Cambridge - Cambridge

Za ostala mjesta s istim imenom vidi Cambridge (višeznačna odrednica).
Kapela King's Collegea i zabavljači na rijeci Cam, gledano iz filma The Backs.

Cambridge je sveučilišni grad u Cambridgeshire u Engleska. To je grad krokusa i narcisa na leđima, zelenih otvorenih prostora i stoke koja pasi samo 500 metara (450 m) od tržnice. Krave ponekad odlutaju na tržnicu, jer nisu ograđene. Vrijedan je pogledati Cambridge od Brookea, Byrona, Newtona i Rutherforda, ljetne idile punata, kvrga, hladnih vrba i Majskih lopti.


King's Parade u središtu Cambridgea, sa Sveučilišnom kućom senata s lijeve strane i Velikom crkvom Svete Marije s desne strane.

Cambridge mi pamti brojne slike: prekrasan pogled na kapelu King's Collegea s druge strane rijeke Cam, bogata zamršenost gotičke arhitekture, studenti koji voze bicikl na predavanja i lijeno ljetno putanje na rijeci Cam.

Cambridge uspije kombinirati svoju ulogu povijesnog grada sa svjetski poznatim sveučilištem, a od 20. stoljeća međunarodno priznatim centrom izvrsnosti za tehnologiju i znanost. The Sveučilište u Cambridgeu osnovana je 1209. godine odlaskom učenjaka Oxford nakon spora sa stanovnicima grada. Odabrali su mirni grad Cambridge kao prikladno mjesto za studiranje. U 17. stoljeću Sveučilište Cambridge školovalo je mnoge osnivače američkog sveučilišta zvanog Harvard, koje se također nalazi u mjestu zvanom Cambridge (nazvano po engleskom sveučilištu). Sveučilište Cambridge ima mnogo poznatih bivših studenata, uključujući: matematičare poput Sir Isaaca Newtona, znanstvenike poput Stephena Hawkinga i Charlesa Darwina, filozofe poput Bertranda Russella i Ludwiga Wittgensteina te pisce poput Johna Miltona i Lorda Byrona. To je bilo mjesto Rutherfordovog pionirskog rada u nuklearnoj fizici i Krikova i Watsonovog DNK rada (vidi pub Eagle dolje). Akademici s Cambridgea osvojili su više Nobelovih nagrada nego bilo koje drugo sveučilište na svijetu. Glasina da je samo jedan fakultet, Trinity, imao više nobelovaca od Francuske, međutim, lažna je.

Grad je sa svih strana okružen baštinskim selima, gradovima i antičkim spomenicima (poput Ely i Peterborough), sve na laganoj udaljenosti. Poput Oxforda, Cambridge je pošteđen njemačkog bombaškog napada na tepihe koji je razorio mnoge druge britanske gradove tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, pa je stoga jedan od najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova u Velikoj Britaniji

Više od 6 milijuna posjetitelja svake godine dođe u Cambridge kako bi uživalo u užicima povijesnog grada. Sam grad je prilično kompaktan s mnogim glavnim atrakcijama u blizini. Cambridge je idealna baza za istraživanje nekih od najnježnijih (čitajte najplodnijih; dobrih za ležerne šetnje, siromašnih za brda s vidikovcima) i najneiskrnutijih krajolika u Engleskoj.


Cambridge je udaljen samo 80 km sjeverno od London. Uz dobre željezničke usluge i cestovne komunikacijske veze, Cambridge je lako dostupan, bilo da se putuje automobilom ili javnim prijevozom.


Cambridge je nadomak nekih, ali ne svih londonskih međunarodnih zračnih luka.

Londonska zračna luka Stansted (STN IATA) udaljen je 30 milja i ima redovne autobusne i željezničke linije do Cambridgea. Izravne željezničke usluge polaze svaki sat (do Birmingham New Street) i uzmite oko 35 min s povratnom cijenom 16,00 £. Za češće usluge vozite Stansted Express do Londona s platforme 1 i presjednite se na Bishops's Stortford ili Stansted Mountfitchet, otprilike 50 minuta. Željezničke usluge možda neće biti dostupne ako vaš let stigne u Stansted vrlo kasno ili poleti vrlo rano u danu, a iako zračna luka voli oglašavati usluge po satima, postoje neke čudne praznine u voznom redu pa provjerite ploče prije nego što kupite kartu i krenite do autobusnog kolodvora ako u ponudi nema ništa razumno. Autobusi National Expressa voze između Cambridgea i Stansteda (uključujući kasno navečer), uzimajući oko 50 minuta s cijenama od 12 GBP. Aerodrom Abacus Cars Cambridge vozi se tamo od 47 funti u jednom smjeru.

Zračna luka Luton (LTN IATA) najbolje dolazi do National Express Coach-a, uzimajući oko 1 sat i 40 minuta s cijenama od oko 26 GBP, ali one idu samo svaka 2 sata ili nešto više.

Zračne luke London Stansted i London Luton nude mnoge najjeftinije međunarodne letove koji se mogu naći u Europi, a mnogi od velikih niskotarifne europske zrakoplovne tvrtke kao što su Easyjet, Ryanair, Jet2 i TUIfly koji imaju čvorište u jednoj od ove dvije zračne luke.

Londonska zračna luka Gatwick (LGW IATA) sada ima direktnu željezničku liniju Thameslink do Cambridgea i traje oko 1 sat i 55 minuta s jednokratnom cijenom od 35,50 funti. Dvije dodatne usluge na sat zahtijevaju promjenu između London St Pancras i susjednog London King's Crossa. Gatwick je najmanje prikladan londonski aerodrom automobilom, budući da je na suprotnoj strani Londona, potreban je obilazak M25 londonske kružne ceste i traje oko 3 sata. Abacus Airport Cars Cambridge vozi se tamo od 100 funti u jednom smjeru. Dostupna je autobusna služba National Express, opet oko 3 sata (i to opet M25).

Londonska zračna luka Heathrow (LHR IATA) udaljen je automobilom 90-120 min, ovisno o prometu.

Autobusi National Expressa do i sa središnjeg autobusnog kolodvora Heathrow traju oko 2½ sata po cijenama od 36 GBP (rujan 2019.).

Željeznicom postoje dvije mogućnosti, a obje bi trebale trajati otprilike 2 sata:

  • Vozite se Heathrow Expressom od željezničke stanice Heathrow na terminalima 2 i 3 (ne plaća se dodatna naknada za transfer između terminala 4 i 5 do terminala 2 i 3) do londonskog Paddingtona (PAD), ova usluga kreće otprilike svakih 15 minuta. Iz Londona Paddington vozite cestom (linija Hammersmith i City ili Circle linija) do London Kings Cross (LGX), a zatim vozom do Cambridgea (CBG). Ukupni trošak prilikom rezervacije tijekom 3 mjeseca unaprijed trebao bi biti manji od 20 £ u jednom smjeru i 30 £ za povratak. Ako kupujete karte za Heathrow Express na brodu ili u zračnoj luci, očekujte da ćete platiti 35 GBP jednokratno i 55 GBP povratno. Ova metoda putovanja smanjuje vrijeme provedeno na cijevi na manje od 15 minuta, što je preporučljivo u vršnim vremenima cijevi (7:00 - 9:00, 16:00 - 18:00).
  • Krenite cevčicom (linija Piccadilly) od podzemnih terminala London Heathrow 2,3,4 ili 5 do London Kings Cross (LGX) ili (presjednite na Holborn za Centralnu liniju) do London Liverpool Street (LST). Odatle vozite vlakom do Cambridgea (CBG). Cijene iz Kings Cross-a 25,10 GBP jednokratno i 38,70 GBP izvan vrha; iz ulice Liverpool 18,90 £ singl izvan sezone i 27,50 £ povratka izvan vrha. Cijena najniže cijene cijevi između Heathrow-a i središnjeg Londona iznosi 3,10 funti s beskontaktnim putem. Ova metoda putovanja najjeftinija je željeznička metoda, ali uključuje približno 1 sat vožnje cijevi, što nije preporučljivo u vršno vrijeme cijevi (7:00 - 9:00, 16:00 18:00).

Zračna luka Abacus do Cambridgea košta 85,00 £ u jednom smjeru.

Zračna luka London City (LCY IATA) najbolje se stiže vlakom do King's Crossa ili ulice Liverpool kao Heathrow, zatim podzemne željeznice i lagane željeznice Docklands preko Londona (cijena cijevi od 2,80 GBP bez singla s beskontaktnim). Aerodrom Abacus Cars Cambridge vozi se tamo od 77 funti u jednom smjeru.

Cambridge ima vlastiti aerodrom - Međunarodna zračna luka Cambridge (CBG IATA) - na istočnoj periferiji grada; udaljen je 10 minuta od povijesne jezgre. Međutim, više nema redovnih letova.


Wikivoyage ima vodič za Putovanje željeznicom u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.

Redovni vlakovi voze od London (Kraljev križ i Ulica Liverpool) u Cambridge. Najbrže usluge "Cambridge Cruisera" do i od King's Crossa rade bez prestanka i uzimaju manje od 50 minuta, obično polazeći u: 15 i: 45 minuta nakon sata. "Polubrze" usluge zaustavljaju se na nekoliko međukolodvora i traju oko 65 min, sporije zaustavljanje vlakova može potrajati i do 90 min. Pokušajte izbjeći vlakom s više od 8 stanica između Cambridgea i London King's Crossa kako biste izbjegli najsporije vlakove. Vlakovi do i iz Londonske ulice Liverpool svi traju oko 75 min. Ako kupujete super off-peak karte, ovo su najjeftinije dostupne, sa povratom od 13 GBP. Izravni vlakovi od zračne luke Stansted do Cambridgea trebaju 35 minuta (uhvatite vlakove iz Stansteda koji idu u smjeru Birminghama). Budući da je Cambridge jedno od glavnih čvorišta željezničke mreže Istočne Anglije, vlakovi također voze od i do Ipswich, Norwich, Peterborough i Birmingham. Vidjeti Nacionalna željeznica za informacije o voznom redu i cijenama.

