Plymouth (Engleska) - Plymouth (England)

Plymouth Hoe sa Staddon Heightsa, pokazujući vodu Plymouth Sounda.
Smeatonov toranj - Plymouth Hoe

Plymouth je grad u Devon, i najveći grad na EngleskaJužna obala s 250 000 stanovnika. Udaljeno je oko 310 kilometara jugozapadno od Londona, gdje se rijeka Plym i rijeka Tamar (izgovara se "TAY-mar") ulijevaju u veliku uvalu Plymouth Sound, stvarajući savršenu prirodnu luku. More je u srcu Plymoutha otkako je osnovano u srednjem vijeku kao trgovačko mjesto i izvor njegovog prosperiteta. Plymouth je bio točka s koje Oci hodočasnici napustili su Englesku 1620. godine za Massachusetts - obilježeni danas u Mayflower stepenicama.


Ribarski brodovi na Barbicanu u Plymouthu

Plymouth je jedan od klasičnih engleskih oceanskih gradova, a stoljećima je bio središte brodarstva; prvo za trgovinu i komercijalni brodarski promet, a danas kao baza za Kraljevsku mornaricu. Zapravo je gradsko pristanište Devonport najopsežnija pomorska baza u zapadnoj Europi. Voda svojim slobodnim aktivnostima dovodi brojne turiste u Plymouth, kao i razne muzeje i druge turističke atrakcije. Pored toga, njegovo je mjesto u blizini Dartmoor i druge znamenitosti južnog Devona na istoku i Cornwall na zapadu je izvrsna baza za putovanje na jugozapad Engleske.

Grad je teško bombardiran u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a velik dio središta grada je uništen. Nakon rata, sveobuhvatnim planom obnove isprva su proizvedeni pažljivo planirani urbani prostori i elegantne zgrade trgovačkih ulica u središtu grada, izgrađene 1950-ih. Međutim, zbog proračunskih ograničenja mnoge su zgrade podignute 1960-ih i 70-ih godina bile loše arhitektonske kvalitete, a sada se ruše i zamjenjuju u cijelom gradu modernim (uz iznimke neke kvalitete, kao što je navedeni toranj Građanski centar na Kraljevskoj paradi). Kao rezultat toga, postoje mnoge moderne zgrade s drugima u izgradnji.

Plymouth je prijateljski grad s egalitarnim osjećajem i osjećajem otvorenosti među svojim ljudima, a manje je dokaza o oštroj podjeli između bogatih i siromašnih koja se nalazi u većem dijelu južne polovice Engleske. Prekrasan krajolik Devona i Cornwalla okružuje grad i poznate gradske lokacije, kao što su Hoe, Barbican i Plymouth Sound svake godine privuku tisuće, no Plymouth nema osjećaj "turističke zamke" koji visi nad mnogim drugim engleskim gradovima. Za one koji vole more, obalu ili zamišljeni krajolik Dartmoor, ili samo želite odmor u gostoljubivom i zanimljivom gradu, Plymouth je primamljivo i prijateljsko odredište.

Stanovnik Plymoutha zove se a Plymothian. Možda ćete čuti i pogrdniji izraz "Janner" - ali nemojte nikoga zvati ovim ako ste posjetitelj! U gradu je velika vojna prisutnost, s glavnom bazom Kraljevske mornarice u Devonportu, pukovnijom komandosa britanske vojske u Kraljevskoj citadeli i bazom Kraljevskih marinaca u Stonehouseu. Osim toga, vjerojatno ćete pronaći puno turista i studenata.


Mjesto Plymoutha, prikazano u Devonu i Velikoj Britaniji

Grad se nalazi na jugozapadnom uglu Devona, a Cornwall započinje odmah zapadno od grada. Leži između dva ušća rijeke - ušća rijeke Tamar ("TAY-mar") na zapad (ušće se naziva Hamoaze) i ušće rijeke Plym na istoku (nazvano Cattewater). Na jugu je Plymouthski zvuk (svi ga samo zovu "Zvuk"), veliki zaljev omeđen na zapadu poluotokom Rame koji je danas dio Cornwalla, a na istoku poluotokom Mount Batten. Ovo daje jednu od najimpresivnijih prirodnih luka na svijetu, u kojoj ćete vidjeti nebrojene jahte, jedrenjake, kajake, druga plovila za razonodu, pa čak i mala ribarska plovila (kojih u Plymouthu ima razuman broj). Zvuk je od mora zaštićen ogromnim lukobranom na njegovom južnom kraju, lako uočljivim s obale. Oko njega ćete često vidjeti mornarička plovila.

Neposredno iznad vode nalazi se travnato područje tzv Plymouth Hoe (uvijek samo nazvana "motika"), čija imena potječu od saksonske riječi za "travnati nagib". Motiku možete lako uočiti zbog svjetionika (Smeatonova kula) koji se nalazi na njemu i zbog njegove široke travnate površine. Odavde, planirana u sklopu velike rekonstrukcije pedesetih godina, prolazi sjeverno od "kičme" grada - od Smeatonovog tornja na motici, do željezničke stanice sjeverno od centra grada (koju možete prepoznati iz tornja iz 1970-ih , InterCity House). Ova "kralježnica" je Armada Way, široka ulica, uglavnom pješačka, s uredima vijeća na južnom kraju, te trgovinama, bankama i kafićima dok idete prema sjeveru. Vozeći se istočno-zapadno preko puta Armada, ostale su važne ulice u središtu grada sa svojim elegantnim, a sada izblijedjelim zgradama; Royal Parade, New George Street, Cornwall Street i Mayflower Street. Ove ulice u središtu grada omeđene su prometnim glavnim cestama. Istočno od motike nalazi se Barbican područje (s povijesnim ulicama i velikom lukom / marinom), a veliki i impresivan kampus Sveučilišta Plymouth nalazi se odmah preko puta glavne ceste na sjeveroistoku od središta grada. Od njih se mogu naći i druge glavne ulice.

The Turističko informativni centar nalazi se na području Barbican, na rivi, nasuprot stepenicama Mayflower, na 3-5 The Barbican (to je adresa ulice). Otvoreno je od 9:00 do 17:00 radnim danom i od 10:00 do 16:00 subotom tijekom cijele godine.


Baza kraljevske mornarice u Plymouthu, HMNB Devonport, na vodama Hamoazea (tj. Ušća rijeke Tamar)
Zgrade u St. Andrew's Crossu, Plymouth, izgrađene u sklopu rekonstrukcije 1950-ih. Zgrada slijeva sadrži glavni poštanski ured.
Pogled na Plymouth Sound, prikazuje Tinside Lido

Plymouth City nalazi se u povijesnom okrugu Devon. Područje je prvi put zabilježeno u knjizi Domesday pod nazivom "Sudtone" (1086; kasnije Sutton), koje se nalazilo tamo gdje je danas područje grada Barbican. Otprilike u to vrijeme postojala je i trgovačka luka Plymstock, dalje uz rijeku (postoji i danas kao predgrađe). Međutim, rijeka Plym u Plymstocku zamutila je u 11. stoljeću i područje je postupno postalo poznato kao "Plymouth". More je oduvijek bio u središtu Plymouthove priče i ima dugu i povijesnu pomorsku tradiciju. Njegov rast iz malog ribarskog mjesta, a zatim trgovačke luke, temeljio se na položaju u jednoj od najvećih svjetskih prirodnih luka i na poduhvatu pomoraca - ribara, trgovaca, privatnika, a kasnije i Kraljevske mornarice.

