera bila je odgovornost odraslih Kaurna koji su naslijedili zemlju i imali blisko znanje o njezinim resursima i značajkama. Adelaida je bogata Aboridžinska povijest i može se istraživati ​​životna kultura Tandanija, središte kulture i povijesti u vlasništvu Aboridžina u ulici Grenfell. Tandanya je slobodan za posjet, a izleti su dostupni uz malu naknadu.

Europsko naselje

Pogled iz zraka na trg Victoria u gradskom središtu, koji je bio sastavni dio Adelaidinog plana "rasporeda rešetki" osmišljenog u najranijim danima naselja.

Nakon mapiranja obale Južne Australije početkom 19. stoljeća od strane europskih istraživača Matthewa Flindersa i Nicolasa Baudina, održana je ekspedicija rijekom Murray koja je povoljno izvjestila o kopnu na obali zaljeva St Vincent. Istodobno, britanski reformatori željeli su uspostaviti koloniju na temelju slobodnog naseljavanja, a ne prijevoza osuđenika, kao što su osnovane sve ostale australske kolonije u to vrijeme. 1834. osnovana je tvrtka South Australia koja je uvjerila britanski parlament da donese zakon kojim je stvorena kolonija za slobodne doseljenike u Južnoj Australiji. U prosincu 1836., nakon desetomjesečnog putovanja flote brodova iz Engleske, prvi guverner John Hindmarsh svečano je proglasio stvaranje nove provincije u današnjem predgrađu Glenelg uz plažu.

Nakon prepucavanja između kolonista, prvog geodeta Adelaide, William Light dizajnirao je gradsku mrežu širokih bulevara okruženih parkovima, s jednim središnjim trgom (trg Victoria) i četiri manja trga (Hindmarsh, Light, Whitmore i Hurtle) postavljenim na južnim obalama Torrensi. Izvorni dizajn svjetla, s malim promjenama, u velikoj mjeri opstaje do danas.

Rane gradske industrije temeljile su se na rudarstvu i poljoprivredi, a Engleska je bila ključno izvozno tržište. Relativno radikalna politika mnogih slobodnih doseljenika dovela je do toga da je Adelaide bila dom ranoj progresivnoj reformi, uključujući tajni tiskani listić, prvu jurisdikciju na svijetu koja je ženama omogućila da glasaju i kandidiraju se za parlament, kao i ranu sindikalizaciju i aktivizam.


Nakon australske federacije 1901. godine, Južna Australija počela je prelaziti u sekundarne proizvodne industrije, proces koji je dugotrajna vlada konzervativnog premijera Thomasa Playforda nakon Drugog svjetskog rata preusmjerila. Playford je krenuo aktivno privlačiti proizvodne tvrtke poput General Motorsa u Južnu Australiju nudeći jeftino zemljište i niske poreze. To je, zajedno sa sve većom sveprisutnošću automobilskog prijevoza, dovelo do relativno niske gustoće Adelaide jer su radnici živjeli u blizini tvornica u kojima su radili u vanjskim predgrađima.

Masovne migracije iz južne Europe transformirale su anđeosko-keltsku kulturu Adelaide, s grčkim migrantima koji su se uglavnom naseljavali u zapadnom i unutarnjem predgrađu, a talijanski migranti u istočnom i sjeveroistočnom predgrađu. Ti se kulturni identiteti održavaju i danas, a kontinentalni deli i kafići uobičajena su karakteristika užeg grada Adelaide.

Dok je ekonomija Južne Australije cvjetala, njezin javni i kulturni život izgubio je velik dio svog ranog radikalizma, plavi zakoni zahtijevali su zatvaranje barova i pubova u šest navečer - što je uzrokovalo "nabujalu u šest sati". Politika Bijele Australije također je značila da su stanovnici Adelaide većinom porijeklom iz Europe.

Kozmopolitski glavni grad

Šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća zabilježen je dramatičan pomak u kulturnom životu Adelaide, početkom Festivala umjetnosti u Adelaideu i Festivala Adelaide Fringe, koji su transformirali umjetničku kulturu Adelaide, a krajem desetljeća izabran je prvi laburistički vladi od 1930-ih. Do 1970. Don Dunstan je postao premijer Južne Australije. Dunstan je bio transformacijska figura i težio je preoblikovanju Adelaide u kalupu modernog kozmopolitskog glavnog grada. Dunstanova vlada prekinula je nabrijavanje u šest sati, pješačila je Rundle Streetom stvarajući Rundle Mall i izgradila Festival Center, stvarajući središte za umjetnost u Adelaideu. Njegova je vlada donijela niz progresivnih reformi, uključujući Južnu Australiju prvom jurisdikcijom u Australiji koja je legalizirala homoseksualnost. Ovo su se vrijeme dogodile i promjene australijskih zakona o imigraciji koje su vidjeli da se vijetnamski i kineski migranti pridružuju ranijim valovima migracije i stvaranja zajednica u sjeverozapadnom i zapadnom predgrađu, kao i višejezični kvart Kineske četvrti ulice Gouger uz središnju tržnicu Adelaide.

Nakon gubitka vlade na jedan mandat od konzervativaca krajem 1970-ih, Laburisti su se vratili na dužnost pod Johnom Bannonom 1980-ih. Više poslovno vođa od Dunstana, premijer Bannon nastojao je potaknuti razvoj grada Adelaide, vidjevši izgradnju najviše zgrade u Adelaidi koja je danas poznata kao Westpac House i razvoj kongresnog centra Adelaide i kasina Adelaide. Međutim, zbog loših bankovnih zajmova početkom 1990-ih došlo je do kolapsa državne banke Južne Australije koju je podržala država, što je zahtijevalo veliko vladino spašavanje i državu duboko zadužilo.

Preporod nakon Državne banke

Devedesetih godina pod vladavinom liberalne vlade koju su predvodili Dean Brown, John Olsen i Rob Kerin konzervativna vlada je započela prodaju imovine i smanjila državne usluge kako bi smanjila državni dug. Ovo smanjenje državne potrošnje, kao i pad australske proizvodnje nakon ukidanja carinskog zida od strane savezne vlade, doveli su do usporenog rasta gospodarstva Južne Australije i širokog iseljavanja u istočne metropole, posebno Melbourne.

Laburisti su se vratili na posao 2002. godine pod vodstvom Mikea Ranna koji je nastojao preoblikovati industrijsku bazu Adelaide kako bi se usredotočio na obrazovne usluge, rudarstvo i obrambenu industriju, kao i na izgradnji svojih snaga u vinu. Rannova vlada uložila je velika sredstva u obnovu grada, s remontima javnog prijevoza, izgradnjom nove središnje bolnice i ponovnim razvojem Adelaide Oval. Nakon deset godina s premijerom Rannom na mjestu čelnika, laburisti su 2011. godine za premijera izabrali Jaya Weatherilla, koji je velikim dijelom nastavio ovaj program, ali s obnovljenim fokusom na transformiranje javnih prostora u užem gradu kroz ublažavanje ograničenja planiranja i labavije licenciranje alkoholnih pića za male barovi.

Centar grada Adelaide u noći, svibanj 2013.


34 ° 55′36 ″ J 138 ° 35′57 ″ E
Karta Adelaide


  • 1 Međunarodna zračna luka Adelaide (ADL IATA) (oko 7 km (4,3 mi) zapadno od središta grada i u blizini je popularnih turističkih plaža Glenelg i Henley Beach). Međunarodna zračna luka Adelaide iznenađujuće je dobro povezana i ima svakodnevne međunarodne letove do čvorišta u Aziji, na Bliskom Istoku i na Novom Zelandu koja omogućuju jednokrake veze širom svijeta. Češći letovi koji se povezuju putem Sydney ili Melbourne može biti jeftiniji. Zračna luka Adelaide (Q14302) na Wikipodacima Zračna luka Adelaide na Wikipediji

Putnici iz Azija mogu uhvatiti izravne letove iz Hong Kong (na Cathay Pacific), Singapur (na Singapore Airlines), Kuala Lumpur (na Malaysia Airlines), Denpasar (na Jetstar Airways) i Guangzhou (na China Southern Airlines). Ako imate proračun iz kojeg možete letjeti Denpasar i Kuala Lumpur s Malindo zrakom. Putnici iz Bliski Istok ili sjeverna Afrika može uhvatiti dnevni let na Qatar Airways iz Dohe. Putnici iz Europa možete krenuti na jedno putovanje do Adelaide bilo kojim od ovih prijevoznika.

Putnici iz Južna Afrika može prvo letjeti izravno u Perth a zatim se povežite s domaćim letom dalje do Adelaide.