Možete kupiti preko noći Željeznica i jedro karta iz Cambridgea bilo gdje u Nizozemska za oko 80 funti, korištenjem trajektne rute Harwich-Hook of Holland. Provjerite jeste li odabrali ispravnu kartu, ali možete pronaći ponude koje pokrivaju trajekt (uključujući sobu i krevet) i putuju između Cambridgea do bilo koje stanice u Nizozemskoj. Polasci s Cambridgea su oko 19:00; ako krenete drugim putem, stižete malo prije 10:00. (Postoje i dnevni trajekti, ali vozni red vlakova znači da ne možete uspostaviti vezu s vlakom.)

1 Željeznička stanica u Cambridgeu udaljen je oko 1,2 km južno od središta grada; postoje redovni autobusi do grada i taksi stanica ispred stanice. Stanica ima putnički centar s osobljem, samoposlužne automate za prodaju karata (mnogi uzimaju samo europske pametne čipove i ne prihvaćaju gotovinu) i automatske zapreke za karte (trebate kartu da biste dobili oba u i izvan stanice). Obratite pažnju na kupnju karata jer je često red za automate, a nema ih kod izloga. Tu su i bankomati, nekoliko kafića i knjižara, na platformi dostupni samo vlasnicima ulaznica, te mini supermarket u predvorju stanice. Stanica je vrlo dugačka, s nekoliko vlakova parkiranih od kraja do kraja na glavnoj peronu, pa ćete možda morati dugo pješačiti između vlakova ako imate usku vezu.

2 Željeznička stanica Cambridge North nalazi se na sjeveroistoku grada, a opslužuju ga vlakovi do i iz Londona, kraljeva Lynna i Norwicha. Ova je stanica prikladna za znanstveni park Cambridge, ali u ovom dijelu grada malo je turističkih znamenitosti.

Po ciklusu

Cambridge ima najvišu razinu korištenja bicikla od bilo kojeg grada u Velikoj Britaniji.

Cambridge je vrlo dostupan biciklom, a lokalna vlada potiče održiva putovanja (poput pješačenja i vožnje biciklom). Rute 11 i 51 nacionalne biciklističke mreže prolaze kroz grad, a Cambridge se također nudi sveobuhvatnom lokalnom biciklističkom mrežom. Unutar grada biciklizam je uobičajeno sredstvo za kretanje. Cikluse je moguće unajmiti u brojnim prodajnim mjestima, uključujući Station Cycles (smješten sjeverno od željezničke stanice), središnju podružnicu Station Cycles (smještenu na katu -1 trgovačkog centra Grand Arcade) i od City Cycle Hire (na zapadu rub gradskog središta, u predgrađu Newnhama).

Neke kratke napomene o biciklističkom bontonu: vožnja biciklom po kolniku (nogostupu) općenito nije dopuštena osim ako nema posebno potpisanu biciklističku stazu za zajedničku uporabu; vožnja biciklom po cesti uvijek je dopuštena, čak i ako postoji traka za zajedničku uporabu (ali ovo će možda smetati vozačima automobila). Jednosmjerne ulice primjenjuju se na bicikle, osim ako ne postoji biciklistička staza za putovanje u suprotnom smjeru. Poštujte crvene semafore i uvijek koristite biciklistička svjetla u mraku. Ako vas uhvate bez svjetla, kaznit ćete novčanu kaznu u iznosu od 30 £. Pridržavajte se pravila čak i ako ih mnogi drugi prekrše.


Parkiranje može biti teško u središnjem Cambridgeu (najbolje parkiralište je, ako ste spremni platiti, u Grand Arcadeu u središtu grada), a jednosmjerni ulični sustav izuzetno je zbunjujući. Vijeće preporučuje upotrebu sheme "Parkiraj i vozi se" (1 GBP za parkiranje i 2,70 GBP povratne autobusne karte).

  • Cambridge je s Londonom povezan prvenstveno M11 ili A10.
  • Sa sjevera siđite s A1 na A14.
  • Iz zapadnog i sjeverozapadnog Londona i Hertfordshira, A1 (M) i A505 putem Letchworth i Hitchin prilično je brza alternativna ruta kojom se izbjegava M25 (posebno za vrijeme najvećeg prometa).
  • A421 / A428 također vrijedi razmotriti ako se vozite iz Milton Keynes i Bedford.


National Express pruža autobusne veze do većih gradova širom zemlje, uključujući izravne linije do Londona Victorije i Birminghama, kao i česte autobusne luke do Lutona, Stansteda, Heathrowa i Gatwicka. Autobusi National Expressa polaze iz Parksidea, pored parka Parker's Piece, oko pola milje od centra grada. Mnoge usluge zaustavljaju se i na mjestima Parkington and Ride Trumpington i Madingley Road.

Autobusni kolodvor za kraće autobuse nalazi se u ulici Drummer, povoljno smješten za sve glavne znamenitosti. Poštanska kočija prometuju rutama od Cambridgea do Bedforda, Elyja, Peterborougha (putem veze na Chatterisu), Newmarketa, Saffron Waldena, Bury St Edmundsa i Oxforda.

Nekoliko različitih autobusnih prijevoznika (posebice autobusi s kočijama i autobusima) obavljaju usluge unutar Cambridgea i okolice, pa stoga karte za jednu tvrtku možda neće vrijediti na autobusnim linijama koje vode druge tvrtke. Usluga je notorno neredovita i najbolje je ostaviti otprilike upola manje vremena za putovanje, jer autobusi često kasne / otkazuju se / sporo, a ako se želi hitna veza, najbolje ih je izbjegavati, posebno "citi" "markirani autobusi: prošećite ili uzmite taksi.

Zaobiđi se

52 ° 12′11 ″ S 0 ° 7′26 ″ E
Karta Cambridgea
Pa policajac zaustavi elektron na gradskoj obilaznici: "Shvaćate li da ste radili točno pola brzine svjetlosti?"
"O sjajno", kaže elektron, "sad sam se izgubio" - šala na intelektualnom fakultetu

Cambridge je uglavnom prikladan za pješake: do većine znamenitosti može se lako doći pješice a veći dio središnjeg područja je bez prometa. Neki od kolnika zajednički koriste pješaci i biciklisti; ovo vas može uhvatiti ako ne pripazite na to. Upute za pješačenje u Cambridgeu mogu se planirati putem interneta sa planer pješačke rute. Studenti i mještani često koriste bicikle da bi se kretali i unajmljivanje bicikla[mrtva veza] je održiva alternativa jednostavnom hodanju.

Također se možete odlučiti za hop-on, hop-off open-top autobus za razgledavanje koja pruža komentare na nekoliko jezika. Autobus za razgledavanje prolazi pored željezničke stanice, Američkog groblja i mnogih povijesnih koledža, no kako je gradsko središte pješačko, središnjim koledžima može prići samo nedjeljom.

Malo je potrebe za korištenjem lokalnog autobusne usluge osim ako ne boravite u dalekom gradskom području, ali oni su čisti i učinkoviti ako trebate. Autobusi Citi koštaju između 1 i 2 GBP za pojedinačne gotovinske karte unutar Cambridge Cityja (dana je promjena, ali vozači mogu odbiti bilješke s velikim apoenima), ali samo recite vozaču svoje odredište dok se ukrcate i uzmete kartu iz stroja. Cjelodnevna karta košta 4,50 £ za Cambridge City and Park and Ride usluge ili 7,00 £ za okolicu.

Gradsko vijeće Cambridgea obeshrabruje upotrebu automobila. Naknade za parkiranje su visoke, a grad je dom sustava dizanje stupova koji propuštaju vozila s odgovarajućim transponderima (npr. taksiji, autobusi, interventna vozila), ali mogu nanijeti ozbiljnu štetu drugim vozilima koja zadaju vrata, često do trenutka njihovog otpisa.

Dostupna je vožnja Uberom, a u Cambridgeu postoje mnoge taksi tvrtke.



Fokus na arhitekturi

Cambridge, posebno razni fakulteti i sveučilišne zgrade, fascinantan je za ljude koje zanima arhitektura. Fakulteti su se sporadično gradili tijekom stoljeća, a rezultat je mješavina stilova i drevna i moderna. Iako je moderna arhitektura ponekad kontroverzna, posebno u tome kako se novije zgrade (ne uspijevaju) uskladiti sa susjednim starijim zgradama, ona je na svoj način jednako zanimljiva kao i starija. Obilazak leđa (vidi gore) posjetitelju daje dobar osjećaj za razne stilove, a nekoliko malih skretanja dodaje iskustvo. Jedna od očitih znamenitosti je kula Sveučilišna knjižnica. Knjižnicu je dizajnirao Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, koji je također izgradio Bankside Power Station u Londonu, koja je danas Tate Modern. Možda zbog toga ima vrlo industrijski osjećaj. S druge strane knjižnice znatiželjnici mogu vidjeti Koledž Robinson, najnoviji koledž sagrađen oko 1980. godine i jedan od rijetkih dijelova moderne arhitekture u Cambridgeu koji u blizini nema zapaženih starih zgrada. Ako više volite vidjeti mješavinu starog i novog, vrijedno je napraviti izlaz Koledž Homerton, koja je petnaest minuta hoda Hills Roadom. Homerton College posebno je zanimljiv jer na njemu postoje primjeri različitih stilova arhitekture, poput neo-gruzijskih zgrada na pročelju koledža i gotičke viktorijanske dvorane s unutarnje strane koledža. Ovo je izvrsno mjesto za šetnju okolicom koja obuhvaća stari voćnjak, vodene značajke, pa čak i malu farmu meda, kako biste izdaleka cijenili arhitekturu.