Plymouth je bio dom elizabetanskog privatnika i heroja / negativca Sir Francis Drake (iako je rođen u Tavistocku nekoliko kilometara sjevernije), a odavde je planirao svoje prepade i druge pomorske avanture. 1588. engleska mornarica, koju je dijelom vodio Drake, isplovila je iz Plymoutha da porazi Španjolska armada. Kaže se da je Drake odbio napustiti luku dok nije završio igru ​​zdjela na motici. Iako je ovo vjerojatno više legenda nego povijest, na Hoeu i danas postoji klub za zdjelice. Oci Hodočasnici 1620. otplovili su u Novi svijet nakon što su krenuli u Plymouth na popravak, bježeći od vjerskog progona da bi na kraju osnovali Plymouth Colony u Massachusettsu. Plymouth je bio uporište parlamentarnih snaga u engleskom građanskom ratu, zapisan kroz njegovu povijest u područjima kao što je park Freedom Fields. Nakon obnove, novi kralj, Karlo II, naredio je izgradnju masivne utvrde ( Kraljevska citadela) kako bi zaštitio grad od osvajača - takva je bila njegova strateška važnost. Ali oružje tvrđave suočilo se i s kopnom, govori se kao signal stanovnicima grada o tome gdje bi trebala biti njihova odanost! Kraljevska citadela i dalje je dom jedinice vojske. The Kraljevsko dvorište sagrađena je na tom području, na obali rijeke Tamar, 1690. godine. Plymouth je 1914. godine spojen s gradovima Devonport i Stonehouse kako bi nastao moderni grad koji je 1928. godine dobio status grada. Uključuje povijesna područja Plymstock i Plympton.

Grad je ozbiljno oštećen bombardiranjem tijekom Drugi svjetski rat (1939–45), a središte grada je nakon toga opsežno obnovljeno. U Charles Crossu, srušena Charlesova crkva ostavljena je kao spomen na brojne mrtve. Iza njega je izgrađen trgovački centar Drake Circus koji ga dramatično uokviruje, kao impresivan ulaz u grad s jugoistoka. Trgovačke ulice u središtu grada trebale su biti prvo obnovljene, prema velikom planu Sir Patricka Abercrombieja. To je rezultiralo elegantnim velikim zgradama iz 1950-ih koje se mogu vidjeti na ulicama kao što su Armada Way, New George Street i Cornwall Street. Međutim, njima je sada potrebna obnova. Većina ostatka rekonstrukcije uključivala je jeftine zgrade u brutalističkom stilu moderne 1960-ih i 1970-ih, od kojih većina nije imala arhitektonskih zasluga. Međutim, iznimke su obuhvaćale Građanski centar koji je na popisu II. Mnoge povijesne građevine ostaju, posebno na području Barbicana, izolirani primjeri u središtu grada poput Gradskog muzeja, a također i izvan središta grada koje je izbjeglo najgore od bombardiranja (npr. Royal William Yard).

Sa svojim dramatičnim priobalnim okruženjem, okolni krajolik je prilično upečatljiv. Plymouth je zauzvrat hrapav i brdovit, ili zelen i valja se. Poznati Dartmoor proglašen je nacionalnim parkom 1951. Popularna mjesta uključuju Smeatonov toranj (svjetionik obnovljen na Motiki s prvotnog mjesta na stijeni Eddystone, kada je zamijenjen novim), poluotok Mount Batten, Nacionalni morski akvarij i Opatija Buckland, koja je bila Drakeov bivši dom. Turizam je važan aspekt Plymouthske ekonomije. Gotovo 12 milijuna ljudi godišnje posjeti Plymouth. Kao i sve atrakcije modernog grada, Plymouth je popularna lansirna rampa i za druga značajna područja, uključujući plaže i pješačke staze na obali Devona i Cornwalla, te mračni krajolik obližnjeg Dartmoora.


Grad Plymouth pokriva više vrsta stijena, motiku, na jugu grada sastoji se od devonskog vapnenca, koji je također korišten za izgradnju prilično visokog udjela grada (većina starijih kuća i zgrada barem je suočena s kamen). područje oko Stanice formirano je od blatnjaka, koji je također devonski. Vanjska područja grada su sve višeg stupnja metamorfoziranog blatnjaka, s povremenom jastučastom lavom na brdima. Dartmoor je masivni batolit (velika gruda) granita, dok Cawsand i Kingsand (do kojih se može doći trajektom s Barbikana) sadrže razne magmatske strukture.



Kraljevsko dvorište William

Plymouth više nema vlastitu zračnu luku jer se zatvorio 2011. Međutim, možete koristiti druge u regiji i uspostaviti vezu autobusom, vlakom ili automobilom - posjetite planirati putovanja iz tih gradova ili vlastite stanice zračne luke Gatwick do Plymoutha.

  • 1 Zračna luka Exeter (EXT IATA) udaljen je 45 minuta vožnje sjeveroistokom (ili autobusom do Exetera i od tamo vlakom).
  • 2 Zračna luka Bristol (BRS IATA) je također u blizini i obavlja letove preko Velike Britanije i Europe s različitim zrakoplovnim kompanijama, uključujući easyJet, Ryanair, Air France i druge. Čestim autobusom možete doći do stanice Bristol Temple Meads, odakle se vozi vlakom do Plymoutha na dva sata. Tu je i izravni autobus od zračne luke do centra grada Plymouth, kojim upravlja Digecoach i traje oko tri sata.
  • 3 Londonska zračna luka Gatwick (LGW IATA) korisna je opcija ako dolazite iz inozemstva ili dalje iz Velike Britanije. Letovi se nude iz cijele Europe i drugih svjetskih destinacija poput Bliskog Istoka i Kanade (iako ne iz SAD-a). Možete doći vlakom od Gatwickove vlastite stanice do Readinga i tamo presjesti za vlakove do Plymoutha; ukupno putovanje s promjenom traje oko 5 sati.
  • 4 Londonska zračna luka Heathrow (LHR IATA) korisno je jer letovi ovamo dolaze iz svih država svijeta. Nabavite vlak Heathrow Express ili Heathrow Connect do stanice London Paddington; iz Paddingtona, izravni vlakovi voze 3½ – 4 sata do Plymoutha.


Glavni pristupni put Plymoutha s Istoka i Zapada je dvostruka kolnička traka A38 koja prolazi kroz grad (autocesta Devon). Povezuje se s M5 u Exeteru za daljnja putovanja i u srce Cornwalla na zapadu. A386 povezuje Plymouth s Tavistock, Okehampton, A30 i North Devon.


Plymouth željeznička stanica. Iza je InterCity House - koristite ovu orijentir kako biste pronašli stanicu.

Wikivoyage ima vodič za Putovanje željeznicom u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.

Ako dolazite na ili s Istoka, vjerojatno ćete putovati dijelom linije između Newton Abbota i Exetera. Ovo je jedno od najslikovitijih u Velikoj Britaniji, dok vlak putuje po Linija Riviera uz morski zid između Teignmouth-a (izgovara se "Tin-muth"), Dawlish-a i Starcross-a, a nevjerojatne morske litice i valovita brda postavljaju cijelu rutu. Držite oči zalijepljene za taj prozor!

  • Inter-City usluge pružaju First Great Western (uglavnom vlakovi InterCity 125) i CrossCountry (uglavnom vozovi Voyager ili ponekad InterCity 125). Izravni vlakovi dolaze i polaze za London Paddington (uzimanje 3-4 sata), Bristol (2 sata), Midlands (npr. Birmingham 3 sata i 40 minuta), stanice na sjeveru Engleske (nekoliko sati) i Škotska (npr. Edinburgh za 9½ sata, Aberdeen za 12 sati!). Također možete odvesti međugradske usluge prema zapadu Cornwall do odredišta poput Penzancea, Truroa itd. Izravnim vlakom ili promjenom možete doći gotovo bilo gdje u Engleskoj, Škotskoj ili Walesu.
  • Spavaće usluge do Londona pružaju First Great Western. The 'Noćna rivijera' napušta London oko ponoći svakog radnog dana u nedjelju i dolazi u Plymouth u 5:22 (nedjeljom u 05:36) i polazi u 6:30; vlak nastavlja za Penzance u Cornwallu. Dostupni su pozivi za buđenje ili postavite alarm na telefonu!
  • Lokalne usluge u cijeloj regiji pruža First Great Western (uglavnom koristeći vlakove Sprinter), postajama u Cornwallu, postajama u Devonu i dalje.

