Aberdeen - Aberdeen

Za ostala mjesta s istim imenom vidi Aberdeen (višeznačna odrednica).
Zauzeti dan ispred Gradske kuće (tj. Gradske vijećnice) u ulici Union

Aberdeen (Škotski galski: Obar Dheathain, Škotski: Aiberdeen) je treći grad po veličini u Škotska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, s gotovo 200 000 stanovnika (2018). To je lučki grad na škotskoj sjeveroistočnoj obali, približno 190 km sjeverno od Edinburgha i 400 km sjeverno od Londona, gdje se rijeke Dee i Don susreću sa Sjevernim morem. Važna je morska luka, regionalno središte i središte naftne industrije Sjevernog mora.

Iako je prema britanskim standardima udaljeno, ovo nije zaostatak; Aberdeen je prosperitetni i kozmopolitski grad (djelomično zbog nafte Sjevernog mora), a karakterizira ga velika i kićena arhitektura. Većina zgrada izgrađena je od granita koji se vadi u gradu i oko njega, a kao rezultat toga, Aberdeen se često naziva Granitni Grad. Poznat je i po brojnim izvanrednim parkovima, vrtovima i cvjetnim izložbama u cijelom gradu te po dugoj pješčanoj plaži. Aberdeen se može pohvaliti naslovom Europska naftna prijestolnica i u nekoliko je anketa izabran za najsretnije mjesto u Britaniji, a anketa iz 2006. godine poziva se na pristup velikim površinama zelenila i duhu zajednice. Pobijedila je u konkurenciji Britanija u Bloomu 10 puta.

Aberdeen ne privlači toliko turista koliko druge škotske destinacije poput Edinburgh ili St. Andrews, i mogu se osjećati autentičnije. To je izvrsno mjesto za zaustavljanje na nekoliko dana u obilasku Škotske, a posebno je dobro kao baza za istraživanje šire regije kako biste iskoristili dvorce, golf, destilerije viskija, krajolik, planine (uključujući skijanje i bordanje) , obala i druge atrakcije u Aberdeenshire i Royal Deeside. Alternativno, Aberdeenova udaljenost, a utjeha i kozmopolitska priroda čine je zanimljivom destinacijom za kratki gradski odmor ako se stvarno želite maknuti od stresa.


Marischal College u ulici Broad, nekada dio Sveučilišta Aberdeen, a sada sjedište gradskog vijeća Aberdeena

Aberdeen je manji od Glasgowu i Edinburgh, ali veći od ostalih škotskih gradova. Prema britanskim, pa čak i škotskim standardima, to je udaljeno i često je predmet "dalekih" šala (najbliži je grad mnogo manji Dundee 70 milja daleko). Unatoč tome, do Aberdeena je iznenađujuće lako doći i moderan je i napredan grad. Britanski posjetitelji često se iznenade kad nađu tako živahan grad toliko sjeverno. Dijelom zbog bogatstva naftom i statusa jedinog velikog regionalnog središta, ima sadržaje mnogo većeg grada. Sve to zajedno daje Aberdeenu zrak samoživosti koji se danas nalazi na nekoliko mjesta u Britaniji.

Aberdeen je jedno od najnaprednijih mjesta u Škotskoj, prvenstveno zbog Nafta sjevernog mora industriji i ima nisku nezaposlenost (2,2% u siječnju 2017.), što dovodi do niske stope kriminala u usporedbi s drugim gradovima Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Imigracija zbog naftne industrije i sveučilišta daje gradu kozmopolitski zrak koji posjetitelje često iznenadi. Na ulicama se čuju jezici iz cijelog svijeta.

Cijena nafte dramatično je pala - sa 125 američkih dolara po barelu (nafta brent) u 2012. na 35 američkih dolara početkom 2016., prije nego što se u rujnu 2018. vratila na 80 američkih dolara. To je deprimiralo Aberdeenovo gospodarstvo, a došlo je i do smanjenja broja radnih mjesta u naftnoj industriji. Trgovine i restorani bili su tiši, a neke cijene hotela smanjene.


Aberdeen ima naizgled slučajni srednjovjekovni izgled uobičajen za gradove u Britaniji. Centar grada podijeljen je kilometrima Ulica Union koja prolazi sjeveroistokom / jugozapadom (nazvana po "uniji" 1800. između Velike Britanije i Irske). Na sjeveroistočnom kraju nalazi se glavni trg - Castlegate - dok vode iz ulice Union važne su ceste kao što su (istok prema zapadu) Broad Street, Shiprow, Market Street, Trg svetog Nikole i Union Terrace. Paralelno s Ulicom Union nalaze se ulica Guild (gdje su željeznička i autobusna stanica) i Upperkirkgate, koja vodi u Schoolhill. Istočno od Castlegatea ceste vode do plaža i more, dok na drugom kraju ulice Union ceste vode do West Enda (gdje živi mnogo milijuna kuna). Neobično je luka je u centru grada i brzo se dolazi iz Shiprow, Market Street, Guild Street i Marischal Street. Rijeka Dee ne teče središtem grada već malo prema jugu. Rijeka Don teče sjevernim dijelom grada, oko tri milje (3,2 km) sjeverno od središta grada.


Krokusi u parku Victoria

Iako je mjesto naseljeno više od 8000 godina, grad se razvio tek u srednjem vijeku. Suvremeni grad formirala su dva naselja koja su rasla zajedno - Stari Aberdeen blizu ušća rijeke Don (u kojemu je Sveučilište dom od 1495. godine) i New Aberdeen, oko 3,2 km (3 km) južno gdje je potok Denburn susreo se s rijekom Dee (Denburn je dugo izgrađen cestom i željeznicom, ali put mu prelazi most u ulici Union).

Velik dio gradskog prosperiteta dolazio je od mora i njegove luke - do sredine 20. stoljeća ribarstvo i trgovačka trgovina bili su oslonac gospodarstva, zajedno s vađenjem granita i rezbarenjem, lokalnom poljoprivredom i proizvodnjom (npr. Papir i platno). Tada su te industrije opale, dok ga je Aberdeenovo mjesto učinilo savršenim kao glavnu bazu za naftu Sjevernog mora. Danas većina ljudi radi za jednu od mnogih tvrtki povezanih s naftom ili poznaje nekoga tko to radi, a ti su poslovi dobro plaćeni. Mnogi rade na moru na sjevernomorskim platformama i putuju u smjeni od otprilike dva tjedna helikopter, koji su upadljivi na gradskom nebu. Međutim, dio stanovništva nije imao koristi od nafte Sjevernog mora i dalje ima siromaštva i siromaštva. Aberdeen ima dva sveučilišta s ukupno 30 000 studenata: Sveučilište Aberdeen, koje je osnovano 1495. godine i jedno je od najstarijih na svijetu; i Sveučilište Robert Gordon (RGU).

Granitne zgrade u Schoolhillu, Aberdeen. Kupolasta zgrada u prvom planu izgrađena je 1901. godine kao škola Aberdeen Academy; danas je u njemu Shopping centar Academy, s trgovinom odjeće Jack Wills ispod kupole.

Tijekom 18., 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća, rastući prosperitet doveo je do velikih građevinskih projekata, uključujući Ulicu Union (od kojih je većina zapravo most) i izgradnju mnogih velikih i okićenih zgrada. Velika arhitektura jedno je od prepoznatljivih obilježja grada, posebno neoklasični, gotički preporod i škotski barunski stilovi. Srednjovjekovne su zgrade bile izrađene od drveta, a nakon nekoliko katastrofalnih požara gradski čelnici odlučili su obnoviti samo kamenu. Lokalni kamen koji su imali u gradu i cijelom Aberdeenshiru bio je granit, koji je korišten za izradu gotovo svih zgrada prije 1960-ih i gradu daje ime "Granitni Grad". Za sunčanog dana granit svjetluca na suncu, premda u "dreich" (sivi i oblačni) dani sive granitne zgrade mogu gradu dati mnogo sumorniju atmosferu.

Kako se tehnologija poboljšavala, granit se mogao obrađivati ​​jeftinije, što bi kasnijim zgradama omogućilo sve više ukrašeno klesanih kamenih zidova poput Koledž Marischal (izgovara se poput "Marshall"). Granit se počeo izvoziti morem, posebno u London gdje su mnoge građevine građene od Aberdeena ili Aberdeenshire granita (npr. fontane na Trafalgar Squareu). Međutim, visoko rezbareni granit i dalje je bio skup i pokazao je uspjeh i status vlasnika, a bočni i stražnji zidovi ostali su u jeftinijem, neobrađenom kamenu kao u Kupka. Mnoge od ovih zgrada (posebno u središtu grada) sada trebaju obnovu i imaju zrak izblijedjele veličine. Zgrade se više ne grade u granitu, ali se i dalje intenzivno koristi kao materijal za oblaganje, a granitna sječka se u velikoj mjeri koristi u betonu modernih zgrada.

Nakon otkrića Nafta sjevernog mora šezdesetih godina grad je iz elegantnog, ali opadajućeg rukavca, ovisnog o ribolovu, prerastao u uspješno središte energetske industrije. Danas, pored sve većeg broja stanovništva, velik broj vozi do Aberdeena iz predgrađa i udaljenih gradova, s gustim prometom u špici. Unatoč tome, neka područja grada zadržavaju dojam sela. Možda su najbolji primjeri toga linija predgrađa koja se protežu prema Royal Deesideu, uključujući Kultove i Petercultera (izgovara se Petercooter).


Johnston Gardens

Dvije lokalne lokalne novine služe Aberdeenu: tabloid Evening Express i to ozbiljniji Press & Journal (Aberdonci ga često nazivaju "P&J", također objavljuje izdanja specifična za druga područja na sjeveru Škotske). Postoji urbana legenda da je Press & Journal jednom objavio naslov, "Aberdeen Man Lost at Sea". Bio je travanj 1912. i priča se odnosila na potonuće rijeke Titanski. Bez obzira je li to istina ili ne, čitanje ovih knjiga može dati zanimljiv kut o razvoju i životu u gradu i okolnim mjestima. Možete ih kupiti u bilo kojoj kiosku s novinama, supermarketu, prodavaonici, uličnom informativnom štandu i drugim mjestima u cijelom gradu.

Aberdeen i sjeveroistok Škotske također se pojavljuju u fantastici. Trio romana Lewisa Grassica Gibonna govori o mladoj ženi Chris Guthrie, koja odrasta i živi na sjeveroistoku Škotske. Prvi, Pjesma zalaska sunca (1932) priča svoju priču o odrastanju u ruralnom području južno od Aberdeena, u vrijeme promjena u društvu i ruralnom načinu života. Pjesma zalaska sunca smatra se jednim od najvažnijih škotskih romana 20. stoljeća, a mnogi su ga Aberdonci proučavali u školi. Ostala djela trilogije su Cloud Howe (1933) i Sivi granit (1934.), u kojima je prikazan njezin život koji se nastavlja u sjeveroistočnom gradu koji može biti ili nije Aberdeen.

Brojni kriminalistički romani škotskog autora Stuarta MacBridea smješteni su u Aberdeen. Njegovi najprodavaniji trileri s detektivom narednikom Loganom McRaeom prikazuju izmišljenu tamniju stranu grada i okolice, ali često se pozivaju na stvarne gradske lokacije. Tu spadaju Hladni granit (2005), Umiruće svjetlo (2006), Slijepo oko (2009) Razbiti kosti (2011), Blizu Kosti (2013) i Nestali i mrtvi (2015). Ovi su romani često istaknuti u izložbama knjižara u gradu. Roman Iain Banks iz 2012. godine Stonemouth (adaptirao BBC u dramsku seriju iz 2015.) prati muškarca koji se vraća u malo mjesto u luci sjeverno od Aberdeena nakon odlaska zbog seksualnog skandala. Ime mu je adaptirano iz Stonehavena, grada nekoliko kilometara južno od Aberdeena, a mnoge scene TV emisije snimane su u Macduffu na sjevernoj obali Aberdeenshirea.