St John's College i Magdalena College također imaju brojne arhitektonske poslastice. Kao i Most uzdaha, St. John's ima zgrade u gotovo svim arhitektonskim stilovima, počevši od dvorane iz 16. stoljeća na Prvom dvoru i završavajući s izuzetno modernom zgradom Cripps. U blizini zgrade Cripps nalazi se i dramatični Novi dvor sagrađen početkom 19. i Pitagorina škola, jedna od najstarijih zgrada u Cambridgeu koja datira s početka 13. stoljeća.

Susjeda Magdalena College - koji znaju da je Magdalena dostupna sa stražnje strane zgrade Cripps - prilično je kontrast. Za razliku od St. John's-a, koji se uglavnom sastoji od zgrada koje su prvotno zamišljene kao smještaj za fakultete, Magdalena je brojne stare poludrvene gostionice prenamijenila u neke od svojih smještaja. Magdalena također posjeduje Lutyensova zgrada dizajnirali Sir Edwin Lutyens i Pepysova zgrada. Potonja, u kojoj se nalazi knjižnica Pepys, ima impozantnu i gotovo simetričnu fasadu i izgleda potpuno drugačije od stražnjeg dijela. Najružnija zgrada Magdalene, Buckinghamski sud iz 1970-ih, srećom je dobro skrivena, dok je preko rijeke Magdalene Quayside development (1990) izvrstan primjer kako se čini da su arhitekti kasnog stoljeća naučili suptilnost i sklad. Quayside je izvrsno mjesto za iznajmljivanje punta.

The Cambridge 2000 web stranica ima popis 100 zgrada koji imaju zapaženu arhitekturu iz jednog ili drugog razloga.

Cambridge ima niz zanimljivih modernih zgrada, na primjer Centar za matematičke znanosti

Sveučilište Cambridge sastoji se od niza polunezavisnih koledža, od kojih su mnogi središnji, a neki su udaljeni i 5 km od središta grada (tradicionalno mjereno od Velike crkve Svete Marije). Sljedeći su dobar izbor za razgledavanje grada. Većinu koledža u središnjem području vrijedi pogledati ako imate vremena.

Neki fakulteti naplaćuju ulaz. To može biti skupo, oko 5 GBP po osobi ili više. Ako ste prijatelj sa studentom, posjetitelja mogu besplatno dovesti. Fakulteti su obično zatvoreni za posjetitelje tijekom razdoblja sveučilišnog ispita, krajem svibnja i prvim tjednom lipnja.

Molimo vas da ne zaboravite da budete s poštovanjem prilikom posjeta fakultetima. Oni su domovi studenata veći dio godine, a opterećenje i pritisak na Sveučilištu mogu biti neizmjerni. Ne ulazite u zgrade u koje niste izričito pozvani, nemojte buljiti u prozore ljudi i budite pristojni kad fotografirate; budite posebno diskretni u knjižnicama. Uvijek imajte na umu da je uloga fakulteta prije svega uloga akademskih institucija; nisu tu za turiste i bezobrazno je raditi bilo što što sprečava ili stvara neugodnosti ljudima koji u njima žive i rade.

OprezCOVID-19 informacija: Zbog Covid-19 pandemija, fakulteti su zatvoreni za posjetitelje od kolovoza 2020.
(Podaci posljednji put ažurirani 1. kolovoza 2020.)
  • 1 King's College i kapela King's Collegea, Kraljeva parada, 44 1223 331212. Uređaji su otvoreni na terminu M-F 9:30 - 15:30, subotom 9:30 - 15:15, ned 13:15 - 14:15 i 17:00 - 17:30 (samo ljeti). Van termina M-Sa 9:30 - 16:30, Ned 10:00 - 17:00. Tereni su zatvoreni tijekom ispita (krajem travnja do sredine lipnja) iako je kapela otvorena. Vrijeme otvaranja kapele varira, nazovite za detalje. Najposjećenija atrakcija u Cambridgeu, arhitektura tornjeva kapele King's Collegea iznad grada i njegov svjetski poznati zbor proširili su svoju reputaciju širom svijeta. £ 9 odrasli, £ 4,50 djeca / studenti. King's College (Q924289) na Wikipodacima King's College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
Queens 'College, Stara dvorana
  • 2 Queens 'College, Srebrna ulica / Queens 'Lane, 44 1223 335511. Otvorite oko 10:00 - 16:30, pogledajte web mjesto ili zvono za ažurirano vrijeme. Zatvoreno od sredine svibnja do sredine lipnja. Osnovale su ga dvije kraljice - Margaret od Anjoua 1448. i Elizabeth Woodville 1465., Koledž se prostire na obje strane Cam-a, a povezuje ga poznata Matematički most. Mit govori da ga je dizajnirao Isaac Newton bez upotrebe zatiča, vijaka, navrtki ili vijaka, ali kad su bili rastavljeni, kolege i studenti nisu mogli smisliti kako ga ponovno sastaviti. To je nažalost lažno, most datira iz 1749. godine, 22 godine nakon Newtonove smrti. Zapanjujući srednjovjekovni Stara dvorana je također vrijedno posjetiti. £ 3 (uključuje tiskani vodič). Besplatno od sredine listopada do sredine ožujka. Queens 'College (Q765642) na Wikipodacima Queens 'College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 3 Trinity College. Veliko atraktivno dvorište i knjižnica koje je dizajnirao Sir Christopher Wren. Unutrašnjost knjižnice Wren (MF podne-14:00, u potpunosti od 10:30 do 12:30) posebno je lijepa i sadrži srednjovjekovne biblije, predmete iz posjeda Isaaca Newtona, originalne rukopise Wittgensteina, Winnie-the- Pooh rukopis AA Milne, a između ostalog i bilješke Bertranda Russella. Čak i kad je koledž zatvoren za posjetitelje, knjižnica će i dalje biti dostupna s ulice Queens Road s druge strane rijeke Cam. 2 GBP Trinity College (Q332342) na Wikipodacima Trinity College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 4 St Johns College. Nekada bolnica St Johns (13. stoljeće), prije nego što je osnovana kao koledž 1511. godine, na ovom se fakultetu nalazi najstarija akademska zgrada u Cambridgeu ("škola Pitagore"). Ima niz velikih dvorišta i ima Cambridge "Most uzdaha". Odrasli £ 10. St John's College (Q691283) na Wikipodacima St John's College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 5 Isusov koledž. Atraktivni tereni i skulpture raštrkani po cijelom. Jesus College (Q1146700) na Wikipodacima Jesus College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 6 Koledž Pembroke. Treći najstariji koledž u Cambridgeu, koji je 1347. godine osnovala grofica od Pembroke, Marie de St Paul, poznat je po svojim prekrasnim vrtovima. Koledž Pembroke (Q956501) na Wikipodacima Koledž Pembroke, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 7 Clare College. 2. najstariji koledž s lijepim vrtovima, dvorištem i najstarijim riječnim mostom u Cambridgeu. Clare College (Q760967) na Wikipodacima Clare College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 8 Peterhouse. Najstariji koledž u Cambridgeu osnovan je 1284. godine i ima dva velika vrta, Scholars 'Garden i Deer Park, od kojih studenti i posjetitelji mogu prošetati cijelim tijelom (neobično za fakultete u Cambridgeu!) Peterhouse (Q650068) na Wikipodacima Peterhouse, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 9 Koledž svete Katarine. St Catharine's College osnovao je 1473. Robert Wodelarke, provlastica King's Collegea. Koledž je kršten u čast zaštitnice učenja i nekad je bio poznat kao Katharine Hall. Uglavnom je obnovljen u 17. stoljeću radom na Glavnom dvoru počevši od 1673. godine; kapela je dovršena 1704. Unatoč svojoj skromnoj veličini, koledžov trostrani ciglani glavni sud gotovo je jedinstven među koledžima u Cambridgeu i zaslužuje kratko zaustavljanje u šetnji Trumpington Streetom. Koledž je u samom središtu Cambridgea, pored King's Collegea i okrenut je prema koledžu Corpus Christi. St Catharine's College, Cambridge (Q256754) na Wikipodacima St Catharine's College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 10 Koledž Homerton. Homerton College jedan je od novijih koledža, iako stoljećima postoji kao akademska institucija i arhitektonski je vrlo lijep, s prostranim i mirnim terenima i slikovitim voćnjakom. Nalazi se na prekrasnom mjestu na Hills Roadu, oko 15 minuta hoda od centra grada. Ovdje je viktorijanska dvorana jedna od najljepših u Cambridgeu i koju svakako vrijedi posjetiti. Ulazak slobodan, pa vrijedi prošetati da biste ga vidjeli. Homerton College (Q741880) na Wikipodacima Homerton College, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 11 Koledž Corpus Christi, Koledž Corpus Christi, Trumpington St, CB2 1RH. Jedinstveno, osnovali su ga mještani Cambridgea (iz dva gradska ceha). Njegov stari dvor (lijevo od glavnog ulaza, iza crkve sv. Beneta) datira iz 1350-ih i najstarije je dvorište u Cambridgeu. Prostorije Old Court nemaju vodovod, pa se povremeno možete počastiti studentom koji u dvorišnom ogrtaču prolazi u dvorište i odlazi u toaletni kompleks. Koledž Corpus Christi (Q536282) na Wikipodacima Koledž Corpus Christi, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 12 Koledž Selwyn, Grange Rd, CB3 9DQ. Osnovan 1882. godine, Selwyn je jedan od novijih koledža u Cambridgeu. Njegove su zgrade i tereni izvrsni primjeri gotičke preporodne arhitekture, a proglašena je jednom od „najočiglednije impresivnih“ od 68 navedenih zgrada u ocjeni zaštićenih područja zapadnog Cambridgea. Ulazak kroz vrata Portera's Lodge na Grange Road dovodi vas do atraktivnog Starog dvora s uređenim travnjakom okruženim zgradama s kupolom od crvene cigle. Vrata pored fakultetske kapele vode u vrtove Selwyn. Koledž Selwyn nalazi se na manje od deset minuta hoda južno od knjižnice Cambridge i udaljen je oko 250 m od Muzeja klasične arheologije. Besplatno. Selwyn College (Q767650) na Wikipodacima Selwyn College, Cambridge na Wikipediji