Da biste od stanice Plymouth ušli u središte grada; iz glavne dvorane, skrenite desno dok izlazite kroz vrata. Na glavnoj cesti skrenite lijevo i prođite njime (to je Saltash cesta - vidjet ćete automobile koji jure prema centru grada). Kad dođete do čvorišta / kružnog toka, podzemnom željeznicom prijeđite ceste i krenite u grad središnjom avenijom (to je Armada Way). Vidjet ćete zgrade u središtu grada ispred sebe. Armada Way vodi izravno kroz maloprodajnu zonu, pa sve do znamenitog pomorskog ratnog spomenika na Motici. Na kolodvoru ima i gomile taksija, ili autobusom možete doći sa stajališta na Saltash Roadu (iako stvarno nije daleko).


Autobusni kolodvor Plymouth i autobusni kolodvor Armada nalaze se na putu Armada. Ovo zamjenjuje sada zatvoreni autobusni kolodvor Bretonside u ulici Exeter.

  • 6 Autobusni kolodvor u Plymouthu, 165 Armada Way, PL1 1HZ, 44 871 781 8181.

National Express) obavlja usluge širom Velike Britanije koje stižu i odlaze odavde. Uz to, lokalne i regionalne službe također dolaze ovdje iz gradova u regiji.

Jugozapadni sokol autobusi povezuju Bristol, Taunton, Exeteri Plymouth. Pojedinačna cijena karte od Plymoutha do Bristola iznosi 28 GBP. Ulaznice se mogu rezervirati putem interneta unaprijed, ali rezervacije nisu potrebne.

Ako ulazite automobilom, ali se ne želite suočiti s problemima parkiranja u centru grada, tu su i tri glavna Parkiraj i vozi se mjesta koja opslužuju grad: 1 Coypool (istočno blizu Plymptona), 2 George Junction (sjever) i 3 Milehouse (središte grada)


Vidi također: Trajektne rute do Britanskog kopna

Brittany Ferries obavljati usluge za Plymouth iz Santander (22 sata) i Roscoff (6 sati danju, 8 sati noću). Trajektni terminal nalazi se zapadno od gradskog središta na dokovima Millbay, oko 800 m pješice od trgovačkog mjesta Hoe i Central. Jeftina izvansezonska krstarenja cugom vrlo su popularna i prikladna.

Zaobiđi se

50 ° 22′14 ″ S 4 ° 8′23 ″ Z
Karta Plymouth (Engleska)

Većina mjesta na kojima se nalaze hoteli i koje turisti posjećuju nalaze se u centru grada i između njih je lako prošetati. Zapravo je šetnja izvrstan način da vidite grad i steknete osjećaj za plimatski način života. Međutim, zimi ili kada idete dalje (npr. Posjet povijesnom Devonportu) ili kada jednostavno ne želite ili ne možete hodati, postoje i druge mogućnosti.


Mnoge autobusne rute pozivaju na Royal Parade u centru grada.

Zemljovid možete dobiti u Turističko-informativnom centru na Barbicanu. Možete ga i ispisati s internetske usluge mapiranja, kao što je Open Street Map, ili upotrijebiti aplikaciju mapa na pametnom telefonu jer će grad biti detaljno pokriven.


Autobus je glavni oblik javnog prijevoza u Plymouthu, a usluge prometuju po cijelom gradu. Dvije privatne tvrtke upravljaju svim autobusima s profitom: Plymouth CityBus (u vlasništvu GoAhead Grupe) i First Devon i Cornwall (dio divovske transportne tvrtke sa sjedištem u Aberdeenu FirstGroup). Mnoge od ovih usluga pozivaju na Royal Parade u centru grada. Cijene za obje ovise o tome koliko daleko putujete. Za kratko putovanje (npr. Željeznička stanica do Royal Parade), cijena za jednu odraslu osobu može iznositi 1,00 ili 1,10 GBP; povećat će se na veće udaljenosti i mogao bi iznositi do 2,50 £ ako se ide daleko. Karte autobusa možete preuzeti u Uredu za turističke informacije na Barbicanu ili posjetiti web stranice autobusnih kompanija na i


Za naručivanje taksija koristan je broj uključen Taxifirst 44 1752 222222.


Jedan od „lokalnih“ načina za kretanje je taksijem na vodi ili brodom. Većina ovih usluga odlazi iz Slijetanje pozornice Barbican (Maywallovim koracima), a njima upravljaju privatne tvrtke. Iako to nije uvijek bio slučaj, većina linija danas prometuje zimi. Ipak je poželjno provjeriti vozne redove jer se neke usluge mogu smanjiti, obično navečer.

Ovisno o duljini putovanja i operativnoj tvrtki, cijene se mogu kretati od 1,50 do 4,00 GBP. Općenito govoreći, ne plaćate kad krenete. Nakon što brod krene na put, ili neposredno prije isplovljavanja, član posade će doći uokolo kako bi uzeo uplate.

Dvije najpopularnije usluge među lokalnim stanovništvom su vjerojatno linija Barbican-Mountbatten i trajekt Cremyll iz Admiral's Hard to Mount Edgecumbe. Oni mogu biti relativno zauzeti tijekom večeri i u špici; posebno trajekt Cremyll može biti prilično prepun školske djece oko 16 sati tijekom termina. Usprkos tome, oni odbiju značajnu količinu vremena s vašeg putovanja.

Ostale rute korisne turistima uključuju liniju Barbican-Royal William Yard, Barbican-Mount Edgecumbe i Barbican-Cawsand / Kingsand.