Osim toga, postoji antologija pjesama o Aberdeenu koja se zove Srebro: Aberdeen Antologija (2009) uredili Alan Spence i Hazel Hutchison. Također su pronicljiva razmišljanja povjesničara Iana R. Smitha o svom rodnom gradu i tamošnjem životu, nakon što se odselio, objavljena kao Aberdeen: Iza granita (2010.). Ako vas zanimaju knjige o Aberdeenu ili lokalni pisci, nazovite Waterstorevu knjižaru (Union Street / Trinity Shopping Center) ili WH Smith (u centru St. Nicholas). Svaka trgovina ima odjeljak lokalnog interesa s iznenađujućim nizom relevantnih knjiga o Aberdeenu i životu u gradu. Također, gradska javna Središnja knjižnica na viaduktu Rosemount ima lokalni odjeljak odmah ispred vrata i besplatan je za sve. Najpronicljiviji u vezi s gradskom arhitekturom su Aberdeen: Ilustrirani arhitektonski vodič W. A. ​​Brogdena (4. izdanje, 2012.) i Granitna milja: Priča o Aberdeenovoj ulici Union (2010), između ostalih i Diane Morgan. Objavljen je širok spektar knjiga o povijesti grada, arhitekturi, lokalnom životu i drugim temama.


Klimatska karta (objašnjenje)
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° C
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u mm
Pogledajte petodnevnu prognozu za Aberdeen na BBC Vrijeme
Carska konverzija
Prosječni maks. i min. temperature u ° F
TaloženjeSnijeg ukupno u inčima

Unatoč sjevernoj širini (istoj kao Riga, Göteborg, Juneau, Aljaska i nešto dalje od Moskva), zbog primorskog položaja klima Aberdeena je relativno blaga, iako nekoliko stupnjeva hladnija od većine ostatka Britanije. Suprotno očekivanjima, sunčani dani su česti i kiša ne pada često, ali kad padne, zna biti velika. Vrijeme u Aberdeenu je vrlo loše promjenjiv, sa sunčanim danom koji se može brzo mijenjati u oblačno ili čak kišu (i obrnuto). U drugim vremenima vrijeme može ostati konstantno danima, a promjene su često nepredvidive odijevati slojevito. Na suncu se iznenađujuće zagrije (pogotovo ako je vjetar slab), pa budite spremni i za uklanjanje slojeva. Kišobran obično nije koristan jer kišu često prati jak vjetar koji će pretvoriti vaš kišobran u improvizirano jedro ili ga jednostavno okrenuti iznutra. Tijekom cijele godine morska magla zvala se Haar nerijetko se pojavljuje tijekom večeri ili noći, ali se obično rasipa ujutro. Zagađenje zraka je nisko u usporedbi s ostatkom Velike Britanije.

Ljeti su dani dugački: sredinom ljeta (21. lipnja) zora je oko 03:00, a sumrak oko 23: ₩ 0, dok nautički sumrak traje cijelu noć. Puno je sunčanih dana i iako je često toplo, temperatura rijetko prelazi 25 ° C (77 ° F). Tu su i svježiji ljetni dani. Ovi se sunčani, ali hladni dani povećavaju u proljeće i jesen.

Suprotno tome, zimski su dani kratki s izlaskom sunca krajem prosinca, tek nakon 08:30 i zalaskom oko 15:30. Dani su podjednako često sunčani i oblačni, ali česti su jaki vjetrovi s Sjevernog mora koji mogu osjetiti jaku hladnoću čak i na suncu. Snijeg nije čest i snijeg leži već nekoliko tjedana u većini godina, ali ako ćete zimi biti neko značajno vrijeme u Aberdeenu, uzmite čizme za snijeg ili budite spremni kupiti ih.

Kada krenuti

Najbolje vrijeme je tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Dani su dugi (dosežu 18 sati u ljetnom solsticiju), a većina dana je toplo i sunčano. Granit se svjetluca na suncu i najupečatljiviji je na (iznenađujuće često) plavom nebu koje traje kasno u večer. Većina festivala održava se ljeti, a ujedno je i najbolje vrijeme za posjet atrakcijama u okolnoj regiji. Kasno proljeće i rana jesen također su dobra vremena za posjet. Jesen u Aberdeenu može biti lijepa, posebno u mnogim parkovima i zelenim površinama, ali budite spremni na hladnije vrijeme i vjerojatno prohladne vjetrove. U neparnim godinama (npr. 2021.) izbjegavajte početak rujna, kada div Offshore Europa održava se konvencija o ulju i svaka hotelska soba u regiji rezervira se mjesecima unaprijed, a hoteli naplaćuju iznuđujuće cijene. Zimske mjesece je najbolje izbjegavati ako vas ne zanima skijanje ili snowboarding u planinama. Obično su mračni, hladni i vjetroviti, dok sivi granit može izgledati depresivno u mnogim oblačnim danima, a posjetitelji su manje zanimljivi.


Škotski engleski jezik je svakodnevni. Za razliku od gorja i otoka, škotski galski (izgovara se "galski", a ne "gae-lic") ne govori se široko i rijetko se čuje. Također ćete čuti i druge jezike kojima na ulici govore mnogi Aberdonci koji dolaze iz drugih mjesta, a poljski, ruski, mandarinski i brojni drugi europski jezici često se čuju. Međutim, zove se lokalni dijalekt dorski, o kojem danas uglavnom govore srednjovječni i stariji ljudi te oni iz nižih društvenih slojeva. Dorski isprva može biti zbunjujući od ostalih škotskih dijalekata. To uključuje i izvorne govornike engleskog jezika - iako se škotski naglasci često čuju na TV-u i radiju širom Velike Britanije i drugih mjesta, naglasci s Aberdeena to nisu.

Gallowgate, gleda prema Broad Streetu i kutu koledža Marischal

Ulje u Aberdeenu

Iako je Aberdeen britanski naftni grad i najznačajniji naftni grad u Europi, na zemlji se zapravo ne buši nafta ovdje se niti nafta iz Sjevernog mora izvlači na obalu u Aberdeenu. Umjesto toga, Aberdeen je baza za opskrbu i inženjering naftne industrije Sjevernog mora. Ovo je grad u kojem su sjedište posada, inženjera, tvrtki i tvrtki za naftne platforme i drugih službi. Posade žive ovdje ili u regiji i helikopterom prelaze iz Aberdeena na platforme Sjevernog mora, brodovi za opskrbu pristaju u luci, a ovdje su smještene velike tvrtke za naftne usluge. Postoji ogroman ekosustav naftnih tvrtki, od malih operacija do multinacionalnih kompanija, koje pružaju usluge svih vrsta za naftnu industriju na ugovornoj osnovi. Nafta dolazi na kopno cjevovodima u Sullom Voe na Shetlandu (gdje se utovara u tankere) i u Grangemouthu u Fifeu gdje također postoji rafinerija.

S vremenom brzo shvatite što ljudi misle, što je ionako često jasno iz konteksta. Zapravo, većina ljudi govori standardnim škotskim naglaskom sličnim onom drugdje, što je većini posjetitelja lako razumjeti. Međutim, vjerojatno ćete čuti kako dorski govore neki dok su vani, pogotovo ako putujete taksijem ili autobusom. Malo je mladih ljudi koji to danas govore ili ga mogu razgovarati samo s bliskom obitelji ili drugim Aberdoncima i prebaciti se na standardni škotski engleski kad su u blizini.

Evo nekoliko često korištenih riječi i fraza:

  • "Stane kao?" - Pozdrav, u osnovi, "Zdravo, kako si?".
  • "Nije loše, yersel?" - "Nije loše, ti sam?".
  • "Stane?" - "Što?".
  • "Fa?" - "Who?".
  • "Daleko?" - "Gdje?".
  • "Ventilator?"- "Kada?".
  • "Da" - "Da" (kako se koristi u cijeloj Škotskoj).
  • "Na" - "Ne" (obično, an n zvuk praćen samoglasnikom predstavlja "ne".
  • "Časak" - "Mali", iako je ova poznata dorska riječ postala uobičajena u cijeloj Škotskoj i u drugim dijelovima svijeta.
  • "Dinnae ken / Da ken" - "Ne znam".
  • "Sijeno min" - "Oprostite, gospodine?"
  • "daleko aboot vi fae?" odakle si?
  • "ben a / eh hoose" - "Kroz kuću / u drugoj sobi"
  • "gie" - "dati"
  • "čaj" - može se koristiti u značenju večernjeg obroka, tj. večere, kao i pića.
  • "Foos yer doos?" - Rjeđi način da se kaže "kako si?", U doslovnom prijevodu "kako su tvoji golubovi?". Ispravan dorski odgovor je "aye, peckin awa '".

Ako uljudno predložite da ne razumijete, gotovo svi dorski govornici moći će se prebaciti na standardniji engleski jezik kako bi razgovarali s vama, posebno ako ste izvan Velike Britanije.



Direktni su međunarodni letovi za Aberdeen iz Amsterdama, Belfasta, Bergena, Burgasa, Kopenhagena, Dublina, Esbjerga, Gdanjska, Ženeve, Groningena, Haugesunda, Pariza CDG, Rige, Osla i Stavangera, plus sezonski letovi za Mediteran.

Postoji dobar raspon letova u Velikoj Britaniji, jer je Aberdeen malo udaljen željeznicom. Tu se ubrajaju London Heathrow (s BA), London Gatwick i Luton (s easyJetom), Belfast City, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Durham, Humberside, Kirkwall na Orkneyu, Leeds, Manchester, Norwich, Newcastle, Southampton, Stornoway na Lewisu, Sumburgh na Shetlandu i Wicku. Eastern Airways i dalje leti.

Aberdeen je također središte za transfere do čudnih zvučnih odredišta Apache, Hurricane, Ineos i Nexen. To su imena naftnih i plinskih platformi u Sjevernom moru, koje odavde opslužuje helikopter.

"Dosadio mi je Med, pokušajmo s Ineosom, ili Apacheom, ili Nexenom ...."

1 Međunarodna zračna luka Aberdeen (ABZ IATA) nalazi se u mjestu Dyce, 11 km sjeverozapadno od centra grada. Ovdje postoje pultovi za iznajmljivanje automobila, ali njihova je zaliha ograničena, najbolje rezervirajte unaprijed.

Između zračne luke i centra grada, uzmite autobus. The Jet 727 je veliki plavi autobus s diligenima, koji vozi svakih 10-30 min do glavnog autobusnog kolodvora na trgu Union Square, pored željezničke stanice. Vozi svakodnevno između 04:00 i ponoći, traje 30 min. Početkom 2019. pojedinačna karta košta 3,40 funti, a povratak (dobar 28 dana) košta 5 funti. Autobus 747/757 vozi prema jugu od zračne luke izravno do Stonehavena i Montrosea, te sjeverno do Ellona, ​​a neki autobusi nastavljaju prema Peterheadu.

Dyce ima željezničku postaju, ali to je pogrešna strana piste od terminala, 45 minuta hoda bez javnog prijevoza. Tamo biste mogli uzeti taksi - to biste učinili samo da pokupite vlak prema sjeveru, a da ne uđete u središte grada. Vlakovi od Aberdeena do Invernessa zaustavljaju se na Dyce, Inverurie, Insch, Huntly, Keithu, Forresu i Nairnu.