Parkovi i vrtovi

  • 13 Natrag. Vrtovi uz rijeku iza raznih fakulteta. Krećući se nizvodno od King'sa možete proći kroz vrtove Clare, Trinity i St John's Colleges (koji ima "Most uzdaha").
  • 14 Botanički vrt Sveučilišta Cambridge, Bateman St CB2 1JF, 44 1223 336265. Studeni - siječanj: 10:00 - 16:00, veljača - ožujak i listopad: 10:00 - 17:00, travanj - rujan: 10:00 - 18:00, zatvoreno od 24. prosinca do 1. siječnja. Opuštajući način da provedete nekoliko sati, daleko od vreve fakulteta i kanala. Otvoren za javnost od 1846. godine, ovaj vrt ugošćuje neke važne botaničke zbirke među svojih 10 000 ili više vrsta. Ulaz za odrasle £ 6,00, djeca i studenti Sveučilišta Cambridge besplatni. Botanički vrt Sveučilišta Cambridge (Q894665) na Wikipodacima Botanički vrt Sveučilišta Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 15 Isuse Green. Jesus Green predložen je za mjesto glavnog željezničkog kolodvora u Cambridgeu, ali sada je to širok komad parka neposredno uz Midsummer Common. Omogućuje mirno povlačenje daleko od centra grada, ima travnjake i tvrde teniske terene te otvoreni bazen. U tijeku su planovi za obnovu ovog toliko voljenog parka u Cambridgeu. Jesus Green (Q6188164) na Wikipodacima Jesus Green na Wikipediji
  • 16 Parker's Piece. Jedan od najpoznatijih otvorenih prostora u Cambridgeu. U središtu grada graniči se s Park Terrace, Regent Terrace, Parkside i Gonville Place.
  • 17 Kristovi komadi. U središtu grada omeđena je autobusnom stanicom, Christ's Collegeom, Emmanuel Roadom i King Streetom. Tipičnog je viktorijanskog dizajna s drvoredima. Službeni sezonski prikazi posteljine zasađeni u 'krevetima latica' u blizini Emmanuel Road pružaju cjelogodišnju boju. Po obodu postoje i veliki ukrasni grmovi grmova koji dodaju daljnju boju tijekom godine i zanimanje.
  • 18 Coe Fen. Prekrasna, poludivlja zelena u blizini centra grada, ali dovoljno daleko da bude mirna. Manje njegovani nego neki fakultetski vrtovi i parkovi oko Cambridgea, ali unatoč tome, sjajan prostor za ljeto s kravama u skitnji i Camom koji prolazi.

Muzeji i galerije

Muzej Fitzwilliam
  • 19 Muzej Fitzwilliam, Trumpington St, CB2 1RB, 44 1223 332900, . Uto-Sa 10:00 - 17:00; Ned podne - 17:00. Muzej Fitzwilliam muzej je umjetnosti i starina Sveučilišta Cambridge i nalazi se u ulici Trumpington. Godišnje primi oko 300 000 posjetitelja. Muzej je osnovan 1816. godine po ostavštini knjižnice i umjetničke zbirke VII. Vikonta FitzWilliam. Oporuka je također uključivala 100 000 funti "za uspostavljanje dobrog značajnog muzejskog spremišta". Sama "Zgrada osnivača" dizajnirao je George Basevi, dovršio C. R. Cockerell i otvorio 1848; ulaznu dvoranu potpisuje Edward Middleton Barry, a dovršen je 1875. Egipatske galerije u muzeju Fitzwilliam ponovno su otvorene 2006. nakon dvogodišnjeg programa obnove, konzervacije i istraživanja vrijednog 1,5 milijuna funti. Muzej ima pet odjela: Starine; Primijenjena umjetnost; Kovanice i medalje; Rukopisi i tiskane knjige; i slike, crteži i grafike. Značajke uključuju remek-djela Tiziana, Rubensa, Van Dycka, Canaletta, Hogartha, Gainsborougha, policajca, Moneta, Degasa, Renoira, Cézannea i Picassa te finu kolekciju umjetnosti 20. stoljeća. Ulaz slobodan. Muzej Fitzwilliam (Q1421440) na Wikipodacima Muzej Fitzwilliam na Wikipediji
  • 20 Dvorište kotlića, Castle Street, 44 1223 352124, . Otvorena kuća Tu-Su i blagdanski praznici ponedjeljkom od 13:30 do 30:30 (1. vikend u travnju - zadnji vikend u rujnu); Tu-Su i blagdanski praznici ponedjeljkom od 14 do 16 sati (1. vikend u listopadu - posljednji vikend u ožujku). Galerija otvorena utorkom i subotom, ponedjeljkom od 11:30 do 17:00. Kettle's Yard je nekadašnji dom Jima i Helen Ede i u njemu se nalazi izvrsna zbirka umjetnina iz ranog dijela ovog stoljeća koju su dali Sveučilištu. Među zastupljenim umjetnicima su Ben Nicholson, Christopher Wood, Alfred Wallis, David Jones, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore i Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. Postoji zasebna galerija za izložbe moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, koje se široko oglašavaju i detaljno opisuju na web mjestu. Svaka izložba popraćena je živahnim programom razgovora, radionica i diskusionih grupa za sve uzraste. Glazba u Kettle's Yardu: Kettle's Yard predstavlja programe koncerata komorne glazbe i koncerata suvremene glazbe. Ulaz slobodan. Kettle's Yard (Q1739999) na Wikipodacima Kettle's Yard na Wikipediji
  • 21 Muzej zemaljskih znanosti Sedgwick, Downing Street, 44 1223 333456. M-F 10:00 - 13:00 i 14:00 - 17:00; Subota od 10 do 16 sati; zatvoreno za praznike. Jedno od mnogih skrivenih blaga sveučilišta i zapravo njegov najstariji muzej, Sedgwick je prepun fosila s više od milijun u svojoj kolekciji. Oni se kreću od najranijih oblika života od prije više od 3000 milijuna godina do divljih životinja koje su lutale Fensima prije manje od 150 000 godina. Prikazi uključuju galeriju minerala i dragog kamenja, najvećeg svjetskog pauka, stijene koje je Charles Darwin sakupio na 'Putovanju Beaglea', dinosaure iz jure i trijasa i fosile s lokalnog područja, uključujući nilskog konja iz obližnjih šljunčanih jama Barrington . Muzej organizira brojne aktivnosti, pa je uvijek dobro provjeriti njegovu web stranicu. Ulaz slobodan. Muzej znanosti o Zemlji Sedgwick (Q7445283) na Wikipodacima Muzej znanosti o Zemlji Sedgwick na Wikipediji
  • 22 Sveučilišni muzej zoologije, Novo muzejsko nalazište, Downing Street, 44 1223 336650, . Uto-Sa 10:00 - 16:30; Ned podne - 4: 30 PM; i blagdanskim praznicima ponedjeljkom od podneva do 16:30. Sveučilišni muzej zoologije prikazuje širok raspon nedavnih i fosilnih životinja, naglašavajući strukturnu raznolikost i evolucijske odnose između životinjskog carstva. Zbirke su se akumulirale od 1814. godine nadalje, a uključuju brojne primjerke koje je prikupio Charles Darwin. Da biste pronašli muzej, potražite spektakularni kostur kitova, obješen iznad ulaza i vidljiv kroz luk s ulice Downing. Besplatno. Zoološki muzej Sveučilišta Cambridge (Q5025605) na Wikipodacima Zoološki muzej Sveučilišta Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 23 Muzej povijesti Whipplea, 44 1223 330906. M-Ž 12:30 - 16:30; zatvoreno vikendom, blagdanima i povremeno tijekom božićnog razdoblja. Odjel za povijest i filozofiju znanosti, Slobodna školska traka, tik do ulice Pembroke. Posjetiteljima se savjetuje da prethodno provjere kontaktiranjem muzeja. Muzej Whipple najistaknutija je zbirka znanstvenih instrumenata i modela, koja datira od srednjeg vijeka do danas. U ovu izvanrednu kolekciju uključeni su mikroskopi i teleskopi, sunčani satovi, pravila za rano klizanje, džepni elektronički kalkulatori, laboratorijska oprema i nastavni i demonstracijski uređaji. Besplatno. Muzej povijesti Whipplea (Q3329390) na Wikipodacima Muzej povijesti Whipplea na Wikipediji
  • 24 Muzej arheologije i antropologije, Downing Street, 44 1223 333516, . Uto-Su 14:00 - 16:30; zatvoreno na Božić i Uskrs te na većinu državnih praznika; moguće produljeno ljetno otvaranje - molimo nazovite ili pošaljite e-mail za detalje. Muzej sadrži velike i važne zbirke arheološke i antropološke građe iz svih dijelova svijeta. Arheološke zbirke iz svih razdoblja uključuju značajne zbirke iz paleolitika Europe, Azije i Afrike; Pretkolumbijska Srednja i Južna Amerika; rane civilizacije Sredozemlja; i britanska arheologija. Svjetski poznate antropološke zbirke uključuju važne zbirke iz južnih mora, zapadne Afrike i sjeverozapadne obale Sjeverne Amerike; povijesne zbirke iz 18. stoljeća; i opsežne fotografske zbirke iz 19. i 20. stoljeća. Besplatno. Muzej arheologije i antropologije, Sveučilište Cambridge (Q1954733) na Wikipodacima Muzej arheologije i antropologije, Sveučilište Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 25 Muzej klasične arheologije, Avenija Sidgwick, 44 1223 330402. M-Ž 10:00 - 17:00; Subota od 10:00 do 13:00. Ulaz je besplatan. Muzej klasične arheologije jedna je od rijetkih sačuvanih zbirki gipsanih odljeva grčke i rimske skulpture u svijetu. The collection of about four hundred and fifty casts is open to the public and housed in a purpose-built Cast Gallery on the first floor of the Classics Faculty. Although nothing here is an original, nearly all the well-known (and not so well-known) works from the Classical world can be seen together under one roof. The reserve research collections consist of another two hundred plaster casts, Greek vases, pottery sherds, and epigraphic squeezes. These can be consulted by arrangement. Muzej klasične arheologije, Cambridge (Q6940801) na Wikipodacima Muzej klasične arheologije, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 26 The Museum of Cambridge (Cambridge Folk Museum), Castle Street. Tu-Su (and M in summer) 10:30AM-5:30PM. The only local social history museum in Cambridge and is the most comprehensive collection representing life in the South Cambridgeshire villages. Housed in an old Coaching House, the museum is home to some 20,000 objects representing the history of local life away from the University.
  • 27 The Polar Museum, Lensfield Road. Tu-Sa (and Su on Bank Holiday Weekends) 10AM-4PM. A short walk from the Fitzwilliam Museum is The Polar Museum. It was a finalist for The Museum of the Year Prize in 2011. Its extraordinary collection covers the Arctic and Antarctic, native peoples and the Golden Age of Exploration of heroes such as Scott and Shackleton. It also serves as the National Memorial to Scott and his men, as well as being the public front of The Scott Polar Research Institute which continues their scientific work. Special events, exhibitions, tours, children's activities and behind the scenes Open Days are held quite often. Scott Polar Research Institute (Q2747894) na Wikipodacima Scott Polar Research Institute na Wikipediji
  • 28 The University Library, West Road. M-F 9AM-6PM, Sa 9AM-4:30PM. Exhibition of treasures and highlights from the Library's world-class collections of manuscripts and printed books. Two major exhibitions are held each year (roughly January to June and September to December): check website for details.
  • 29 Museum of Technology, Cheddars Lane. Every day except Tuesdays. An exhibition of items from Cambridge's industrial past based at the city's old sewage pumping station on Riverside. Exhibits include the working steam and gas powered pumps, printing technology and items from several decades of electronics manufacturing within the city. The museum holds several 'steaming' days a year, usually on bank holidays, when engines and pumps may be seen working. Cambridge Museum of Technology (Q5025483) na Wikipodacima Cambridge Museum of Technology na Wikipediji
  • 30 The Centre for Computing History, Rene Court, Coldham's Rd, CB1 3EW, 44 1223 214446. A small museum dedicated to the field of computing including video game consoles and arcade machines that can be played. The museum is also a hireable venue for "Gaming Parties". Centar za računalnu povijest (Q7721931) na Wikipodacima Centar za računalnu povijest na Wikipediji