Putnici iz Novi Zeland može uhvatiti izravni let koji svakodnevno leti iz Aucklanda dalje Air Novi Zeland. Putnici iz Sjeverna Amerika ili Južna Amerika mogu putovati na jednom mjestu zrakoplovom Air New Zealand preko Aucklanda ili mogu prijeći na čest domaći let nakon prvog slijetanja u Sydney, Melbourne ili Brisbane.

Kućne usluge u Australiji uključuju česte usluge do svakog glavnog grada na kopnu na prijevoznicima s punom uslugom Qantas i Djevičanska Australija. Jetstar je proračunski prijevoznik koji obavlja rjeđe usluge s velikim popustom, uglavnom za Melbourne, Sydney i Gold Coast.

Regionalne službe a operacije pružaju Regional Express Airlines (Rex), Letovi Alliance Airlinesa, Cobham Airlinesa i Qantaslinka koje obavljaju i Cobham Airlines i Alliance Airlines. Te usluge uglavnom djeluju u regionalnim gradovima i centrima Južne Australije, uključujući planinu Gambier, Kingscote, Port Lincoln i Whyalla.

Postoji samo jedan terminal za međunarodne i domaće polaske; u skladu s tim, prijenosi su relativno neprimjetni. Zračna luka ima bankomate i mjenjačnicu. Hrana i kupovina dostupni su i na kopnu i uz more. Ormarići su dostupni u prostoru za iznajmljivanje automobila u parkiralištu, uključujući neke veće ormariće u koje mogu stati biciklističke kutije. Besplatan Wi-Fi dostupan je u cijelom terminalu.

Između zračne luke i grada

Adelaide Metro redovno JetBus J1 / J2 / J7 / J8 povezuje zračnu luku s Cityjem, Glenelgom i nekim većim trgovačkim centrima. J1 usluge polaze prema gradu svakih 15 minuta od 8 do 18 sati svaki dan, rjeđe od 5 do 23 sata. Putovanje do grada traje oko 25 minuta tijekom najvećeg sata. Pored toga, JetBus J1X nudi brzu uslugu od zračne luke do grada od ponedjeljka do petka na sat od 5 do 10 sati i od 16 do 21 sata kružnom rutom oko CBD-a za veću udobnost hotelima. Usluge za Glenelg su danju svakih pola sata, a noću manje. Usluge do Arndalea, zapadnih jezera i trgovačkog centra Marion radnim satima rade po satima.

Autobusi polaze s jedne posebne stanice lijevo (zapadno) od parkirališta za kratkoročne termine ispred glavnog terminala. Svi autobusi u svim smjerovima polaze s ove stanice, pa provjerite prednji dio autobusa kako biste bili sigurni da je krenuo kamo želite ići! Informacije o autobusu u stvarnom vremenu jesu dostupno za ovu stanicu i sva zaustavljanja metroa Adelaide ili putem namjenskih aplikacija za vaš pametni telefon poput metroMATE.

JetBus je dio mreže metroa Adelaide, tako da standardne vrste karata i cijene u javni prijevoz primjenjuju se dionice, a karta koja se koristi na JetBusu može se koristiti s drugim autobusom, vlakom ili tramvajem prema svojoj vrsti. Metrokarde su također dostupne za prodaju u zračnoj luci iz automata uz stanicu JetBus.

Taksiji dostupne su dolje ispred terminala. Taksi do grada košta oko 30 dolara tijekom jutarnjeg špica, a oko 20 dolara u neko drugo vrijeme, što ga može učiniti ekonomičnim poput JetBusa za grupu. Vozači će uvijek koristiti brojilo, ali uz odmjereni iznos za preuzimanja iz zračne luke plaća se nadoplata od 2 USD.

Glavni nacionalni tvrtke za iznajmljivanje automobila upravljati kioscima u prizemlju u blizini mjesta za preuzimanje prtljage, uključujući AVIS, Proračun, Europcar, Herc, Štedljiv i Redspot Sixt. Parkiralište za najam automobila nalazi se u prizemlju, nasuprot terminala.


Adelaida je udaljena najmanje jedan dan vožnje od glavnih gradova na australskoj istočnoj obali. Najkraća ruta vožnje od Adelaide do Melbourne traje 8–9 sati. Postoje neke dionice autoceste, ali ceste su uglavnom ceste s dva traka kvalitetne autoceste.

Iz Melbourne, Adelaida je udaljena 736 km (457 mi) Horsham (Nacionalna autocesta 8) ili 901 km (560 mi) putem Gora Gambier (Nacionalna autocesta 1). Putovanje preko planine Gambier vodi vas kroz Coonawarra vinska regija, jedna od najpoznatijih regija cabernet sauvignona u Australiji, a također je prikladna za sporedni obilazak Velika oceanska cesta. Putovanje preko Horshama izravnije je, ali ima manje turističkih atrakcija.

Iz Sydney, Adelaida je udaljena 1.422 km (884 mi) Wagga Wagga i Mildura (Nacionalna autocesta 20). Uvjeti autoceste od Sydneya do Wagga Wagge skratili su sate putovanja. Ova ruta također prolazi u blizini Canberra, Glavni grad Australije, koji je od Adelaidea udaljen 1.196 km (743 mi).

Druga mogućnost iz Sydneya je put od 1.659 km (1031 mi) Slomljeno brdo (National Highway 32), koja vas vodi kroz Outback i jedan od najstarijih australijskih rudarskih gradova. Ruta od 2.031 km (1.262 mi) od Brisbane također ide preko Broken Hilla.

Dok je Adelaida najbliži glavni grad Perth, putovanje preko 2.550 km (1584 milja) Nullarbor je još uvijek naporan, iako je jedinstvena vožnja kroz neka od najudaljenijih mjesta u naseljenom svijetu. Slično tome, put od Sjevera do 3.027 km (1884 milja) Darwine preko Alice Springs putuje kroz istinito Pustinjak i Uluru udaljen je samo nekoliko sati od glavne magistrale sjever.


Velika južna željeznica vozi usluge turističkih vlakova za velike udaljenosti od i do Adelaide. Ghan trči do Alice Springs i Darwine, Nadzemlje trči do Melbournea, a Indijski Pacifik trči do Perth, Broken Hill i Sydney. Ova putovanja su vlakovna iskustva i nude spavače i priliku da svoj automobil ponesete sa sobom u vlak. Međutim, potrebno im je znatno više vremena od putovanja avionom. Ghan i indijski Pacifik također su općenito skuplji nego što bi to bila avionska karta, ali Overland je obično jeftiniji - čak je i ekvivalent karte za poslovnu klasu Overland usporediv s letom Adelaide-Melbourne u ekonomskoj klasi na cijelom -usluga zrakoplovne tvrtke. Vlakovi također imaju privremena stajališta na brojnim seoskim lokacijama, što može biti zgodno ako vaš plan putovanja uključuje neke manje gradove. Imajte na umu da vlakovima Great Southern Rail nedostaje Wi-Fi.

Ovi međudržavni vlakovi polaze iz 2 Terminal Adelaide Parklands malo izvan grada. Stanici se može pristupiti automobilom ili autobusom s ulice Richmond Road. Od rušenja stanice Keswick, nema veza s prigradskom željezničkom mrežom. Taksiji su također dostupni u susret svim dolascima.

U Južnoj Australiji ne postoje željezničke usluge.


Međudržavni autobusi upravljaju brojnim autobuskim kompanijama, uključujući Hrt, Krijesnica i V / linija. Putovanje iz Melbournea traje oko jedanaest i pol sati, uz dnevne i noćne usluge. Putovanje iz Sydneya može trajati do 24 sata, a prema definiciji putuje se preko noći. Cijena putovanja je manja od cijene vlaka i većine zrakoplova, barem na relaciji Adelaide-Melbourne, iako ako se vrijeme točno podudara, let povoljnim zrakoplovnim kompanijama Adelaide-Sydney može biti jeftiniji od autobusa.

Regionalni autobusi prema gradovima i mjestima u južnoaustralskim zemljama također upravljaju međudržavne autobusne kompanije, ali među ostalim i lokalne autobusne kompanije iz Južne Australije LinkSA i Premier Stateliner često pružaju češće usluge.

Gotovo svi međudržavni i regionalni autobusi polaze iz grada 3 Glavni autobusni kolodvor Adelaide u ulici Franklin 85 u gradu. Glavni autobusni kolodvor radi od 5 do 21:30, 7 dana u tjednu. Sadrži moderne sadržaje, kao i kafić, a nalazi se preko puta glavne tržnice Adelaide, supermarketa Coles i Kineske četvrti.


Niz brodova za krstarenje navrati na 4 Putnički terminal Port Adelaide tijekom sezone brodova za krstarenja, koja traje od studenog do travnja svake godine. Popis brodova koji dolaze u Adelaide dostupan je kod Luke Flinders.