Taksi do grada koštat će oko 20 funti.


Wikivoyage ima vodič za Putovanje željeznicom u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.

Aberdeen vozi vlakove na sat iz Edinburgha i ulice Glasgow Queen Street, oba traje 2 sata i 30 minuta, putem Dundeeja. Iz Engleske se obično brže presjedne u Edinburghu, ali ima nekoliko direktnih dnevnih vlakova iz London King's Cross (preko Peterborougha, Yorka i Newcastlea) uzimanje 7 sati. Isto tako iz Midlandsa, s dva ili tri vlaka koji se vijugaju sve od Penzancea preko Exetera, Bristola, Birminghama, Sheffielda, Leedsa, Yorka, Newcastlea i Edinburgha. Vlakovi također voze od Invernessa do Aberdeena svakih nekoliko sati, što traje oko 2 sata.

Pruga Dundee-Aberdeen bila je zatvorena 12 tjedana nakon klizišta i ozbiljne željezničke nesreće u blizini Stonehavena 12. kolovoza 2020, ali je ponovno otvorena u studenom.

The Spavač kaledonskog gorja pokreće Su-F iz London Euston, polazak oko 21:30 i dolazak do 07:40. (Ostali dijelovi vode do Invernessa i Fort Williama; dijele se ili se spajaju u Edinburghu.) Vlak prema jugu kreće oko 21:30 do Eustana prema 08:00. U subotu navečer nema vlakova. Novo vozno vozilo uvedeno je na svim rutama za spavanje 2019. Odjeljci imaju dva ležaja i prodaju se poput hotelskih soba: plaćate dodatno za jednokrevetnu sobu i nećete dijeliti s nepoznatom osobom. Ulaznice se mogu rezervirati na bilo kojoj željezničkoj stanici u Velikoj Britaniji ili putem interneta: cijena karte za jednu osobu iznosi oko 160 funti za jednu osobu ili 200 funti za dvije osobe. Također možete koristiti samo sjedeći salon, pojedinačnih 50 GBP. Ako imate postojeću kartu za dnevni vlak, morate kupiti dodatak za spavanje. Cijene su dinamične - vikendi koštaju više, ako doista postoje vezovi. Rezervacija je otvorena 12 mjeseci unaprijed: trebate isprintati svoju e-kartu kako biste je predstavili na ukrcaju.

2 Željeznička stanica Aberdeen nalazi se u centru grada u ulici Guild, jedan blok od ulice Union, u neposrednoj blizini autobusnog kolodvora i trajektnog terminala. Postoji Putnički centar (MF 06: 30-21: 30, Sa 06: 30-19: 00, Su 09: 00-21: 30), prostor za prtljagu (M-Sa 07: 30-21: 30, Su 09: 00-21: 00), automati za prodaju karata, bankomati, trgovina WH Smith koja prodaje knjige, časopise i grickalice, kafić i toaleti. Puno više trgovina i brze hrane u susjednom maloprodajnom kompleksu Union Square.


Autobusi iz London Victoria uzeti oko 13 sati; pokupe se na srednjim točkama, na primjer, u Manchesteru, ali rute se razlikuju. Megabus ima dva izravna autobusa dnevno i tri s presjedanjem (od toga dva preko noći). National Express ima jedan dnevni i jedan direktni autobus preko noći, svakodnevno.

Autobusi iz Edinburgha trebaju 3 sata, sve preko Dundeeja, ali zaobilazeći Perth. Megabus G92 vozi četiri puta M-Sa, tri puta u nedjelju. Škotski Citylink također ima nekih pola tuceta autobusa, pa je to usluga po satu.

Autobusi iz Glasgowa također trebaju 3 sata. Megabus G9 ima šest autobusa dnevno, uglavnom zaobilazeći Perth i Dundee. Škotski Citylink trči gotovo svaki sat i poslužuje Perth i Dundee.

Iz Invernessa autobusom za diverzije 10. U subotu samo ovo vozi satno izravno do Aberdeena, uzimajući četiri sata. Ostalim danima vozi se samo do Inverurie, da bi se povezao autobusom 37 do Aberdeena. Postoje 3 usluge povezivanja M-F i jedna u nedjelju.

Autobusi s diližansima navijaju iz Aberdeena po cijeloj županiji, pogledajte pojedinosti gradova "Uđite".3 Autobusni kolodvor Aberdeen nalazi se na Guild St, Union Square, pored željezničke stanice. Tako možete koristiti sve tamošnje sadržaje, na pr. prtljažnik.


Most na Deeu vodi glavnu cestu u grad s juga.

Glavna cesta za Aberdeen s juga je A90, koja vodi od Edinburgha preko novog Queen's Crossinga (zamjenjuje Forth Road Bridge), preko Fife da zaobiđe Perth i Dundee, u unutrašnjosti do Forfara, a zatim Stonehavena, a zatim skrene na A92 za posljednju dionicu u Aberdeen. Dvostruki je put do Dundeeja, nakon toga promjenjiv, s nižim ograničenjima brzine i mnogim kamerama za brzinu na dijelu Dundee. Računajte 3 sata iz Edinburgha i 3 sata 30 iz Glasgowa.

U veljači 2019. A90 je preusmjeren iz Aberdeena, otvaranjem "Aberdeen Western Peripheral Road" radi rasterećenja zagušenog A92. Još nekoliko mjeseci očekujte kvarove na putokazima i uputama za Satnav.

Druga ruta s juga je da se A93 krene sjeverno od Pertha preko Glensheea do Braemara, Balmorala i doline Dee. Ljeti je slikovito, ali zimi često teško, kad odjeljak Glenshee može zatvoriti snijeg.

Sa sjeverozapada krenite A96 preko zračne luke u Dyceu. Računajte do četiri sata od Invernessa, jer je to jednosmjerni kolovoz i opslužuje prigradska sela kojima nedostaje javni prijevoz, pa je promet u gužvi gust.


Od centra grada do Orkneya i Shetlanda

Luka Aberdeen nalazi se u samom centru grada, otprilike prvo što vidite prilikom napuštanja autobusne stanice. Trajektni terminal nalazi se uz Market Street, pored ulaza u parkiralište Union St.

NorthLink automobilski trajekti plove preko noći, tijekom cijele godine, do Lerwick na Shetlandskim otocima. Tri ili četiri noći u tjednu polaze u 17:00 i također pozivaju u Kirkwall na putu do kopna Orkney; ostale noći polaze u 19:00 i non-stop plove za Lerwick. (Nikad ne zovu na malom putu Fair Isle, do koje se dolazi preko Shetlanda.) Za praktičnost korištenja ovih trajekata vidi Shetlandski otoci # Getin i Kirkwall # Getin.

Ljeti brodovi za krstarenje često navrate u luku. Provjerite internetske stranice operatora da biste vidjeli je li putovanje od točke do točke do Aberdeena izvedivo.

Zaobiđi se

57 ° 9′0 ″ S 2 ° 6′0 ″ Z
Karta Aberdeena

Castlegate je glavni gradski javni trg. Na istočnom je kraju ulice Union.
High Street u Old Aberdeenu, u srcu kampusa King's Collegea Sveučilišta Aberdeen, viđenog 1980-ih. Današnja scena, osim automobila, nepromijenjena je.


Pješačenje je izvrstan način za kretanje po Aberdeenu, posebno oko središnjih područja, jer je središte grada relativno kompaktno. Šetnja je ujedno i najbolji način da se cijeni velika arhitektura grada. Međutim, grad nije da mali (npr. Ulica Union duga je jednu milju), pa će za putovanja izvan središta grada možda biti koristan prijevoz na kotačima.

Aberdeen ima srednjovjekovni izgled kao i mnogi gradovi u Velikoj Britaniji, pa je karta za prvi posjetitelj korisna. Nema ih malo na natpisima oko središta grada, uglavnom u zanimljivim točkama (npr. Castlegate). Međutim, vrlo je korisno imati kartu grada koju nosite sa sobom. Karte možete kupiti u Turističkom informativnom centru na uglu ulice Union i Shiprow ili u gradskim knjižarama.


Kazalište Njegovog Veličanstva, gledano iz vrtova Union Terrace

Većinom gradskih autobusa upravlja Prvo Aberdeen. Platite pri ulasku gotovinom (bez promjene), beskontaktnom bankovnom karticom, telefonskom aplikacijom ili pametnom karticom "Grasshopper". Paušalna cijena u gotovini iznosi 2,50 £ za odrasle, dijete 1,10 £; telefon i Grasshopper jeftiniji su posebno za više ulaznica. Skakavice kupite u Putničkom centru u ulici Union (M-Sa 09: 00-17: 00) ili u trgovinama s prodajnim mjestima Paypoint.

Korisne rute su autobusi 1 i 2 sa Sveučilišta Robert Gordon na jugu, transportnog čvorišta Union Square i sjeverno prema King St do Donjeg mosta, Old Aberdeeina i Sveučilišta Aberdeen.

Diližanin vozi autobuse do drugih gradova diljem Aberdeenshirea, pogledajte opcije "Uđi" za svaki grad; to su ponekad bolje za prijevoz po rubnim dijelovima grada.


Taksiji su široko dostupni iz niza rangiranih oko središta grada. Glavni redovi nalaze se u ulici Back Wynd (tik do centralne ulice Union), ulici Hadden (tik do ulice Market) i unutar željezničke stanice. Postoji još jedan u ulici Chapel (na zapadnom kraju ulice Union). Većina taksista u Aberdeenu više su salonski automobili ili prijevoznici ljudi, a ne crne kabine u londonskom stilu i mogu biti bilo koje boje. Taksiji i njihovi vozači moraju biti registrirani u Gradskom vijeću i nositi službenu registracijsku oznaku taksija (obično na poleđini). Također možete pozvati taksi da vas preuzme s bilo koje adrese; dok postoje razne tvrtke, glavne su ComCab na 44 1224 35 35 35 i Rainbow City na 44 1224 87 87 87.

Taksi je najpopularniji način za povratak kući iz noćnog provoda, pa ih noću može teže doći. Po padu mraka mogu se zaposliti samo na određenim mjestima u ulici Union - oni se sastoje od okomitog stuba s osvijetljenim natpisima "Noćni taksi". Vjerojatno ćete ih primijetiti po redu čekanja na svakom štandu Noćnog taksija. U prometnim vikendima, budite spremni na duge redove čekanja među pijanim veseljacima, kada tim redovima često patroliraju taksi maršale. Noću može biti teško pozdraviti taksi na ulici, jer mnogi ne daju naznake mogu li se unajmiti, a neki neće pokupiti grupe muškaraca. Cijene taksija za Aberdeen su visoke, ali uvijek idu prema cijeni brojila i regulira ih gradsko vijeće Aberdeena.


Zbog mnogih uskih cesta i neadekvatnih odredbi o trakama, to ponekad može biti prilično podmuklo. Pojavljuju se (ali se često dijele s autobusima) biciklističke staze, kao i biciklističke "kutije" na semaforima, pa je situacija bolja za one koji voze bicikl. Sve je lakše i parkirati bicikl, gradsko vijeće sada je osiguralo petlje za lance bicikala unutar ulica u središtu grada (npr. U ulici Shiprow i Castle Castle) i unutar parkirališta na više etaža. Gradsko vijeće Aberdeena ima web stranicu s informacijama o biciklizmu u gradu, dok Forum o ciklusu u Aberdeenu - dobrovoljna skupina koja potiče i razvija biciklizam unutar Aberdeena - izradili su biciklističke karte za grad. Oni se mogu preuzeti s biciklističke web stranice Gradskog vijeća (vidi gore) ili dobiti iz javnih knjižnica u gradskim uredima ili uredima vijeća (poput Marischal College u Broad Streetu).