The history of Cambridge is entwined with that of the Church of England. The colleges (see above) all have chapels which can be visited, but town churches also offer a rich insight into the history of the town and university, and are usually free. Even if you aren't interested in places of worship, they are well worth a few minutes attention and are peaceful places to enjoy.

  • 31 The Round Church, Bridge Street, CB2 1UB, 44 1223 311602, . Dnevno. Dating back to 1130, this is one of only four medieval round churches in England, and one of the most visited buildings in Cambridge. Besides the remarkable architecture, the building contains historical exhibitions and hosts occasional concerts and lectures. Included is a 20-minute film that provides an excellent overview of Cambridge's history. Tour guides based there offer walking tours of Cambridge which are highly rated. Adult £3.50. Gospodnji grob, Cambridge (Q12060465) na Wikipodacima Sveti grob, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 32 Great St Mary's, Senate House Hill, CB2 3PQ, 44 1223 747273, . Open daily, free. This fine example of 15th-century English Perpendicular architecture is on the market square opposite King's College. As well as viewing the beautiful nave, visitors can climb the bell tower (admission £2.50) for spectacular views over the town. Crkva Svete Marije Velike (Q3585454) na Wikipodacima Crkva Svete Marije Velike, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 33 St. Benet's, Bene’t Street, CB2 3PT, 44 1223 351927, . Tucked away in the lanes is this tiny 11th-century church. Its main attraction is a Saxon arch in the nave. One of several churches in town with bells, this one is a good location to see English bellringing. The times are unpredictable and not published but Sunday afternoons are your best bet. Please be quiet, ringing takes a surprising amount of concentration and the ringers can do without distractions. Crkva Svetog Beneta (Q128404) na Wikipodacima Crkva sv. Beneta na Wikipediji
  • 34 All Saints, Jesus Lane, Jesus Lane, CB5 8BP, 44 1223 324442. Open daily, free. This 19th-century church is no longer used for worship but has been preserved as a rare example of the Arts and Crafts movement, featuring a highly ornate interior by Bodley, and windows and wall decorations by William Morris. Crkva Svih svetih (Q4729452) na Wikipodacima Crkva Svih Svetih, Cambridge na Wikipediji
  • 35 St. Andrew's, Chesterton, Church Street, CB4 1DT, 44 1223 306150, . A walk from town, but with an impressive (if somewhat faded) medieval Doom painting around the chancel arch, showing the Judgement and giving worshippers good reason to pay attention to the sermon.

Dalje dalje

American Cemetery, Cambridge
  • 36 World War II Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial (3 miles west of the city on Highway A-1303). Daily 9AM-5PM except for Dec 25 and Jan 1. The cemetery is on land donated by Cambridge University and is the final resting place for 3,812 American military dead lost during the War in the Atlantic and Northern Europe. A monument is inscribed with the names of 5,126 Americans whose remains were never found or identified. The chapel contains mosaic maps of World War II campaigns and a mosaic memorial to American Air Forces on the ceiling. Besplatno. Američko groblje i spomen obilježje Cambridge (Q954555) na Wikipodacima Američko groblje i spomen na Cambridgeu na Wikipediji
  • 37 Imperial War Museum Duxford, CB22 4QR. This World War II airfield south of Cambridge houses the Imperial War Museum's aircraft collection, and is the largest aviation museum in Europe. As well as military aircraft, it houses a large collection of non-military aircraft including a Concorde. There is also a land warfare museum attached that has many examples of armoured vehicles from the First World War onwards. It really a full day for a proper visit. Bus Citi 7 takes about an hour to get there from the city centre or the bus station. Make sure that you board the Citi 7 bus that says Duxford as the Citi 7 bus also goes to two other places. Also note the time of the last bus to leave the museum as later buses go to the village of Duxford but not out to the museum. Flight shows are sometimes held; these days will be very busy. Imperial War Museum Duxford (Q1758240) na Wikipodacima Imperial War Museum Duxford na Wikipediji
  • 38 Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum, Ely Road, Waterbeach, CB25 9PQ (7 miles north of Cambridge), 44 1223 860489. adults £5.00, children £3.00, concessions £4.00. Denny Abbey (Q732263) na Wikipodacima Denny Abbey na Wikipediji
  • 39 Anglesey Abbey, Gardens and Lode Mill, Quy Road, Lode, CB25 9EJ, 44 1223 810080, . Anglesey Abbey (Q3021583) na Wikipodacima Anglesey Abbey na Wikipediji
  • 40 Wimpole Hall & Home Farm, 44 1223 206000, . Wimpole Hall is the largest house in Cambridgeshire, set amongst rolling "Capability Brown" landscaped parklands, with a Home Farm hosting many rare breeds. Wimpole Hall (Q8023577) na Wikipodacima Wimpole Estate na Wikipediji
  • 41 Wicken Fen, Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely, CB7 5XP. Wetland nature reserve; rare example of how the Fens all used to be before they were drained. Wicken Fen (Q7998320) na Wikipodacima Wicken Fen na Wikipediji

Further upstream from the Orchard, Grantchester is Byron's Pool, named after the (in)famous Lord Byron, of whom it is said to have swum there (at least, according to Brooke). The pool is now located below a modern weir at the junction of the Bourn Brook and the River Cam.


Punting is a popular activity in Cambridge
  • Explore the backs. It's free, and gives you a real flavour of the city. You can walk through King's College, onto King's Parade, a beautiful row of exclusive shops. You can also experience the backs by punt which is extremely popular.
  • Punting. 9:30AM-dusk daily. If anything is stereotypically 'Cambridge', this is it. Punting involves propelling a flat bottomed boat with a long wooden pole (quant) by pushing a pole against the shallow river bottom. For the full effect, take strawberries and Champagne to quaff as you glide effortlessly down the river. You can either travel along the famous College Backs or head out towards the village of Grantchester. Guided tours are also available from around £20.00 per person on the day. Save by booking online at (Rutherford's Punting Cambridge, Let's Go & Traditional Punting Website i Cambridge Chauffeur Punts. If you're up for more of an adventure, try it out for yourself on a self-hire boat Scudamore's Punting Company ili Trinity College Hire. Pay per hour per punt for a quick trip along the College Backs, if you want longer it's cheaper to hire a punt for the day from Scudamore's for £120 - well worth it in summer when you head out towards Grantchester. A deposit (e.g. a credit card) is required. In fact if you turn up in the summer you'll find it hard not to go punting as touts assail you from all sides on the Quayside and Mill Pond streets. Punting to Grantchester (upriver) takes about an hour and a half for an experienced punter, and the complete journey would be difficult for first-timers. Along the Grantchester route there are riverbanks on the way for mooring up with meadowland suitable for picnics (Note that pranksters have been known to push unattended punts out into the river.)
  • Walking tours. Guided walking tours are available all year round with a range of walking tours to choose from. These tours can be tailored to suit group interest with the central tourist office a good place start. There is also the option to experience Cambridge virtually with some University Colleges providing their own tours. Tu spadaju King's College i St John's College s city virtual tour također dostupan.
  • Veslanje. Cambridge is renowned for rowing on the Cam. All colleges and some schools have their own clubs, and there are over half a dozen large 'town' clubs. There are a number of regattas and head races on the river throughout the year, though the highlight in the rowing calendar on the Cam is the annual bumping races. For College crews, the 'May' bumps are in June, for the local clubs, this normally is the fourth week in July. Over four evenings of racing (Tuesday - Friday), eights attempt to gain higher position by catching the crew ahead of them before being 'bumped' by the crew behind. Races take place downstream (north) of the city, between the A-14 road bridge and the railway bridge at Stourbridge Common, and are best viewed from the towpath alongside the river, or from the Plough pub in Fen Ditton, both accessible by foot from the town centre - words of warning though - if on the towpath side, be careful for the massive number of bikes that accompany the crews racing, if in the pub, you may not get a seat, and beer prices are at a premium.
  • Biciklizam. Rent a bicycle and bike the mostly flat terrain around Cambridge. Popular destinations are Grantchester (3 km), American Cemetery (5 km), along River Cam towpath to Milton Country Park (5 km), Wicken Fen (12 km), Duxford Imperial War Museum especially during air-shows (15 km) and Ely (23 km). (More trips)
  • Watch football na Cambridge United. They play in League Two, the fourth tier of English football. Their home ground is the Abbey Stadium on Newmarket Road.
Number of free tennis courts at each place