Zaobiđi se


Bicikl SA, 53 Carrington St. (otprilike 15 minuta hoda od autobusne stanice), 61 8 8168-9999. Djeluje a besplatna usluga najma bicikla sponzorirana od strane skupine gradskih vijeća. Bicikli su dostupni na više od 10 lokacija diljem grada i predgrađa besplatno, ali moraju se vratiti M-F prije vikenda od 16:30 ili 17:00 ili se plaća naknada od 25 USD. Mogu se dogovoriti da se bicikli unajmljuju preko noći uz dodatnu naknadu, ali svi najam se zaustavljaju ako se prognozira temperatura do najviše 38 ° C. Popis lokacija za iznajmljivanje naveden je na web mjestu tvrtke Bicycle SA Bicikli su koračni modeli s prednjim košarama i čvrstim stražnjim nosačem (ali trebat ćete osigurati trakaste remene ili kopče). Kočnica prednje čeljusti, stražnja kočnica dosadan je raspored stražnje papučice. Shimano zupčanik glavčine s 3 brzine. Ostavit će vam i dugačku čvrstu kombinacijsku bravu i biciklističku kacigu kada ostavite neki identifikacijski dokument sa fotografijom.

Popularna vožnja je vožnja od centra grada duž rijeke Torrens do zapadne plaže, zatim dolje do Glenelga i natrag. Ne možete se voziti biciklom u tramvaju Glenelg ili bilo kojim autobusom, čak i izvan vršnog sata, no možete ih voziti vlakovima. Alternativa povratku tramvajem iz Glenelga je vožnja daljnjih 20 minuta južno uz obalu do stanice Brighton na središnjoj liniji Noarlunga gdje postoje relativno česti vlakovi natrag do Adelaidea.

Javni prijevoz

Precizne upute za javni prijevoz mogu se dobiti putem Googlea i Apple Mapsa. Da biste se kretali, jednostavno unesite adresu "do" i "s" (ili upotrijebite trenutačno mjesto) na uređaju (uključujući iPhone, Android), a zatim odaberite ikonu javnog prijevoza. Informacije o dolasku u stvarnom vremenu dostupne su na web mjestu Adelaide Metro ili brojnim aplikacijama za pametne telefone (npr. Transittimes), iskoristite vrijeme prije dolaska vašeg vozila da pogledate okolno područje.

Informacije o kartama i rutama

Metropolitanske željeznice, tramvaji i autobusi prometuju pod jedinstvenim imenom Adelaide Metro i koristite jedinstveni sustav prodaje karata, "Metroticket".

  • Infocentar željezničke stanice Adelaide, Željeznički kolodvor Adelaide, Sjeverna terasa, besplatni: 1300 311 108. Svakog dana od 7 do 20 sati. Ili Web stranica metroa Adelaide su mjesta koja treba posjetiti radi informacija o voznom redu i rutama. Precizne informacije o javnom prijevozu dostupne su i putem Google Maps, koji ima jednostavan planer putovanja ako na web mjestu ili pametnom telefonu odaberete upute "Transit".

Karte za jednokratno putovanje s neograničenim presjedanjem u trajanju od dva sata prodaju se u autobusima, tramvajima i na glavnim željezničkim stanicama po cijeni od 5 dolara i 3 dolara izvan vrha. Dostupna je i jednodnevna karta od 9,10 dolara koja omogućava neograničeno putovanje unutar područja metroa Adelaide tijekom cijelog dana.

Putnici u Adelaide dulje od nekoliko dana trebali bi kupiti Metrocard za 10 dolara koji dolaze s uključenih 5 dolara. Putovanja na Metrocardu koštaju 3,19 USD, a 1,75 USD manje. Metrokarde se prodaju na glavnim željezničkim postajama (Adelaide, Elizabeth, Gawler, Noarlunga Center, Oaklands, Mawson Lakes i Salisbury), kao i u većini trafika i kutnih trgovina. Popis lokacija nalazi se na web mjestu Adelaide Metro. Metrokarde se mogu nadopunjavati gdje god se prodaju, kao i u vlakovima i tramvajima pomoću kovanica ili glavnih kreditnih kartica.

Tu je i propusnica za posjetitelje od 25 USD koja se može koristiti za neograničeno putovanje mrežom tijekom 3 dana. Nakon trodnevnog razdoblja, propusnica se može nadopuniti i koristiti poput uobičajene metrokarte.


Vlak metroa Adelaide

The Adelaide Metro sustav vlakova ima četiri glavne pruge, s dvije dodatne pruge.

Putujući sjeverno:

  • The Vanjska luka, koji se penje uz poluotok Le Fevre na sjeverozapadu grada kroz Port Adelaide. Linija Outer Harbor prikladna je za turistički kvart Semaphore, povijesnu pomorsku četvrt u Port Adelaideu i traku kafića Queen Street u Croydonu. The Grange linija grana se s linije vanjske luke u Woodvilleu.
  • The Gawlerova linija, do centra Gawler na sjeveru grada, preko Ovinghama, jezera Mawson, Salisburyja i Elizabeth.

Putujući jug:

  • Elektrificirani Seaford Line, koji se proteže do Seaforda na krajnjem jugu grada, preko predgrađa Brighton uz plažu i centra Noarlunga. Linija Seaford pruža pristup plažama u Brightonu i uvali Hallett, te Westfield Marion u Oaklandsu. The Linija Tonsley grana se s linije Seaford i prometuje samo od ponedjeljka do petka do ranih večernjih sati.
  • Slikovito Belair linija koji se proteže do Belaira u podnožju Adelaide kroz Blackwood i unutarnja jugoistočna predgrađa grada. Belair linija korisna je za pristup nacionalnom parku Belair.


Metro autobus SouthLink Adelaide

Podzemna željeznica Adelaide ima sveobuhvatnu autobusnu mrežu sa središtem u Gradu. Potpune karte i informacije dostupne su na Web stranica metroa Adelaide. Većina glavnih cesta, uključujući kafiće poput Parade, Prospect Road, Henley Beach Road, King William Road i O'Connell St su "Go Zones" koji imaju redovite autobuse radnim danom, barem svakih 15 minuta do ranih večernjih sati. Adelaideina autobusna mreža proteže se do vanjskih predgrađa, do Adelaide Hills na istoku, sve do McLaren Vale na jugu (iako su autobusi tamo rijetki) i do Gawlera na sjeveru. Ne pokriva dolinu Barossa. Frekvencije u vanjskim predgrađima mnogo su niže nego u gradu.

The O-Bahn je autobus brze tranzitne linije koja vozi do sjeveroistočnog predgrađa Adelaide. O-Bahn autobusi voze iz ulice Grenfell u Gradu, ulazeći u O-Bahn kod Hackneya i zaustavljajući se na čvorima Klemzig, Paradise i Modbury. Nakon što završe na O-Bahnu, autobus vozi na isti način kao i obični autobus do odredišta. O-Bahn usluge vrlo su česte, često svake 3 do 5 minuta tijekom vršnog sata do čvorišta i svakih 15 minuta izvan vrha.

Upozorite da frekvencija autobusa naglo opada nakon 19 sati, a intervali po satima tipični su u vanjskim predgrađima, pola sata duž Go zona i svakih 15 minuta na O-Bahnu. Sve usluge prestaju s radom oko ponoći, zato provjerite vozne redove i očekujte da ćete uhvatiti taksi ako je potrebno nakon tog vremena. Vrlo osnovno Nakon ponoći autobusne linije na ograničenim linijama prometuju sat nakon ponoći samo subotom navečer.

Besplatno Gradska petlja (99C) autobus vozi radnim danom od 7:40 do 18:00 svakih 15 min. Petkom radi i noću 6-9: 20 svako 30 minuta, subotom od 8 do 17 sati svakih 30 minuta i nedjeljom (i praznicima) od 10 do 17 sati svakih 30 minuta. Ima rute u smjeru kazaljke na satu i suprotno od kazaljke na satu, svaka s oko 30 stajališta, koja zalaze u sva glavna kulturna i trgovačka središta u gradu, počevši od trga Victoria, uključujući željeznički kolodvor Adelaide. Autobusi imaju prizemne prilazne rampe.


Tramvaj na tramvajskoj stanici Moseley Square u Glenelgu

Adelaida je tramvajska linija koja prolazi od Zabavnog centra Adelaide u Hindmarshu uz Sjevernu terasu do Botaničkog vrta. Druga linija započinje od kraljevske bolnice Adelaide kroz grad, a zatim niz jugozapadno predgrađe do predgrađa Glenelg uz plažu. Željeznička stanica prikladno je stajalište za izmjenu linija. Putovanje gradom između Zabavnog centra Adelaide, Botaničkog vrta i Južne terase je besplatno, dok je za putovanje u Glenelg potrebna karta ili Metrocard. Karte se mogu kupiti u automatima za karte u svim tramvajima ili na nekim stajalištima.