Plymouth Hoe
Na obali u Plymouthu, Hoe Road.
  • 1 Nacionalni morski akvarij, Rope Walk, Coxside, PL4 0LF, 44 844 893 7938. Najveći britanski akvarij i najdublji u Europi. Naći ćete ga u blizini povijesnog područja Barbican, koje uključuje najstariju britansku pekaru (Jacka) i Mayflower Steps odakle su Oci hodočasnici otišli u Novi svijet 1621. Odličan je i za obitelji. Do nje možete doći s stepenica Mayflower / Barbican prešavši most preko brave koja daje pristup marini. Most se ljulja kako bi propustio čamce, što je zabavno gledati. Naplaćuje se ulaz. Akvarij ima izvanredan riblji restoran vani, gdje možete jesti ili odnijeti. National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth (Q1967440) on Wikidata National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 2 Plymouth Hoe (Motika). Veliki javni park na rivi, ikonski za Plymouth. Prema legendi, to je bilo mjesto apokrifne igre zdjela Sir Francisa Drakea prije nego što je 1588. godine zauzeo španjolsku armadu. Danas se pruža sjajan pogled na Zvuk s motike, uključujući brodove Kraljevske mornarice koji su obično svakodnevno prisutni - stanite na motiku i gledajte na more, da vidite što možete vidjeti! Plymothians i posjetitelji dolaze ovdje uzeti more, upijati sunce ljeti, igrati nogomet, šetati svoje pse, samo prošetati i općenito uživati. Svjetionik Seatonova kula pruža prekrasan pogled na grad, Zvuk i more, dok oko Motike ima puno drugih spomenika, uključujući spomenike mrtvima Kraljevske mornarice u svim dosadašnjim sukobima, kip Sir Francisa Drakea i razni drugi. Nekad je postojao Ferrisov kotač 'Plymouth Eye', ali ovaj je sada zatvoren. Službena rezidencija Lord-gradonačelnika, 3 Elliot Terrace, također gleda na Motiku. Dan oružanih snaga i druge gradske proslave uglavnom imaju središnje mjesto ovdje na Motiki. Plymouth Hoe (Q7205818) on Wikidata Plymouth Hoe on Wikipedia
  • 3 Smeatonov toranj. 10:00 - 17:00. Visoko na motici, ovo je orijentir Plymoutha i često je prikazano u prizorima grada. Riječ je o svjetioniku, obojenom u bijelu i crvenu boju, koji je na grebenu Eddystone 1759. godine sagradio inženjer John Smeaton po cijeni od 40 000 funti. Bilo je to nevjerojatno inženjersko postignuće svog vremena, a bilo je prikazano u brojnim TV emisijama, uključujući BBC-jeve Obala. Izgrađen od međusobno povezanih granitnih blokova, jedna od njegovih inovacija bila je da je oblikovan poput hrasta (tj. Šireg u podnožju) koji mu je omogućio da izdrži more, na stijeni s koje su isprana dva prethodna svjetionika. Na kraju je pronađeno da je stijena na kojoj je stajala potkopana morem, pa ju je u 19. stoljeću zamijenio viktorijanski svjetionik, a Smeatonov toranj premješten je u Plymouth Hoe kao spomenik. Od tada je postao ikona grada. Popnite se za spektakularne poglede i izložbe o životu svjetionika - pripazite da morate ustati strmim ljestvama, ali to je izvedivo i vrijedi. Njime upravlja Gradsko vijeće Plymouth-a, a naknada za uspon iznosi (od 2019.) £ 4. £4. Smeaton's Tower (Q3995634) on Wikidata Smeaton's Tower on Wikipedia
Stepenice Mayflower, gledano iz vode
  • 4 Koraci Mayflower. Spomen obilježje iz 20. stoljeća izgrađeno u blizini mjesta na kojem su Oci hodočasnici napustili popravljeni Mayflower, prije nego što je prešao Atlantski ocean kako bi živio u Sjevernoj Americi. Danas se od tamo odlaze na izlete brodom Plymouth Sound, iako se vjeruje da je originalno mjesto tamo gdje sada stoji javna kuća Admiral McBride. (Iako su Mayflower Steps još uvijek tamo gdje turisti stoje i gledaju). Na obali, nasuprot stepenica, nalazi se zgrada u kojoj se nalazi izložba o Ocima hodočasnicima i o Mayflower, i gradskog Turističko-informativnog centra. Ulaz besplatan u Mayflower Steps; Mayflower Center naplaćuje sljedeće naknade: Odrasli 2,00 GBP, stariji 1,50 GBP, mlađi od 16 godina 1,00 GBP. Mayflower Steps (Q6797242) on Wikidata Mayflower Steps on Wikipedia
Nova ulica Barbican
  • 5 Barbikan. Najstariji dio Plymoutha. Glavna ulica zove se Nova ulica, ali nekad se zvala Rag Street. Ovo je povijesno srce Plymoutha s puno umjetničkih galerija, restorana, trgovina i kuća za odmor. Tu su i izvrsni pubovi i barovi, a samo da biste prošetali oko njih možete osjetiti sjajnu atmosferu, čak i više ako pijete vani ljeti. Još neke od Razum i osjećaji je ovdje snimljen. Ako ste ljubitelj umjetnosti, Barbican ima nekoliko specijaliziranih trgovina, zanatskih radnji i umjetničkih galerija. Mnogi lokalni umjetnici stekli su svjetsku reputaciju, uključujući Beryl Cook, Lee Woods, Brian Pollard i kasno Robert Lenkiewicz. Barbican, Plymouth (Q4859652) on Wikidata Barbican, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 6 Poslijeratno gradsko središte. Lokalno stanovništvo i mediji usredotočili su se na Royal Parade i Armada Way. Međutim, vrijedi prestati pogledati oko sebe kad ste u gradu. Kao najcjelovitiji primjer poslijeratne obnove u Velikoj Britaniji, ovo je povijesno i arhitektonski značajna četvrt. Planirao ga je nitko drugi do Patrick Abercrombie, koji je također redizajnirao Hong Kong, a neke se zgrade mogu pohvaliti Thomasom Taitom kao svojim arhitektom. Modernog, gotovo američkog izgleda, bila je, prema riječima profesora Jeremyja Goulda, 'egalitarna mreža, prostrana, prozračna, nekomplicirana, dostupna i zjapeće otvorena za sve ... arhitektura budućnosti - čista, svijetla, demokratska i, ponajviše, optimističan. ' Neki od najboljih primjera stila iz 1950-ih nalaze se duž glavne osi Royal Parade i Armada Way, uključujući zgradu Kraljevske banke u Škotskoj, kuću Pearl Assurance i bivšu zgradu zadruge na Derry's Crossu.
  • 7 Dvorište Royal William. Jednom mjesto odakle je provizirana britanska mornarica. Pomorska prisutnost u Plymouthu neizmjerna je: u gradu se nalazi najveća pomorska baza u zapadnoj Europi koja je otvorena za javnost na Naval Days. Nalazi se u Stonehouseu, području Plymoutha zapadno od Motike. Ljeti do Barbicana možete tamo doći brodom ili prošetati ili autobusom. Sada vrvi javni prostor s modernim brojnim kafićima, pekarama i galerijama, kao i privatnim stanovima. Poznato i kao mjesto snimanja ITV-ovog filma "Hornblower". Smješten tik uz park Devil's Point, s pogledom na Cornwall. Ulaz slobodan. Royal William Victualling Yard (Q7375014) on Wikidata Royal William Victualling Yard on Wikipedia
Kraljevska citadela, Plymouth
  • 8 Kraljevska citadela, Motika, 44 1752 306330. Izgrađena nakon engleskog građanskog rata kako bi čuvala Plymouth Sound i luku, ovo je bila glavna tvrđava u Engleskoj, s izvanrednim primjerima barokne arhitekture 17. stoljeća i izvanrednim pogledom na Plymouth Sound. Kaštel je na Motiki, s masivnim zidovima koje ćete nesumnjivo vidjeti dok hodate cestom uz obalu mora. Citadela se i dalje koristi kao vojna baza za vojnu 29. komandosku pukovniju, Kraljevsko topništvo. Iako je to mjesto Ministarstva obrane, tvrđava je otvorena za obilazak s vodičem utorkom u 14:30 (a ljeti, također četvrtkom u isto vrijeme). Naći se ispred ulaza na brdu Lambhay, gdje je vojni stražar. Odrasli £ 5,00, djeca £ 4,00, koncesije £ 4,00. Royal Citadel, Plymouth (Q7373944) on Wikidata Royal Citadel, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 9 Kuća Saltram, Plympton, PL7 1UH, 44 1752 333500, . Kao što se vidjelo na početku Ang Lee-a 1999 Razum i osjećaji. Smatra se domom nekih od najfinijih interijera Roberta Adama, posebno u neoklasičnom salonu, Saltram je fantastično sačuvan primjer rane gruzijske kuće. Također je posebno zanimljivo jer su različita "doba" kuće još uvijek vidljiva, uključujući Tudor i Palladian. U njemu su živjeli grofovi Morley, obitelj Parker, koji su bili zaštitnici Sir Joshua Reynoldsa i uživali u bliskim prijateljstvima s Jane Austen. Samo je imanje prostrano, a vrtove, naranče i ludosti vrijedi posjetiti. Imajte na umu da se tereni gužvaju u određeno doba godine. Odrasli 10 £, djeca 5 £, obitelji 15-25 £, odrasle grupe 8,50 £; snižene cijene za ulaz samo u vrt. Saltram House (Q2215464) on Wikidata Saltram House on Wikipedia
  • 10 Sinagoga u Plymouthu, Catherine Street, 44 1752 306330. Plymouthova sinagoga najstarija je preostala bogomolja aškenaza u zemlji engleskog govornog područja. Sadrži jedinu preživjelu 'punokrvnu' baroknu arku u Velikoj Britaniji, impresivnu na dva kata. Sinagoga ima i nekoliko lijepih vitraža. Plymouth Synagogue (Q7205862) on Wikidata Plymouth Synagogue on Wikipedia
  • 11 Kraljevsko kazalište Plymouth, Kraljevska parada, 44 1752 267222. Najveće provincijsko kazalište u Velikoj Britaniji i jedno od najbolje posjećenih. Producirali su i koproducirali predstave West Enda u Londonu i na Broadwayu u New Yorku, kao i u Plymouthu. Također je domaćin povremenim produkcijama tvrtke Royal Shakespeare Company, a vidio je i produkcije Shakespearea poznatog japanskog redatelja Yukio Ninagawa. Theatre Royal, Plymouth (Q7777439) on Wikidata Theatre Royal, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 12 Utvrda Crownhill. Crownhill Fort, jedan od najvećih i najbolje očuvanih takozvanih 'Vatrenih prstenova' lorda Palmerstona, zapažen je po svojoj kolekciji topova i oružja, uključujući jedan od samo dva djelujuća Moncieffova 'Nestajuća oružja'. U njemu se također nalaze vojarne u viktorijanskom i Drugom svjetskom ratu, kao i vojna podzemnih tunela. Otvorena je za javnost posljednjeg petka u mjesecu, pored odabranih vikenda gdje je domaćin vikenda 'Živa povijest'. Za grupe koje žele posjetiti druge datume moguće je unaprijed rezervirati obilazak. Crownhill Fort (Q5189558) on Wikidata Crownhill Fort on Wikipedia
  • 13 Minsterska crkva sv. Andrije. Središte anglikanizma u gradu koji posjeduje samo rimokatoličku katedralu, ova crkva iz četrnaestog stoljeća ikona je Plymouth Blitza. Usred dima i ruševina uništenog gradskog središta, ravnateljica je pribila jednostavan drveni natpis preko vrata bombardirane granate crkve; 'Resurgam' - "Uskrsnut ću ponovno". Ova poznata gesta često se uzima kao simbol Plymouthova ratnog duha. To nije jedina tvrdnja Ministra o slavi; dočekao je Catherine od Aragona, sir Francisa Drakea, Johna Hawkinsa i kapetana Bligha iz Bounty. Plymouth Minster (Q7205831) on Wikidata St Andrew's Church, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 14 Kuća Prysten, Ulica Finewell. Najstarija sačuvana kuća u središtu Plymoutha, koju je 1490. sagradio lokalni trgovac. Djelomično zauzet od restorana Tanners. Prysten House (Q17528861) on Wikidata Prysten House on Wikipedia
  • 15 Krist Kralj Rimokatolička crkva, Put Armada, PL1 2EN. Poslijeratna crkva od opeke od pješčenjaka, otvorena 1962. Značajna kao posljednje djelo Sir Gilesa Gilberta Scotta, također odgovornog za most Waterloo, elektranu Battersea, katedralu u Liverpoolu, pa čak i crvenu telefonsku kutiju. Nastavio je raditi na planovima za crkvu čak i kad je bio hospitaliziran zbog raka pluća, i to do svoje smrti. Danas crkvu dobro posjećuju mladi studenti i vrijedi je uzeti u obzir na putu prema motici.
  • 16 Dvorac Plympton, Plympton (Autobus 21 / 21a iz centra grada). Male ruševine ljuske tisućljetnog mota i dvorca Bailey. Dobar pogled na područje zaštite Plympton St Maurice, drevni stannarni grad za vađenje kositra koji vrijedi vidjeti zbog dobro očuvanih srednjovjekovnih ulica i arhitekture na povijesnom narodnom jeziku, uključujući staru školu, crkvu i malu cehovsku dvoranu. Mnoge kuće također se mogu pohvaliti finim gruzijskim fasadama. Dvorac nema 'vratara'; tj. Otvoren je tijekom cijele godine, u svako doba dana - samo uđite i istražite! Moto je vrlo strm uspon. Besplatno.