  • 1 Cambridge Corn Exchange. The city's centre for arts and entertainment.
  • 2 ADC Theatre. Park Street. The University's playhouse. Hosts student and local amateur productions. Look out for performances by Footlights, this has been the training ground for many famous comedians. Tickets £4-10.
  • 3 The Junction. Clifton Road. Artistic centre offering club nights, gigs, and new theatre, comedy, and dance. Ticket prices vary depending on the show/gig.
  • Arts Picture House, 38–39 St Andrew's St. Various foreign and art-house films (see the current listing ). A more conventional selection can be found at the large multiplex at the Grafton Centre as well as the Light Cinema at Cambridge Leisure Park in Hills Road.
  • 4 Arts Theatre, 6 St Edward's Passage. St. Edward's Passage Hosts a varied mix of professional drama, dance and opera including touring productions and an annual pantomime.
  • 5 Voćnjak, 45-47 Mill Way, Grantchester, 44 1223 845788. Daily 10:30AM-6:30PM. The target of many a punt journey up the river Cam from Cambridge, the Orchard is a famous tea rooms with a long list of famous patrons that include Rupert Brooke, Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster and Bertrand Russell. Taking tea in The Orchard is a well-established Cambridge tradition. Planted with apple trees, the large garden of The Orchard is perfect for lounging on a deck chair in the sun with a cup of tea and a scone for sustenance. Long queues can be expected on sunny days, but there is always room to be found in the garden. Immortalised by the poet Rupert Brooke in his 1912 poem The Old Vicarage, Grantchester, Grantchester is a favourite amongst both tourists and students travelling upstream from Cambridge by punt to eat a picnic in the meadows or at the tea gardens called The Orchard. The story goes that in 1897 a group of Cambridge students persuaded the owner of Orchard House to serve them tea, and this subsequently became a regular practice. Later lodgers at Orchard House included the poet Rupert Brooke, who later moved next door to the Old Vicarage (built c. 1685). In 1912, while in Berlin, he would write his well-known poem The Old Vicarage, Grantchester, in which Brooke recalled happy days in the idyllic English surroundings of Cambridgeshire. (The Old Vicarage is now the home of the novelist Lord Jeffrey Archer of Weston-super-Mare.)


  • Cambridge Summer Music Festival. Perhaps the most romantic way to appreciate the magnificent architecture of the many College Chapels is to hear a concert performed in their marvellous acoustics. Cambridge Summer Music offers world class performances in the well-known Chapel of King's College as well as many of the city's hidden gems.
  • Midsummer Fair. (mid-June), Midsummer Common.
  • 6 Strawberry Fair. On Midsummer Common in early June.
  • Cambridge Film Festival. (Srpanj) Cambridge Film Festival (Q3102921) na Wikipodacima Cambridge Film Festival na Wikipediji
  • 7 Cambridge Folk Festival, Cherry Hinton Hall Park. (late July) Cambridge Folk Festival (Q2934694) na Wikipodacima Cambridge Folk Festival na Wikipediji
  • Cambridge Shakespeare Festival. (July–August) Every summer, six Shakespeare plays staged outdoors in gardens of various colleges Cambridge Shakespeare Festival (Q5025531) na Wikipodacima Cambridge Shakespeare Festival na Wikipediji
  • Cambridge Science Festival. (March) Two weeks of (mostly) free events for all ages. Cambridge Science Festival (Q19871814) na Wikipodacima Cambridge Science Festival na Wikipediji
  • Festival of Ideas. (October–November) A festival of free events celebrating the arts, humanities and social sciences.
  • Cambridge Literary Festival (Spring and winter). Twice yearly literary festival with talks, readings and events featuring local and national literary figures.
  • Mill Road Winter Fair (First Saturday in December). Annual community festival based around the city's Mill Road featuring music, parades, food and art organised by local residents. The whole road is closed off just for the day.
  • 8 Cambridge Beer Festival, Jesus Green. (May) Annual beer festival on Jesus Green, hosted by Cambridge & District CAMRA. Cambridge festival piva (Q5025359) na Wikipodacima Cambridge festival piva na Wikipediji
  • Cambridge University degree ceremony. 4 days at the end of most months. Watch the processions and traditions before and after a graduation ceremony from outside the Senate House lawn or the Great St Mary's tower. Kuća Senata_, Cambridge # Svečana dodjela diploma na Wikipediji


Most lectures are only open to members of the university; however, a variety of public talks and lectures are organised:

There are a large number of summer schools, mostly English language, but also some offering tuition in a wide range of other subjects.

It is also possible for members of the public to attend residential summer schools within the University, such as Lite Regal Education


Cambridge University students aren't allowed to work during term-time, so there are often possibilities for punting, hotel services, bar or waitering work for foreign nationals. Those from outside the EU require a work permit, see the Work section of Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo za više detalja.

There are also the Science Park and Business Park located around the city limits which are home to many global gaming, digital, technology, bio-tech and pharmaceutical companies.


King's Parade has numerous souvenir shops and gift shops with Cambridge (and London) branded merchandise. Scour the charity shops down Burleigh Street, Regent Street and Mill Road for bargains. Book collectors will find many shops especially Trinity Street. The market square in the centre of town has a general market Monday to Saturday with fruit and vegetables, bread and cakes, books, bicycle repair, tea and coffee, fast food and clothes, and a more arts-and-crafts oriented market on Sunday with pottery, ceramics, prints, clothing, etc. The surrounding streets and the nearby Grand Arcade i Lion Yard shopping centres have most of the common retail names and many individual shops to cater for most needs. The Grafton Centre has all the usual high-street shops in a mall and surrounding streets.

M&S Food (part of the Marks and Spencer department store chain) have a mini-supermarket that sells high-quality sandwiches, prepared meals, snacks and other groceries - usually at a high price. The main supermarket in the city centre is Sainsbury's on Sidney St. which stocks a full range of groceries and everyday products as well as alcohol and cigarettes. There are many more supermarkets including large Tesco (Chedder's Lane & Yarrow Road), Asda, Sainsbury's, and Waitrose superstores as well as a large Aldi discounter on the edge of the city.


Cambridge has a good range of eateries, as well as a daily market next to Great St Mary's Church where there are maybe 10-15 food stalls. Many of these offer vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options, all for reasonable prices (a falafel wrap, for example, is £4-5).


  • Michaelhouse Cafe, Trinity St (inside St. Michael's Church). M-Sa 9:30AM-5PM. Beautiful cafe serving excellent sandwiches, salads, hot dishes, and soups. Desserts as well. Vegetarian options always available. Lunch served until 3PM. Average price: £4-6.
  • CB2 Internet Bistro, 5-7 Norfolk Street. Daily noon-midnight. Average price: £10.
  • Tatties, 11 Sussex Street. Busy cafe serving jacket potatoes and sandwiches. Very popular with students around lunch time.
  • Savinos, 3 Emmanuel Street. Authentic Italian coffee bar. Best espresso and cappuccino in town.

Many pubs in Cambridge also serve good food at reasonable prices, for example; Orao, Cambridge Blue, Kingston Arms, Portland Arms i The Mitre između ostalih.