Od središta grada Aberdeena do biciklističkog predgrađa Peterculter moguće je voziti biciklom trasom Stare željezničke pruge Deeside. "Linija" započinje neposredno ispred parka Duthie i prolazi kroz Garthdee, Cults, Bieldside i Milltimber prije nego što završi na kolodvoru Road. Uglavnom je popločano s nekoliko stanki gdje morate prijeći cestu. Ruta je vrlo slikovita i opuštajuća, a koriste je i ljudi koji šetaju pse, jašu konje, drugi biciklisti i drugi ljudi koji samo uživaju u šetnji, pa je ljubaznost nužna. Uz liniju su postavljeni znakovi s dijelovima povijesti o liniji i kako je nastala.


Granitne zgrade u ulici Union
Vrtovi Union Terrace - javni park u centru grada
High Street, Old Aberdeen, gdje Sveučilište Aberdeen ima svoj glavni kampus
  • Granitna arhitektura. Granitne zgrade Aberdeena čine jedan od najslavnijih gradskih pejzaža u Britaniji, s lijepim i arhitektonski značajnim zgradama svugdje, posebno u središtu grada. Međutim, neke (posebno u ulici Union i ulicama u blizini) sada trebaju obnova, baš kao i Novi grad Edinburgha bilo prije njegove obnove krajem 20. stoljeća. Kao takve, mnoge velike granitne zgrade u središtu grada imaju osjećaj izblijedjele veličine, iako su neke (poput Marischal College - vidi dolje) dramatično obnovljene. Članak na Wikipediji o Arhitektura u Aberdeenu daje dobar uvod w: Arhitektura Aberdeena ali evo nekoliko kako biste započeli dok šetate središtem grada. Novoobnovljeni Koledž Marischal u Broad Streetu prikazuje ono što je pjesnik John Betjeman nazvao "toranj na tornju, šume vrhova, skupina palačkih zgrada kojima su rivali samo domovi parlamenta u Westminsteru". Zatim isprobajte Gradska kuća (tj. gradska vijećnica) u ulici Union, sa svojim samouvjerenim viktorijanskim tornjem i uličnim pročeljem. The Citadela vojske spasa na Castlegateu izvrstan je primjer škotskog barunskog stila, sa svojim bajkovitim kupolama, dok je šetala gore (i dolje) Ulica Union with its mile of impressive granite buildings is a must. As you walk along Union Street, look up; the architecture is often not visible from street-level. Unlike other grand streets in the UK (such as Grey Street in Newcastle or the Royal Crescent in Kupka), but like Princes Street in Edinburgh, each building on Union Street is different to the next in stature and architectural style. You will see a wide range of architectural styles, from highly ornamented to robust and Scottish-looking. Then, on Rosemount Viaduct, the cluster of His Majesty's Theatre, St. Mark's Church and the Central Library form a widely praised trio. City bookstores and the Central Library carry books about Aberdeen's architecture, such as Aberdeen: An Illustrated Architectural Guide by W. A. Brogden (2012, 4th ed.) and The Granite Mile by Diane Morgan (2008) on the architecture of Union Street.
Triple Kirks, seen across Union Terrace Gardens
  • 1 Union Terrace Gardens. Closed for most of 2020 for redevelopment. A small city-centre park on one side of Union Terrace, just off Union Street. A small river, the Denburn, used to flow past here but is now covered by the railway line. Union Terrace Gardens is a rare haven of tranquility, greenery and natural beauty in the city-centre. In summer look out for the floral coat of arms, and in warm weather citizens sunbathe and picnic on the lawns. All year round, from the gardens you can appreciate some of the grand architecture on Union Terrace and Rosemount Viaduct. In winter, the park is beautiful in the snow. In 2011-12 the park was threatened with demolition to build a heavily-engineered "City Garden" as a new civic heart for the city, sponsored by local oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood who offered £50 million of his own money to part-finance the scheme. The project was extremely controversial but citizens voted narrowly in favour of the redevelopment in a referendum. However, following the 2012 elections to the city council the new city administration scrapped the controversial project. New plans were approved in 2018, and work started in late 2019. Entrance free. Vrtovi Union Terrace (Q7886155) na Wikipodacima Vrtovi Union Terrace na Wikipediji
  • 2 Aberdeen Beach. Aberdeen's long sandy beach once made it something of a holiday resort, advertised by railway travel posters (that you may see at the Tourist Information Centre on Union Street). The beach stretches from picturesque Footdee (see below) at one end to the mouth of the River Don over 2 miles (3.2 km) north. While it's rarely hot enough for sunbathing and the North Sea is cold all year round, it's a fantastic place for a jog or a bracing walk. Surfers and windsurfers are also frequently to be found there. On sunny days, the beach is a popular place to spend time and one of the best spots in the city for a romantic walk. Amenities at the southern end include an amusement park, ice arena, leisure centre and leisure park with restaurants and cinema. Aberdeen Beach i Queens Links (Q4666890) na Wikipodacima Aberdeen Beach i Queens Poveznice na Wikipediji
  • 3 Footdee (usually pronounced "Fitty"). A former fishing village absorbed by the city, in the streets around Pocra Quay. It is at what was once the foot of the River Dee (hence the name) before the course of the river was artificially diverted to improve the harbour. This area is a laid-back cluster of traditional, small, quaint houses and quirky outhouses, and the area was specially constructed in the 19th century to house a fishing community. Footdee sits at the harbour mouth, where dolphins can often be seen. Footdee (Q3747847) na Wikipodacima Footdee na Wikipediji
  • 4 Old Aberdeen. The quaintest part of the city and location of the University of Aberdeen's King's College Campus, along the High Street and the streets leading off it, with modern university buildings further from it. The Chapel and Crown Tower at Kings College date from the 16th century (the tower is a symbol of the city and of the university), while many of the other houses and buildings on the High Street and nearby are centuries old. The university's Kings Museum (M-F 09:00-17:00, free) a little way up the High Street puts on rotating displays from the university's collections. Novi University Library (looks like a glass cube with zebra stripes) has a gallery space open every day with rotating exhibitions (free; check website for opening times), and you can explore the library (it's open to the public) which has outstanding views of the whole city and sea from the upper floors. The Old Town House at the top of the High Street (looks like it's in the middle of the roadway) has a visitor centre with leaflets on the area's heritage and rotating exhibitions. You can also explore the scenic and serene Cruickshank Botanic Garden which belongs to the university and is used for teaching and research, and is open to the public. U blizini St. Machar's Cathedral on the Chanonry (a continuation of the High Street) with its two spires, was completed in 1530 and is steeped in history and worth a visit (Aberdeen has three cathedrals, all named after saints). As it is part of the Protestant Church of Scotland, it does not actually function as a cathedral but is always called this. To get to Old Aberdeen, bus route No.20 from Broad Street takes you right there - get off at the High Street. Alternatively take No.1 or No.2 from Union Street and get off on King Street at the university campus (by the playing fields). Stari Aberdeen (Q3350171) na Wikipodacima Stari Aberdeen na Wikipediji
  • 5 Zimski vrtovi (At Duthie Park), 44 1224 585310. Daily 09:30 to 16:30 (Nov-Mar), 17:30 (April, Sep-Oct) or 19:30 (May-Aug). The David Welch Winter Gardens are one of the most popular gardens in Scotland and one of the largest indoor gardens in Europe. Consisting of a variety of glasshouses, they house a wide range of tropical and exotic plants, many of them rare. The frog that rises out of the pond is also amusing, and the Japanese Garden (one of the few exterior spaces) is tranquil. The entrances to Duthie Park are at the end of Polmuir Road in Ferryhill (AB11 7TH) or at Riverside Drive just after the railway bridge (this entrance also has a free car park), and you can walk through the park to the Winter Gardens. Duthie Park has benefitted from a £5 million renovation to restore it to its Victorian glory. Admission free. Duthie Park (Q5317515) na Wikipodacima Duthie Park na Wikipediji
  • 6 Johnston Gardens, Viewfield Road (To get there, take bus route No.16 from Union Street, or a taxi.). Daily 0:00 until an hour before dusk. This 1-ha park in a middle-class suburb is one of the most spectacular in Scotland. Packed with dramatic floral displays, it also has a stream, waterfalls, ponds and rockeries. Many have suggested that Aberdeen won the Britain in Bloom award so many times on the basis of this park alone. The pond has ducks, there is a children's play area, and also toilets are provided. Entrance free. Johnston Gardens (Q6268637) na Wikipodacima Johnston Gardens na Wikipediji
  • 7 Hazlehead Park (off Queens Road, on the western edge of the city). 08:00 until an hour before dusk. Large 180-hectare park on land granted to the city by King Robert the Bruce in 1319. Gardens include the Queen Mother Rose Garden, and the North Sea Memorial Garden to remember the 167 people killed on the Piper Alpha oilrig in 1988. Get lost in the hedge maze then have a cuppa in the cafe. Pay a £3 admission charge to see a collection of domestic and farm animals in the Kutak za kućne ljubimce. besplatno. Park Hazlehead (Q5688307) na Wikipodacima Park Hazlehead na Wikipediji

Muzeji i galerije

Many city museums and galleries are closed on Mondays, though the King's Museum at the University of Aberdeen is open as are other attractions.

Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Shiprow
  • 8 Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Shiprow, 44 1224 337700, . Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su 12:00-15:00. This museum, rated 5-star by the Scottish Tourist Board, tells the story of Aberdeen's relationship with the sea, from fishing to trade to North Sea oil. It offers an extraordinary insight into the mechanics and technology of ships and oil rigs, Aberdeen's rich maritime history and the lives of some of the people who have worked offshore in the North Sea for the past 500 years. The newest part of the complex is a blue, glass-fronted building on the cobbled Shiprow. Inside is a spiral walkway, rising upwards around an eye-catching model of an oil rig. Connected to this structure are the much older buildings which take visitors through a series of castle-style corridors and staircases to reach the numerous room sets, historical artefacts and scale models. If your time in Aberdeen is limited, go and see this. There is so much to see, and even the buildings themselves are worth a look. There is also a restaurant - slightly expensive, but the food is pretty good. There are excellent views of the harbour from the top floor. Admission free. Pomorski muzej Aberdeen (Q4666952) na Wikipodacima Pomorski muzej Aberdeen na Wikipediji
Aberdeen Art Gallery, constructed of pink granite.
Inside the Aberdeen Art Gallery. The columns showcase the different varieties of granite quarried in the region and used to build the city, and around the UK and worldwide.
  • 9 Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill, 44 1224 523700, . Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su 14:00-17:00. The Aberdeen Art Gallery is set in a Victorian building with an exquisite marble and granite main hall. On the ground floor are housed modern works including pieces by Tracy Emin and Gilbert & George, with many others. Upstairs hang more traditional paintings and sculpture. These include Impressionist pieces and workandy the Scottish Colourists. There are frequent temporary exhibitions (see website) and also display of antique silverware and decorative pieces. Columns in the main hall display the many different colours of local granite used to build the city. There is a good gift shop too. For those who like art, an afternoon could easily be spent here, but at least a quick browse is well worth it for anyone. Admission free. Umjetnička galerija Aberdeen (Q4666883) na Wikipodacima Umjetnička galerija Aberdeen na Wikipediji
  • 10 The Gordon Highlanders Museum, St. Lukes Viewfield Road (Bus 11 from Union St.), 44 1224 311200, . Feb-Nov: Tu-Sa 10:30-16:30, Su 13:30-16:30. At the Gordon Highlanders Museum you can re-live the compelling and dramatic story of one of the British Army's most famous regiments, through the lives of its outstanding personalities and of the kilted soldiers of the North East of Scotland who filled its ranks. Exhibits include a real Nazi flag from Hitler's staff car, and there is a small cinema where you can watch a film on the history of the regiment. For the younger visitors there are a number of uniforms to try on, and there is also a coffee shop. There are some mock-up first world war trenches. The museum is housed in the home of the victorian artist Sir George Reid, and has a large garden. For those interested in military history this small gem is a must. Adults: £8.00, children: £4.50. Muzej Gordon Highlanders (Q5585284) na Wikipodacima Muzej Gordon Highlanders na Wikipediji
  • 11 Provost Skene's House, 44 1224 641086. Zatvoreno, expected to reopen in 2020.. Guestrow (walk under passageway at St. Nicholas House on Broad Street and it's in the little plaza there). Scottish towns and cities have a "provost" instead of a mayor and this house used to belong to Provost George Skene. The large, picturesque house dates from 1545 (it's the oldest house left in the city) and houses various rooms furnished to show how people in Aberdeen lived in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. There is an excellent cafe in the cellar. Admission free. Provost Skene (Q7252817) na Wikipodacima Provost Skene na Wikipediji
  • 12 Tolbooth Museum, Castle Street (i.e. the eastern part of Union Street, before it enters the Castlegate square.)., 44 1224 621167. M-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su 12:00-15:00. This is Aberdeen's museum of civic history; it is now open every day (though in the past it opened only in summer). In Scottish towns and cities, a "tolbooth" was the main municipal building or Town Hall, providing council meeting space, a courthouse and jail. Aberdeen's Tolbooth Museum is in a 17th-century tolbooth which had housed jail cells in centuries past, and played a key role in the city's history, including the Jacobite rebellions. The museum has fascinating displays on crime and punishment, and on the history of the city. The entrance is at the Town House (the modern equivalent of the Tolbooth!), just along from the Sheriff Court entrance and next to the bus stop. Due to the ancient nature of the building, the Tolbooth has limited access for visitors with mobility difficulties. Besplatno. Tolbooth, Aberdeen (Q7769509) na Wikipodacima The Tolbooth, Aberdeen na Wikipediji
  • 13 Kings Museum, . M W-F 10:00-16:00, Tu 10:00-19:30, Sa 11:00-16:00. At the University of Aberdeen's King's College campus, High Street, Old Aberdeen (from city centre, take bus 20 from Broad Street) The University of Aberdeen holds extensive collections of artifacts from a variety of cultures around the world. In the past, it displayed them in the Marischal Museum at Marischal College, but this closed during its redevelopment as the City Council's main offices, and the university has shown no intention to re-open it. Its replacement is the King's Museu on campus. This museum is on the High Street (in the middle of the King's College campus) in a building which served as the Town House (i.e. town hall) of Old Aberdeen when it was a separate town. The museum puts on rotating exhibitions drawn from these collections, often with a focus on archaeology and anthropology. Frequently, students and university staff contribute to events at the museum to add extra insight or bring the artifacts to life and there are evening lectures. While on campus, you can also visit the gallery at the university's impressive new Sir Duncan Rice Library (which looks like a zebra-striped tower that you'll see from all over campus), which puts on rotating exhibitions from the university's other collections. Its small public gallery on the ground floor shows changing exhibitions from the university's collections. While there, ask at the reception desk to go into the main library (it's open to the public but they have to give you a pass for the turnstile) and take the lift to Level 7. You can admire views of the sea and almost the entire city, including a quiet reading room with panoramic sea views - can you spot the lighthouse? Admission free (to both the museum and library). King's Museum (Q6411024) na Wikipodacima King's Museum na Wikipediji
  • 14 Zoology Museum (at University of Aberdeen), Zoology Building, St. Machar Drive (in the university's Zoology Building, which towers over the Botanic Gardens: take bus No.20 from city centre and get off at the end of the High Street, and walk through the Gardens to reach it, or take bus No.19 and get off just outside it), 44 1224 274330, . M-F 09:00-17:00. This museum is on campus, on the ground floor of the university's Zoology Department. It has a big collection of zoological specimens, from protozoa to the great whales. Exhibits include taxidermy, skeletons, skins, fluid-preserved specimens and models. Besplatno.
  • Castles within an hour or two's drive from Aberdeen are Dunottar Castle at Stonehaven, Crathes, Craigevar and Drum castles around Banchory, and Balmoral above Ballater.


The Robert Gordon University's Administration Building on Schoolhill, next to the Art Gallery. It was constructed around 1885 as Gray's School of Art, then converted to administrative use in the 1960s when the Art School moved to the Garthdee campus.
  • 1 Belmont Filmhouse, 49 Belmont Street (city centre, just off Union Street, about half-way along the street), 44 1224 343 500. Arthouse, foreign and selected mainstream films are shown here every day, in a historic building on Belmont Street. Films in languages other than English are subtitled. An adult ticket costs £10.00 (£8.50 for matinees) and child tickets cost £4.00. Tickets can be booked online or in person.
  • 2 Satrosphere Science Centre (Aberdeen Science Centre), The Tramsheds, 179 Constitution Street, AB24 5TU, 44 1224 640340. Daily 10:00-17:00. The Satrosphere Science Centre was Scotland’s first science and discovery centre, first opened to the public in 1988. The centre has over 50 hands-on interactive exhibits and live science shows, which inspire your inner scientist and entertain the whole family. It is a great place for children, and is in what used to be the main depot for the city's tram system. Adults £5.75, children £4.50, family of four (including 1 or 2 adults) £17.00.
  • 3 Aberdeen Harbour Cruises, Eurolink Pontoon next to Fish Market, Aberdeen Harbour (Enter harbour from Market Street; no parking here, use Union Square). Apr-Oct. Tours include harbour trips, spotting sea-life (dolphins, basking sharks, porpoises, puffins), and a ride out to the offshore wind farm.
  • 4 Scotstown Moor Local Nature Reserve. 34 hectares of lowland heath Scotstown Moor (Q7435813) na Wikipodacima Scotstown Moor na Wikipediji


Johnston Gardens, Aberdeen
  • Aberdeen Jazz Festival. Held in March, it showcases live jazz performances from around the world at several city venues. The next event is probably 11–21 March 2021, tbc.
  • May Festival. Held around the late May public holiday, organised by the University of Aberdeen but staged at various venues. It covers science, music, literature, film, Gaelic, sport, food and nutrition, and is suitable for all ages. It didn't run in 2020 and dates for 2021 are tba.
  • Aberdeen Highland Games, Hazelhead Park. The 2020 event was cancelled so the next is probably Sun 20 June 2021, tbc.. £10, advance discount.
  • 5 Newhills Bowling Club, Waterton Rd, AB21 9HS (From A947, turn onto Stoneywood Rd.), 44 1224 714825. Lawn bowls.


  • Watch football at6 Aberdeen FC, Pittodrie Street, Aberdeen AB24 5QH (just north of Trinity cemetery), 44 1224 650400. The "Dons" play in the Scottish Premiership, the top tier of Scottish soccer. Their home ground of Pittodrie is an all-seater stadium, capacity 20,000. It's a mile north of the centre, walk up Park Rd or take any bus up King St.
  • The city's other soccer team is Uvala Rangers. They were promoted in 2020 and play in Scottish League One, the third tier. Their home ground is Balmoral Stadium, capacity 2600, in Cove Bay two miles south of city centre.
  • Sportovi na vodi, Aberdeen Beach, 44 1224 581313. Aberdeen's long beach is ideal for water sports such as surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing. The Aberdeen Waterports store at 35 Waterloo Quay, AB11 5BS stocks equipment for diving and also offers training in Scuba diving
  • Dry-slope skiing and snowboarding (Aberdeen Snowsports Centre), Garthdee Road, AB10 7BA, 44 1224 810215. M-F 10:00-20:00, Sa Su 10:00-16:00. This dry slope includes a large Alpine run, a Dendex run, and a nursery slope. Individual and group tuition in skiing and snowboarding is available, and all equipment can be hired. If you meet a certain minimum standard (i.e. can control your speed, link turns and use uplifts), there are open public sessions every day; check website for timetable.
  • Ice skating/Ice Hockey (Linx Ice Arena), Beach Promenade, AB24 5NR (On the seafront next to the Beach Leisure Centre), 44 1224 655406. Check website for public opening times as also used for training by professional skaters. The Linx Ice Arena is one of Scotland's most important ice rinks, opened in 1992. It is open every day except Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Facilities include a national-sized ice pad measuring 56m x 26m, with a cafeteria open on Thursday and Friday evenings and weekends. Including skate hire: adults £7.45, children £5.30 (discount for bringing own skates).

Theatre and concerts

For plays, shows and live music, there are four main city-owned venues in Aberdeen, each providing a distinct and atmospheric setting for performances. You can book tickets and get a guide to what's on at these city-run venues from Aberdeen Performing Arts. They run the Aberdeen Box Office which sells tickets for all these venues plus some others; it is on Union Street next to the Music Hall.

  • 7 His Majesty's Theatre. On Rosemount Viaduct plays host to a wide range of plays and musicals, including major touring productions and local commissions. There is also an excellent restaurant in a modern extension to the building. If you are in the city over the Christmas period with children, a trip to a showing of the annual pantomime is a must! Kazalište Njegovog Veličanstva (Q11838966) na Wikipodacima Kazalište Njegovog Veličanstva na Wikipediji
  • 8 The Music Hall. On Union Street opened as the Assembly Rooms in 1822. Today it provides an elegant setting for classical music, popular music, stand-up comedy and other performances. Glazbena dvorana Aberdeen (Q15260398) na Wikipodacima Music Hall Aberdeen na Wikipediji
  • 9 The Lemon Tree. Once regarded as a "fringe" venue, and still the launching platform for many alternative acts, the sheer variety of talent on display (blues, rock, comedy and dance) rivals that of the three venues above. The interesting location creates a great atmosphere, and is one of the main venues for the annual International Jazz Festival (see above).
  • 10 P&J Live Event Complex, East Burn Road, Stoneywood, AB21 9FX (near te airport), 44 1224 824 824. Exhibition and events venue which opened in 2019, replacing the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre. The biennial Offshore Europe exhibition, held in early September of odd years, is the biggest event. P&J Live (Q68438367) na Wikipodacima P&J Live na Wikipediji


Royal Aberdeen Golf Clubhouse

Scotland is the country that gave birth to golf, and excellent courses are provided not only for citizens by the City Council but by various private organisations. The Royal Aberdeen golf course was founded in 1790 and is the sixth oldest in the world, and the Royal Deeside course in the River Dee's valley are both excellent. You can also play golf at a number of public golf courses in the city, most notably at Hazlehead Park which has two 18-hole courses and at Queen's Links by the Beach (entrance on Golf Road).