Osim što je pogodan za popularno turističko odredište Glenelg iz grada, tramvaj se zaustavlja i u trgovačkom centru Rundle, na trgu Victoria u blizini centralne tržnice Adelaide i na sjevernoj terasi u blizini željezničke stanice Adelaide. Putujući tramvajem prema sjeveru, vodi se do Hindmarsha i Bowdena, doma zabavnog centra Adelaide, mjesta za koncerte stadiona, kao i do popularne trake kafića i restorana uz Port Road i sporedne ulice uz njih.

Ako vozite automobil, prikladan (i popularan) alternativa parkiranju u Gradu je parkirati se u Zabavnom centru i uhvatiti tramvaj u Grad. Košta samo 4 dolara za cijeli radni dan, što je puno jeftinije od gradskog parkirališta.


Centar grada relativno je kompaktan i lako se prelazi pješice. Većina atrakcija usredotočena je oko blokova između Sjeverne terase i Trga Victoria s obje strane ulice King William. Jezgra trgovačkog centra Rundle Mall u potpunosti je pješačka. Naselje Gouger Street i središnja tržnica Adelaide također su izvrsna odredišta za pješake.

Putnici koji žele nastaviti trčati dok su odsutni mogu koristiti popularne staze za trčanje uz rijeku Torrens i kroz Parklands.


Neovisni taksiji Adelaide

Adelaide ima tri glavne taksi tvrtke koje rade 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu:

Kabine u Južnoj Australiji su bijela (čak i oni kojima upravlja "Žuta kabina") i oni su jasno označeni. Općenito je moguće pozvati taksi na ulici ili iz većeg hotela tijekom radnog vremena u Gradu, ali u predgrađu obično trebate nazvati jednu od navedenih službi za rezervacije tvrtki. Postoji niz kabinskih stanova u kojima tijekom vikenda noću radi Vijeće taksija. Nadzirani taksi stanovi pružaju dodatnu sigurnost uz svjetla i nadzor od strane vratara i službenika osiguranja. Rade petkom od 23:00 do 03:00, a subotom od 23:00 do 05:00. Mapa lokacija dostupna je na njihovoj web stranici.

Državna vlada zahtijeva da svi taksiji u Adelaideu naplaćuju reguliranu odmjerenu tarifu, prema vremenu kada putovanje započne. Tarifa jedna je normalna tarifna stopa, a tarifa dva viša je stopa koja se primjenjuje između ponedjeljka i petka od 19:00 do 06:00, te vikendom i državnim praznicima. Vozači gotovo uvijek koriste brojilo i zakonski su dužni to učiniti. Plaćanje se može izvršiti gotovinom, EFTPOS-om, debitnim i kreditnim karticama te uz naplatu. Prije početka putovanja dobro je obavijestiti vozača ako planirate platiti nekom drugom metodom, a ne gotovinom, jer strojevi mogu biti nepouzdani.


Gradsko središte Adelaide i predgrađa poput Glenelga, Norwooda i Prospecta lako se prelaze pješice i koristeći javni prijevoz. Međutim, ako očekujete provesti puno vremena izvan CBD-a ili planirate putovanje u vinsku regiju, automobil je koristan za izbjegavanje dugih putovanja javnim prijevozom ili u slučaju doline Barossa za kretanje uopće.

Za razliku od ostalih australskih glavnih gradova, Adelaide nema mrežu autocesta koje vode izravno u središte grada. Postojeće autoceste započinju u vanjskim predgrađima i namijenjene su prometu do obližnjih seoskih gradova. Ograničenja brzine na većini glavnih cesta označena su oznakom 60 km / h, iako je zadano ograničenje brzine 50 km / h ako nije postavljeno ograničenje brzine. Ograničenja brzine strogo se primjenjuju, pa čak i puzanje malo iznad ograničenja brzine može vam donijeti kartu s kaznom od 350 dolara.

Sve ceste Adelaide kao i one u cijelosti Južna Australija su besplatni.

Glavni nacionalni tvrtke za iznajmljivanje automobila upravljati kioscima u zračnoj luci Adelaide u prizemlju u blizini mjesta za preuzimanje prtljage, uključujući AVIS, Proračun,Alfa, Europcar, Herc, Štedljiv i Redspot Sixt.


Gradska vijećnica Glenelg

Parkovi i vrtovi

  • 1 Botanički vrt Adelaide. Vrtovi su tihi i opuštajući iako su u srcu grada. Sadrže mnoštvo velikih travnatih površina idealnih za opuštanje, a neposredno ispred vrtova nalaze se gradski parkovi na kojima se mogu održavati igre s loptom i piknik. U vrtovima se nalazi kafić i zimski vrt. Besplatno. Botanički vrt Adelaide (Q4681683) na Wikipodacima Botanički vrt Adelaide na Wikipediji
  • 2 Dvjestogodišnji konzervatorij. Ovo je mjesto koje vrijedi posjetiti, simulira mikroekološki sustav tropske prašume, zajedno s maglom koja pada s krova. Prostor prima brojne drveće prašuma u punoj veličini i nizinske biljke prašuma iz sjeverne Australije, Papue Nove Gvineje, Indonezije i obližnjih pacifičkih otoka, od kojih su mnoga u opasnosti ili su ugrožena u svojim prirodnim staništima. Upozorite, unutra je toplo i vlažno. Sve šetnice imaju puni pristup invalidskim kolicima. Slobodan ulaz.
  • 3 Brdo Montefiore (Sjeverna Adelaida). Pruža spektakularni pogled na grad, posebno noću.
  • Ostali vidikovci uključuju Vjetrovita točka uz cestu Belair i Skye na kraju Kensington Rd.
  • 4 Sjeverna terasa. Vozeći se od zapadne terase prema istoku, proći ćete pored nove bolnice Royal Adelaide, gradskog kampusa Sveučilišta Južne Australije, novog medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Adelaide, Južnoaustralskog instituta za zdravstvena i medicinska istraživanja (SAHMRI), Kongresnog centra Adelaide, Casino (željeznički kolodvor dolje), Kuća parlamenta, Vladina kuća, Državna knjižnica Južne Australije, Muzej migracija (besplatan ulaz), Umjetnička galerija Južne Australije (besplatan ulaz), Sveučilište Adelaide, City East kampus Sveučilišta Južne Australije , mjesto stare kraljevske bolnice Adelaide i Botanički vrtovi. To je atraktivan bulevar okružen drvećem u kolonijalnoj tradiciji Južne Australije.
  • 5 Rezervat Cleland (oko 12 km od CBD-a). Popularno među planinarima i biciklistima i ima prekrasan pogled na brda Adelaide. Neki od vrhunaca su Park divljine Cleland, Vodopad Gully i Vrh Mt Lofty. Rezervat Cleland (Q3083320) na Wikipodacima Rezervat Cleland na Wikipediji
  • 6 Rezervat Morialta (oko 10 km od CBD-a). Famous for its ridges with waterfalls that are particularly impressive during the winter and spring when the water flows at its strongest. Rezervat Morialta (Q6912146) na Wikipodacima Rezervat Morialta na Wikipediji
  • 7 Nacionalni park Belair (south of Adelaide), 61 8 8278 5477, . Summer 8AM-9PM, winter 8AM-7PM (closed during Christmas). Here you can walk around and enjoy the green areas, and there are also some tennis courts and a playground for kids. In the park you can also find the Government House that used to be a summer residence. There's a fee to enter the park by car, but it can also be accessed by the Belair train line, a 35-minute trip from Adelaide. Nacionalni park Belair (Q643818) na Wikipodacima Nacionalni park Belair na Wikipediji
  • 8 Rundle Lantern light display, Cnr Rundle St and Pulteney St. From dusk to midnight every night with 750 light panels.
  • 9 Adelaide Zoo, Frome Road. Svakog dana od 9:30 do 17:00. The only place in the southern hemisphere to see giant pandas. The zoo also boasts meerkats, lions, tigers, a family of capybaras and some quokkas. Zoološki vrt Adelaide (Q3244627) na Wikipodacima Zoološki vrt Adelaide na Wikipediji