Srednja klasa

  • The Cambridge Chop House, 1 King's Parade, CB2 1SJ, 44 1223 359506. Su-Th noon-10:30PM; F Sa noon-11PM. Good British cuisine in a great location, real ale (well kept!), attentive service, fixed lunch & (early) dinner menu from £11 (2 course), mains £10-20. Booking recommended.
  • De Luca Cucina & Bar, 83 Regent St, 44 1223 356666. Su 10AM-9:30PM; M-Th 11AM-11PM; F Sa 11AM-midnight. Great little Italian/British Fusion Restaurant with reasonable prices and great staff! Average price: £25.
  • Fitzbillies, 51 Trumpington Street, 44 870 1413505. Su noon-5:45PM; M-Sa 9AM-9:30PM. Fitzbillies is a Cambridge institution serving refined food for lunches and dinners, as well as heavenly tea and pastries in the afternoon. Don't forget its adjacent shop selling the best pastries in town, amongst which you will find the world famous Chelsea Bun!
  • Le Gros Franck, 57 Hills Road, CB2 1NT, 44 1223 565560. Le Gros Franck serves genuine French cuisine, cooked by an award-winning French chef Franck Parnin. By day, Le Gros Franck is a French patisserie, with fresh pastries, pastas and sandwiches. Specialties include our genuine French-style steak-frites, fish pies and stews. By night, Le Gros Franck is a romantic French restaurant serving the finest French food at your table from our menu. Only open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings.
  • Loch Fyne Fish Restaurant and Oyster Bar, 37 Trumpington Street, 44 870 141 3579. Su 10AM-9:30PM; M-Th 9AM-10PM; F 9AM-10:30PM; Sa 10AM-11PM. If you love seafood this place is for you! Average price: £20.
  • Restaurant 22, 22 Chesterton Road, CB4 3AX, 44 1223 351880. Set in a converted Victorian house near the river. Serves up quality seasonal food from a monthly changing menu in an intermate dining room. Booking essential. larger private room up stairs for parties of approx 12. Set menu 3 courses £28.
  • Sala Thong Thai Restaurant, 35 Newnham Road, 44 870 141 3666. Daily noon-2:30PM, 6PM-10:30PM. This small place serves simple tasty thai food with good service. Average price: £11-20.
  • Luk Thai at the Cricketers, 18 Melbourne Place, 44 1223 778871. M-Sa noon-1PM, 5:30PM-11PM; Su noon-1PM, 5:30PM-10PM. Average price: £25 per person for starter, main, dessert and drinks.
  • Thanh Binh, 17, Magdalene St, CB3 0AF, 44 1223 362456. Very good Vietnamese food in a pleasant atmosphere. No alcohol license, but you can bring your own; there is a good wine shop just over the bridge 50 m away. Average price: £20.


  • Cotto Restaurant, Gonville Hotel, Gonville Place CB1 1LY, 44 1223 302010. Tu-Sa 9AM-3PM and Th-Sa from 7PM.. The twice-Gold Medallist at the Chef's Olympics, Hans Schweitzer has amassed an impressive repertoire of culinary skills, including training as a Confiseur and Chocolatier in Switzerland and Paris. He is considered the best chef in Cambridge. A contemporary, restaurant, convenient if you are near Parker's Piece, Anglia Ruskin University or the Grafton Centre.
  • Midsummer House, 44 870 1416395. Tu-Th 7PM-9:30PM; F Sa noon-2PM, 7PM-9:30PM. Midsummer Common. By far Cambridge's finest restaurant and one of only ten British restaurants to have earned two stars from the Michelin guide. Average price: £50.


Charming pubs and peculiar drinking traditions abound. Cambridge has a colossal number of pubs, over 110 at the last count. For specialist and obscure spirits and wines check out Bacchanalia, Vinopolis or any of the Cambridge Wine Merchants stores.

  • The Cambridge Blue, 85 Gwydir Street. A friendly pub with a large garden and good range of real ale.
  • The Castle Inn, 38 Castle St. One of the best and busiest, traditional pubs in Cambridge. With an eclectic mix of locals and visitors, it can get impossibly busy of Friday and Saturday nights, however, the beer is excellent (the wine less so) and the food is home cooked and good value - the "Castle Burger" is a popular choice.
  • The Champion of the Thames, 68 King Street. Old style pub in the centre of town with a blazing fireplace in the winter. One of the few pubs to sell a local cider rather than the mass-produced stuff.
  • The Devonshire Arms, Devonshire Road (Mill Road end). Good selection of Milton Brewery beers. Good menu. Friendly, and handy for the station.
  • Orao, 8 Benet Street. Watson and Crick were regulars here whilst in the process of unravelling the secrets of DNA. American airmen also burned their names into the roof of one of the bars during the Second World War.
  • The Fort St George, Midsummer Common. Been there for hundreds of years, overlooks the Cam and Midsummer Common. Also one of the best places in town for a pub lunch! (Think Sunday roast.)
  • The Free Press, 7 Prospect Row. Mobile phone use is not allowed, making this a pleasant quiet pub. Pub terrace
  • The Granta, Newnham Road. A large terrace looks out on the river and surrounding nature. Popular during the summer, this pub serves excellent food, and rents out punts and canoes.
  • The Kingston Arms, 33 Kingston St, Cambridge CB1 2NU, 44 1223 319414. Underrated old-fashioned free house with friendly atmosphere, open later than other Cambridge bars (2AM weekends, drinking-up time generally half an hour).
  • The Live and Let Live, Mawson Road. A small and very friendly place with an excellent selection of real ales.
  • The Maypole, 20A Portugal Place, CB5 8AF. A Cambridge institution, still independent and it's noticeable in its style and management. Smart pub, heated outdoor area. Enormous range of alcohol, perhaps slightly higher prices than the local average, but only slightly and it's worth it for the atmosphere. Late opening, last call's at 1 on weekends but boot-out's a good hour later.
  • The Mill, Mill Lane. Cosy in the winter, bustling in the summer, this pub offers a refined selection of real ale.
  • Old Ticket Office, Cambridge Railway Station, CB1 2JWT (Just to the right as you come out of the railway station), 44 1223 859 017, . Mon-Weds Noon-11pm; Thurs-Sat Noon-Midnight; Sun 10am-11pm. Friendly bar with outdoor seating just next to the station, mostly commuters. Very comfortable seats, live train times on screen. City Pub Co. bought and renovated the former ticket office in 2018 and it's been very successful, with a handful of regulars despite being on the outskirts of town. Wide range of craft beers (30 !) and gins (20 ), wines and cocktails. Extensive hot food menu and takeaway pastries. Pint £4.00-9.00 (high abv).
  • The Pickerel Inn, Magdelene Street. Claims to be the oldest pub in Cambridge.
  • The Pint Shop, 10 Peas Hill, Cambridge, CB2 3PN, 44 1223 352293. M–W noon-11PM, Th F noon-midnight, Sa 11AM-midnight, Su 11AM-11PM. Known for their selection of craft beer on tap
  • The Regal, St Andrews Street. Formerly a cinema, the Regal is the largest pub in the city and according to some, Europe. Offers a broad range of drinks including cheap ales you´d expect from a Wetherspoon´s chain pub, plus music and a rowdy dance floor in the evenings
  • The Wrestlers, Newmarket Road. A bit of a walk from the City Centre, but great real ales and some of the best Thai food in town.

Country pubs

Grantchester also contains four pubs - the Red Lion and the Green Man are closest to the river bank, and the Rupert Brooke and Blue Ball are to the right (Cambridge direction) along the main street of the village.


  • 1 Ballare, Lion Yard. The biggest club in Cambridge, known to students as Cindy's. International night on Thursday, cheesey student nights on Tuesday and Wednesday during Cambridge term.
  • Vinil (The Place), St Andrew's Street (Next to Waterstone's). Affectionately known as 'Life' (its previous name) to students.
  • 2 Fez Club, 15 Market Passage (nr Sidney Street). The only one of Cambridge's larger clubs to not change its name every couple of years. Main student night is Monday with 'Fat Poppdaddy's'.
  • Lola Lo, 1-6 Corn Exchange St. Three separate areas over four floors.


  • Indigo Coffee House, 8 St. Edward's Passage (central). A tiny cheerful place with excellent coffee and bagels!
  • Savinos, Emmanuel Street. Italian coffee bar. The best place in town where you can relax drinking a true and delicious Italian coffee or if you are hungry you can try a tasty Italian baguette with ingredients imported from Italy. While you are chilling out with your drink you can read Italian newspapers or listening to Italian music.

Café chains

You'll also find all the usual coffee chains:

  • Café Nero's, in five central locations on King's Parade, Market Street, Grand Arcade (next to John Lewis), Kolodvorski trg i Fitzroy Street
  • Starbucks, inside the Grand Arcade on the first floor, Fitzroy Street and on Regent Street and on Christs Lane
  • Costa, inside the Grand Arcade on the ground floor, Sidney Street, Regent Street i Mill Road
  • Pret à Manager, na Petty Cury, Kolodvorski trg i Market Passage.


There is a range of options for accommodation in the city, although not so many for the budget traveller. In addition to guesthouses and hotels, there is a youth hostel and the option of staying in one of the rooms in a college. These rooms can be old with fantastic original features; they're a great base from which to explore the city. Outside of term, these will often be rooms which students have vacated for the holidays. Colleges can be contacted directly for information on accommodation in college, or they can be booked through UniversityRooms.


  • Cambridge Youth Hostel, 97 Tenison Road (near the railway station), 44 1223 354601, faks: 44 1223 312780, . 99 beds in this YHA hostel in a Victorian town house. Grubby but functional. 15 minute walk from centre. £14.95 (under 18), £19.95 (adult).

Srednja klasa

There are a number of guesthouses on Tenison Road, about 10 minute walk from the train station towards town.