  • Deeside Golf Club, Golf Road, Bieldside, AB15 9DL (Take A93 south-west from city centre), 44 1224 869457, . This prestigious private course about 5 miles (8 km) outside the city was founded in 1903 but in the past few years has had major reconstruction work and is highly regarded. Set close to the valley of the River Dee, there are great views of the river and nearby forests.
  • 11 Royal Aberdeen Golf Course, Links Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8AT (From city centre, drive north up King Street and take the 2nd right after crossing the bridge over the River Don, or bus No. 1 or 2), 44 1224 702571. The Royal Aberdeen operates a celebrated links just north of the mouth of the River Don. The course runs essentially out and back along the North Sea shore. The outward nine (which is acknowledged as one of the finest in links golf anywhere in the world) cuts its way through some wonderful dune formation. The inland nine returns south over the flatter plateau. A traditional old Scottish links, it is well-bunkered with undulating fairways. It has an excellent balance of holes, strong par 4's, tricky par 3's and two classic par 5's, with the 8th (signature hole) protected by nine bunkers. The ever-changing wind, tight-protected greens and a magnificent finish makes Balgownie a test for the very best. It was highly praised by participants in the 2005 Senior British Open. The eminent golf writer Sam McKinlay was moved to say "There are few courses in these islands with a better, more testing, more picturesque outward nine than Balgownie". Golfski klub Royal Aberdeen (Q2648620) na Wikipodacima Golf klub Royal Aberdeen na Wikipediji


  • For casual running, try the Esplanade along the beach, or Duthie Park (entrances on Polmuir Road and Riverside Drive), or Hazlehead Park in the western part of the city.
  • PureGym, Shiprow AB11 5BW (opposite Maritime Museum), 0345 013 3201 (non-geographic number). Open 24 hours. Has a full range of cardio equipment, resistance machines and free weights area. Buy a day pass from a machine at the entrance, this gives you a PIN which you type into a keypad to gain access. Staff are on site until 20:00, after hours it's nominally unstaffed, though in practice there's usually someone around whatever the hour. CCTV cameras flood the area and impenetrable metal turnstiles permit access only to those with a PIN. As a result it feels safe even late at night, with a surprising number (male and female) exercising there till the early hours. Bring a padlock for your locker or buy one from the vending machine. An NCP car park is next door but the gym has deals with other city-centre car parks - ask for details. Day pass £7, monthly £15 £15 / month.
  • Other private gyms in the city are DW Fitness, David Lloyd, and Bannatyne's.
  • Aberdeen Sports Village and Aquatics Centre, Linksfield Road (off King Street, near Kings College campus, Bus 1 or 2 from city), 44 1224 438900. M-F 17:30-22:30, Sa 07:30-19:30; Su 07:30-21:30. This University of Aberdeen centre has a wide range of public facilities including gyms, group exercise and sports hall, plus an Aquatics Centre with 50-m pool and diving facilities.
  • RGU Sport, Garthdee Rd AB10 7GE (RGU campus, take bus 1 from centre), 44 1224 263666. M-F 06:00-22:00, Sa Su 09:00-19:00. Has similar facilities to the Sports Village and a 25-m pool and climbing wall.
  • Council-run services (Sport Aberdeen) include leisure centres, swimming pools and an ice-skating arena. One of the most popular is Beach Leisure Centre, Esplanade AB24 5NR (on the Prom), 44 1224 655401. There is a gym and fitness studio and other facilities for exercise and indoor sports, including climbing, table tennis, badminton and volleyball. There is a large swimming pool of the "water-park" style. It's not good for swimming laps (RGU is better for that), but has water slides, rapids and waves, and is great fun for the family. M-F 06:00-22:00, Sa Su 08:00-18:00.


University of Aberdeen - Sir Duncan Rice Library
  • 12 University of Aberdeen, Kings College, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX, 44 1224 272000. One of the oldest universities in the UK (founded 1495), it is renowned for its teaching and research in a full range of disciplines including the liberal arts, sciences, social sciences and the professions. Until the University of the Highlands and Islands was created in 2011 with its centre at Inverness, Aberdeen was the most northerly university in the UK (the Robert Gordon University, also in the city, is a little way south of the University of Aberdeen). It is a research-focused university of about 15,000 students, most at its main Kings College campus in Old Aberdeen, but some at its Medical School at Foresterhill. The Medical School is prestigious and the centre of a great deal of research, and is where (for example) the MRI scanner was developed. The university's iconic buildings, Marischal College (in the city centre but now occupied by Aberdeen City Council) and the tower of Kings College, are also iconic images of the city of Aberdeen. A huge new library was opened in 2011 at the Kings College campus. It is of unusual architecture for Aberdeen, taking the form of a seven-story zebra-striped tower. the Sir Duncan Rice Library is open to the public and outstanding views are available from the upper floors; ID is needed to sign in. The university provides popular part-time adult education courses, in addition to its Language Centre which also provides classes in languages at all levels. Sveučilište Aberdeen (Q270532) na Wikipodacima Sveučilište Aberdeen na Wikipediji
  • 13 The Robert Gordon University (RGU), Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7QG, 44 1224 262000. Usually referred to as "RGU", it became a university in 1992 but developed out of an educational institution dating from 1750 founded by the Aberdeen merchant and philanthropist Robert Gordon. The word "The" is officially part of the title. It has a suburban campus at Garthdee in the south-west of the city by the banks of the River Dee, known for its modern architecture by major architects such as Norman Foster and Associates. A campus in the city centre was operated also but it has transferred to the main Garthdee campus, although the university still owns its Administration Building on the Schoolhill, next to the Art Gallery (designed to match it for the building used to be a school of art). RGU has been rising rapidly in university rankings and was named Best Modern University in the UK for 2012 by the Sunday Times, and equivalent standings in 2013, in addition to other recent awards. It is a teaching-focused university of about 15,500 students but significant research is also conducted (but not as much as the University of Aberdeen). Degrees are offered from undergraduate to PhD level in a wide range of disciplines, primarily vocational and professional disciplines and those most applicable to business. It has become known for its high level of graduate employment of around 97%. The university's art school, Gray's School of Art, offers short courses in art, sculpture, photography and fashion to the general public with no need for prior training. Sveučilište Robert Gordon (Q1788342) na Wikipodacima Sveučilište Robert Gordon na Wikipediji
  • 14 North East of Scotland College. The largest further education college in Scotland, and it has campuses within the city and also in the surrounding region. Its largest facility is on the Gallowgate on the outskirts of the city centre.


Rosemount Viaduct
Regent Quay, Aberdeen
Union Square shopping centre, at Guild Street

Aberdeen is the shopping capital of the north of Scotland, drawing shoppers from the entire region. Many Aberdonians have money to spend due to the oil industry. As there are no other nearby cities, there are a large number and quality of stores in the city for its size. For many decades, the main shopping street was Ulica Union, which rivalled the most prestigious streets in Britain. Today, Union Street is still considered the spiritual heart of shopping in Aberdeen and contains many shops, but primarily chain stores found in high streets all over the UK. A walk up and down Union Street is essential for any first visit to Aberdeen. The dramatic architecture, although now mostly in need of restoration, is not visible in storefronts at street level - look up to see the impressive carved granite and grand designs of each building. Sidewalks on the street get very busy during the day and especially on weekends.

More upmarket stores have been gravitating from Union Street and other streets to the shopping malls in the city centre, and independent stores to the streets around Union Street. At the same time, some shops on Union Street have been moving downmarket. As a result, shopping in Aberdeen is spread out around Union Street, these malls, and surrounding streets. The shopping malls are extremely popular with Aberdonians. They include the Bon Accord Centre (entrances on Upperkirkgate and George Street), the St. Nicholas Centre (entrances on Upperkirkgate and St. Nicholas Square), the Trinity Centre (entrances on Union Street and Guild Street), Akademija (entrance on Schoolhill, specialises in boutique shops), and the newest and largest, Trg Union on Guild Street. Today, nearly all the stores found on British high streets can be found in Aberdeen at these malls, on Union Street or a surrounding street. Most shops open at 09:00 and close at 17:00 or 18:00. Late-night shopping (till 20:00) is on Thursdays in Aberdeen, except Union Square where shops are open till 20:00 every weeknight.

Aberdeen has a large collection of small, tucked-away shops which can provide everything from Bohemian dressware to Indian furniture. Good streets to find independent stores in the city centre are Rosemount Viaduct, Holburn Street, Rose Street, Chapel Street, Belmont Street, Upperkirkgate and The Green, along with Rosemount Place in the Rosemount area (to the north of the city centre).


There are few outdoor markets in Aberdeen aside from irregular international and Christmas markets which are organised every so often, typically on Union Terrace. There is also a less prestigious market on the Castlegate every Friday morning, selling general items.

The Farmers Market is held here last Saturday of the month 09:00-17:00 on Belmont Street.

You may walk past the Aberdeen Market building on Market Street. Aberdeen once had a grand and prestigious indoor market similar to (if not as big as) those in other cities such as the Grainger Market in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the St. Nicholas Markets in Bristol but it was demolished in the 1980s and replaced by this. The current modern building provides an indoor market which offers permanent space to small stallholders providing retail, food or other services. Most of the units inside are small shop-like enclosures, and the low rents provide a chance for small start-ups and local entrepreneurs to get a foothold while building up their business, before moving to more established areas of the city-centre. Although it appears downmarket, footfall is quite high and you may encounter hidden gems! For example, amazing sushi was available at a stall here, until the proprietor's success here enabled him to open his own restaurant on Huntly Street (further up Union Street).

Supermarkets and food stores

Former General Post Office on Crown Street, now converted to upmarket apartments

If you are looking for food (e.g. if staying in one of the aparthotels or walking round the city has made you hungry), or general items such as toothpaste, these are good places to go. Aberdonians buy much or all their food and everyday items at supermarkets, of which there are many in the city, but the largest ones tend to be in suburbs or on the outskirts. However, there are also some in the city centre or close to the centre. Most city supermarkets are open till 21:00 or later every night. If you have a car, the Tesco Extra hypermarket at Laurel Drive, Danestone and Asda superstore at the Bridge of Dee roundabout are open 24-hours. Some of the useful, more central stores are as follows:

  • The Co-operative, Union Street, small supermarket in the city centre that offers most everyday items. Union Street store is just past the Music Hall and is open daily 06:00-23:00 every day.
  • Marks & Spencer, St. Nicholas Square/St. Nicholas Centre (opens 09:00, closes M-W 18:00, Th 20:00, F Sa 21:00) and another at Union Square (M-Sa 08:00-20:00; Su 10:00-18:00), upmarket supermarkets.
  • Morrisons, King Street, larger supermarket popular with students (M-Sa 08:00-22:00; Su 09:00-20:00)
  • Asda, Beach Retail Park, behind funfair, large supermarket useful if you are in the beach area (daily 08:00-20:00) and another at Garthdee Road by the Bridge of Dee roundabout, very large supermarket (open 24 hours).

The Co-operative, Sainsbury's Local i Tesco Express mini-supermarkets or convenience stores can be found in the city centre and around. These are all open from early till late (usually 23:00). Useful such stores include Sainsbury's Local stores on Upperkirkgate/St. Nicholas Centre, Rosemount Place, and on Holburn Street; a Tesco Express store at the western end of Union Street and another on Holburn Street; and numerous small Co-Operative stores such as the west end of Union Street, Rosemount Place and in numerous suburbs. If hungry late at night, there is a 24-hour convenience store on Market Street.


Aberdeen butteries or rowies

A local specialty is the Aberdeen buttery ili rowie, a cross between a pancake and a croissant. They have a flaky yet heavy texture and are very salty. They're served plain or with butter or jam to make a tea-time or mid-afternoon snack. They're seldom found in cafes or restaurants, you buy them in bakeries or supermarkets to eat at home or on the go.