Muzeji i galerije

The River Torrens passing near the University of Adelaide
  • 10 Migration Museum, 82 Kintore Ave (north of the State Library). Daily 10AM-5PM, closed Good Friday and 25 Dec. The museums showcases stories of immigrants to South Australia throughout history with photos, stories and items. Muzej migracije (Q6844330) na Wikipodacima Muzej migracija, Adelaida na Wikipediji
  • 11 Art Gallery of South Australia, North Terrace (half-way between Kintore Ave and Frome Rd, between the South Australian Museum and the University of Adelaide.), 61 8 8207-7000, . Daily 10AM-5PM, except 25 Dec. Great place to see art of all genres. Free cloakroom/baggage store. Besplatno. Umjetnička galerija Južne Australije (Q705557) na Wikipodacima Umjetnička galerija Južne Australije na Wikipediji
  • 12 South Australian Museum, North Terrace (next to the Art Gallery of South Australia). Daily 10AM-5PM, except Good Friday and 25 Dec. Best collection Australian Aboriginal collection in the world and the largely Victorian Pacific cultures gallery is neat too. Besplatno. Muzej Južne Australije (Q2546445) na Wikipodacima Muzej Južne Australije na Wikipediji
  • 13 National Wine Centre, cnr of Botanic and Hackney Rd, Hackney, 61 8 8303-3355, faks: 61 8 8303-7444, . M-F 9AM-5PM, Sa Su & public holidays; tours & tastings 10AM-5PM. A part of the University of Adelaide, here you can learn more about Australian viticulture, wine and food in general and there's of course also wine bar. Nacionalno vinsko središte Australije (Q6979426) na Wikipodacima Nacionalni vinski centar Australije na Wikipediji
  • 14 Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, 253 Grenfell St. M-Sa 10AM-5PM, closed Sunday & Public Holidays. Here you can experience many kinds of Aboriginal art and culture. There are music, dance and theatre performances and exhibitions of visual art. Nacionalni institut za aboridžinske kulture Tandanya (Q7682408) na Wikipodacima Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute na Wikipediji
  • 15 Bay Discovery Center, Moseley Square, Glenelg (Glenelg; take the historic tram). Museum dedicated to the culture and history of South Australia, housed in Glenelg's historical town hall.
  • 16 Port Adelaide Lighthouse. A 25-metre lighthouse that was first set up in 1869, at the entrance to the Port River, then moved to the Neptune Islands out in the sea before being moved to its current location. Nowadays it's an exhibit of the South Australian Maritime Museum, listed on the South Australian Heritage Register and lit on Saturdays just for show.
  • 17 Nacionalni željeznički muzej, 76 Lipson St (Luka Adelaida). Daily 10AM–4:30PM. Australia's largest railway museum, housed in and around the former Port Dock goods terminal. There are trains and equipment on display, and also photos and other documents. You can take a small train ride around the premises, and there are special events when you get to take trips onboard some of the other trains. adult $12, concession $9, child $6, family $32.
  • 18 Muzej zrakoplovstva Južne Australije, 66 Lipson St (Luka Adelaida). Daily 10:30AM-4:30PM. Two hangars with aircraft (mostly military) and engines on display. There are guided tours where you can learn more about individual planes. adults $10, concession $8, children $5 (under 5 years free), family $25.
  • 19 South Australian Maritime Museum, 126 Lipson St (Luka Adelaida), 61 8 8207-6255. Daily 10AM-5PM. Exhibits related to the maritime history of the region, from the first European explorers sailing the waters to immigrants arriving by boat and the Australian Navy of today. $15, concession $9, child $6, family $34.50 (2 adults & up to 5 children).. Južnoaustralski pomorski muzej (Q18165679) na Wikipodacima Južnoaustralijski pomorski muzej na Wikipediji
  • 20 Gawler National Trust Museum, 59 Murray St (via Gawler train line). Tu-F 1-4PM. Showcasing the local history of the town of Gawler. $3 pp.
  • 21 Nacionalni muzej motora, Shannon St (in Birdwood), 61 8 8568 4000, faks: 61 8 8568 5195. Daily 10AM – 5PM, closed Christmas Day. Cars and motorcycles from all eras on display, also historical car parts, car-related items from repair manuals to petrol station signs and toys. Nacionalni muzej motora (Q15261134) na Wikipodacima Nacionalni muzej motora, Birdwood na Wikipediji



The pier at Glenelg Beach
  • 1 Glenelg beach. The historic beachside suburb of Glenelg has a jetty, the Grand hotel and many restaurants and cafés. Very popular with young and old, lots of volleyball competitions.
  • 2 West Beach. Ideal for family walks and swimming. It is reasonably close to both Glenelg and Henley Beach. At Henley Beach there is Henley square which hosts some 15 restaurants - an excellent dining venue. All the beaches along Adelaide's coastline are excellent white sand beaches, some with public toilets and cold water showers. If you want to 'wet a line' there are jetties at (suburban beaches, from north to south) Grange, Semaphore, Henley Beach, Glenelg, Brighton and Port Noarlunga.


  • 3 Adelaide Oval. During the summer months get down to the Adelaide Oval for a cricket match. Australia plays host to a couple of touring nations each summer and they will play a few matches at this beautiful ground which is just minutes from the city centre. Tickets for internationals tend to be snapped up quickly, but domestic matches are frequent and equally exciting.
  • AFL, the peak league for professional Australian Rules Football. Home games for the local teams the Adelaide Crows and Port Adelaide Power are played at Adelaide Oval in North Adelaide. Getting tickets shouldn't be a problem - check out the AFL website za više detalja.
  • SANFL, the state Aussie Rules league, has 5 games per weekend at a number of locations throughout the city and suburbs. Norwood Oval, home of the Crvene noge, is situated on the Parade in Norwood which is home to a variety of restaurant, café and pub options for after the game.
  • Adelaide United (soccer), Stadion Hindmarsh.

Izvedbena umjetnost

  • 4 Format Collective, 15 Peel St (off Hindley St). A two-storey performance space with a permanent zine store. Hosts small art shows, some of the more experimental gigs, discussion panels and performance art. Much of this is concentrated in the yearly Format Festival which is on at the same time as the Fringe Festival and is considered a more experimental alternative, although there are things on all year round. Known for its hipsters, Japanese beer, and nostalgic games of four-square.


One of the best times of the year to visit is during Mad March, when a multitude of festivals and events are held. These include the Adelaide Fringe, the Clipsal 500 Car race, the Adelaide Festival, WOMADdelaide and the Adelaide Cup horseracing carnival.

  • 5 Adelaida 500 (Superloop Adelaide 500). During mid-March, the Adelaide 500 supercar racing event is very popular, sporting massive street parties, huge concert line-ups and many fanatic Adelaidians. Adelaide 500 (Q4635078) na Wikipodacima Adelaida 500 na Wikipediji
  • 6 Adelaide Fringe Festival. During late Feb-March, the Fringe Festival (second largest of its type in the world) and Festival of Arts bring the city alive with music, arts, dance and culture from all over the world. Both are large and very popular events visited by people from all over the world. Festival Adelaide Fringe (Q4681716) na Wikipodacima Adelaide Fringe Festival na Wikipediji
  • 7 WOMADelaide (World of Music Arts and Dance). A hugely popular music festival now held every year in March. People come here from all over Australia and overseas. It shows Adelaide at its very best. WOMADelaide (Q7953896) na Wikipodacima WOMADelaide na Wikipediji


  • 8 Haigh's Chocolate Factory, 154 Greenhill Rd, Unley Park. M-Sa 11AM, 1PM and 2PM. A factory tour. Haigh's was established in 1915 and is one of the best chocolate makers in Australia. 5 minutes from the CBD, the tour will give you a glimpse on how this fine chocolate is made and they give free samples. Free but bookings essential.
  • 9 The Adelaide Casino, North Terrace (Next to Adelaide station). Adjoining the Festival and Convention centres. Adelaide Casino is South Australia's only licensed casino, and offers not just great gaming, but also three restaurants, and four bars, including the Oasis bar and Grandstand sports bar. Valet parking is also available.
  • 10 Coopers Brewery. The only remaining large family-owned brewery in Australia, well known around the world for their bottle conditioned ales. Founded by Thomas Cooper in 1862, the Brewery is run by the family's fifth generation, Tim and Glenn Cooper. Take a tour, all proceeds from the tours go to charity.


Three different universities call Adelaide home, of which the Sveučilište u Adelaidi is the best regarded. The other two universities in the Adelaide area are the Sveučilište Južne Australije i Sveučilište Flinders. There are opportunities for international students to enroll in these universities, either as degree students, or as part of exchange programmes with foreign universities.


Rundle Mall
The nineteenth century interior of the Adelaide Arcade.

Unlike the "big four" Australian cities, top-end luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada do not have a presence in Adelaide. The Victorian 1 Adelaide Arcade that runs south from Rundle Mall has a fine collection of boutiques and specialist shopping such as numismatics, antiques and chocolatiers. Another good place to look for semi-luxury items would be Burnside Village in the eastern suburbs.