Gradski muzej i umjetnička galerija
  • 17 Gradski muzej i umjetnička galerija Plymouth. Uto-F 10:00 - 17:30; Subotom i blagdanom ponedjeljkom od 10 do 17 sati. Ovaj zanimljivi muzej smješten je u velikoj zgradi pored sveučilišta i preko puta Drake Circusa, na sjevernom brdu. Zbirke su raznolike i uključuju prirodnu povijest, keramiku i porculan te povijest Plymoutha. Tu su i rotirajuće posebne izložbe. Obnova djela postala bi prošireni "Povijesni centar", uz državno financiranje. Besplatno. Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery (Q7205781) on Wikidata Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery on Wikipedia
  • 18 Elizabetanska kuća. Na Barbicanu za više informacija.
  • Kutija, Tavistock Place PL4 8AX, 44 1752 304774. Muzej i galerija, uključujući izložbu na Mayflower.
  • 19 Trgovačka kuća. Povijesna zgrada ušuškana jednom od najstarijih gradskih ulica - Merchant's House je najljepši preživjeli primjer Plymoutha u rezidenciji iz 16. / 17. stoljeća. Tijekom 17. stoljeća u njemu su živjela tri gradonačelnika Plymoutha, uključujući privatnika Williama Parkera, prijatelja sir Francisa Drakea.
  • 20 Opatija Buckland, Yelverton (18 km od Plymoutha, uz A386, milju južno od Yelvertona), 44 1822 853607. Sagradili su ga cistercitski redovnici 1278. godine, a kasnije ga je posjedovao sir Francis Drake. Ova nekretnina National Trusta sadrži namještene sobe i interaktivne galerije, te jedno od najpoznatijih nasljeđa u zemlji, Drake's Drum. Rembrandtov portret, za koji se dugo smatralo da ga je naslikao učenik, sam je Rembrandt potvrdio kao autoportret. Buckland Abbey (Q999713) on Wikidata Buckland Abbey on Wikipedia