  • A&B Guesthouse, 124 Tenison Rd, 44 1223 315702. Nice clean, small rooms. Ensuite available. £70 double.
  • Chequer Cottage B&B, 43 Chequer Cottage, Streetly End, Cambridgeshire (14 miles from Cambridge), 44 1223 891522. Prijava: 3 POPODNE, provjeri: 11:00. Luxury B&B, 4 Star Silver Award, King size en-suite room set in a beautiful country garden on the edge of the Roman Road. Price includes full English or continental breakfast and wifi.
  • [mrtva veza]Brooklands Guest House, 95 Cherry Hinton Road, 44 1223 242035. Ten rooms. Simple B&B accommodation. £33 (single), £49 (double), £45 (single e/s), £55 (double/s).
  • Duke House, 1 Victoria St CB1 1JP, 44 1223 314773. Five rooms in elegant little B&B. HRH Richard Duke of Gloucester stayed here 1967-69 when he studied architecture at Magdalen. No children 1-10 or dogs. Noćenje s doručkom dvostruko 140 £.
  • Holiday Inn Express Cambridge, 15-17 Norman Way (Coldhams Business Park), 44 871 902 1605. On outskirts of the town, standard rooms, reasonably good free breakfast.
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge, Lakeview, Bridge Road., Impington (northern fringe of Cambridge, about three miles from the city centre), 44 871 942 9015. As well its accommodation, the hotel also has a restaurant and leisure facilities on-site.
  • Home from Home Guest House, 78-80 Milton Rd, 44 1223 323555. Good value, but quite a distance from the city centre.
  • Signet Apartments, 44 1223 709409. A range of beautifully-designed serviced apartments close to the centre of Cambridge. Each apartment includes free Wi-Fi, welcome pack and private parking.
  • Royal Cambridge Hotel, Trumpington Street, CB2 1PY (edge of the city centre), 44 1223 351631. Prijava: 14:00, provjeri: 11:00. One of the oldest hotels in Cambridge and was once part of the world famous Addenbrooke's Hospital. Not to be confused with the Royal Cambridge Hotel in London, for which at one point a fairly full entry appeared on this page. £45-80 pppn.
  • Citystay Limited (Citystay Serviced Apartments), 2 Nuffield Close (Over 50 Apartments in 12 Locations across the City Centre.), 44 1223 420920, . Prijava: 3 POPODNE, provjeri: 10:00. Citystay Serviced Apartments offer over 50 apartments. Free Wi-Fi, and parking included. Offering stays from 2 nights onwards, the apartments are fully equipped. From £79 per night.


  • Gonville Hotel, Gonville Place CB1 1LY, 44 1223 366611, faks: 44 1223 315470, . Friendly hotel with spa and fine dining, overlooking Parker's Piece. B&B double £190.
  • Cambridge Lodge Hotel, 139 Huntingdon Road, 44 1223 352833, faks: 44 1223 355166, . Small hotel with a nice garden.
  • University Arms Hotel, Regent St CB2 1AD, 44 1223 606066. Grand old hotel overlooking Parker's Piece, part of Marriott franchise and made-over in Edwardian style. Great comfort and service. Samo psi pomoćnici. B&B double £150.
  • South Farm (10 miles southwest of Cambridge), 44 1223 207581, faks: 44 1223 208771, . Fantastic B&B.
  • Hilton Cambridge City Centre (formerly the Crowne Plaza), 20 Downing Street, 44 1223 464491. Within walking distance from King's College.
  • The Varsity, Thompson's Lane, CB5 8AQ, 44 1223 306030. Luxury riverside spa hotel in the centre. It is famous for its rooftop bar and terrace. No dogs. Noćenje s doručkom dvostruko £ 200.
  • 1 Cambridge Belfry (Formerly Hilton brand), Back Lane, Cambourne, CB23 6BW (near the A428 road), 44 1954 714 600, . Prijava: 3 POPODNE, provjeri: podne. Set next to a lake, the hotel is equipped with for functions and business meetings, pool, fitness and spa amenities. £90-180. DoubleTree by Hilton Cambridge Belfry (Q64152343) na Wikipodacima
  • 2 Quy Mill Hotel (Best Western), Church Rd, Stow-cum-Quy CB25 9AF (A14 junction 35, five miles east of city), 44 1223 293383. Swish hotel and spa in a 19th C mill, good dining. No dogs. B&B double from £100.

Ostati siguran

Although Cambridge is one of the safest cities in the UK, you should still use your common sense at night and be careful in badly-lit areas outside the city centre. As of 2019, pick-pockets are taking advantage of the throngs of tourists on King's Parade and the nearby shops; keep an eye on valuables. It is wise to be on your guard around Regent Street & St Andrew's Street after midnight with anti-social behaviour due to people leaving pubs and nightclubs.

If you have a bike, keep it locked up to a solid object with a strong lock (preferably a D-lock), as cycle theft is big business. There are cycle parking places with cycle stands to lock you bike to, in several places around the city centre and at the railway station. "Secure" covered cycle parking with CCTV surveillance and cycle stands is available in the lower section of the Park Street car park and at the Grand Arcade cycle park.

The city's police station is on Parkside which is next door to the city's fire station. The opening times of the enquiry office is every day 8AM-10PM and bank holidays 9AM-5PM. There are a couple of smaller stations in the nearby villages of Histon and Sawston. The opening time of the enquiry office is for Histon, Mondays; 4PM-8PM, Wednesdays to Fridays; 8AM - midday, with Tuesdays, weekends and bank holidays closed. For Sawston, it is Wednesdays to Friday; 1PM-5PM, Mondays, weekends and bank holidays closed. The non-emergency contact number is 101, calls are fixed rate of £0.15 on landlines and mobiles.

The city's Accident and Emergency department (Casualty department) is located at Addenbrooke's Hospital on Hills Road, south of the city centre.


By telephone

The local telephone code for Cambridge is 01223.

By internet

Opening times of Cambridge public libraries

Mnogo ih je cybercafes in Cambridge and free Wi-Fi is available in many cafes and pubs. The public library in Grand Arcade provides free internet access but you need to register as a library member, which requires dva proofs of ID, one of your person such as a passport, ID card or photographical driving licence and one of your address such as a utility bill, bank statement or an official letter from a council.

  • Jaffa Net Cafe, 22 Mill Road. High quality internet access with a fast internet connection. Pleasant, comfortable seating available as well as fresh sandwiches, baguettes and a selection of cakes are also available.
  • The library at Anglia Ruskin University on East Rd. will provide a ticket for its wifi service on request. Ask at the library desk.

Snaći se


  • Launderette, 12 Victoria Avenue
  • Monarch Launderette, 161 Mill Road
  • Shaw Service Laundry, 423 Newmarket Road

Gyms and swimming pools

  • Kelsey Kerridge is the public sports centre on the south side of Parker's Piece. Entry is possible without membership. Next door is the large Parkside public swimming pools.
  • In summer it's worth visiting the Jesus Green Lido, Britain's longest outdoor pool, on Jesus Green, Chesterton Rd CB4 3BD - 44 1223 302579. The Lido is open from May until September every year.

All other gyms are private members only, including:

  • The Glassworks Gym & Spa, Halfmoon Yard/Quayside - 44 1223 305060.
  • Nuffield Health Fitness and Wellbeing, 213 Cromwell Rd, CB1 3BA - 44 1223 859289.
  • David Lloyd Gym, Coldham's Business Park, Coldham's Lane, CB1 3LH - 44 1223 401200
  • Chesterton Sports Centre, Gilbert Road CB4 3NY - 44 1223 576110
  • Revolution Health & Fitness Club, 24 Science Park, CB4 OFN - 44 1223 395675
  • Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre, Purbeck Road, CB2 2PF - 44 1223 500009

Mesta bogoslužja

  • anglikanski many churches, including college chapels and Great St Mary's next to the market square.
  • Luteranski Resurrection Lutheran Church, 25 Westfield Ln, CB4 3QS
  • KrstiteljEden Baptist Church, 1 Fitzroy Street, CB1 1ER - 44 1223 361 250
  • Roman Catholic Our Lady & The English Martyrs, Hills Rd, 44 1223 350 787
  • muslimanski Abu Bakr Mosque, Mawson Road CB1 2DZ, off Mill Road. 44 1223 350 134
  • Židovski Synagogue, Thompson's Lane, 44 1223 354 783
  • budistički Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 38 Newmarket Road, CB5 8DT - 44 1223 577 553
  • sikCambridge Gurdwara, Arbury Road, CB4 2JQ - 44 1223 591 469
  • Lokalni Hinduistički community is active but, as of 2020, without a temple - 44 7909 528 091

Idi dalje

Map of places with Wikivoyage articles nearby

  • Grantchester: Take a day trip to enjoy the countryside and have scones and tea at Voćnjak. With a long history of famous patrons such as Rupert Brooke, Virginia Woolf, EM Forster and Bertrand Russell, taking tea in The Orchard is a well established tradition. This large garden planted with apple trees is perfect for lounging on a deck chair in the sun with a cup of tea and a scone for sustenance. Or head out by punt with a picnic hamper.
  • Great and Little Gransden Glimpse the real England! Take a bus (30 mins or so, bus no. 18, or 18A) from Drummer Street to the tiny ancient villages of Little and Great Gransden, which appear in the Magna Carta. Brimming with thatched cottage charm, horses and peaceful country walks, these villages offer escape into English village life. Pub food is available in both villages. Explore the ancient churchyards, the doll path in the meadow between them, and enjoy a leisurely hike around this tranquil village area. The Duncombe Arms in neighbouring Waresly serves excellent food, and offers BnB accommodation. Waresly is one or two hour walk from the riding stables at the bottom of Great Gransden. You could even join a horse trek. The undulating road offers wonderful views across farm land, and the ancient Waresly Wood, some of which is National Trust property. The 17th century open trestle post mill Vjetrenjača between The Gransden villages is unusually intact. It was last operational in 1912.
  • Ely: Market town, with impressive Cathedral towering above the Fens (Ely used to be an island): regular trains and buses (9, X9, 12), or about two hours by cycle via NCN 51 to NCN 11.
  • King's Lynn is well worth visiting for its wealth of architectural gems especially Nelson Street and Tuesday Market place. The explorer Vancouver came from here. Museums and churches and the largest brass in the country in St Mary's Church.
  • Newmarket: Market town (in Suffolk), with a famous horse-racing venue, and everything horsey related including the National Horseracing Museum. Tu-Su 11AM-4:30PM (22 March - 30 October). Hourly trains and regular buses (10, 11, 12), or about two hours by cycle on NCN 51.
  • Bury St Edmunds: Market town, with a brewery, cathedral and gardens. Hourly trains and regular buses (11)
Routes through Cambridge
Peterborough ← merges with A14 zatim A1 (M) N UK-Autocesta-M11.svg S DuxfordLondon
King's LynnEly NE UK cesta A10.svg SW RoystonHertford
BirminghamHuntingdon W UK cesta A14.svg E NewmarketFelixstowe
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