Malls and shopping precincts

  • 2 Rundle Mall, 61 8 8203 7200. A pedestrian-only shopping strip, with many arcades and side streets coming off it. Runs parallel to North Terrace. Over 800 shops.
  • 3 Tea Tree Plaza (TTP for short). A medium-sized shopping centre with over 250 shops. Tea Tree Plaza is the terminus of the Adelaide O'Bahn dedicated busway which begins in the city centre at Hackney Rd. It is easy to get there from the city centre; most of the buses that stop on the Grenfell St stops travel to the TTP interchange via the O'Bahn busway. It's easy to see from a distance as it has the large antenna and supporting pyramid type structure, well-known to the locals, on the roof of the Myer department store. Ample parking is available around, on top of, and underneath the complex. The much smaller Tea Tree Plus shopping centre is right next to Tea Tree Plaza.
  • 4 Westfield Marion Shopping Centre. Adelaide's largest shopping centre with over 400 shops. There are direct buses from the city centre.
  • 5 Harbor Town. Mid sized mall undergoing an expansion, featuring outlet shopping, situated up against the western edge of the Adelaide Airport. Only a short bus ride from the Airport, and 30 minutes from the city centre.


  • 6 The Central Market (between Grote and Gouger St, west of Victoria Sq). Tu-Sa. All your fresh fruit and veggies under one Victorian roof. You can borrow a shopping cart from Coles Supermarket next door to stop your arms being pulled from their sockets by all the goodies you'll buy. It's not just vegetarians that will salivate here since foods and non-foods of every variety compete for the best displays. Cheap multi-storey parking adjacent. Centralno tržište Adelaide (Q4681685) na Wikipodacima Centralno tržište Adelaide na Wikipediji
  • 7 Kineska četvrt. A pedestrian-only area (Moonta St) adjacent to Central Market.
  • 8 City East IGA, 116 Hutt St, 61 8 8223 1112. Won best IGA Supermarket in SA for its amazing food range, including: Greek, Italian, Chinese and Indian.
  • 9 Gaganis Brothers, 9-13 Bacon Street, Hindmarsh 5007 (car parking on site or Grange Road Bus), 61 8 8346 5766. M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM, Saturday 8:30AM-3:30PM. A food wholesaler but sells to the public with an amazing selection of ethnic foods. Most items available in larger quantities.


The BYO culture

While fairly unusual in the rest of the world, it's common for restaurants in Australia and New Zealand to allow patrons to bring bottled wine to dinner. This practice is called 'BYO' - 'bring your own'. Originally resulting from a loophole in liquor licensing laws, BYO is now a great opportunity to enjoy some of the wine which you have bought in a wine region, or to visit a local 'bottle shop' and enjoy a wider selection at lower prices.

Nowhere in Australia is BYO more common than in Adelaide. Most restaurants in Adelaide which serve alcohol will also allow BYO, though it's a good idea to call ahead to make sure. It's common for a charge called 'corkage' to be applied to the bill. Corkage will typically be around $10–$15 per bottle, though higher charges are not unheard of. Corkage is applied even if your wine is under a screwtop rather than a cork, like virtually all recently produced Australian wine.


Central Market in the Adelaide city centre.

The City caters to virtually every different taste and price range. Adelaide has one of the largest number of restaurants and cafes per person in Australia and most of the best are in the City.

  • Gouger Street, Chinatown and the Central Market precinct is a multicultural food and wine paradise. Best known in Adelaide for good quality Asian food at a reasonable price, Gouger Street attracts a wide range of clientele from lawyers and public servants from the adjacent courts and State government precinct to new migrants. Chinatown and Gouger St is the hub of Chinese cuisine and culture in Adelaide and there are a wide range of Chinese restaurants along the strip. Other Asian cuisines are also featured including Thai, Vietnamese and Indian. On the northern side of Gouger St, the Adelaide Central Market has a great range of hawker style food stalls as well as a few older European cafes. The last decade has also seen the emergence of high-end dining on Gouger St, with a number of more expensive options joining the long standing and locally famed Argentinian restaurant, Gaucho's.
  • Rundle Street and the East End is the traditional hub of Italian and Greek cuisine in Adelaide, but there are also newer Chinese, Thai and Japanese restaurants. Like Gouger St, it has options across the spectrum of budgets, with the western end of the street closer to Adelaide University catering more to the budget end while the eastern end is more upmarket. The East End laneways off of Rundle Street have a range of smaller, quirkier cafes - Ebenezer Place, Bent Street and Union Street all have a few alternative options.
  • Waymouth Street and Pirie Street have emerged as new eating destinations over the last decade, particularly for an upmarket lunch. Waymouth Street, on the western side of King William Street, has a range of high end cafes, bistros and bars, while Pirie Street has a few new cafes.
  • Hindley Street is best known for its bars and nightlife, but has a range of multicultural food options, particularly Middle Eastern and Asian. The Leigh Street and Bank Street laneways have also emerged as dining destinations in their own right.
  • Hutt Street is smaller scale and offers a small variety of upmarket restaurants that please most tastes, and also has a wide variety of gourmet shops and supermarkets.
  • The South West Corner of the City's square mile, south of the Gouger Street precinct, is more residential but includes some of Adelaide's most interesting dining experiences sprinkled among the heritage homes and apartments.

Sjeverna Adelaida

  • An eclectic mix of small restaurants and cafes make Melbourne Street an interesting place to eat.
  • The variety of take-aways, pubs, cafes, bakeries and restaurants that line most of O'Connell Street means you won't be wanting. A local speciality to try is the AB, a dish consisted of shredded yiros meat on top of hot chips and topped with chille sauce, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and garlic sauce, of which there are two shops that claim to have invented the dish; The Blue & White Cafe i North Adelaide Burger Bar.


  • Parada, Norwood has a long stretch of shopping and cosmopolitan dining. Buses from the CBD numbering 122-124 or a very short taxi ride.
  • Jetty Road / Mosley Square, Glenelg has a variety of restaurants and pubs at the end of a 30 minute tram journey.
  • Stuart Road, Dulwich features two cafes, a licensed restaurant and a very good bakery. Catch the 145 or 146 from North Ter which heads along Fullarton Rd and up Dulwich Ave.
  • King William Road, Hyde Park is an upmarket strip of fashionable cafes, coffee shops and restaurants.


There are a lot of budget eateries in Adelaide. They don't usually look like much from the outside but most have something going for them - the reason that they are still in business. It pays to look through menus plastered onto doors. Cheap eats should be anywhere from $8–14 for a main, and no more.

  • 1 Elephant walk, 76 Melbourne St, 61 8 8267-2006. Particularly interesting because it is a small, cosy cafe which is very dimly lit. Each booth is separated by straw screens so you can't really see the other patrons. It opens at 8PM and if they're full, you'll have to wait outside for a table.
  • 2 Nano Cafe, 23 Ebenezer Pl (in East End), 61 8 8227 0468. Dnevno. Italian home-style food, great breakfast, good coffee, value for money, breakfast & lunch only, fresh daily. $5.80-15.
  • 3 Dumpling King, 95 Grote St. Plates of 10-15 dumplings, steamed/fried, pork/chicken and prawn, for $6.80-7.80.
  • 4 Food courts off of Moonta St. Many different Asian cuisines at cheap prices. All you can fit on your plate for varying prices plus made to order food.
  • 5 Hawker's Corner, 141 West Terrace (cnr Wright St.). Much the same as the food courts but open at night. Cheap but tasty with a wide range of food.
  • 6 Cafe de Vili's, 2-14 Manchester St (off South Rd, after Richmond Rd). Vili is an Adelaide producer of pastries, especially pies and pasties. This unpretentious eatery at their factory serves full meals in addition to pastries. Shift workers and night owls regularly eat there because it is open 24 hr, 7 days. It is a minor Adelaide icon. It has a second location at 426 Main N Rd in the Blair Athol district.
  • Fasta Pasta (multiple restaurants around Adelaide). The fast food version of pasta; although found in other states its popularity in South Australia is due to the chain having started in Adelaide. Expect to pay from $10 for a plate of pasta.

Srednja klasa

  • 7 Amalfi, 29 Frome St, 61 8 8223 1948. This little Italian place just off Rundle St has a loyal following and is usually jam packed. It has an inventive range of pizzas and pastas, with quality a cut above the other Italian cafes filling Rundle St.
  • 8 Chefs Of Tandoori, 292 Unley Rd, 61 8 8373 5055. As the name suggest, founded by Indian chefs who deserted the Tandoori Oven across the road. Good Indian food at a very reasonable price.
  • 9 Fellini, 102 O'Connell, 61 8 8239 2235. This St. Large North Adelaide cafe is packed to the rafters every weekend. The menu is Italian-based pasta, pizza and so on, but what keeps the punters coming back is the large size of the menu and inventiveness of the dishes.
  • 10 Hotaru Japanese Restaurant, 162 Gouger St, 61 8 8410 2838. Cosy Japanese restaurant with wonderful food, particularly the fresh sashimi, various sushi rolls and the grilled eggplant. Home-made sesame ice cream and green tea ice cream. Hotaru is off the main Gouger St area.
  • 11 Jasmin, 31 Hindmarsh Sq, 61 8 8223 7837. One of Adelaide's best Indian restaurants. Beautifully decorated, with classical music playing and impeccable service. The very hot curries (vindaloo and tindaloo) are especially good. You might also consider trying the mixed entree or orange sponge cake.
  • 12 Nu Thai, 117 Gouger St, 61 8 8410 2288. Slightly more expensive than Regent, with a more adventurous menu. They have a huge blackboard inside with a long list of specials which change regularly.
  • 13 Raj on Taj, 109 King William Rd, 61 8 8271 7755. Good, reasonably priced Indian food. There are two Raj on Taj restaurants, one in Hyde Park and one nearby in Unley. The Hyde Park one is the better of the two.
  • 14 Regent Thai, 165 O'Connell St, 61 8 8239 0927. Excellent and consistent standard Thai menu. The friendly proprietor Chang was a refugee from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Try the oysters in coriander sauce, the red curry chicken, or ask for a whole fish steamed with ginger and shallots. Its sister restaurant at Glenelg, Phuket, is worth checking out as well. Mains $13-18..