Southside Street na području Barbican - prikazuje destileriju Plymouth Gin
  • 1 Destilerija Gin Plymouth, 60 Southside St, Barbican, PL1 2LQ, 44 1752 665292. M-Sa 10:00 - 17:00; Ned 11:00 - 17:00. Ovdje se proizvodi Plymouth Gin. Danas je to jedina preostala destilerija džina u Plymouthu, u nekadašnjem samostanu dominikanskog reda izgrađenom 1431. Sadašnja destilerija djeluje od 1793. godine (marka / destilerija u vlasništvu je multinacionalnog giganta za pića Pernod Ricard). Destilerija je otvorena za posjetitelje svaki dan, a smatra se posljednjim mjestom na kojem su Oci hodočasnici boravili prije odlaska u Ameriku. Poznat je po dobrim prikazima - mogu uživati ​​i ljudi koji ne piju alkohol; iako naravno možete i kušati gin koji se tamo proizvodi! Iznenađujuće popularan među obiteljima. Ture 7 £ / pp. Plymouth Gin Distillery (Q7205808) on Wikidata Plymouth Gin Distillery on Wikipedia
  • 2 Tinside Lido. Otvoreni bazen na obali, odmah ispod Motike. It was constructed in the 1930s to an elegant Art Deco design and has also been featured on the BBC's Obala niz. The lido is open during the summer (June, July and August, perhaps the first week or two of September) and is a fun place to swim, play in the water, or sunbathe. There are fun sessions with inflatables and a fountain - amazing on a sunny day. For a long time it was derelict and abandoned, but after demand from citizens it was renovated and reopened. You also get a fantastic view of the sound. It was featured on a Royal Mail stamp collection in 2014. Admission charge applies. Tinside Lido (Q2435919) on Wikidata Tinside Pool on Wikipedia
  • Take a seafront walk. You can get fantastic views of the marina, the Sound, and out to sea if you walk along the seafront from the Barbican. The walk will take you along Madeira Road (constructed in the 1930s to provide work for the unemployed during the Great Depression), round the bottom of the Royal Citadel's walls. The road leads past the Hoe, and you can follow it along to the Millbay Docks. Fantastic views are available the whole way - including of Royal Navy ships in the Sound, the type of which you can often identify by the silhouette. You'll likely also see yachts, sailing ships, fishing boats, and other watercraft in the Sound. You might notice the breakwater at the southern edge of the sound, with its Napoleonic fort.
Waterfront of marina at the Barbican, Plymouth
Freedom Fields park, with view toward Plymouth Sound, as in Seth Lakeman's 2006 album Freedom Fields.
  • 3 Plym Valley Cycle Path, Plympton. Accessible from Plympton in the North East of the city, this path follows the Plym valley firstly alongside an old railway line and then on it through beautiful countryside all the way to Tavistock; there is very little infrastructure or facilities along the path, so any food or drink should be picked up before leaving Plymouth. There is a large Sainsbury's located at Marsh Mills, just before you reach the beginning of the cycle path. There is a viewpoint on the first large viaduct out of Plymouth overlooking a disused quarry where peregrine falcons nest in the spring. Kingfishers, dippers, mandarin duck and many other species are found along the river Plym which flows through the woods here. Also of interest are the Cann Wood railway cottages, an abandoned Victorian railway village whose ruined houses are free to explore. The path can be followed all the way up to Dartmoor; it is possible to follow a route right up to Princetown. Can get quite crowded on the initial stretch with families on bicycles at weekends. Besplatno.
  • 4 Plym Valley Railway, Br. Marsh Mills, Plympton, PL7 4NW. 1½ miles of the old Plymouth-Tavistock Great Western line, restored by local enthusiasts. Runs a number of old steam engines and other stock, which take visitors up this historic stretch of railway into Plym Woods. Adult single £2, adult return £4, child single £1, child return £2. 'Rover' tickets also available. Always check prices for individual trains before travelling.. Plym Valley Railway (Q7205735) on Wikidata Plym Valley Railway on Wikipedia
  • Paviljoni Plymouth is an entertainment centre that hosts big bands from time to time, ten-pin bowling, laser games, ice skating and the Pavilions funpool containing flume rides, Jacuzzi, wave machine and even an indoor beach. The centre is in the west end of the city centre on Union Street. It is supposed to be demolished, though there is no sign of this happening yet.
  • Take a boat tour Plymouth boasts one of the best natural harbours in Europe and maybe even the world, taking to the water can give you a new view on the city. Most boats leave from the Barbican, often from a jetty next to the Mayflower Steps. Various boat trips are available, lasting between 1–3 hours, taking in the Navy dockyard, Brunel's Bridge and the Hoe foreshore but various different destinations are available. There are also shorter ferry services designed to get you from place to place across the water. You can get more details at the Tourist Information Office which is just opposite the entrance down to the jetty. Plymouth Boat Trips is one company operating trips.
  • Gledaj nogomet na Plymouth Argyle FC. They were promoted in 2020 and now play in League One, the third tier of English soccer. Their stadium is at Central Park (capacity 18,000), half a mile north of city centre.
  • Watch rugby union, i.e. 15-a-side, at Plymouth Albion RUFC.
  • The British Firework Championships are an extremely impressive two-day championship between the best professional firework display companies to be crowned 'Champion of Champions'. Recognised as the UK's premier annual show, this takes place in the 'natural amphitheatre' of Plymouth Sound, meaning the fireworks can be viewed from the city itself, from the surrounding hills or even from boats in the Sound itself. This yearly event attracts thousands of visitors and the Sound becomes packed with both private and commercial craft, so it is worth arriving in advance. It is recommended to take public transport if coming from the suburbs, as the traffic can be extremely heavy.
  • 5 Jennicliff. A designated 'county wildlife site' and offers breathtaking views over Plymouth Sound and towards the city centre. Just a short water bus ride of around five minutes from the Barbican Landing Stage, followed by five to ten minutes on the SW Coastal Path, this is the perfect place for picnics, letting the kids run around and let off steam or just watching the world (and shipping!) go by. A small pebbly beach is located at the foot of Jennycliff, accessed down long but shallow (not steep) steps. There is also direct access onto the Southwest Coastal Path for longer walks to Heybrook, Wembury, Noss Mayo i dalje. A small café with facilities is available.
  • Plymouth Gladiators (Plymouth Devils), Coypool Road (Plymouth Coliseum). A British speedway team that was in the National League in 2019. Plymouth Gladiators (Q60787888) on Wikidata Plymouth Gladiators on Wikipedia


University of Plymouth, Roland Levinsky building

Plymouth has two universities. The main university, and the one most visitors notice, is the immense University of Plymouth, with around 30,000 students. It is based on a large campus at the north-east corner of the city-centre, and puts on regular events for citizens and visitors. Even if you don't realize it, you are surrounded by its many students, particularly if you are in the city-centre, and in summer they open the halls of residence to visitors, providing good, affordable self-catering accommodation. You can walk around the impressive campus, and the Roland Levinskiy building is open to visitors to see its exhibitions, for events, and to visit the café. It stands out because of its scale, a tower of unusual shape in brown metal and glass. It became a university in 1992 having been a polytechnic for many years, but is one of the best-regarded of the former polytechnics which became universities that year. Plymouth's second university is University of St Mark & St John, usually abbreviated to "Marjon", with about 5,000 students. It is located in a northern suburb of the city, close to Dartmoor. It attained full university status in 2012 after being a university college for many years and offers an increasing number of degree programmes.

Plymouth is also home to nearly a third of all state schools in Devon, some of which are counted among the best in the country. Plymouth still has three selective grammar schools and a small independent school.

There are also a lot of private language schools, in particular in the city centre and around the railway station. Numbers swell in the summer as foreign school groups descend upon Plymouth to improve their English.


Cornwall Street, Plymouth

This is a city from where great voyages have begun for centuries - and as no voyage can depart without supplies, there has always been a need to stock everything imaginable! Today you'll find fashion, clothing, local food and many other items.

City-centre shopping

Plymouth's city-centre shopping area is the largest and most comprehensive in the West of England outside of Bristol. Most stores as open M-Sa 9AM-5PM, Th until 8PM as late-night-shopping night, and Su 11AM-5PM. The main shopping areas are the streets of Armada Way and those running off it - the Kraljevska parada, New George Street, Cornwall Street, i Mayflower Street. These are housed in elegant 1950s buildings erected as part of the post-war reconstruction of the city, and mostly pedestrianised. Armada Way in particular is a broad avenue with trees, water features, and other interesting features running down the centre of the street. At the intersection of Armada Way and New George Street is the Armada Dial, a giant and striking sculpture of a sundial. However, these streets have been hit in the past few years by the closure of various major stores, including Woolworth's and the Derry's department store. It would be fair to say that these streets require some regeneration. But they are still busy during the day and especially on Saturdays, and you can find most chain stores here, as well as all the banks and some building societies that operate in England. There is a House of Fraser department stores here with entrance on Royal Parade.

Drake Circus shopping centre
  • 1 Drake Circus Shopping Centre, 1 Charles St, PL1 1EA, 44 1752 223030. M-W and F Sa 9AM-6PM, Th 9AM-8PM, Su 10:30AM-4:30PM. However, many of the more upmarket stores have now moved to Drake Circus, an impressive shopping mall which opened in October 2006. There are entrances on New George Street, Cornwall Street, and Exeter Street. This is very much a 21st-century shopping facility equal to those of any other prosperous British city: Marks and Spencer, a large branch of the chemist/drugstore Boots, a Waterstone’s bookstore (with an interesting local interest section with books about Plymouth and Devon!), fashion chains Zara, Bank, Topshop/Topman, Next and River Island and numerous others, shoe shop Sole Trader, the Apple Store. There is a vast Primark and the Juice Moose. Drake Circus courted controversy on its opening, with some comparing it to malls designed in the 1980s (perhaps because car parking is on the roof), but in truth it is clean, welcoming, attractive and has a high standard of fit and finish which is comparable or better than most others in the UK. Drake Circus Shopping Centre (Q5305593) on Wikidata Drake Circus Shopping Centre on Wikipedia

There is no branch of John Lewis Waitrose or Ikea in the city (you have to go to Bristol for that). However, there is a Waitrose just over the Tamar Bridge, in Cornwall. There is another, older mall in the city, the Armada Centre which is on the corner of Armada Way and Mayflower Street. However, it is in decline and only features discount stores and pound-shops, though you might want to make a trip there for the big Sainsbury's supermarket.

Independent shops and markets

Plymouth City Markets, on Cornwall Street
Independent shops in the Barbican area, Southside Street

A visit to the independent shops in the Barbican area are a must - particularly on New Street and Southside Street. Here you'll find art and prints, antiques and collectables, and all sorts of other interesting shops - see what you can find! There are also all sorts of items on the Pannier Market which is held most days around Southside Street (this is not the same as the covered Pannier Market in the city-centre on Cornwall Street, which is usually known as the City Market). The Barbican area is also a good place for souvenirs of the city, which are also stocked at the Tourist Information Centre and the Edinburgh Woollen Mill, both near the Mayflower Steps.