  • The upper level at Union Square complex has the usual chains, e.g. Ask, Yo! Sushi, Wagamama, TGI Fridays and Giraffe.
  • Pizza Express has branches in that complex and at 402-404 Union Street and 47 Belmont St.
  • 5 Lahore Karahi, 145 King Street, 44 1224 647295. A relatively new entrant to the established Aberdonian Curry Houses, Lahore Karahi offers arguably the most authentic Pakistani/Indian cuisine, and at the best of prices too.
  • 6 La Lombarda, 2-8 King Street (next to Castlegate), 44 1224 640916. One of most popular Italians, and with good reason. Claims to be oldest Italian restaurant around but food is far from being 'good' Italian. It's more English-style Italian.
  • 7 The Royal Thai, 29 Crown Terrace, 44 1224 212922. The oldest Thai restaurant in Aberdeen and it shows in how exceptional the food is.
  • 8 Kineska četvrt, 11 Dee Street, 44 1224 211111. Just off Union Street. Great Chinese food along with nice, vibrant decor and a bar make this restaurant highly recommended.
  • The Illicit Still, Netherkirkgate (off Broad Street), 44 1224 623123. Sensibly priced pub grub.
  • 9 Nazma Tandoori, 62 Bridge Street, 44 1224 211296. Alongside the Plavi mjesec, Holburn Street, this is the most authentic and finest Indian restaurant in Aberdeen.
  • 10 Moonfish Cafe, 9 Correction Wynd (behind GAP), 44 1224 644166. High quality seafood restaurant. Rated as one of the best restaurants in Aberdeen.
  • 11 The Tippling House, 4 Belmont Street. A late-night cocktail bar that serves tasty bar snacks and dinner.


Archibald Simpson Bar, Castle Street

Like any Scottish city Aberdeen has a large number of bars and nightclubs. The role of alcohol in Scottish culture is frequently debated but for better or worse, heavy drinking is a feature of nights out for many in Scotland, especially on weekend nights. However, this is less pronounced in suburban establishments and those outside the city-centre or catering to an older clientele. Aberdeen is a city with a large number of young people (including students and young professionals) and people of all ages who like to go out. As a result, while not on the same level as Glasgow, nights out are often lively - much livelier than many visitors would expect. Especially on weekend nights, the city centre is full of revellers, even in the most severe winter weather (Aberdonians, like those in Newcastle, often do not dress for a night out according to the weather).

There are hundreds of licensed premises in the city that cater for every taste, from upmarket bars, to more casual bars, and a wide range of pubs. There are also numerous clubs, some very good (e.g. Snafu on Union Street opposite the Town House). Due to the large student population there are often student deals around. These may be extended to everyone and not just those with student ID cards. If you plan to go to a club, bring photographic ID showing your date of birth as this is often demanded by doormen - a photocard driving licence or passport is effective. Remember that smoking is illegal inside public venues - you will notice crowds of smokers standing outside even in freezing conditions. This has also led to the trend of installing/ re-opening Beer Gardens that are now constantly full of smokers.

The usual and most approachable starting point for a night out is Ulica Belmont. It is home to numerous bars and nightclubs. Ulica Union and to a lesser extent Langstane Place and Bon Accord Street (off Union Street) are also destinations for a night out due to their numerous venues. Various other city-centre streets are also home to drinking establishments.

  • Revolution Bar, 25 Belmont St, 44 1224 645475. Part of the Revolution chain specialising in cocktails. Has a wonderful smoking terrace out the back.
  • 1 The Wild Boar, 19 Belmont Street, 44 1224 625357. A quieter setting, sometimes with acoustic live music. Known for its wine selection. A Belhaven pub.
  • Sibir (Vodka Bar), 9 Belmont Street, 44 1224 645328. Serves 99 flavours of vodka and has a smoking terrace out the back.
  • 2 Cafe Drummond, Ulica Belmont, 44 1224 619930. A small late-licence venue which focuses on live bands.
  • 3 O'Neils Aberdeen, 9-10 Back Wynd. Irish-themed pub with a nightclub upstairs. Nationwide chain.
  • 4 Ma Cameron's, Little Belmont Street, 44 1224 644487. The oldest pub in the city. Shows live football in a traditional pub setting with a roof garden. A Belhaven pub.
  • 5 Old School House, Little Belmont Street, 44 1224 626490. A quieter pub near Belmont Street. A Belhaven pub.
  • 6 Slain's Castle, Ulica Belmont. A highlight of Aberdeen's pub scene. An old church converted into a gothic style pub, famous for it's Seven Deadly Sins cocktails. Hallowe'en is a particularly eventful night here. A Stonegate pub.

All of the above bars serve a variety of food at reasonable pub prices, with the exception of Cafe Drummond's.

Aberdeen Harbour, on a dreech day

On either side of Belmont Street and you'll find many other pubs:

  • 7 Princ od Walesa, 7 St Nicholas Lane (Just off of Union Street), 44 1224 640597. Boasting one of the longest bars in Aberdeen and eight Real Ale pumps, sometimes called the "PoW" or quite simply the "Prince", this pub is one of the hidden gems of Aberdeen packed with locals, oil workers and students alike. They keep their beer exceedingly well. A Belhaven pub.
  • Duša, 333 Union St (Uppermarket), 44 1224 211150. In the converted Langstane Kirk.
  • Krakatoa, 2 Trinity Quay (can be found by heading down Market Street and turning left when you get to the harbour), 44 1224 587602. Open till 3AM at the weekend. Is a tiki dive bar and Grassroots music venue. Probably the finest watering hole for those of a rock'n'roll persuasion. It's a drinker's paradise, with over a huge range of world beers, real ale, real ciders, a collection of authentic absinthe, a huge selection of rums, and even outlandish tiki cocktails served in pint jars. Redovne glazbene večeri uživo (kako domaćih tako i turneja), ugodna atmosfera i najbolji Aberdeenov džuboks čine ovo obaveznim za sve gostujuće rokere.
  • 8 Roštilj, Ulica Union 213 (Nasuprot Glazbene dvorane), 44 1224 573530. Mali, vrlo običan interijer, ali utočište za znalca viskija; viskija iz Škotske i cijelog svijeta. Dostupan je meni za kušanje.
  • Tegla za džem, Galleria, Langstane Place, 44 1224 574237. Vrlo jeftino i popularno, posebno tijekom tjedna.
  • Paramount, 23-25 ​​Bon-Accord St., 44 1224 590500. Uz Jam Jar i vrlo slično.
  • Zabrana, 31 Langstane Pl, 44 1224 625555. Glavni tok.

Noćni klubovi

  • Špijunaža, 120 Union St., 44 1224 561006. Je li veliki klub u ulici Union. Najzastupljeniji noćni klub. Ima tri kata koji pokrivaju raznolik glazbeni ukus. Ulaz je besplatan, ali pića imaju punu cijenu.
  • Noćni klub Triple Kirks i Exodus, Schoolhill, 44 1224 619920. Izvrsna studentica i lokalna rupa za piće i dio lanca pivnica Stonegate. Njihov klub Izlazak fokusira se na Indie / Alternative i Classic Rock, Pop & Soul. U pravilu je jeftin s vrlo raznolikom glazbom. Utorak navečer (koji sadrži soul, glazbu Motown) posebno su popularni.


Južni kraj esplanade na plaži Aberdeen, za vrijeme oseke. Prikazana zgrada je Harbour Control Tower, dok Footdee leži na kraju staze

Aberdeen ima širok raspon hotela, pansiona i noćenja s doručkom. Mnogi od njih služe poslovnim putnicima (koji dolaze tijekom cijele godine) i turistima (od kojih većina dolazi ljeti). Na raspolaganju je i sve veći broj apart-hotela i apartmana za samoposluživanje. Za povoljni smještaj planirajte 70 funti po noćenju ili manje, dok za razmaženi plan platite više od 150 funti po noćenju, a negdje u sredini za srednje klase. Zbog naftne industrije, hotelske su sobe tijekom tjedna uglavnom skuplje nego vikendom. Oni u nastavku su samo nekoliko prijedloga. Mnogo, mnogo drugih možete pronaći na bilo kojem web mjestu za rezervacije hotela. Brojni su noćenja s doručkom i u King Streetu. Ako se u Aberdeenu nađete bez rezervacije i trebate mjesto za boravak, Turističko informativni centar u ulici Union ima opsežniji popis.

Umjereni hoteli imaju česte posebne ponude koje znatno smanjuju cijenu pa unaprijed provjerite svoje web stranice hoće li ponuda biti dostupna tijekom vašeg boravka. Tijekom početka do sredine rujna u neparnim godinama (npr. 2017., 2019.) div Offshore Europa Konvencija naftne industrije odvija se sa svim hotelskim prostorima u gradu i okolnim mjestima prepunim kapaciteta. Osim ako se ne želite suočiti sa scenarijem "nema sobe u gostionici", izbjegavajte posjetiti istovremeno s kongresom.


  • 1 Aberdeen Youth Hostel, Kraljičina cesta 8 (Autobuska linija 13 iz centra grada), 44 870 004 1100. Hostel koji vodi Škotsko udruženje hostela za mlade u povijesnoj zgradi nekoliko kilometara zapadno od centra grada. Postoji zajednička kuhinja za samostalan boravak, doručak je dostupan, a kreveti su u spavaonicama različitih veličina plus nekoliko jednokrevetnih soba. Autobusna linija 13 povezuje je sa centrom grada. 25 GBP po noćenju u zajedničkoj spavaonici, više za privatnu sobu.
  • 2 Hotel Ibis Aberdeen, 15 Shiprow, 44 1224 398800. Novi hotel koji je dio lanca Ibis, izgrađen kao dio razvoja gradskog pristaništa. Pruža dobar smještaj u središtu grada (nasuprot Pomorskom muzeju), s pogledom na luku iz nekih soba. Sobe su potpuno iste kao i svaki drugi hotel Ibis te su pouzdane i čiste. NCP parkiralište i 24-satni PureGym su u susjedstvu. £44-60.
  • 3 Premier Inn, Zapadna sjeverna ulica, AB24 5AS (Neposredno uz King Street), 44 871 527 8008. Ovaj lančani hotel smješten je u betonskoj zgradi u ulici West North koja izgleda poput poslovne zgrade (odmah nasuprot Aberdeen Arts Center-a i Lemon Tree-a), ali mjesto je zgodno za centar grada, ocjene gostiju su dobre, lanac Premier Inn pouzdan je i cijene su pristupačne. Postoji parkiralište i restoran u sklopu objekta. Oko 60 funti.
  • 4 Travelodge Aberdeen, Ulica Bridge 9, AB11 6JL (na spoju s Ulicom Union), 44 871 984 6117. Ovo je veliki hotel koji gleda na Union Street, povoljne ponude možete postići ako unaprijed rezervirate na web mjestu. Ulaz je u Bridge Street.