  • 15 Magill Estate Restaurant, 78 Penfold Rd, 61 8 8301 5551. Magill. While the food here is good, the real stars are the view and the wine list. This restaurant is owned by Penfolds, probably Australia's best-known premium red wine maker, and overlooks the vineyards on their Magill property, not far from the city centre. The grapes grown on this estate are used to make the Magill Estate label single vineyard Shiraz. The wine list allows you to order back vintages of the Penfolds and other wines going back 20 or more years.
  • 16 Windy Point Restaurant, Windy Point Lookout, Belair Rd, 61 8 8278 8255. Windy Point Lookout, Belair Rd. Nice ambiance, excellent service and good food prepared in a unique way with a nice view of the city skyline. For those who wish to have a less formal setting, the adjacent cafe also offers a good selection. Usually only open for dinner from 6PM onwards, though lunches are possible with prior arrangements.
  • 17 Shiki Restaurant, North Terrace (Intercontinental Hotel Adelaide), 61 8 8231 2382. Japanese restaurant with a nice atmosphere in one of Adelaide's premier hotels. Mainly known for its teppanyaki but also serves other Japanese dishes like sushi, sashimi and tempura.


There are pubs and bars dotted all around the CBD, but a few districts are worth singling out. Rundle Street and its neighbouring area known simply as "The East End" have a number of popular pubs. Hindley St used to be notorious as the seedy home of Adelaide's strip clubs and bikie bars, but it, and "The West End" have undergone a renaissance. The eastern end of Hindley Street is more mainstream, whereas the western end, west of Morphett Street has a few trendier and more alternative venues. The seedy places are still there, but so too is a university campus and a number of trendy bars and clubs. Also important are Gouger Street and its many restaurants but with an increasing number of bars and pubs. O'Connell Street is home to a few of North Adelaide's popular pubs.

There are also many bars in the suburbs of Adelaide which usually are busier on Thursday and Friday evenings. Quite a lot of the locals will go to the hotels in the suburbs on Thursday and Friday evenings, and go into the Adelaide CBD on Saturday evenings.

Smoking in pubs and clubs is banned under South Australian law. Many drinking establishments have outdoor areas where smoking is permitted.


Melbourne is not the only Australian city with a buzzing "laneway culture": Adelaide's Exeter Lane, off Rundle Street, at night. On the left is The Exeter Hotel, one of Adelaide's most well known pubs/drinking establishments.

As a rule, pubs seem to be located in hotels.

  • 1 Tribina, North Terrace (Adelaide Casino, North Ter.), 61 8 8212 2811. Su-Th 10AM-late, F Sa 11AM-5:30AM. Situated on the 1st floor of Adelaide Casino, Grandstand is Adelaide's premier venue for watching all live sporting events. Featuring several TV screens showing all the action from Fox Sports, Setanta and Main Event, Grandstand also has full Keno and TAB facilities. A bar menu is also available, as are regular great drink promotions.
  • 2 Crown & Anchor, 196 Grenfell St, 61 8 8223 3212. M-W 11AM-3AM, Th-Sa 11AM-4AM. Situated just off Rundle St, this Adelaide institution is often referred to as "The Cranker", or less kindly, the "Crowd of Wankers" attracts those of an alternative bent. Goths, metalheads, punks and hippies all mingle in this multi-roomed venue, sipping beer. But don't worry, piercings and tattoos aren't essential to have a good time. Music playing could be just about anything.
  • 3 Worldsend, 208 Hindley St, 61 8 8231 9137. M-F 11AM-late, Sa 4PM-late, Su closed. Serves food all day. This lively pub features a beer garden and a solid restaurant. The crowd is generally early to mid 20s, many from the nearby Hindley Street campus of the University of South Australia. While it definitely has a strong pub feel, the music is more like a bar, with live jazz and funk, house and drum'n'bass (rather than rock) the order of the day.
  • 4 The Exeter, 246 Rundle St, 61 8 8223 2623. This friendly old-school pub is much frequented by students from nearby Adelaide University and TAFE. At night, it has an alternative feel drawing crowds from all areas. Two back rooms contain a great little restaurant. The curry nights on Wednesday and Thursday are popular. Small music venue, mostly showcasing live alternative bands. M-Su 11AM-late.
  • 5 Strijelac, 60 O'Connell St, 61 8 8361 9300. Modern, hip feel and a large range of beers on tap. Be aware that it has to close earlier than most places (usually midnight) due to residential noise restrictions.
  • 6 The Cumberland Arms (The Cumby), 205 Waymouth St, 61 8 8231 3577. M 9AM-midnight, Tu 9AM-1AM, W-Th 9AM-3AM, F Sa 6PM-4AM, Su 6PM-2AM. In a strip of bars and clubs along the southern end of Light Square adjacent to Hindley St. The Cumberland was bought out and refurbished some years ago. Nowadays it's a cozy spot which does a good job of being all things to all people. The front bar areas conceal a dance floor within, where a DJ is invariably playing house, and an outdoor area around the side. The popularity of "The Cumby" is cyclic, but if it's not happening, one of the adjacent places will be.
  • 7 The Grace Emily, 232 Waymouth St ((Opposite "The Cumberland)), 61 8 8231 5500. The Grace has plenty of trinkets behind and around the bar to keep one's eyeballs busy whilst nursing a Coopers or bloody mary. Local, interstate and overseas bands play most nights. Every Monday night Billy Bob's BBQ Jam sees a variety of local bands strut their stuff to impress the crowd with 3 or 4 songs (though perhaps more by popular demand) whilst a sausage sizzle out the beer garden feeds the hordes - a highlight of an otherwise quiet evening in Adelaide.
  • 8 The Austral, 205 Rundle St. Rundle St. On the main street for shopping and nightlife in Adelaide, which is really the same long street as Hindley St but with a different name either side of King William Road, and the pedestrian only Rundle Mall in the middle. The Austral is the unofficial backpackers pub of choice.
  • 9 The Original Coopers Alehouse (also known by the original name still on the front facade The Earl of Aberdeen), 316 Pulteney St (10 minute walk from the Rundle St-Pulteney St intersection), 61 8 8223 6433. The only pub to hold the complete range of Coopers beers on tap, including the Vintage Ale. Also serves good food, including schnitzels and pizzas, in the attached Arnou Woodfired at the Earl restoran.
  • 10 Jelen, 299 Rundle St (cnr of Rundle and East Tce). More up market establishment, with good views of the parklands from the al fresco seating, good range of drinks and weekly live music. The second floor balcony literally overlooked the old Formula 1 street circuit and was always crammed with race fans. With the shortened Clipsal 500 course this is no longer possible, but still a good place to go after the days races.
  • 11 The Union Hotel, 70 Waymouth St Adelaide, 61 8 8231 2144, . Open most days 11AM-1AM. Good value meals every night including cheap pizza night every Monday. On Friday nights the crazy is dialed up with Generation Pop, a mix of pop music from retro to modern and very popular with the after work crowd (7:30PM-1AM). Saturdays is Get Back, Adelaide's only weekly retro dance club playing music from the 1950s-80s (8PM-1AM). Entry is free to both nights. Crowd is a healthy mix of ages, even after dark.


  • 12 Živago, 155 Waymouth St. This West End bar attracts a friendly, relaxed, mid-20s crowd.
  • 13 First Lounge Bar & Restaurant, 128 Rundle Mall (in the Richmond Hotel), 61 8 8223 4044. The only nightspot on Rundle Mall. First started life as a chilled out cocktail bar, but rapidly became popular as an after-work spot on Fridays, and could now also be filed under "clubs". On weekends they are packed out and play commercial house, but on weeknights it reverts to the original cocktail bar atmosphere.
  • 14 Fumo Blu, 270 Rundle St, 61 8 8232 2533. Below ground cocktail lounge in the heart of Rundle St.
  • 15 The Unley (formerly Boho), 27 Unley Rd, Parkside, 61 8 8271 5544. Burlesque themed bar, with live music and burlesque and period performances, a 5-minute drive, bus or Tram ride South of the CBD. Half-price cocktails Wednesday and Sunday 6-9PM.
  • 16 Rocket Bar, 142 Hindley St, 61 8 8212 7433. Inconspicuously located off Hindley St (it's a door with a sign above it). Live venue hosting international/interstate and local alternative indie acts. Also home to indie/alternative Modular nights and Abracadabra on Fridays. Open every weekend until late.