Many tourists like to buy sea-themed souvenirs from their trip to Plymouth. There is a good selection at the Edinburgh Woollen Mill which is in a glass-faced shop in the Barbican, near the Mayflower Steps. Plymouth is the home of Plymouth Gin, and if you like English gin you may want to pick some up from the city it was distilled in even though the business is now owned by Pernod Ricard.

The 'Independent Quarter', to the West of the city-centre, contains smaller shops including a French-family owned bakery, a specialist pipe and tobacco shop, and many charity shops where second-hand goods donated by the public are sold to raise money for good causes.

Finally, you should pay a visit to the City Markets (previously known as the Pannier Market - but this is also the name of another at the Barbican which was confusing). The City Market is a covered indoor market of permanent stallholders similar to the St. Nicholas Markets in Bristol or the Grainger Market in Newcastle - but in an elegant modernist building constructed in the 1950s. The impressive scalloped roof fills the market with natural light. Here you'll find all manner of items for sale, including food (including produce fresh from farms in the region and freshly-caught local fish), clothing, collectables, decorative items, items for the household of all kinds, and many other things - and of generally high quality. There is no hawking or "hard sell" atmosphere as is found at some other places, nor the (albeit exciting) craziness and threat of the Camden Markets in London. Instead, there is a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, as a microcosm of that in the city as a whole. Some of the shops round the outside and on the mezzanine are somewhat retro. There are also some old-style British cafés on a mezzanine floor, of the sort which have mostly disappeared from British high streets to be replaced by coffee shops. The atmosphere in the market captures the classless and community-spirited air of life in the city. The market has entrances on Cornwall Street and New George Street (at the western end of these streets) and is open 9AM-5PM most days.


If you are staying in self-catering accommodation, or just need to buy food other essential items, try the following:

  • Tesco Metro has a store on New George Street (at the eastern end of the street), open 7AM to 10PM every night (except Sundays when it is 11AM to 5PM). This is a small supermarket which stocks most everyday food and other items.
  • Sainsbury's has a store at the Armada Centre (entrance at the corner of Armada Way and Mayflower Street). This might be useful if you need a larger selection of items than at the Tesco Metro as it is somewhat larger. It's open 7AM to 8PM every night (except Sundays when it is 10:30AM to 4:30PM).
  • The Cooperative Food has many small stores located throughout the city. These act as handy convenience-store outlets and are usually open until late. For example, stores are located at Southside Street and Hoegate Street in the Barbican, with another at Regent Street which is handy if you are staying at or near the University or its halls of residence. You'll also find them throughout the suburbs and other areas of the city.

Outside of the city centre, there is another larger Sainsbury's at Marsh Mills, an Asda in Estover (open 24 hours except Sunday) and two large branches of Tesco (one in Crownhill and one in Woolwell, the latter of which is an Extra and open 24 hours except Sunday).


For a city of its size, Plymouth does not have many fine restaurants, though it is home to the Tanners Restaurant run by brothers James and Chris Tanner. James is a well-known chef on British television. There are many good restaurants in the wider area. Among them: The Horn of Plenty at Gulworthy (20 miles), near Tavistock; the New Carved Angel na Dartmouth (35 miles) which was once voted the top restaurant in Britain; i Gidleigh Park Hotel na Chagford.

Cornish pasty, whole. Could be any filling. Makes a satisfying lunch.
Cornish pasty, cut open (though usually eaten with fingers, by holding the thick crust). Traditional filling shown.

The Barbican has a number of restaurants and bars lined up along the quayside - notably few serve fresh locally caught fish ; a local peculiarity for a fishing city - North Sea cod is generally only served battered and fried, with chips. As with any major city, there are plenty of takeaway and fast food retailers within easy distance of most parts of Plymouth. Buying a takeaway in Plymouth can prove a cost effective alternative to a restaurant, with as many different food choices. Naturally, any visitor to the West Country should try a traditional pasty (if in Plymouth, asking for a 'Cornish' pasty may attract some derision - just say "pasty"; they htjeti understand!) a meat and potato mix wrapped in pastry. Try Ivor Dewdney's pasties to eat like the locals have done for over seventy years, or try the wonderfully entitled Oggy Oggy Pasty Company which has many branches, or the excellent Barbican Pasty Company on Southside Street in the Barbican area. The traditional filling is a mixture of shredded beef, swede, onion and potato, but various different flavours are available now - vegetarian fillings are often available. Traditionally, you eat by holding the thick pastry crust and eating from the soft pastry side - that kept your dirty fingers off the main part of the food if you were a miner (metal mining was big business in Devon and Cornwall in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially for tin, lead and copper) or fisherman. The thick crust meant that if you would be eating your lunch with poisonous tin or lead on your hands, you wouldn't be poisoned! Of course nowadays you can eat the whole thing, crust included!

  • Tanners Restaurant, Prysten House, Finewell Street, 44 1752 252001. Probably the most expensive restaurant in Plymouth. The Tanner Brothers also own a secondary (more reasonable) restaurant, The Barbican Kitchen is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner, it is in the historic Gin distillery on the Barbican (as the name suggests!)
  • One of the nicest restaurants in Plymouth is the View Pan Asia, located along Royal Parade in the city centre. It is a buffet restaurant for East Asian cuisine.
  • Veggie Perrin's, 97 Mayflower Street (Just opposite the lower end of Armada Centre), 44 1752 252888. 6-10PM. A very pleasant, family-run Indian restaurant, which makes fresh vegetarian food while you wait. The samosas and dhal are exceptionally tasty. Preporučuje se. £20.
  • Lantern Restaurant on Cornwall Street (city centre) Cypriot and Greek Fare
  • Cafe India in Stoke Village is a highly regarded Indian restaurant in Plymouth.
  • Platters on the Barbican Very reliable seafood dishes, try the scallops as a starter, and if you have room, the large fish and chips.
  • Cap'n Jasper's. 'World Famous for Fine Food', a great-value eating place on the Barbican.
  • The Waterdragon in Plymouth City Centre is an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet restaurant, priced around £12, with a chocolate fountain as part of its dessert options.
  • The Pasta Bar on the Barbican, is mainly Italian food - pizza and pasta. It is moderately priced with pasta dishes around £8-10.
  • Union Rooms is a Wetherspoon's pub in the City Centre that has budget food such as beer and burger meals at £4.
  • Restauracja Rycerska (Polish Restaurant), 111 Mayflower Street, 44 7912149583. 10AM - 6PM. A cafe restaurant serving delicious Polish traditional food and English Breakfasts. £20 for 3 courses.
  • Plymouth has all the usual fast food fare you could want (or not want); overall don't expect many great surprises.


Armada Way - billboard shows part of a well-known painting by artist Beryl Cook, who adopted Plymouth as her home. Poster shows part of a work entitled Clubbing in the Rain, painted in her distinctive style.

If you're looking for a place to go out for a drink, there are two main places: the zapadni kraj (especially Ulica Union and around Derry's Cross), and the Barbican. Of these, the Barbican has a somewhat nicer atmosphere, particularly on summer evenings when many people are drinking outside. However you can also find good pubs and bars in other parts of the city - including in the Mutley area, which attracts many students.

  • 1 The Dolphin, 14 The Barbican, PL1 2LS, 44 1752 660876. Public house on the Plymouth Barbican, perfectly kept Bass drawn straight from the barrel and the last traditional drinkers' pub. The Dolphin features in many paintings by Plymouth's great artist, Beryl Cook, and has a long running folk music session Sunday lunchtimes. Dolphin Inn (Q5289629) on Wikidata Dolphin Inn, Plymouth on Wikipedia
  • 2 The Millbridge Inn, 23 Molesworth Rd, Stoke, PL1 5LZ, 44 1752 563056. Su, M-W: 10am-11pm, Th: 10am-midnight, F-Sa: 10am-1am. In Millbridge, Plymouth, a Ferkin pub this usually has live music on a Friday and Saturday night.
  • The China House. at Coxside, this has great views over the harbour to the Barbican.
  • The Lord Louis. in Plympton is a suburban steak house.
  • Voodoo Lounge. in city centre is an alternative pub that hosts rock/indie/punk/alternative bands, open mic nights and quiz nights.
  • The Fortescue (known locally as "The Fort"). in Mutley Plain is an excellent place to try real British beer, being a regular winner of the Plymouth branch of CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) awards for the best Real Ale pub in the city. The Fort is both a traditional pub and a hub of the community, with a wide range of activities including music, darts, and its own cricket team and knitting group.
  • Pubs, clubs and bars due to the massive student population Plymouth has pretty much every national chain and plenty of local talent, good drinking areas include the Barbican, the area around the University, Mutley and Union Street especially on Friday or Saturday nights.