Srednja klasa

Toranj zgrade Petrofac noću svijetli u promjenjivom slijedu jarkih boja, prepoznatljiva točka na gradskoj liniji. U njemu se nalaze uredi tvrtke za naftne usluge.
  • 5 Hotel Douglas, Tržišna ulica 43-45, 44 1224 582255. Viktorijanski hotel u centru grada, u blizini željezničke i autobusne stanice. Pruža udoban smještaj u dobro opremljenim, ukusno namještenim i dobro opremljenim sobama. Hotel također nudi jednosobne apartmane za samostalan boravak u obližnjoj stambenoj zgradi. £75-145.
  • Sjeverni hotel, 1 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen AB24 3PS (Autobusna linija 17 do / od centra grada), 44 1224 483342. Privatni hotel u Art Deco, nalazi se na Great Northern Roadu u predgrađu Kittybrewster. Autobusna linija 17 povezuje je s centrom grada, a također je na relaciji 727 autobusa između zračne luke i centra grada. Sobe su udobne i pružaju dobar san. Na raspolaganju su i apartmani za samostalan boravak. £97-117.
  • 6 Hotel Mariner, 349 Velika zapadna cesta (Autobusna linija 19 do / iz centra grada), 44 1224 588901. Udoban hotel na lijepom zapadnom kraju Aberdeena. Hotel ima izvanredan restoran s izvrsnim mogućnostima za ljubitelje mesa i vegetarijance. £70-150.
  • 7 Park Inn by Radisson Aberdeen, 1 Justice Mill Lane, AB11 6EQ (Ulica prolazi iza i paralelno sa zapadnim dijelom ulice Union), 44 1224 592999, . Ovaj veliki moderni hotel otvoren je u kolovozu 2010. godine i nudi širok spektar sadržaja. Postoje prostorije za poslovne sastanke i kućni ljubimci su dopušteni (ali nazovite prvo da biste potvrdili prije nego što ponesete psa, tvor, papučašca itd.). £70-140.
  • 8 Doubletree by Hilton, Plažni bulevar, AB24 5EF (na kraju Bulevara plaže, prema moru), 44 1224 633339. To je veliki hotel i zabavni klub u središtu Aberdeena uz plažu (ne treba je miješati s Hiltonom) £70-100.
  • Kuća Skene, 6 Union Grove, AB10 6SY, 44 1224 580000. 3 apart-hotela smještena u starim stambenim blokovima. Svaka soba ima svoju kuhinju i dnevni boravak i u osnovi je apartman koji se vodi poput hotela. Jedan je na uglu ulice Holburn i Union Grovea, dok je drugi u ulici South Mount u srednjoj klasi Rosemount, sjeverno od centra grada.
  • 9 Mercure Caledonian (prije Thistle Caledonian), 10 Union terasa AB10 1WE (tik do ulice Union, okrenuta prema vrtu Union Terrace), 44 871 376 9003. Pouzdan hotel srednje klase, koji je sada dio lanca Accor, na dobrom središnjem mjestu. Noćenje s doručkom dvostruko £ 60.
  • Hotel Station, Cehovska ulica (Točno nasuprot željezničke stanice), 44 1224 587214. Ovo je tradicionalni hotel, točno nasuprot željezničke stanice i trga Union. Zauzima ono što je u prošlim danima bilo urede željeznice Velikog sjevera Škotske i ugodno je. Izvrstan je izbor ako trebate iskoristiti željeznički kolodvor, autobusni kolodvor ili autobus do zračne luke i ne želite hodati daleko.
  • 10 Pansion porote, Trg Union, ulica Ceha (Neposredno do željezničke / autobusne stanice i trgovačkog centra na Trgu Union), 44 1224 381200, . Ovaj hotel nalazi se tik uz željezničku i autobusnu stanicu u sklopu razvoja Trga Unije. Dio je lanca koji ima udobne sobe i dobre sadržaje.
  • 11 Hotel Norwood Hall, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB15 9FX (Autobusna linija 1 i 2 do / od centra grada. Siđite ispred Grayove škole umjetnosti (u kampusu RGU) i prošetajte zavojem), 44 1224 868951, . Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 11:00. Moderno imanje iz 19. stoljeća pored kampusa Sveučilišta Robert Gordon. Također se često koristi za vjenčane domjenke.
  • 12 Hotel Craighaar, Waterton Rd, 44 1224 712275.
  • Hotel Atholl na Kings Gateu je viktorijanska gotička afera kilometar zapadno od Union Squarea.


  • 13 Kuća Mercure Ardoe, South Deeside Road, Blairs, AB12 5Y, 44 1224 860600. Kuća Ardoe je viktorijanska vila, koja pomalo podsjeća na dvorac. Nalazi se izvan grada i pruža vrlo udoban smještaj, ali za dolazak trebat će vam automobil.
  • 14 Malmaison Aberdeen, 53 Queens Road, AB15 4YP, 44 1224 321371. Nekada hotel Queens, ovo je luksuzni hotel u luksuznom kvartu Queens Cross, na gradskom West Endu.
  • 15 Hilton Aberdeen TECA, East Burn Road, Stoneywood, AB21 9FX (blizu zračne luke), 44-1224984111, . Ovaj novi hotel povezan je s kompleksom događaja Aberdeen. Moderan smještaj, spa centar s punom uslugom, škotski restoran, bar i sadržaji za događanja. 70-160£. Hilton Aberdeen TECA (Q69647678) na Wikipodacima

Ostati siguran

Svjetionik Girdleness stoji blizu ulaza u luku Aberdeen i štiti brod od nasukavanja na stjenovitoj obali od olupine kitolovskog broda 1813. godine.

Aberdeen je ocijenjen najsigurnijim ili među najsigurnijim gradovima u Velikoj Britaniji, sa stopom kriminala nižom od ostatka zemlje. Vrlo je neobično da posjetitelji dožive zločin u Aberdeenu, posebno u usporedbi s drugim gradovima Velike Britanije, kao što je London. Međutim, upotrijebite zdrav razum. Bilo muško ili žensko, izbjegavajte hodanje kroz zaostala područja kao što su Tillydrone (sjeverno od ceste Bedford Road i istočno od ulice St. Machar Drive) i Torry (južna obala rijeke Dee) jer ove imaju relativno veću stopu kriminala. Također, izbjegavajte šetati sami južno od rijeke Dee noću jer se o pljačkama i napadima ovdje često izvještava u medijima.

Ulični prosjaci ponekad djeluju u središtu grada, ali su relativno bezopasni. Prosjaci iz Aberdeena nisu agresivni i premda će od prolaznika neselektivno tražiti rezervnu sitnicu, mogu se jednostavno ignorirati. Aberdeen je lučki grad, a prostitucija se događa u određenim ulicama na području luke. Prostitutke nisu uvijek izazovno odjevene i mogu prilaziti muškim prolaznicima govoreći "Tražite li posao?". Ne angažirajte prostitutku jer je to protuzakonito.

Glavna mogućnost gnjavaže je s agresija povezana s alkoholom noću (posebno vikendima). Iako bi malo Škota to priznalo, većina ne može podnijeti ništa s toliko alkohola koliko bi tvrdila, a noću vani mnogi (i muškarci i žene) piju mnogo više nego što mogu. Javno pijanstvo vikendom navečer je problem, kao i diljem Velike Britanije. Kao rezultat toga, tučnjave, napadi i zlostavljanje (npr. Rasistički ili homofobični jezik) nisu rijetkost, a vikendima je nazočna velika policija. Da biste izbjegli bilo kakvu gnjavažu, prvo izbjegavajte piti više nego što sami možete podnijeti. Izbjegavajte prepirke, kontakt očima s grupama muškaraca ili zurenje u očito pijane pojedince. Ako ste iz Engleske, izbjegavajte prikazivanje engleske simbolike poput križa sv. Jurja ili nošenje sportskih kompleta u Engleskoj, jer to može učiniti vas ili vašu grupu metom agresivnih pijanaca koji traže izgovor za borbu. Također, imajte na umu da vam piće piju u gradskim barovima i klubovima; ne dopustite strancu da vam kupi piće ili da vam čašu ne ispušta iz vida.


Grad je dobro pokriven glavnim mrežama mobilne telefonije u Velikoj Britaniji - gotovo svaki Aberdonac ima pametni telefon i čini se da ga koristi većinu vremena. Internetu možete pristupiti i na sljedećim mjestima:

  • Knjige i grah, Ulica Belmont 22, 44 1224 646438. Uglavnom djelujući kao fairtrade kafić i rabljena knjižara, ovaj objekt ima nekoliko računala za pristup internetu dok pijete.
  • 2 Središnja knjižnica Aberdeen, Vijadukt Rosemount (tik uz Kazalište Njegovog Veličanstva ili ispred vas ako prođete Union Terasom iz ulice Union). 9:00 do 17:00 (do 20:00 na M i W). Središnja knjižnica (jedna od knjižnica koju je osnovao Andrew Carnegie) ima nekoliko računala na gornjoj razini gdje možete besplatno pristupiti internetu do 20 minuta, a da niste član knjižnice. Smješteni su uz stubište.

Također možete pristupiti besplatnom wi-fi-ju (tj. Bežičnom pristupu internetu) ako prijenosnik / tablet / pametni telefon ponesete u sljedećim područjima:

  • Trg Union (soping centar) (ulaz u Guild Street pored željezničke stanice). Glavni atrij i gornja razina južnog atrija (gdje je Starbucks) imaju besplatan Wi-Fi, a u glavnom atriju nalaze se štand za kavu Costa i kafić Peckhams koji pružaju sjedala ako naručite piće ili grickalice.
  • Devedeset devet (bar), Natrag Wynd (nasuprot taksi rangu), 44 1224 631640. Ninety-Nine je moderan bar na Back Wyndu, koji također poslužuje hranu i kavu, s besplatnim wi-fi.
  • Archibald Simpson (pub), kut ulice Union / Castle Street i King Street (nasuprot Castlegatea), 44 1224 621365. Nazvan po jednom od arhitekata odgovornih za mnoge Aberdeenove prepoznatljive granitne zgrade, ovaj se pub nalazi u velikoj zgradi koja je nekada bila banka. Pub ima besplatni wi-fi.

Snaći se

King's College, Old Aberdeen - dio Sveučilišta Aberdeen (osnovano 1495)

Poštanski uredi

Golden Post Box u spomen na pobjedu biciklista Neila Fachieja na paraolimpijskim igrama u Londonu 2012

Glavna gradska pošta nalazi se na zapadnom kraju ulice Union blizu križanja s ulicom Holburn. Ima još jedan u podrumu WH Smith u centru Svetog Nikole. Postoji manji poštanski ured u stražnjem dijelu RS-a McColl na Castlegateu. Pošte su obično otvorene ponedjeljak-petak 09: 00-17: 00, subota 9: 00-12: 30.

Uoči zlatne poštanske kutije usred standardnih crvenih. Ovim se počašćuju lokalni osvajači zlatnih medalja na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu 2012. godine: na Castlegateu za veslačicu Katherine Grainger, na Zlatnom trgu za paraolimpijskog biciklista Neila Fachieja i u obližnjem gradu Westhill za sprinterskog kajakaša Tima Brabantsa.


Velike četiri škotske banke imaju podružnice po cijelom gradu, iako se smanjuju: to su Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank i TSB. Union Street ima koncentraciju ovih i drugih banaka, uključujući Natwest, HSBC, Barclays, Nationwide, Santander, Halifax i Virgin Money. Standardno radno vrijeme je M-F 09: 30-17: 00, a podružnice gradskog središta često su otvorene i subotom ujutro.

Andrija, Aberdeen (episkopalna / anglikanska)

Mesta bogoslužja

U Aberdeenu postoji oko 140 aktivnih crkava, dvije džamije, jedna sinagoga i jedan budistički hram.

Tri katedrale su Sv. Machar u Starom Aberdeenu (prezbiterijanska, dakle crkveno nije katedrala), Sveta Marija u Huntly Streetu (rimokatolička) i Sveta Andrija u King Streetu (episkopalna).

Idi dalje

Vidjeti Aberdeenshire za cijeli niz dvoraca, krajolika, destilerija viskija, golf odmarališta i onoga što želite. Neki u okviru jednodnevnog putovanja su:

  • Stonehaven, slikovita ribarska luka udaljena 15 milja južno, s dvorcem Dunottar.
  • Banchory za dvorac Crathes i Ballater za Balmorala.
  • Nacionalni park Cairngorms započinje 30 milja zapadno od grada, a njegova strana Aberdeenshire prikladna je za jednodnevne izlete, dok je na strani doline Spey potreban dulji boravak, na pr. u Aviemore.
Rute kroz Aberdeen
LerwickKirkwall N NorthLink S KRAJ
FraserburghPeterhead N UK cesta A90.svg S StonehavenDundee
KRAJ N UK cesta A92.svg S StonehavenArbroath
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Aberdeen ima vodič status. Sadrži niz dobrih, kvalitetnih informacija, uključujući hotele, restorane, atrakcije i detalje o putovanju. Molimo vas da doprinesete i pomognete nam da to napravimo zvijezda !