Noćni klubovi

  • 17 Jive, 181 Hindley St. Open every weekend and sometimes during the week.. 300-person capacity mainly live venue that hosts local and interstate rock/alternative/indie acts. Also home to indie/alternative dance club Gosh! on Saturdays after the bands.



There is a choice of backpacker accommodation around the central bus station.

  • 1 Adelaide Central YHA, 135 Waymouth St, 61 8 8414-3010, faks: 61 8 8414-3015, . $75, en suite: $90, dorm: $25.50 (YHA/Hostelling International members 10% discount)..
  • 2 Adelaide Travellers Inn, 220 Hutt St, 61 8 8224-0753, . Nomads Mad card members receive $2 off per night or their 7th night free.
  • 3 The Austral, 205 Rundle St, 61 8 8223-4660. The Austral is a pub which provides accommodation upstairs from the bar area. Rooms are clean and fairly quiet despite the bar downstairs, although the mattresses aren't great quality. Bathrooms are shared. Close to Adelaide's centre. Double $55, single $35.
  • 4 Blue Galah, 62 King William St, 61 8 8231-9295, besplatni: 1800 221 529, faks: 61 8 8231-9598, . Just one block from Rundle St Mall but no smoking rules not enforced so best to avoid if you do not carry your own gas mask/filtration system. Not the cleanest or quietest place but has a great bar with balcony overlooking King William St and CBD. Wi-Fi: $5/day, $15/wk. Dorm: $24 (weekly rates too); private single/twin/double: $70.
  • 5 Hostel 109, 109 Carrington St, 61 8 8223-1771. Small, quiet, modern, secure & centrally located. Very clean. Free internet.
  • 6 My Place Adelaide, 257 Waymouth St, 61 8 8221 5299, besplatni: 1800 221 529, . Very clean, good social vibe, free breakfast & free bus to Glenelg beach. BBQ nights, beach volleyball & soccer organised.
  • 7 Plaza Hotel, 85 Hindley St, 61 8 8231-6371, faks: 61 8 8231-2055, . Double $72, single $66.
  • 8 Shakespeare International Hostel, 123 Waymouth St (150m north of Bicycle SA free bike hire & central bus station), 61 8 8231-7655, besplatni: 1800 556 889, faks: 61 8 8211-6867, . Prijava: podne, provjeri: 9:30AM. Good compromise between cleanliness and price, this hostel attracts an eclectic mix of long term residents and tour parties leaving early from the nearby bus station. Has a large lounge for socialising and the kitchen is kept surprisingly clean. Will not store passports safely so, if this is a concern, pay a bit more at the YHA a few doors down.

Srednja klasa

  • 14 Quest Adelaide Central (Quest on King William), 82 King William St, 61 8 8217 5000, faks: 61 8 8217 5050, . Serviced apartments available for short-term or long term rental. 1-bedroom apartments from $145 short-term or $135 for long-term rentals.
  • 15 Mansions on Pulteney (Quest Mansions), 21 Pulteney St, 61 8 8232 0033, faks: 61 8 8223-4559, . Serviced apartments available for short-term or long term rental. Studio apartments $138 short-term, $111 long-term. 1-bedroom apartments from $196 short-term, $158 for long-term rentals.
  • 16 Esplanade Apartments, 80 Seaview Rd West Beach, 61 8 8353 0443, faks: 61 88 356 4478, . 1-bedroom from $75, 2-bedroom from $90.
  • 17 Rydges South Park Adelaide, 1 South Terrace (next to the southern parklands), toll-free: 1300 857 922. Views to the Adelaide Hills and features 97 rooms with 9 spa suites.
  • 18 Oaks Embassy, 96 North Terrace, 61 8 8124 9900, . Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 10:00. In CBD, This property contains a range of apartments with free Wi-Fi,indoor heated swimming pool access, gymnasium and parking facilities.
  • 19 iStay Precinct, 185 Morphett Street, 61 7 3246 1732, . Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 10:00. A collection of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with kitchen and laundry facilities, Jacuzzi, an indoor heated pool, spa, and steam room.
  • 20 Oaks Liberty Towers, 25 Colley Terrace, Glenelg, 61 7 3246 1741, . Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 10:00. This property consists of seaside apartments that are suitable for vacations or business trips. Free Wi-Fi, swimming pool access and gymnasium facilities are available.


Ostati siguran

The Australia-wide emergency number is 000. The ambulance service, fire service and police are available through this number. For non-emergency police assistance, dial 131 444.

Adelaide is considered a safe city, and much more so than other Australian capitals. People should however exercise personal safety, particularly at night.

The city parklands are poorly lit and are best avoided after dark due to the presence of intoxicated people. If you need to cross the parklands to reach the suburbs, stay near the road. Catching a taxi or public transport is recommended at night.

Trains in Adelaide are generally reliable and arrive and depart on schedule. (Buses can be slightly more variable.) There are security guards on all trains after 7PM and many rail services have bus connections available.

At night, police actively patrol the city centre, especially Hindley Street, the latter being where many of the city's nightclubs and bars are. Taxi ranks are near the Adelaide Casino on North Terrace, the Hilton Adelaide Hotel on Victoria Square, and the junction of Rundle Street and Pulteney Street outside the Hungry Jacks fast food outlet. Most regular public transport services end before or at midnight, but special After Midnight bus services operate Saturday night only, travelling from the city to brightly-lit points throughout Adelaide's suburbs.

Ostati zdrav

Adelaide's remote location in the world's driest continent means that all of its drinking water is sourced from the River Murray or local reservoirs. Although the water is perfectly safe to drink, it does make tap water unpalatable to those not used to it and is best drunk filtered.


There is extensive free Wi-Fi access (port 80 only) in the CBD and the airport provided by Internode.

Snaći se


The Consulate for the Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo has closed, therefore the British High Commission in Canberra is the closest.

  • NjemačkaNjemačka, PO Box 90 - Rundle Mall,, 61 8-8224-068. M-F 10AM-1PM strictly by appointment. Honorary consulate only.
  • TajlandTajland, Room 9, 144 South Terrace, 61 8 2311333. M-F 11AM-3PM, except Thai and Australian holidays. Honorary consulate.

Idi dalje

The German settlement of Hahndorf, nestled in the Adelaide Hills, is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.
Autumn colours of Stirling
  • Adelaide Hills, including the Mt Lofty Summit, provides spectacular views of the Adelaide metropolitan area. The Adelaide Hills are a series of villages, each having its own unique character. In particular, the towns of Hahndorf and Stirling are worth visiting.
  • The wine regions of the Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, Dolina Barossa i Clare Valley
  • Otok klokana. Explore the natural environment.
  • Flinders Ranges. Head north to explore the natural beauty and frontier history of the Flinders Ranges and Wilpena Pound
  • Luka Luka, just an hour or so drive south of Adelaide. Granite Island is one of the few places you can see Fairy Penguins in their natural habitat. Visit the nearby surf beaches in Pt Elliot, Middletown and Goolwa.
  • Whispering wall, at the Barossa Reservoir.
  • Yorke Peninsula is a popular holiday destination for Adelaidians, and less touristy than Victor Harbor, with towns dotted along the coast and the rugged Innes National Park at the foot of the peninsula.
  • Alice Springs, 1,500 km of driving. Main stops on the way are Luka Augusta i Coober Pedy. Eventually, heading through the Sjeverni teritorij you will reach the turn off to Uluru.
  • Melbourne, putem Coorong National Park, nakon čega slijedi Limestone Coast and finally the Great Ocean Road before arriving in Melbourne.
  • Eyre Peninsula. Visit the historic town of Port Lincoln where you can see the massive tuna farms as well as going diving with Great White Sharks (in a cage) or swim with the dolphins and the seals.
Routes through Adelaide
Luka AugustaLuka Pirie N Ikona rute Ghan.png E KRAJ
Luka AugustaLuka Pirie W Indijska pacifička ruta icon.png E → Gladstone, PeterboroughSlomljeno brdo
KRAJ W Ikona kopnene rute.png E Murray BridgeMelbourne
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Adelaide ima vodič status. Sadrži niz dobrih, kvalitetnih informacija, uključujući hotele, restorane, atrakcije i detalje o putovanju. Molimo vas da doprinesete i pomognete nam da to napravimo zvijezda !