There are many hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, and other places to stay in Plymouth. If you find yourself in the city and needing a place to stay, try walking around to the west of the Hoe, around Citadel Road East/West and Leighton Street. You can also visit the Tourist Information Centre at the Barbican, which has a more comprehensive list of places to stay.

As with any decent sized city there are plenty of accommodation options, the Plymouth Tourist Information Centre ( 44 1752 306330) will be able to provide more assistance

There is suddenly a surplus of medium to low-price hotel or Travelodge style accommodation in the centre of the city where deals are always to be had and which provide better value and convenience than traditional bed and breakfast hotels although dozens of these are working hard to up their game.

  • Plymouth University Summer Accommodation, 44 1752 588644. July and August only. For comfortable, city centre accommodation during the high season. A choice of single standard or single and double en suite rooms are available from as little as £20 per night, with a choice of self catering or room only. The accommodation is within walking distance of the main shopping area, the waterfront and the train and bus stations.
  • Ibis, Longbridge Road, PL6 8LR (in Marsh Mills (to the north west of the city - directly off the Devon Expressway)).
  • 1 Copthorne Hotel, Armada Way PL1 1AR, 44 17 5222 4161. Part of a chain which has a hotel in the centre of Plymouth
  • Holiday Inn. Known for having the best view of the Sound in Plymouth from its bar.
  • There are a camp-sites also in Marsh Mills Riverside Camp-site it is well signposted from both the city centre and the road to and from Exeter, Plymouth Sound Caravan Club [1], Brixton Caravan & Camping Park and many more in the surrounding area.
  • Plymouth Backpackers Hotel, 172 Citadel Rd, The Hoe, PL1 3BD.
  • Avalon Guest House, 167 Citadel Road The Hoe Plymouth PL1 2HU, 44 1752 668127. Prijava: 13:00, provjeri: 10:00. Friendly relaxed and comfortable family run guest house bed and breakfast situated on Plymouth Hoe in the heart of Plymouth.

Snaći se

Glavni Poštanski ured is at the corner of Exeter Street and Old Town Street, in the colonnaded corner building at St. Andrew's Cross (i.e. roundabout). You'll find all the major English banke and building societies on the shopping streets in the city centre, nearly all of which have Bankomati. The city's main hospital (Derriford Hospital) is located in a northern suburb of the city. Emergency care is free to all, and holders of a European Health Insurance Card are entitled to free treatment on the NHS in all departments.

Ostati siguran

It is unlikely you'll experience any problems in Plymouth as long as you use common sense. Although certainly not the most dangerous of British cities, Plymouth has several areas which are best avoided at night, especially if you are alone. These include the area around Union Street late at night, where drinkers can get rowdy and the atmosphere can be unpleasant. It is not unusual to see drunken brawls in the Union Street area after dark. For this reason there is generally a police presence there at night.

The city has always struggled with a degree of social deprivation, with salaries still well below the national average and surrounding 'destination' towns and resorts in Devon & Cornwall themselves often patronised by incomers from wealthier regions. Beggars sometimes hang around the city centre - if asked, do not give them any money as this exacerbates the problem and your money is likely to be spent on alcohol or drugs. Avoid making eye contact with them, and if you are asked to "spare a little change please", just keep walking by while you offer a firm but polite "not today" or "no, sorry". The main police station is at Charles Cross.

Idi dalje

On Dartmoor
The Royal Albert Bridge, by Isembard Kingdom Brunel, takes the railway from Plymouth across the River Tamar into Cornwall.
  • Take a boat from the Barbican in Plymouth to Cawsand, a small and very picturesque village just across the Sound in Cornwall (30 minutes). Cawsand has a small stony beach and nice pubs and cafes. From there you can walk through along the stunning South West Coastal Path via the sandy beach at Whitesand Bay, past the ancient windswept chapel at Rame Head and Napoleonic fortifications and through the beautiful 18th-century landscape of Mount Edgcumbe country park (3–4 miles) to Cremyll. You can take the Cremyll ferry back to Plymouth (get a timetable from the Tourist Information Office, but they're fairly frequent for the 10-minute trip). A fantastic day out. If you want a map, the Tourist Information Office have some or try Ordnance Survey Explorer 108 (Lower Tamar Valley and Plymouth)
  • Take a bus to Wembury and walk back into Plymouth along the South West Coastal Path an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Scenically tucked away nearby are Noss Mayo and Newton Ferrers (30-min drive from Plymouth), a plutocratic ex-fishing village with a couple of well-sited up-market foody pubs by a crook in the river.
  • Canoe tours Tamar Trails are a beautiful way to explore the magical winding Tamar Valley and depart from nearby Callington where you can also visit National Trust Property Cotehele, the ancient seat of the Edgcumb family.
  • Antony House and Pentillie are nearby country estates in Cornwall open to visitors ; National Trust Saltram House is in Plympton, Devon with extensive landscaped gardens overlooking the Plym at Laira.
  • Walk further along the South West Coastal Path. As a map try the A-Z Adventure South West Coast Path series (you can get these from city bookstores or the Tourist Information Centre at the Barbican), or an Ordnance Survey Explorer map for the area you plan to walk (e.g. Ordnance Survey Explorer 108 - Lower Tamar Valley and Plymouth).
  • Try the beautiful coastal walk from Polperro to Looe (or vice versa).
  • Tavistock is an attractive, historic tin-miners' town and is a good place to set as a hub for visiting Dartmoor. It can be reached by taking bus, number 83, 84 or 86. It also has an amazingly good cheese shop, [2].
  • The cathedral cities of Truro, u Cornwall (1 hr 30 min drive, from 1-hr train - from £8 adult return), and Exeter (40-min drive, or 1-hr train - £7 adult return, or 'fast' bus from Plymouth taking around 1 hr 20 min) are worth a visit.
  • About a 20-minute drive north will take you into Dartmoor National Park, where some fantastic views and walks are to be had. A good first stop would be in Princetown where the tourist information office will give you details on some recommended walks close by.
  • Dartmouth a scenic town with the Royal Naval College and restaurants including the Carved Angel.
  • Totnes, Salcombe i Kingsbridge are notably upmarket, bohemian communities of the South Hams to the east of the city with good restaurants and a foody, crafty, culture centred around Dartington Hall. Local wine and cheese production amid the fertile green coombes can be found at the well-known Sharpham Estate near Loddiswell.
  • The Plymouth suburban rail services, such as they are, predominantly continue out of town up the Tamar Valley to the former mining districts around Calstock and Gunnislake. The journey is remarkably sedate (and therefore infrequent, since one train operates a shuttle all day), the scenery magnificent, the fares reasonable and the destination interesting. Gunnislake has good walking country, albeit with a lot of minor roads rather than minor paths, and the pubs are mostly worth a visit. There is a RailAle Trail for those planning this last option, which offers discounts on the drinks and urges responsible consumption. Owing to the rural nature of most of the line and the poor service offered to the urban stations, traffic levels are low and getting a seat will rarely be an issue for most of the day. It is a little-known route, so good for those wishing to avoid tourist hotspots.
Rute kroz Plymouth
BodminSaltash W UK road A38.svg E BuckfastleighExeter
OkehamptonTavistock N UK road A386.svg S stapa se s A38
Ovaj gradski turistički vodič za Plymouth je iskoristiv članak. Ima informacije o tome kako doći tamo, kao i o restoranima i hotelima. Avanturistična osoba mogla bi koristiti ovaj članak, ali slobodno ga poboljšajte uređivanjem stranice.